
Episode 35

The next morning at Redhill high, the news of Jacob being arrested for drug trafficking had spread around School like wild fire. The police had later on gave the news, probably to instill fear into other drug traffickers. Angie and Grace climbed up the stairs to their class, talking about the situation with Jacob and hoping Veronica wasn't involved in too, considering how deep in she was with them.

They walked into the class and was surprised to see Veronica sitting quietly, looking a bit depressed. Nobody knew when she came to school. They walked up to her hurriedly to inquire what was happening. "Hey V! How are you doing?" Angie asked as they got to her seat.

Veronica looked up at them with shame in her eyes. She didn't know how to talk to them "I'm okay" She replied, shifting her gaze to the floor.

"We didn't see you in school yesterday and we heard about Jacob last night and was worried" Grace pointed out.

"I said I'm fine" She retorted. They were surprised at her reaction. Angie was about to say something else when the teacher walked into the class.

Throughout the class, Angie's mind was occupied with thoughts. She knew something was off with Veronica. She didn't know if it was personal or if it was related to what happened to Jacob and why the rest of their gang wasn't in school again, but she knew something was up and she also knew she wasn't ready to give up on her friend yet.

On the other Veronica felt like she was out of the loop on her own life. At that point she didn't know what her future held for her and she didn't even know how to plan toward it. She had never felt more confused in her life. She knew pushing her only true friends, who really cared about her away, wasn't the best thing to do but yet she didn't know how to face them or tell them the recent development with her. Her dad almost disowned her, if not for the intervention of her mom and some other family members and friends. He had told her she wasn't any daughter of his and had also pushed her to her mom as her responsibility, that he doesn't have any hand in her issues anymore.


"I definitely think Luke, Sam, victor, Hannah and maybe even Veronica was involved. Jacob was just unlucky and got caught" Kelvin stated as he and Brian made their way to the direction of the football field.

"What do you think is going to happen to him now?" Brian asked

"I don't know but I just hope he'll be able to graduate with us" He replied.

They walked to the seating area of the field and sat down, watching the kids playing a friendly match. "You know, now that most of the team isn't in school, the coach might take you back" Brian pointed out.

"What's the point? We are graduating in less than three months time and besides I don't want anything to take my time with Angie. I want to spend as much time as I can with her before we graduate" He explained with a little smile escaping his lips.

"You are saying it like you guys are going to break up once we graduate"

"Nope we are not, but we might go to different schools or should I say she might go to a far away school and I don't know what is going to happen to me after I graduate" He explained, looking deep at the grass before him as though it had an hidden meaning.

"Have you guys talked about it?" Asked, Brian

"Nope, not yet. But when I see her at her house later today maybe we might"

"Okay cool"

"What about you and Grace? Have you talked about how life after graduation is going to be?" Kelvin asked, seeming interested in the topic

"Well...not really. I don't know about her yet but I'm going to school here too" Brian replied.

"School here?" Kelvin asked with a puzzled look

"Yeah. University of Johannesburg" Brian replied

"Wow, I never saw that coming. I thought you'd want to go far from here" Kelvin stated

"Me too. But I decided it's best I go here" Brain shrugged.


Veronica walked slowly to where Angie and Grace were sitting in the cafeteria. She got to them and stood there without uttering a word. They looked up at her confused. She looked miserable "Are you okay?" Angie inquired. Veronica just shook her head slowly and broke down in tears. Her friends weere taken aback by that. The students at the cafeteria began staring at her.

Angie and Grace stood up and took her to the back of the cafeteria. They sat her down on one of the chairs there. "What is it? What is going on?" Angie asked with concern in her voice.

"Come on girl tell us. We are your best friends" Grace added.

Veronica sobbed some more, finding it hard to speak even as Angie tried calming her down. After a while, she managed to find the words. "I'm...I'm..I'm pregnant" She stuttered

"What?!" Both girls almost shouted simultaneously.

Angie stood up from crouching, completely perplexed and taken aback. Veronica hung her head in shame. She just hoped her friends wouldn't desert her at that perilous time in her life, although she knew she deserted them first. "I know I did you guys wrong before and now I came back with a situation....I'll understand if you want nothing to do with me now" She said amidst sobs.

"Come on stop it V. We can never desert you. We've been friends for a long time and it won't change now. We are here for you always" Angie assured her.

"Yeah we are, but first, tell us the story behind it" Grace added.

Veronica wiped off her tears. "Well, you know how I started moving with the new clique and all that?! It turns out they deal in drugs. Victor and I were together and I thought he'll protect me from any harm. It turns out I was wrong. Their leader Bhalla took an interest in Angie at first but when he couldn't get her, he turned to me and he knew I was with Victor. On a particular day of their usual planning and mission, he sent them all on their various areas and asked me to wait back. When the house was empty, he took me upstairs. When I realized his plan, I tried escaping but to no avail and then he overpowered me and forced himself on me" Veronica explained.

The girls stared at her speechless. Angie placed her hands on her shoulder. "Why didn't you report him?" She asked

"Because he'll implicate me with the drug stuff and I'll get burned more than this" Veronica replied

"Does your parents know?" Grace asked

"Yeah. My mom found out first and then told my dad. My dad was about to disown me if not for some interventions and I couldn't tell them the full truth because of the drugs, because if I do I'll definitely get disowned, so I just told them it was a friend of mine who just came into town for some days and now he has gone back and now my dad says he has nothing to do with me that I'm a disgrace" Veronica explained, breaking down into more tears.

"I'm so sorry V. Those guys should be brought to justice" Angie said bitterly

"I'm sorry I didn't listen to you Angie. If I had, I wouldn't have ended up like this" Veronica pointed out.

"It's okay. At least now we have all learned" Angie replied.

"So you are going to keep the baby?" Grace questioned

"Yes, I don't have a choice"

"Come on" Angie said trying to get her up and cleaning her tears "Let's get you something to eat" She added and they took her back to the cafeteria.