
Episode 34

It was finally the last term at Redhill high. Graduating students were looking cheerful, smiling all around. The environment seemed to be more friendly to them. Some were careful not to be too happy about it, cause they still had to write the final exams which appeared more scarier to them. Since it was the first day of resumption, friends who hadn't seen each other during the holidays, hugged, laughed and catch up on their lives.

Soon, the principal called the students for an assembly before the commencement of classes that day. He told them about the seriousness of the term and adviced them on how to go about the term. He spoke to the graduating students and explained to them how important that term was for them and if anyone messes it up, it would hit them hard. He went on to advice them to put all their time into reading for the final exams because only then will they get to their universities of choice. Mr Bosman ended the assembly and the students returned to class, some happy and some worried, the principal has successfully places fears in them.

The first subject teacher came into the class, addressed the students some more before proceeding to the topic of the day. Angie looked around the class for Veronica but couldn't see her. She hadn't seen her since she got to school. She knew something was wrong, Veronica had never missed a day of school. She looked over at Grace who was fixated on the board. She turned and glanced at Kelvin who was also looking as if he was trying to catch every single word the teacher was saying. She smiled and found fulfilment just staring at him.

She was still staring when Kelvin turned and caught her staring at him. She felt awkward and at the same time happy. He smiled back at her. Valerie noticed him smiling and then looked over to what he was staring at and saw Angie. She rolled her eyes, folded her arms and brought her gaze back to the teacher. Kelvin knew Angie still wasn't talking with Grace, that was why she hadn't returned to her initial seat. The both parties stole glances at each other till it was launch break.


Kelvin was returning his books into his backpack when he got a text vibrating his phone. He fished it out from his pocket and read the text. Angie had texted him to meet her at the library. He smiled upon reading the text. He hurried with what he was doing and headed out of the class to meet her.

He got to the library and quickly scanned the reading room for her and found her at the end of the room beckoning at him to come over. He walked over to her and sat down on the seat she had saved him next to her. She swiftly hugged him and withdrew and then looked around her to see if anyone was watching them. She felt shy. Kelvin noticed this and then took her left hand in his under the table, stroking her hand with his thumb continuously. That seemed to calm her down. She shifted a bit closer to him, now feeling bolder. "How are you doing?" He asked smiling warmly at her.

"I'm fine and you?" She asked him, staring into his eyes

"I'm okay, much better now that I'm here with you" He said with little smiles escaping his and Angie's lips.

"Me too. I missed you so much. Even though we talked on phone but I wanted to see you" She confessed, holding his arm.

"It's a good thing that we have resumed then. We get to see each other five days of the week" He smiled

"Yeah" She gave a contended smile. "So what are we going to do about Kyle? When are we going to tell him?" She questioned with a concerned look.

Kelvin stared at the table before him blankly, thinking about the question for a while. "Don't worry, I'll think of a way and I'll let you know when I do" He finally said

"Alright, cause I don't want to hurt him" Angie pointed out with sincerity in her voice.

Kelvin stared at her with amazement. 'I'm so lucky' He thought to himself.

"Veronica didn't come to school today which is so unlike her and her number isn't going through" She aired her concern, looking a bit worried.

"Not just Veronica...Jacob, Luke, Sam, Hannah and Victor. The whole squad isn't in school. Something is up or maybe they decided not to come to school today and hangout together, who knows?!" He shrugged.

"Maybe. But what if something happened?"

"Then we'll find out with time but right now you should go and reconcile with Grace. That's primary objective" Kelvin pointed out.

Angie looked down at her hands. She did miss her bestfriend though. "Alright I will" She said softly and quietly.

"I mean today" Kelvin added

"Okay" She agreed, finding it hard to say no to him.


Angie and Kelvin came out of the library building and spotted Grace and Brian walking towards them. Grace on seeing Angie immediately stopped dead on her tracks, wanting to turn back and leave when Angie called her. Angie walked hastily to catch up with her, leaving Kelvin who was approaching Brian. Angie caught up with Grace and stood facing her. Grace was surprised by her action. She thought Angie would never speak with her again. "Hey, how are you doing?" Angie broke the silence.

"I'm okay and you?" Grace asked still confused but at the same time happy.

Angie stole a quick glance at Kelvin who nodded for her to go on with it. "I'm good. Look, I know we haven't exactly been in the right place with each other and we both know the reason but truthfully I really miss us being friends and I think it's time to put the issue behind us, since it's in the past and besides Kelvin and I are together now and I heard that so are you and Brian. So, so should we" Angie explained, feeling a little nervous.

Grace felt happy to hear that. She had been wanting that for a long time. She missed her bestfriend so much and it was killing her not being able to talk to her. She smiled broadly, nodding her head "I would really like that. I really miss you too and I'm sorry for hurting you" She replied with watery eyes. They laughed and hugged each other.

"I'm happy it all worked out before graduation" Brian said to Kelvin, as they both stood, watching the girls reconcile and hug from a distance.

Kelvin smiled "Yeah, so glad it did"

Brian stared at Kelvin with a puzzled look "So you and Angie huh?!"

"Yeah man. I've never felt this happy. She's all I need" Kelvin replied, still smiling.

Brian smiled proudly at him, tapping him. "So what about Kyle?"

"I don't know yet but I'll have to tell him soon. I just hope he doesn't hate me or the both of us" He replied with concerned look.


Luke laid restless on his bed. He had earlier told his parents he wasn't feeling too well and that he wasn't sure he would be able to go to school. They let him be, seeing how he was acting. He was worried. They haven't heard anything about what happened to Jacob. Nothing on the news either. He hadn't heard from nor seen Mzi and Bhalla. He knew it was a matter of time before Jacob caves and spill everything to the cops.

He picked up his phone and called Victor, it rang for a few seconds before he picked "Hey man" Victor whispered into the phone as if he was hiding from someone.

"What's up dude? Why are you whispering?" Luke asked

"I'm hiding from my dad. I don't want him to know I didn't go to school. He went to work but came back to get something he forgot" He replied.

"Okay cool. Have you heard anything?" He dived into the point of his calling

"No man, zilch. I'm losing my mind here man. I don't know what will happen to me if my parents finds out. I'm screwed" Victor complained.

"Well let's just pray none of ours do" Luke replied hanging up the phone.


Angie came downstairs and saw Jessica lying on the couch, smiling at something she was seeing in her phone. Angie walked up to her, wanting to see what got her smiling like a little girl in love. "Gotten a new boyfriend?" She asked, smiling.

"That's none of your business" Jessica smiled

"Oh come on! I do tell you mine" Angie stated, sitting close to her and putting Jessica's legs on her thighs.

"Yeah, speaking of boyfriends, how is it going with Kelvin? Now that you guys have admitted to each other how you feel"

Angie smiled at the question "Well, I have never been this excited. I always look forward to seeing him. He always makes me feel safe and loved" She explained, smiling sheepishly.

"Wow! Someone is blushing at the mere thought of him" Jessica teased. "So how do you plan on ending it with Kyle?"

"Well...Kelvin said he would figure out a way" Angie replied and Just then the doorbell rang before Kyle walked into the sitting room

"Wow, speak of the devil" Jessica whispered to Angie.

"Good evening guys" Kyle greeted, walking up to them.

"Good evening. You came early today" Jessica pointed out

"Yeah. I was free and decided to come early. How are you doing Angie?" He asked, smiling warmly at her.

"Good and you?" Angie replied nervously. Now that she was with Kelvin, she didn't know how to act around his twin.

"I'm okay" He replied. He had decided to act as if he didn't know what was going on. Technically to him, he felt they were still dating since she hadn't broken up with him and they haven't told him anything yet. Although if they did, he didn't know how he was going to react.

Angie stood up from the couch "I should go check my phone upstairs" She announced, heading to her room. Kyle grabbed her by her arm and flashed her a smile. "We haven't seen each other throughout the weekend and now that we do, not even a hug?" He asked. She smiled sheepishly at him and gave him a hug, feeling awkward and uncomfortable as she did.

Kyle knew she was forcing herself and he knew she now feels awkward around him. This hurted him much more but he decided to go along with his act so as to mask his pain and heartbreak. Angie got to her room, locked the door and didn't come out till Kyle was gone, faking she was asleep.


Sitting on the couch, Kelvin was looking a bit nervous. Grace came in with a can of soda and handed it to him and then sat close to him, folding her legs on the the couch. "Are you sure your mum is okay with me being here?" He asked nervously

"Yeah. She even thinks we are dating" Grace laughed

"What!" Kelvin almost shouted, alarmed "How?" He asked

"Well, she sort of knew when I was struggling with my feelings for you and when you came in today, she asked if you were the boy and I said yes. I just didn't bother to let her know we weren't together" Grace explained.

"Oh....okay" He said, giving a little sigh of relief. He opened the soda and took a sip "So, how are things going with you and Brian?" He asked after gulping the drink.

"Well....alright. We agreed to start afresh and take things slow"

"That's good"

"So what about you and Angie? I heard" She smiled.

"Well, it's falling in place and that's great but we haven't told Kyle yet" He replied, rolling the can of soda on his palm

"That would be not so good" She pointed out

"Yeah. I don't want to hurt him you know. I don't want to lose him and I feel like when I do tell him, that's exactly what's going to happen" He confessed with a worried look.

"Maybe, maybe not, but if you don't tell him and he finds out himself, he'd be more hurt" Grace pointed out the obvious.

"Yeah probably true"

"Wow, things would have been easier if we had just ended up picking each other. You know, you saying you have feelings for me too and not starting a convincing advice topic" She quipped and they both giggled.

"Yeah. For what it's worth, I'm happy you and Angie are friends again" He smiled at her.

She smiled at him warmly too. "Me too"