
The Last

The final year exam finally took place. The students were all busy. The graduating student were more tensed during this period, there were hardly time for them to get together as usual. They all tried focusing on their school exams and external exams, trying to surpass the credits for the various school they planned on attending.

Angie hardly had time for herself for she was mostly indoors studying. Veronica had to worry about the exams and her pregnancy which was already showing. Although people looked at her with disgust and gossip followed her around at school, her friends try to take her mind of it. She hoped she does well in the exams, even though she wasn't going to attend any university that year until she had taken care of her baby to some point, which meant she had to skip 2-3 years first.

Jacob couldn't sit for the exams because of the threat still laying around. It was certain he was gonna repeat that year again. Brian and Grace do sometimes get together to study, helping each other out in the areas they found difficulty. Kelvin and Kyle were more busy, as they had to study for the exams and assist their mom who was sick with the shop and house chores. They were hardly available or seen that period. After exams at school they immediately head back home everyday for more work.

Last day of exams was the best for the students as the pressure and tension they felt was lifted off of them. After they were done with the papers they all ran out celebrating. Graduating students threw away their pens, laughing happily. Everyone was found smiling, happy their days in highschool was over. They all looked forward to the graduation and dinner night. Those who was confident they did well, was found already planning on how they were going to live their university days and those not sure, left everything to fate.


"So what are your plans for uni?" Grace asked Kelvin, as they both walked to the direction of the cafeteria, on their way to meet up with Brian, Angie and Veronica.

"Well I don't know yet, just hoping Angie and I both makes it to the Uni first" He shrugged

"I'm jealous of you both. I wish Brian and I could be in the same Uni too" She pouted, grabbing his arm and locking it with hers.

"How come?"

"He's going to university of Johannesburg and I've decided to go to Pretoria" She explained

"Well that's bad....or maybe it's a good thing in disguise. I guess you guys will find out soon"

"Yeah I guess so. I'm glad yours turned out to be good. I still can't believe Angie's parents agreed to sponsor you for the first two years"

"Yeah, still can't believe it myself"

Grace smiled. "Wow! A lot of interesting things happened this final year than all our years in this school combined, and I'm thinking it was all because of you. I don't know if that should be a compliment"

"I'll take it as that though" Kelvin replied and they both laughed.


Few days after the end of the final exams Kelvin sat in the sitting room with his mom and Kyle, Discussing and laughing, trying to make her understand what was next. "No mom, parents are only present for the graduation ceremony not the dinner party" Kelvin pointed out amidst laughter.

"Come on, you could take mom as your date" Kyle quipped.

"I don't want to ruin it for the kids" Mrs Williams smiled

"You could come too" Kelvin said to Kyle.

"Would have loved to, but we do have our own party planned and it fell on the same date as yours, so all man with their parties" He stated, laying down on the couch.

"Isn't it two days from now?" Mrs Williams asked.

"Yeah it is"

"I'm just happy you both graduated with hope of furthering, thanks to the government and the Cowens. That girl is really a blessing" She stated, smiling

"I didn't think her parents will be that warm and welcoming" Kyle pointed out

"Well when I went to thank them, I bonded with the mom quickly, it was nice" Mrs Williams explained.

'Yeah I guess I'm lucky to have her' Kelvin thought to himself.


The day of the graduation came and the school was filled with both parents, students, teacher and some officials. The ceremony kicked off as soon as it was the time mentioned on the invites. The head of the school Mr Bosman handled the ceremony. Speeches were made by both teachers and students alike. Gifts and prizes were handed out and awards were given to students who won in the various categories. Certificates were handed to the graduating students too and the students in turn awarded some teachers.

It was fun as parents, teachers and students took pictures and interacted with one another. Some students could been seen shedding tears and some laughing. Angie and her circle of friends took pictures together with their gowns. Soon the ceremony came to an end and students rushed home to get ready for the dinner party.


"It's almost time aren't you ready yet?" Jessica asked on entering Angie's room. She found Angie struggling to makeup herself. She went to her and assisted her. Soon their mom came in and joined.

She brushed her hair smiling. "I'm so proud of you dear, you have done well. You look so beautiful" Mrs Paul complimented with a proud smile.

"Thanks Mom" Angie couldn't help but smile also.

After a while, they were done. She stood up and put on her red handless gown with silver linings around the waist, the gown hugged her, bringing out her shape and stopped just below her knees. She glanced at the mirror, smiled with satisfaction and sat down to wear her shoe.

"He's here!" Jessica came into the room again, announced and left.

Angie stood up, satisfied with herself, she heaved a sigh of relief and made her way downstairs to the livingroom in her red, highstrap, high heels. She got to the livingroom and saw Kelvin seated and waiting for her. He was putting on a dark blue, fitted suit. He stood up on seeing her, staring at her speechless. Angie stood still with a shy smile, waiting for him to say something but he couldn't make out words.

"Well..." She smiled shyly

"Wow...the way you look should be against the law" He finally found his voice, still unable to peel his eyes from her.

"Alright let's go! Let me drop you guys off" Jessica stated, coming in and breaking up their dream world.

Kelvin walked toward her and took her hand, leading her to the car.


They soon arrived at the school and got down from the car. "Alright becareful guys. See you later Z" Jessica called after them.

"Oh no, see you tomorrow. I'm staying with my friends tonight" Angie pointed out.

"Alright then, I guess I'll see you tomorrow. Becareful" She replied and zoomed off.

Kelvin turned to her, smiling "Alright, shall we?" He said, gesturing with his hands and staring at her smiling face.

They walked into the hall were the party was taking place. The hall was filled with students and kinda hot. Song blaring from the speakers set by the DJ fille the room. Students were dancing, moving about, discussing, drinking.

They soon located their friends. All were present except Jacob and Veronica. Veronica couldn't make it because of her condition and Jacob was too cautious and not moving about carefreely, especially close to the school environment. "Wow you guys look good" Brian complimented

"Thanks" Angie replied

"You guys are killing it too" Kelvin smiled and they all laughed. "Shall we move to the dance floor?"

"Yes" Brian agreed instantly.

"Oh no" Grace groaned

"Come on" Brian grabbed her hand and dragged her to the dance floor with the others following behind. They danced for a while, laughing and spinning each other around. They drank, danced till their clothes were soaked with sweat and then they moved to the gallery for pictures, they took single pictures and group photos, and then went back to the dance floor and danced some more, exchanged partners and more dancing.

Exhausted, they all went out of the hall for fresh air. They sat on the bench outside, breathing heavily."Well this fun definitely took away the exam stress still left in my body" Brian stated

"Yeah, but it would have been more fun if Jacob and Veronica were here" Kelvin pointed out

"Yeah" They agreed in unison.

"Jacob I get, but Veronica could have show up, at least she could dance with the baby in her stomach" Brian said.

They all laughed at his statement. "You are drunk man" said Kelvin amidst laughter.

"How about we all meet tomorrow at one of these restaurants, all of us, Jacob and Veronica included" Angie suggested after they stopped laughing.

"Yeah that's a good idea" Grace supported with excitement.

"Yeah, I'll call Jacob and inform him, you call Veronica" Kelvin said. They all agreed to the idea and then went back inside to take part in the activities and games that was going on.


The party was over soon and all students went on their various locations. Grace and Brian went home. Angie and Kelvin went to kelvin's house. It was pretty late when they arrived, laughing "I was the reason we won the best dance couple" Kelvin tried whispering so as not to wake up the others.

"Come on, I did all the work. All you did was to jump all over" Angie teased and they both burst out laughing and immediately started shushing themselves.

They got to the room and locked the door. Angie took off her shoes, removed her earrings and then turned to look at Kelvin who was removing the cufflinks from his sleeves. She walked toward him silently and helped him undo it and then kissed him lightly on his lips.

They grew into the kiss and continued. Angie proceeded to remove his jacket and then started undoing his sleeve buttons. They moved slowly to the bed. She broke the kiss, stepped back and undid her zip. Kelvin started at her intently, his eyes glistening under the lightbulb reflection "Are you sure?" He asked softly.

She stared at him with these shy, curious but certain eyes. "Well....it's my first time, so I don't know how I'm supposed to be sure but I do, I want to with you" She replied.

Kelvin taken aback almost shouted "Wait what!!"

"What?" Angie asked looking more shy.

"You mean to tell me the head of the tri queens haven't done it before?" He asked with disbelief.

"Well, I didn't think i was ready then" She replied, staring away from him.

"What about with Luke?" He questioned with a still puzzled look.

"Nope, same goes with Kyle. I didn't" She replied shyly and a little embarrassed.

Kelvin smiled with a proud look "Wow, this is unbelievable" He held her arms and drew her close. "I love you so much, but I don't want you to feel you need to if you don't want to" He added with a soft stare and gentle voice.

"I do want to. I want this, with you" She replied, staring up into his eyes.

He smiled, kissed her and helped her undo her dress. They both fell on the bed and began laughing. "That was the handwork of the drink" Kelvin quipped and then they resumed kissing, sinking into it and getting more passionate as their bare skin grazed each other.


It was the day after the dinner party and they all met at the agreed location. All of them were present. They sat at the corner table of the restaurant, staring at each other silently, making the atmosphere a bit awkward. They were all patiently waiting for someone to say something first. "Come on guys! Why the silence? This might be the last time we all gather like this for a long time" Kelvin broke the silence.

"Yeah, true, let's try to make the most of it" Grace agreed.

They called the waiter and ordered drinks (Sodas). "So Brian what's the plan?" Kelvin asked, starting off the conversation and bringing them out of the tensed and awkward atmosphere they had created.

"Well, waiting for the admission list. Still going to be in this place, you guys are the one running away from home" He replied and they all laughed.

"Technically, we are going to experience life elsewhere" Kelvin shrugged

"Are you saying I don't have a life here" Brian inquired.

"Yes man, you might end up being a pastor or a teacher like Mr nyangodo" Jacob teased and laughter filled the air as Brian tried to punch Jacob.

"What about you Grace?" Veronica asked and they turned their attention to her.

"Well Pretoria is the way" She smiled

"Wow, which means you are gonna leave Brian when you see a lecturer there and not this upcoming teacher" Kyle teased

"Come on! Am I the only one here for you guys to pick one" Brian protested as they laughed at him. "A cuter boy is definitely going to steal Angie from you at Capetown" Brian added.

"Oh, I'll kill him. Yeah he's definitely going to die, I'll kill him, his children and his children children" Kelvin replied

"Wow, my hero" Angie said, smiling.

"Come on, get a room you two" Kyle quipped.

"What about you Jacob?" Brian asked

"Oh, he's gonna be a cultist" Kelvin said and they all roared with laughter

"And I'll hunt you first" He said to Kelvin. "Anyway I'm going to repeat the year, so after that, maybe university of Stellenbosch, it's just painful that I'm stuck here with Brian for one more year"

"What about you Veronica?" Kyle asked amidst laughter

"Well, I'm going to have to wait until my baby is old enough before I can further. That's like 2-3 years" She replied.

"Yup, stuck with me too" Brian quipped.

"I guess ours is obvious" Kelvin Stated.

"We don't care about you guys" Jacob said as they all Burst out laughing again. After laughing and teasing each other for a while they all became silent again.

The silent lasted a while this time, each in their own thoughts. You could see the sadness in their eyes. "I'm going to miss you guys" Angie said with watery eyes.

"Yeah me too" Grace and Veronica said simultaenously as the three of them stood up to hug each other crying.

"Come on, seriously, not like you guys are gonna die why the tears?" Jacob teased.

"Girls will be girls" Kelvin and Kyle said simultaneously and laughed

"Anyway, it's been a glorious ride throughout this last year at highschool. Me and my twin have just known you guys for just a year and I'm glad we all ended up close like this. Amidst the obstacles, tears, laughs and all, we still survived as friends. I'm happy. Our choices lead us here and happy it wasn't sadness that it ended with. I just hope this isn't gonna be our last conversation or gathering" Kelvin said with a smile.

"Wow, that was a beautiful speech" Grace smiled with sad eyes.

"Please don't cry again" Kyle teased, causing them to laugh instead.

"Alright group photo. Stand up all of you!" Grace instructed, bringing out her digital camera from her bag.

"Wow, you came prepared" Kelvin pointed out.

They all stood up and took positions next to each other. She positioned the camera for a selfie timer. "Alright everybody, lift your drinks, on the count of three everybody say friends" Grace instructed. They all picked up their drinks, stayed in positioned and lifted up their drinks. "Alright...3,2,1!" Grace counted.

They clinked their drinks together and chorused "FRIENDS!!!" As the camera flashed.