
Episode 37

Angie looked round the class again worriedly, she hadn't seen Kelvin since she arrived at school that morning and he hasn't returned any of her calls since the day before. She stood up from her seat and went out in search of Brian. Jacob also was not in school. Brian might know what happened, she thought. She soon found him at the entrance of his class, using his phone. "Hey Brian, have you seen or heard from Kelvin? He's not returning my call and he's not in school too" She asked on walking up to him. She had a visible worried expression.

Brian shut his phone and then shifted his attention to her "Erm...how do I put this?" He started, almost whispering. "He's in the hospital"

"What?!! What do you mean hospital?" She asked, visibly panicking.

"Some guys attacked us after school. They wanted Jacob and Kelvin stood in their way. So he got stabbed in the process. Luckily the police came to our rescue and he was rushed to Fordsburg clinic." He explained

"Sta...stabbed..." Angie stuttered, her heart pounding heavily against her chest with fear. Before Brian could utter another word, she had ran off. She ran into the class grabbed her bag and began heading straight for the hospital.


Kelvin laid still on the bed, staring at the roof as if counting what only he could see. He adjusted himself on the bed trying to sit up but was struggling with it. He shifted his gaze to the direction of the door and saw Kyle walking toward him. He knew this was the perfect time to tell him about Angie and himself at least he wouldn't punch him in the situation in was in. But bringing himself to tell him seemed to be hard. He felt like he was back stabbing his brother. But he also knew the longer he waited, the more hurtful it could be for him.

Kyle got to where he was and sat down on the visitor's chair beside the bed. He dropped the food flask he brought on the little cabinet by the bed. "How are you feeling?" He asked.

"I'm better than yesterday" Kelvin replied, shrugging.

"Why aren't you resting? The doctor said you need a lot of rest" Kyle complained.

"I need to tell you something" Kelvin said, looking away from him

"You should rest first" Kyle urged

"It's about Angie and I" He blurted out before he could change hisind again.

Kyle stared at him with a blank expression "I know already" He replied

"What? How? And why didn't you say anything?" Kelvin questioned with furrowed brows.

"Because I wanted you to tell me"

"And why aren't you angry with me?" Kelvin inquired, still surprised

"There's no need to. I think you guys are better of with each other" Kyle gave his shocking reply.

Now looking shocked, Kelvin stared at him like he couldn't recognize his own twin "Where are all these coming from?" He asked to confirm.

"I know I haven't been a good brother to you, especially when it comes to the girls in your life. I have always ruined it one way or the other for you but I have seen how much you really love Angie and it is not same with the previous ones. I don't want to hurt you anymore or deprive you of something this good, and besides she loves you the same way you do. As much as I hate to admit it, she loves you more than she loves me. So if it's just this once I have to sacrifice for you then I will" Kyle explained.

Kelvin couldn't believe his ears "Since when have you known?"

"I overheard you guys the day she came to confess to you at our house"

"Wow....thanks bro. This means so much to me" Kelvin said, smiling genuinely with relief. He felt a burden had been lifted from him. He couldn't wait to break the news to Angie. Though he was still pondering about all what Kyle said. He never would have guessed that was how his twin brother was going to react.


Angie hurried into the hospital, made some inquiries and found out the room Kelvin was in. She basically ran to the direction of the room. She was still in her school uniform and carrying her backpack. She went through the door, scanned the room and saw Kelvin sitting on the bed, eating. She ran up to him with a worried look. "Hey are you okay? What happened? Are you feeling better?" She blurted out, touching his face, holding his hand with a caring and curious look.

Kelvin was surprised to see her there by that time of the day, he thought she would still be in school. "I'm okay, it's all good" He replied. She gave a sigh of relief and sat down beside him. "I wasn't expecting to see you now. I thought you'd be in class" He added

"I was in school but when I couldn't find you anywhere and you weren't picking my calls, I inquired from Brian and he told me what happened. I had to rush and come see you because I wouldn't be able to focus in class knowing you are at the hospital and not knowing how you were doing" She explained with seriousness in her voice.

Kelvin flashed her a smile "Thanks" He said. Immediately he did, she hit him on his shoulder "Ouch" He cried out.

"Now that I know you are okay, why do you have to be the hero always? Why didn't you guys ran? You knew he was dangerous" Angie quarrelled.

"They ambushed us, surrounding us, so nowhere to run to and about being the hero, I just can't help it" He quipped, smiling "At least no one died and they have been caught by the police" he added

"Hey!" Kyle greeted, coming up behind Angie. She turned and her heart jumped upon seeing him. She immediately felt nervous and awkward. She stood up, fidgeting a little.

"Hey...i...I just wanted to....you know, Check up on him" She stuttered, fumbling with words.

"He knows" Kelvin spilled, smiling at her.

Her eyes widened more with shock as she now felt more nervous "Oh...hum..."

"You can relax. I'm cool with it but technically we haven't broken up yet so Angie let's break up" Kyle smiled.

Her too was surprised at how he was reacting to the situation "Oh... really?! O..okay"

"Good! Now it's done. You two should enjoy your relationship" He stated.

"Thanks" Kelvin nodded at him.

"Sure. So Angie, i didn't know your sister works at this hospital until yesterday" Kyle pointed out, getting ready to leave.

"Yeah she does" Angie replied, still feeling a bit uncomfortable.

"That's good. Alright I'll be back soon. So will mom. Good thing Angie is here to keep you company in the mean time" He concluded before taking his leave.

Angie sat down on the bed again when Kyle left. "That was too easy" She pointed out, still wrapping her head around the fact of how easily Kyle agreed to them dating.

"Yeah I was surprised too...but it's a good thing though, now we are free and won't be hiding anymore" He pointed out.

"Yeah true" Angie agreed, smiling for the first time since she got there.

"So shouldn't you be going back to school now"

"Nope! I'm not leaving you alone. I'm staying here till nightfall, except you have another girl coming over and that's the reason you want me to leave" She pouted her lips, crossing her legs.

"I might have one coming though" Kelvin joked. She hit him on his shoulder again immediately he said it. "Ouch! You know, for someone who cares about my health, you have slapped two percent out of my life span" He quipped and they both laughed at this.


The news of Luke and Victor being arrested by the Police was the talk of the students at Redhill high. It was rumoured that Bhalla had given up their names and location, deciding he wasn't going to go down alone. Luke's father was furious with him and told him that he had wasted the second chance given to him and that if the police should release him, he was going to send him to his uncle so he could be enlisted in the army. Victor's parents on the other hand had decided to not involve in the issue, concluding that he deserved any punishment given to him by the cops.

"Wasn't Sam among? Why wasn't he arrested?" Grace asked curiously, sitting beside Brian in the cafeteria.

"Yeah, I heard he skipped town. So the police wasn't able to find him" Replied, Brian.

Grace looked round the cafeteria, scanning the faces of the people sitting there. She brought her eyes back to Brian. "Our final year at Redhill high has been one hell of a drama. Enemies becoming friends, friends becoming foe, so much has happened" She pointed out.

"Yeah....but at least some good things came out of it too. Like you and I, Angie and Kelvin, and Veronica having a baby....that's a good thing too" He shrugged.

"I guess so. We made new friends, new love" She added.

Brian kept quiet for a while as if putting in order what he was going to say in his head. He looked up at her from the desk and cleared his throat "I just have to ask to confirm, you know, just to be sure and I'll only ask this once so please be honest with me" He said, looking all serious.

"Okay what is it?" Grace asked with furrowed brows.

Brian fell silent for a few seconds before speaking "Do you have feelings for Kelvin?" He blurted out.

Taken aback by the question, Grace cleared her throatz feeling a bit tensed. She looked away from him for a few seconds before shifting her gaze to him nervously "No I don't" She replied, scratching her ear "You are the one I love" She added. Brian fulfilled with her answer, flashed her a smile. Grace looked away, staring intently at the table betweethem.


Two weeks after the incident, Kelvin was discharged home. He spent an extra one week at home before resuming school. He had missed out on a lot of lectures and had a lot of notes to copy and a lot to catch up on. Angie had offered to help catch him up and copy some of the notes. So they met everyday after school, sometimes at Angie's house and sometimes at his.

Final exams were fast approaching and all final year students had adjusted to the intense and serious environment. Most of them had taken breaks from their extracurricular activities. Kelvin laid on his bed, fondling with the pen he was holding. After some minutes, Angie walked into the room holding a glass of water. He sat up, smiling at her. She noticed this and couldn't help smiling back "Why are you staring at me like that and smiling?" She inquired, dropping the glass of water on the table.

"I'm just glad you are here with me" He replied, still smiling.

She joined him on the bed and kissed him passionately. "I'm not going anywhere" She stated after breaking the kiss "But that isn't going to get you away from studying. Let's continue" She addedz picking up the textbook they were using

"Ahh...it could have worked" Kelvin said, grunting.

"Nice try" Angie chuckled. After staring at the text book for a while, she turned to him "So what's going to happen to Jacob now that he has stopped coming to school for the fear of someone attacking him again?" She asked, looking worried.

"Well...I don't know. Since it was his parents idea, anything can happen. He might have to repeat this school year again" He replied, shrugging.

"That's so bad" She shook her head sympathetically.


"What about you? Have you thought about what's going to happen after the exams?" She asked

"Yeah a lot" He said, now looking sad

"Still no way yet?" She asked

"Nope. The money my mom has saved now, is only enough for just one person for sometime" He explained

"What school were you hoping for?" She inquired

"Well...University of Cape town or University of Pretoria" He replied, smile escaping his lips. Angie stared at him, wishing she could help. "But now, I don't know what's gonna happen...but I do know I'm going to let Kyle be the one to further with the money available" He added.

"That's very thoughtful of you" Angie replied with a proud look.

"What about you? Have you thought about it yet?" He asked, hitting her with his pen

"Not yet though" She replied.

"Well isn't that you are gonna study abroad"

"I guess so" She bobbed her head with a sad look.


Three weeks before the commencement of the final exams, Angie got home exhausted. The day was hectic and stressful. She was just coming back from studying with Kelvin. She got to the door to her house and checked her watch and it was half past six. She was feeling hungry and tired and sleepy too. She opened the door, went into the house, got to the sitting room and the house was unusually quiet, she found it odd, although it was just the two of them at home but it wasn't usually as silent as that.

She decided to ignore it and go to her room to drop her books first. She walked to her door and found it unlocked. She slowed down, looked round cautiously and then gently pushed the door open. "Surprise!!!" The group shouted, startling her.

Angie stared at them speechless and surprised. She couldn't believe her eyes and what she was seeing. She thought she was in a dream or maybe hallucinating because of her hunger. There was Jessica, her dad and her mum standing in her room smiling at her. She stood still unable to move nor speak. Her mom rushed to her and hugged her tightly "I have missed you Zara" She said, holding her tightly in her embrace.