
Episode 36

"Pregnant?!" Kelvin almost shouted with shock as he joined Angie on her bed, handing her her laptop

"Yeah. I feel so bad for her. Her dad doesn't want to have anything to do with her right now" Angie said with a worried and concerned look.

"It was her choices that got her there" Kelvin shrugged. Angie immediately punched him on his shoulder "Ouch! What?" Kelvin said, shrugging.

"You should be sympathetic towards her. Her life just turned upside down" She stated

"Alright, it does look messed up" He replied, playing with her toes.

"That might just have easily been me if you weren't there to interfere that day at your area. Wow You have saved me more than once, now that I think of it" Angie pointed out, smiling. She pulled him closed and kissed him "I love you" She smiled after breaking the kiss.

Kelvin smiled at her "I love you too" He replied. His smile faded and he asked what's been troubling him. "So are you still traveling out of the country to go study after graduation?"

Angie kept quiet for a while. She hadn't really thought about it recently, and how it's going to affect her relationship with Kelvin. She knew that was going to be a problem. But one thing she was sure of right then, is not leaving Kelvin "I don't know yet" She replied his question.

Kelvin looked away from her "What do you mean you don't know? You told me you were going. Hope you are not having second thoughts?" He asked

"Wait...You want me to go?" She inquired with a quizzical look.

"Truthfully, no. I don't want to be apart from you but I don't want to be the reason you miss out on your plans either, an important one for that matter. So I want you to do what you really want to do and not change it because of me" He advised.

She stared at him with a smile on her lips. "Well what I want to do right now is be with you" She said, touching his face.

Kelvin took the laptop from her and played a song. He stood, smiled at her and drew her out of the bed "Come on, let's dance" He instructed, still holding her hand and spinning her.

Angie laughed "Jessica is downstairs" She announced, still laughing.

"Well that's even better. We might have an audience" He replied, pulling her close.


Jacob stepped into the school compound, it's been a week since the news of his arrest had spread around the school. Everybody stared at him as he was walking to class. He felt nervous and embarrassed. He knew they all knew already and that made him more uncomfortable. He walked silently to the class. The students in class didn't act any different. Some wondered what he was doing in school, some wondered how come he was released, while some just waited to see how it will play out. Kelvin was surprised and a bit happy to see his friend at school again but he himself was also curious to know what had happened but he had to wait for lunch break before getting the details.


During lunch break Victor's dad came into the school stringing Victor along. He had caught him at home when he was supposed to be in school and have come with him to school to confirm if the story he had told at home of him coming to school since was true. They went into the principal's office and staffs room to confirm from the teacher and soon they came back out with his dad clearly furious.

Victor stood outside the office as his dad went back to have a conversation with the principal. Veronica who was passing through saw him and her anger flared up. She approached him angrily to tell him what had happened, because she hadn't heard nor seen him since the incident. She walked up to him and was meant with a cold expression. "What do you want?" He asked coldly.

"You knew how evil your friend was and you allowed him to come near me. You didn't even call to check up on me ever since. It's just like you never cared" Veronica blurted out angrily

"What do you want from me now?"

"Nothing, but your so called friend took advantage of me" Veronica announced. Victor didn't say anything or flinched when he heard it. Veronica noticed this and knew what it meant "You...you knew...you knew what he did" She stuttered, her voice becoming shaky.

"I don't know what..." Veronica resounding slap stopped him from completing his statement. She looked at him with disgust and walked away tears dropping from her eyes.


During lunch break Kelvin and Brian had approached Jacob about what had happened. They seemed to be the only one interested in talking with him again, as others tried to keep their distance from him. He had explained how he was released two days ago and how his dad was able to bail him out because of the information he got from Hannah when they were still together that he had given to them that had made the police able to apprehend Mzi, the crew leader. He knew Hannah was going to hate him for what he did but he knew it was the only way for him to be free completely. He had reconciled with his friends and he was happy he was out of the problem.


End of the lessons for the day, students went home. Kelvin and Angie had planned to meet later because that was the day he was going to tell Kyle about them. He was going to meet up with Angie later to tell her how it went. Angie had gone with her friends, and Jacob, Brian and Kelvin was on their way home too. It was great to get the friends back together. They walked out of the street of the school into another street when Bhalla, Hannah and three other guys came out and blocked their path.

They had heard of how Jacob gave the information that got Mzi arrested and Hannah got the guys together and told them he knew how to get Jacob. Fear came upon Jacob as he saw them. He wanted to run but the other guys had blocked all the part. Some people who were passing by minded their business and some watched from afar.

"So you went ahead, opening your big mouth and Snitched on us" Bhalla started

"After all I did for you" Hannah added

"You didn't do anything for me" Jacob retorted

"We don't want any trouble. You guys aren't in any trouble either so please leave us alone" Kelvin said

"You again. Why do you always seem to be wherever I go" Bhalla said to Kelvin with furrowed brows.

"Wow is that the guy?" Brian asked, almost whispering

"Yeah" Kelvin nodded.

"Walk away while you can but we are not leaving Jacob" Bhalla stated.

"Neither are we" Kelvin pointed out. He wasn't going to abadon his friend.

Bhalla gave his guys the go ahead to grab Jacob. Kelvin punched one of the guys, Brian dragged with the other and quickly it escalated into a fight with Hannah standing at one of the corners away from the fight. Bhalla rushed to where Kelvin was brought out a dagger and stabbed Kelvin on the right side of his stomach. Kelvin fell to the floor, groaning in pain.

Before they could make for an escape, two cop car pulled up blocking their path. They rushed down and chased them. They caught Bhalla, Hannah and two of the guys, just one of the guys escaped. Jacob and Brian had rushed to where Kelvin was, trying to stop him from bleeding out. After cuffing and putting the guys in the car, they came back to get Kelvin "How did you guys know we were being attacked?" Brian asked as they carried Kelvin into one of the cars

"Someone in the area called us" One of the officers replied. They rushed Kelvin to a nearby hospital, Brian staying with him, while they took Jacob along to the hospital for a statement.