
Episode 39

Kyle came back home and went to his room straight. Ever since Angie had been sleeping at their house, he had tried avoiding her as much as possible, to save themselves from the awkwardness that would ensue. He tried listening intently if he was gonna hear their voices. Not hearing a word, he opened his door slightly and peeped at kelvin's door but it was shut. He went back to his bed and laid down, trying to fall asleep.


"So do you have plans for the dinner party yet?" Angie asked. She sat on the edge of the bed, trying to comb kelvin's hair as he sat in between her legs on the floor.

"What dinner party?" Kelvin asked with a puzzled and curious look.

"What do you mean what dinner party?! The one at school on the night of graduation" She explained with furrowed brows.

"Wow really? They didn't do that at my old school. It was just graduation"

"That's not fun. Well now you know, so any plans?"

"What kind of plans am I suppose to have?"

"Well, you have to bring a date to the party and the guys are to be on suit and the ladies on dress. Each department has their dress code and color" She explained.

"Nice. Well I'm taking Mrs Ntombi the librarian as my date" He joked."Ouch" He cried out when she pulled his hair. "You are not gentle. Well you know I'm obviously taking you" He laughed

"And who says I'm going with you?!" She cocked her brow at him.

"Ahh! You've broken my heart" He said sarcastically, putting his hand on his chest and holding it dramatically.

"Do you even have a suit? All you wear are those your ripped jeans, skinny jeans and track pants" She teased.

"I'm nothing but a fashionista. Which means I have all type of clothes, not just one suit but three. One being a tuxedo" He stated proudly.

"Wow, impressive. What did you use a tuxedo for?"

"For my first marriage" He quipped. Angie pulled on his hair again "Ouch, that's painful" He complained. He stood up, pushed her on the bed and grabbed a pillow, hitting her with it. She screamed and laughed simultaneously as she picked up the other pillow and tried defending herself with it. They did the pillow fight for a while, having much fun with it when her phone rang out. They stopped as she checked the text that just came in. She stared at Kelvin with a serious look.


"My dad wants to see you" She replied.

His heart skipped a beat and he immediately began to panick. "Why? Is it because you are here? Do you think I'm in trouble?" He questioned nervously.

"Calm down...I'm not sure it's that" She stated, moving closer to him on the bed.

"How do you know? Didn't you see the way your mom stared at me yesterday?"

"Just go and find out tomorrow" She urged.

"Aren't you coming with me?"

"Nope. He wants to speak with just you" She shrugged.

He sat down looking disturbed, his mind thinking up different reasons why her father would want to see him. Angie wrapped her arms around his shoulders, hugging him from the side. "Don't worry, nothing's gonna happen" She assured.


Kelvin got to Angie's house at the appointed time, regarding the message he received the previous day. He sat on the couch nervously, waiting for her father to come downstairs. He stared around nervously as though he hadn't been to the house before. Although they have taken a break from cleaning due to their exams coming up.

Soon, Mr Paul came down. Kelvin stood up abruptly, greeting him. "Don't worry sit down" Mr Paul instructed.

Kelvin sat back down, feeling more nervous. Mr Paul joined him and sat down on the couch across from him. "So Kelvin right?" He asked

"Y..yes sir" He stuttered.

"So you attend the same school as Angela and you both are in the same class right?" He asked again

"Yes sir" He nodded.

"I understand she's staying at your house now"

Kelvin felt the conversation was about to take a turn, and not for the better. "Y...yes sir"

"What is your relationship with my daughter?" Mr Paul asked abruptly. Kelvin immediately felt stucked, he didn't know what to say at that point, what answer was right. He looked round nervously. He could feel his palm becoming sweaty. "I know you used to come clean here before and we have spoken once. And that time, i remember you both were not so close. You even said so yourself. So how come she's staying at your house now? What's your relationship?" He reiterated.

"Well...sir...the thing is, over time, we have become friends, good friends" He tried explaining.

"Really good friends?...okay...what are you going to major on in school?" Mr Paul asked, changing the topic.

"Computer engineering" Kelvin replied, happy he changed the topic but confused as to why he cared about his schooling.

"Okay nice, and how are your grades in school?"

"Good sir. I'm among the top three in my class" He replied, confused as to why he was asking all this questions.

"That's good. So what school do you plan on attending?" Mr Paul continued with his series of questions

"University of Capetown or Pretoria"

"Okay" Mr Paul bobbed his head and became silent for a while. "Well, if you make it to any of them, I'll pay your tuition fees for the first two years" He announced.

"What?!" Kelvin's eyes widened with shock. He couldn't phantom what he just heard.

"I said, if you make it to any of the universities, I'll pay for the first two years tuition" Mr Paul repeated.

Kelvin couldn't utter a word. He was left speechless, processing what was happening at that moment. He didn't understand why. Mr Paul read the confusion on his face and decided to explain and make him understand the situation. "Apparently your so called "close friend" insisted that I help you out. And my other daughter explained your situation to me and also persuaded me to also. I don't know why my daughters are concerned for you but they are and I guess you are lucky. So goodluck with your exams" Mr Paul concluded and stood up to leave.

Kelvin immediately rushed to him, stopping him. His eyes clouded with tears and his lips shaky. "Thank you sir, thank you so much" He blurted out sincerely, almost kneeling down.

"Don't worry about it. Just be happy you are in the good graces of my daughters" He replied.


Kelvin got home, deep in thoughts. He went straight to his room and saw Angie studying. He stared at her without uttering a word. He looked at her with this knowing eyes. Not only did he knew she was right for him but he just realized she was a goodluck charm to him as well.

Angie noticed his presence and dropped the pen she was holding. She stood up, looking at him intently and waiting to hear what transpired. "So how did it go?" She asked, curious as to if her parents accepted her terms. After a few seconds of no response from him, her eyes squinted. "Well?" She asked again.

Without uttering a word, Kelvin walked to her and hugged her, holding her tightly. "I guess that means it went well" She smiled with relief.

"I'm never letting you go" He said to her softly whilst still having her wrapped up in his embrace.

She smiled, happy and fulfilled she was able to assist him. She wrapped her arms around him tighter as well. "Neither am I" She stated.

After a long while of just hugging intimately, Kelvin broke the hug and his countenance fell. Angie noticed this and became worried too "What is it?" She inquired.

"It's just that when you travel out to study, it's gonna be a long time before I get to see you again" He aired his concerns.

Angie smiled, feeling relieved when she heard his concerns. "Well that was my second request....I'm going to apply to University of Capetown too" She broke the news.

Surprised, Kelvin shouted "What!"

Angie went back and sat on the bed. "Well, I just decided it was best for me to just finish my studies here like Jessica did and maybe later I might travel to further outside the country. So then I decided we should both study at the same school" She explained.

"Wow, I'm speechless" He scoffed and walked up to her "This news just made my day. I thought this kinds of things only happen in stories and movies" He added with a look of disbelief. "You know, your dad agreeing to those terms, and we moving to the same uni"

"Well maybe our lives is a story" Angie shrugged

"That have to be the only explanation" He smiled. "Thank you" He said calmly with sincerity in his eyes before kissing her. They both smiled, breaking the kiss. "Well let's go break the news to my mom and brother" He stated, holding her hands, pulling her to her feet and dragging her to the sitting room.