
Episode 33

Veronica sat in the car waiting for her mum to come out from the hospital. Since the incident with Bhalla, she hasn't been herself, she felt depressed, she didn't want to see nor speak with anyone. Her self esteem was destroyed and she had developed this new hatred for boys. Soon after the incident, she had started feeling sick, she felt nauseous and dizzy most times. Later she started feeling weak and her temperature worsen. Her mom had decided to take her to the hospital for check-up and treatments. When the doctor that ran the check-up and test on her, came delivery the results and news to the mother, telling her that she was pregnant.

Her mum didn't believe what the doctor had said and insisted he did the test again but the result came back the same. Veronica who sat beside her mum knew she was doomed. She knew once her dad found out, she might be disowned. Her dad who was a pastor was also a disciplinarian, he doesn't take nonsense and doesn't want to have anything to do with abrasive youths. She thought about how her life might be over, her schooling will surely end in high school and her friends might desert her, including the friends she had deserted.

She didn't know how she was going to explain who the father was or how she met him cause that would add salt to the injury, her dad finding out she deals drugs. She sat in the car quietly, tears flowing from her eyes. Her mother drove off, she didn't say a word to her, Veronica knew she was waiting till they get home, so she can join forces with her husband against her, they'd question her and take actions against her together. Silence filled the air most of the journey. Veronica thought hard about her current situation, she thought of abortion, she knew her dad would never support it. She decided to suggest it to her mom "Mom , what about an abortion?" She asked tearfully. Next thing she heard was a loud bang and her eyes were clouded, few seconds later before she knew her mum had slapped her. She took that as a no and kept quiet for the rest of the journey.


Luke ran into the house panting, he ran up to Bhalla who was sorting a new batch of drugs, surprised at the way Luke was looking and how he was panting "What the hell is up with you? Why are you looking tattered" Bhalla asked curious. Luke sat on one of the empty chairs, trying to catch his breath. When his breathing was back to normal, he opened his mouth to explain.

"The club we went to tonight, was raided by cops. We had just gotten there, it wasn't up to twenty minutes and cops were all over the place. Usman and Jacob were caught and were carried away" He explained. Bhalla stood up from where he sat, It was time to pack up, he knew that was a problem for them if one of them would open up to the cops.

"I told you we shouldn't carry that boy, Jacob along" Luke quarrelled

Bhalla picked up his phone and contacted Mzi and let him know of the situation, they decided to clear the location and move out of the house and clean it so as not to leave evidence for the cops, in case they came to raid the place. "What about us? He knows our houses, what if he tells the cops?" Luke asked, visibly scared for himself.

"That's your problem boy, not mine" Bhalla shrugged. Luke knew he shouldn't return to school for the first week, to know if the cops will go to school to find him. And he also quickly had to warn victor and Sam.


It was Friday evening, Kelvin had just returned from his mum shop. He laid on the couch playing video game on his phone. His mum sat on the other end of the couch, calculating her sales for the day. She had returned a little bit earlier than usual because she wasn't feeling too well. A knock came from the door, Kelvin stood up to get it and was surprise to see Angie standing there, looking a bit tensed. "Hey! Come in" He said, inviting her in.

"Thanks" She said, following him to the sitting room "Good evening ma'am" She greeted on seeing her

"Good evening, how are you? And how is your leg?" Mrs Williams inquired.

"Fine ma'am, the leg is completely healed thanks to Kelvin and his paste" She replied. Kelvin just smiled at this, still wondering what she was doing there that evening though.

"That's good" Mrs Williams replied.

"Have a seat, Kyle would soon be back, he just went out to get some drugs" Kelvin said, guessing that she was there to see Kyle.

"Actually I'm here to see you" She announced, a bit shy.

"Oh...okay...it's everything alright?" He asked, puzzled as to why she would want to see him.

"Yeah. Can we talk...you know... privately"

Kelvin glanced at his mum and nodded "Yeah...follow me" He instructed, leading the way to his room. He found himself quickly becoming nervous. Angie followed him to his room, her heart racing, she prayed that it plays out in her favour. She felt a bit shaky but tried to hide it as best as she could. They got to his room, both felt very nervous that they didn't thought about sitting down.

"Alright here we are. So what is the matter?" Kelvin asked.

Kyle came home, handed the drugs over to his mom. He heard voices coming from the direction of the room and decided to go check out. Mrs Williams decided to make no interference or butt in in the affairs of her children. Kyle got close to kelvin's room and could make out Angie's voice clearly. He was surprised, didn't know what she was doing there and why she was in kelvin's room. He wanted to barge in but decided to wait and here what they are talking about.

"Well...I have been thinking lately" Angie started, her voice sounding kind of crooked as a result of how nervous she felt. She avoided his eyes. She had earlier had a speech planned but it seemed now that words weren't around her. "You played games with me and slept with my bestfriend" She said. 'This sounded a whole lot better in my head' She thought to herself.

"Wait...is that what this is about?" Kelvin questioned rubbing his head

"It's just..."

"I have explained countless times" He cut her off before she could finish her sentence

"I know but..."

"I'm not gonna apologize anymore, it's not so much my fault and I didn't hurt you cause you weren't even mine, you said you didn't love me. Well I'm not sorry" He spurted out cutting her off again.

"Well I'm not sorry too, I'm not sorry" Angie lashed out, her eyes watery

"What?" Kelvin asked confused.

"I'm not sorry that I'm in love with you Kelvin. I tried convincing myself that I wasn't but the truth is I am, I have always been. I couldn't stop thinking of you. That's why it hurts so much when you did does things. So I'm not sorry that I'm madly in love with you" She blurted out with a shaky voice, tears dripping from her eyes.

Kelvin felt as though fairies were flying inside his stomach. He couldn't believe what he just heared. It was like God decided to make that day special for him. He felt like carrying her so they could run away together forever. He immediately grabbed her hand and drew her in, hugging her tightly. He hugged her so tight as though he was never gonna let go. "I'm madly in love with you too. I couldn't stop thinking about you too and it hurts every day seeing you with with my brother" He said, still hugging her.

"What about Grace?" Angie asked.

"There's nothing between me and Grace. She's even sorting things out with Brian now. I'm yours alone" Kelvin assured her. Angie couldn't believe what she just heard, it actually did play out in her favour. She hadn't lost him. She felt like a heavy weight has been lifted from her. She felt the sadness and pain she felt being replaced with joy and happiness.

"And I'm yours forever" She said, wrapping her arms around him tightly. she wished she could just rest on his broad chest forever.

Kyle who had heard everything felt like his heart was plunged with a hot knife. He knew something like that might happen, but all the same it was painful. He had tried doing all he could to avoid it but nothing seemed to change it. It was like a fate that couldn't be changed. He decided to go out of the house, so they won't see him. He didn't want them to know he heard everything. He went to the sitting room and told his mom to not allow them know he had come home, he took the drugs and went out of the house and waited for Angie to leave before coming back as though he just returned with the drugs.