Chapter α My Homeroom Teacher is a Minotaur

Α Year Later in London June 1st, 1939

"Henry, get up. You are going to be late for your first day of school," said Dad.

"Dad. I am coming," I said.

"See you after school," Dad said. "Love you."

At Badland Academy

"This is the new student here at Badland Academy, Henry," said Ms. Sern.

"Hi, my name is Henry. It is nice to meet you all," I said. Looking around the exhibit. "Looks like the security guard has left here for the moment," I said.

"Hello," the class said together.

"Henry. Can I see you for a second?" asked Ms. Sern.

"Why?" I asked. With a puzzled look on his face.

"Just come, okay?" said Ms. Sern.

"Okay," I said.

In the Teachers' Lounge

"Ms. Sern, where are you?" I said.

Narrator: Suddenly, a Minotaur came out of nowhere and hit me in the chest, knocking me back.

"Ouch, that hurt," I said.

Narrator: The Minotaur started to charge again. "Suddenly a chain flew through the air toward Henry, and I caught it.

"Okay?" I said.

Narrator: Suddenly, the chain transformed into a spear.

"What is going on?" I asked.

Narrator: The minotaur hit me again.

"That is enough," said someone.

Narrator: I threw the spear into the Minotaur's gut, and the Minotaur turned to dust. That is when the spear turned back into a chain.

"Great job," someone said. "You will be at an outpost partly Eternal."

"Who are you?" I said.

"I am Daisy," said Daisy.

"You're the person who threw me the chain that transformed into a spear?" I asked

"Yes, I am," said Daisy.

"Where is the camp?" I asked. As he looked at the girl.

"The camp is in London," said Daisy.

"I see," I said.

Daisy disappeared

"Great, I must take a bus to London," I said.

The Bus Stop at London Centre

"Now what?" I said.

Narrator: Suddenly, Cyclopes drove up.

"Going to camp, kid?" said the Cyclopes.

"Yes," I said.

"Get in," said the Cyclopes.

"Okay," I said.

"What brings you to camp?" said the Cyclopes.

"I killed a Minotaur with a spear," I said.

"Okay!" said the Cyclopes.

A Little While Later Cornwall

"We are at camp," said the Cyclopes.

Narrator: The camp is for children of on Greek gods and goddesses and a place where the children can feel safe from beasts like the minotaur. The fort is situated on Porthcurno Beach, Cornwall. There is a big house, a dining pavilion, a Hippocampi dock, a training arena, farms as far as the eye can see, and woods only off to the right of the big house. There are also twelve barracks–one for each of the twelve Greek gods.

"Okay," I said. "What do I do now?"

"I might be able to help," said the Cyclops.

Narrator: Henry looked up and saw a Cyclops on top of the hill.

"I am the camp's director, Sid," said the director.

"Thank you," I said.

Narrator: I started to climb the rest of the way up the hill.

"Follow me. You will know your barrack at dinner tonight," said the director.

"I will," I said.

"Til dinner. Go and find Daisy, alright?" said the director.

A Little Later at Dinner

"That is the entire camp," said Daisy. "Dinner is next," I said.

Narrator: There are twelve ornate tables and benches in the dining hall; one for each of the gods and goddesses where their children will sit. They filled the dining hall with campers ready to eat, give an offering to the gods, and have a good time.

"Everyone settle down. We have three new campers. At the start of the summer, the gods/ goddesses choose new cadets' as their children. I have a list of new campers this year. The first name is Henry. Can Henry please come up to the stool?" asked the Director. "Henry, go," said Daisy.

"All right," I said.

Narrator: Henry walked up to the old-fashioned chair, sat, and waited. A golden hue wrapped around Henry.

"Alright, Henry, go to the Athena table," said Director Sid.

"We have two more new campers," said Director Sid.

"Will Chris come to the stool?" said the Director.

Narrator: At the Athena table, the children felt an air of foreboding as Chris took a seat on the stool.

"Henry, oh no, this is not good," said Daisy.

"I agree with you," I said.

Narrator: Chris's father was identified as Hades.

"One more, and then we can eat. Will Claire come to the stool?" said the Director.

Narrator: Hades also identified her as his child. All the campers looked at a bonfire. Surrounding the bonfire are dining tables that the campers sit at. The camp director and other camp counselors are right in front of the bonfire. The camp director and other camp counselors are right in front of the bonfire.

"Now, before we eat, see the fire for the gods. Go and give some food to them, and then you can eat," said Director Sid

"Henry, follow me," said Daisy.

Narrator: When the offering of food was placed into the bonfire, the Oracle of Delphi left the attic of the big house, appeared in the dining pavilion, and floated above their heads. Suddenly," the Oracle appeared and started to talk. The Oracle said, "There are two sets of twins - one magnificent set of twins and one evil. Both sets of twins include a brother and a sister. The parents of all of these children are Athena and Hades. Athena made Daisy knowledgeable and Henry a good fighter. Hades enabled Chris to talk to ghosts and Claire to raise a skeleton army." Then the Oracle left the dining pavilion

"Both sets of twins are here right now," said Director Sid.

Narrator: The Oracle disappeared.

"Then," said the director. "Everyone to your cabins right now!"

At the Athena Cabin

"What was that all about?" Daisy said.

"I do not know. It was weird, sis," I said.

"What are we going to do?" said Daisy.

"I guess for now, get some sleep," I said.

"All right," said Daisy.

That Night-The Hades Twins

"Let's see," said Chris. "Let us send the Athena cabin a message."

"Yeah, let's," said Claire.

"What should we do?" said Chris.

"Let's burn down the Athena cabin," said Claire.

Outside the Athena Cabin

"Do you have the matches?" said Claire.

"Yes, I do," said Chris. "Do you have the flamethrower?"

"Yes. Brother, I have the flamethrower," said Claire.

"Let us start then," said Chris.

Inside the Athena Cabin

"What is that smell?" I said.

Narrator: I looked over, and there was a fire.

"Daisy! Wake Up!" I said.

"What is it?" "said Daisy

"Oh, that is not good! FIRE!" I said.

Narrator: There is a fire in the Athena cabin. The fire sirens started to blare.

"Chris, let us go. We need to get to the big house," said Claire.

"With the lighter and flamethrower?" asked Chris.

"We can say that it is for defense and that the Athena cabin attacked us," said Chris.

"I see; let us go then," said Claire.

At the Big House

"Henry, what is with your hair?" said the director.

"The fire happened," I said.

"Here come the people who did it," said Daisy.

"Director, they attacked us, so we needed to defend ourselves," said Chris.

"Give those to me," said the director.

Back at the Half-Burned Athena Cabin

"What the heck is their problem?" said Daisy.

"I don't know, maybe because we are cousins to them," I said.

"You may be right," said Daisy.

"Try to get some sleep," I said.

"Okay," said Daisy.

In the Morning

"What a night that was," said Daisy.

"Yeah, it was," I said.

Narrator: I look around the cabin.

"Is the cabin marble?" asked Daisy.

"What is going on?" I asked

"Oh! You are up," said Daisy.

"Yes, I am up. What is with the marble?" I said.

"Oh! I decided to change it. The Hephaestus cabin is helping us with the upgrade," said Daisy.

"Why do we have to clean the toilet for a month?" asked Chris

"Oh! I do not know, maybe because we burnt down a cabin," said Daisy

"Yeah, and now they have one made out of marble," said Chris.

"Yeah, and we get just wood," said Claire.

"I know it sucks, but it is wood or nothing," said Chris.

"I guess you are right on this one," said Claire.


"Henry, what are we going to do?" said Daisy.

"Let me see. What can we do about the Hades twins?" I said.

"Did the Oracle say, 'Two sets of twins good and evil? Dark and Light. Athena and Hades,' something like that," I said.

"Let me think about strategies, and I will get back to you on that one," said Daisy.

"Okay," I said.

"When the Hades twins burned down our cabin, they decided to do that in a way that was not discreet at all," said Daisy.

"Yeah, you are right about that. What should we do?" I said.

"While we could go on a quest with them or go on the quest as playback," said Daisy.

"Let's go to them to see if they want to go on a quest with us," I said.

"Oh! Henry, the marble will now defend itself from the Hades' cabin," said Daisy.

"That is great. Okay, let's go then," I said. The Athena twin set off to where the hades twins are.

"What do you think we should do?" I asked.

"That is a good question. I guess we do not know till we get there," said Daisy.

Both Henry and Daisy arrived at the Hades Cabin.

At the Hades Cabin

Knock. Knock.

"Coming," said Chris.

Narrator: Daisy and I waited outside of the Hades cabin. Chris opened the door to the cabin.

"Yes," said Chris.

"Hi. I wonder if you and Claire want to go on a quest with Henry and me. "said Daisy

"I will check with Claire and get back to you. Claire and I will come with you on a quest," said Chris.

Looking at Chris. "I guess that is ok with me," said Claire.

"Alright. See, the two of you are the big house," said Daisy.

At the Big House

"Where are they?" I said.

"They were supposed to come ten minutes ago. Here they come now," said Daisy.

"What do we do now?" said Chris.

"One of us needs to go up to where the Oracle is and get a quest for her," I said.

Narrator: All looked at me.

"I will go and get the quest," I said.

Narrator: I went into the big house and up the stairs to the Oracle.

"Oracle, three other people, and I need a quest to go on," I said.

"In the north of Scotland, there is a labyrinth. In which there is a beast, a Hydra that is there. Go and kill the Hydra. Bring back what it is guarding. The Hades Twins will get lost in the Labyrinth, but get to the Hydra at the same time as you and Daisy."

"Thank you, Oracle," I said.

Narrator: I walk down to where the others are waiting.

"Got the quest. Now let us go," I said.

"Henry, what did the Oracle say?" said Daisy.

"The Oracle said to go to Scotland, and there is a Labyrinth in the north In the center of it. There is a Hydra. We need to kill the Hydra and bring back what it is guarding," I said.

In the North of Scotland

"Let us see what rock is the one that leads to the Labyrinth," I said.

"Oh! Look around and if you fall, throw something, say something," said Daisy.

"You got it," said Chris and Claire.

"Let us go then," I said.

A Little While Later

Narrator: The Hades Twins found the entrance and contacted us.

"So where is the entrance?" said Daisy.

"It is right where those two boulders are," said Claire.

Narrator: We walked to the spot Claire indicated and went into the Labyrinth.

In the Labyrinth

"Where is the center of the Labyrinth," said Daisy.

"I do not know. Let us go and find the center of this labyrinth," I said.

"Let us go then," said Chris.

Narrator: The labyrinth itself was a maze with twists and turns. Stones that were on the walls of the labyrinth seemed to have fallen off. Near the entrance to the labyrinth, moss and vines seemed to have grown around it.

"I am trying to remember who made the labyrinth in the first place," I said.

"I do believe it was Daedalus the mythical Greek inventor, architect, and sculptor who is said to have built this labyrinth for the "King of Crete at the time of King Minos." said Daisy.

"Henry, where are Chris and Claire?" said Daisy.

"Oh! The Oracle said they would get lost but would get to the center at the same time as us," I said.

"Let's keep going, then. So Henry, where are we?" said Daisy.

"We have more rights and a left to the center of the Labyrinth," I said.

"Where are they?" said Daisy.

"I do not know at all," I said.

"Wait. I see two people running down the right path," said Daisy.

"Could it be Chris and Claire?" I said.

"Henry, you are right. Chris and Claire are running down the right quarter right now," said Daisy.

Narrator: What Daisy and I did not know was that right behind them, the Hydra was.

"Chris and Claire, over here!" I said.

"But do not be surprised by what is behind us," said Chris.

Narrator: As Chris was running toward Daisy and Henry. A monster with nine heads and red eyes looked on and watched him. Its body was gray on the scales itself. It just stood there not moving from where it was standing in front of a cage. It gave off an aura that said do not come any closer. The Hydra started to wrap its body around the cage, but not too tightly that it would kill the occupant that was inside the cage.

"Is it the Hydra now in the center of the room?" I said.

"Everyone, do not make a sound," said Daisy.

Narrator: Of course; as Daisy said Chris made a sound.

"Chris, do not make any more sounds, okay?" I said.

"Henry. I will not move any more than what I did," said Chris.

In the Center of the Labyrinth

"What can we do about the Hydra?" I said.

"Will let us see what we can do," said Daisy.

"Yeah, I am going to attack the Hydra with the Undead," said Chris.

"But be careful. Henry, what will you do?" said Daisy.

"I will use this chain and attack the Hydra," I said.

"​​Then. What about you, Claire?" asked Chris.

"I will follow Henry and see what I might be able to do to help," said Claire.

"Alright, now what can I do?" said Daisy.

"Oh, I know I will find a boulder and build a contraption around the boulders?" said Daisy.

Narrator: I took the chain, and it transformed into a spear.

"So let us see what I can do with the spear, and the Hydra," I said.

Narrator: I threw the spear into the Hydra's side.

"Henry, nice shot," said Daisy.

"Yeah, well, I think that the spear on the Hydra's side only angered the monster," I said.

"You are right on that one, Henry, and I think it is time for the Skeleton Army. You got the Army," said Daisy.

Narrator: I watch as Claire closes her eyes, and the ground around her opens up. The Skeletons started coming up from the background.

"So can we start now?" said Chris.

"Chris, we already started," I said.

"Claire and Chris, can you see if you can attack the Hydra from its back?" said Daisy.

"You got it. Oh, and do not boss us around, okay?" Chris and Claire.

"So what can we do now?" said Daisy.

"Sis, can you find a way to get me up on top of the Hydra's Body?" I said.

"I can see a way to your right," said Daisy.

"Okay," I said.

Narrator: I went the way that Daisy pointed out to me.

"I am up now on the ledge," I said.

Narrator: I swung from the ledge I was on and hit the Hydra in the back.

"Now what do I do?" I said.

"Daisy, he is on the Hydra, and the Hydra is not happy at all," Chris said.

"I know Henry does not move a muscle, okay?" said Daisy.

"Okay," I said.

"Daisy, now what do we do?" said Claire.

"I say that we flank the Hydra and attack from the side with lots of fire," said Daisy.

"Where is Chris?" said Claire.

"I am over here talking to a ghost from the medieval era," said Chris.

"Great. Now, what are we going to do?" said Claire.

"Throw me a torch," I said.

"You got it," said Daisy.

Narrator: Daisy threw me the torches.

"Now let me chop off the heads and burn the necks," I said. Narrator: I started chopping off the heads and burning the Hydra's necks.

After, the Hydra was Killed

"That was a baffling fight," and we still need to bring all nine heads and the treasure back to camp," said Daisy.

"Yeah, we need to do that," said Chris.

"Now where is the thing that the Hydra was protecting?" I said.

Narrator: They started to look around the room.

"I think I found it though it is not what you may think," said Daisy.

"What do you mean?" said Chris.

Narrator: All of them came around Daisy.

"What is that? I said.

"I do not know," said Daisy.

"Let us go and take that back to camp," said Chris.

"Bow, what does he do about the girl at the back of the bus?" said Claire.

"That is a good question, and why was she in the

Labyrinth in the first place?" said Daisy.

"Well, I think I can answer that question," Chris said.,

"Let us see how you can answer the question," I said.

"Why me?" said Chris.

"Because you are the one who volunteered," said Claire.

"Fine. I will see what can be done," said Chris.

Narrator: Chris went to see what could be done.

A Little While Later

"Where is he?'' said Claire.

"I do not know," said Henry.

"Yeah, he should have been here an hour ago,'' said Daisy.

Narrator: All of a sudden, we see Chris come out of one of the many tunnels

"Chris, what is in your hand?" said Claire.

"Oh! This is a bag we can carry the girl in," Chris said.

"That is a brilliant idea, Chris," said Daisy.

Narrator: So they put the girl in the bag and headed out of the Labyrinth.

In the Bus

"What are we going to do with the girl?" said Claire.

"I say we bring her back to camp and see what the director thinks," I said.

"I agree with Henry," said Daisy.

"Fine. Let's go then," said Chris.

At Camp

"What is going on?" said the director.

"The Hades and Athena cabins are back, and they seem to have a girl with them," said one of the campers.

"Well, the people who wanted to kill everyone by fire, and the Athena 8 cabin. Brought back a girl from the Labyrinth?" said the director.

"Yes, and what is that?" said a Hephaestus camper.

"That is a girl, George," said the director.

"I know, but why is she here?" said George.

"Go and ask them," said the director.

"Fine, but I think it is a bunch of baloney directors," said George.

"Hey, is that a girl or something else?" said George.

"George, it is a girl," said Daisy.

"Oh. Now I feel stupid in saying that the girl was not a girl," said George.

"Director, what should we do with her?" I said.

"Good question, Henry. Let's bring her up to the big house and wait till she wakes up to see what to do with her," said the director.

"You heard the director. Bring her up to the big house," said another camper.

At the Big House

"Henry, in what part of the Labyrinth did you find the girl?" said Abby.

"I will tell you after we are out of the director's earshot," I said.

"I will talk more to you after that," said Abby.

"Talk to you then," I said.

Narrator: George walked up to us and saw nine hydra heads.

"Oh, so you killed the hydra? What is that?" said George.

"George, this is a girl we found in Scotland in the Labyrinth," said Daisy.

Narrator: George started to get angry and punch Chris and Claire in the head. They fell back and hit their heads.

"Henry goes to the big house and gets the Apollo cabin," said Daisy.

"On my way," I said.

Narrator: I went to the big house and got one of the Apollo campers.

"Where are we going?" said Cyrus.

"We are going to the camp entrance," I said.

"You got it. Come on, then, let us hear then," said Cyrus.

Narrator: Cyrus and I went to the entrance of the camp.

"Cyrus, what do you think of the girl's wounds?" I said.

"Henry, can you and Cyrus get on over here right now?" said Daisy.

"On our way. We need to get past the group of people, '' I said.

"Director, they are there; why?" said Daisy.

Narrator: Cyrus and Henry push past the group of campers. One of the campers looked at Henry.

Daisy. Cyrus and I are here. What do we do now?" I said.

"Well, let us have Cyrus look at the girl and see what is going on," said Daisy.

"Henry, can I talk to you?" said Chris.

"Chris, what is it?" I asked.

"Well, Claire and I need to get past to go to our cabin," said Chris.

"I will see what I can do about that," I said.

Narrator: I walked over to the director and started to talk to him.

"Sir, Chris, and Claire need to go to their cabin," I said.

"They can go," said Director Sid.

After, People Left

"I know you were looking at me," I said.

"Oh! How did you know that?" said the Mystery Person.

"I could see your eyes on me," I said.

"Oh! You did it now," said the Mystery Person.

"What is your name, or what do you go by?" I said.

"I am Meg," said the Mystery Person.`

''Meg, why were you looking at me?" I said.

"I was looking at you because you and your sister are about to do great things," said Meg.

"But what about our cousins, the Hades twins?" I said.

"They are the ones who are going to do the bad and horrible things," said Meg.

"What you are saying is to watch what Chris and Claire are doing," I said.

"Yes, and make friends that will stay by you and Daisy," said Meg.

"Thank you, Meg," I said.

In the Athena Cabin

"Daisy, I was talking to the Mystery Person," I said.

"Why?" said Daisy.

"Well, the Mystery Person said that we need to watch the Hades Twins," I said.

"What you are saying is that the Hades twins are evil," said Daisy.

"Then. Good night, Daisy," I said.

"Good night, brother," said Daisy.

That Night

"Now, what to do about Chris and Claire?" So I will be able to tell Henry," said Meg.

Knock. Knock.

"Oh, that is the door," said Meg.

Narrator: She walked to the door.

"Hello. Who is there?" said Meg.

Before she stood…

"You are not supposed to be here. Well, you cannot stop me and what I am," said the Mystery Man.

As the Mystery man left.

"Off limits," said Meg.

"Oh, but does that fall to the people in this camp?" said The Mystery Man.

"Yes, because this is my section," said Meg.

"Yes, but now it is mine," said The Mystery Man.

Narrator: The Mystery Man shot Meg in the stomach.

In The Athena Cabin

"Daisy, what was that?" I said.

"I think that was a gunshot," said Daisy.

Narrator: We went to the place where the gunshot happened. When we arrived at the scene, we could see her holding her stomach in pain.

"What happened here?" I said.

"Well, our guest is dead," said the Director.

"So who or what did this?" said Daisy.

"Director, I found Chris and Claire out in the woods," said Cyrus.

"Where are they now?" said the director.

"Out in the woods," said Cyrus.

"What you are saying is that Chris and Claire are out in those woods doing something, "I said.

"Yes, I am saying that Chris and Claire are in those woods," said Cyrus.

"Daisy goes and assembles a group of campers," said Director Sid.

"Yes, sir. On it right now," said Daisy.

A Little While Later

"Cyrus, where did you find them?" said Daisy.

"Right there, and it looked like they were still there," said Cyrus.

"Great, what the Mystery Person told me was true. They are up to something," I said.

Narrator: Daisy split the group of twenty people into five groups five. She put me in charge of the last group of five. Cyrus was in charge of group four. Two others were in charge of groups three and two. She was in charge of group one.

"What are we going to do?" I said.

"We are going to spread out and start to move toward them," said Daisy.

"Alright now, you heard her go," said Cyrus.

"Claire, what are you doing?" said Chris.

"I am going to do what I am doing. I am not going to tell you," said Claire.

"Henry, where are you?' said Daisy.

"I am at the spot you pointed out to me," I said

"Henry is Cyrus and the others at their spots," said Daisy.

"Yes, I am," said Cyrus.

"Henry, you know what to do," said Daisy.

"Yeah.' I said.

Narrator: I moved my group to the outskirts of the circle and waited.

"I am in a position," I said.

"Cyrus, are you going to your position?" said Daisy.

"I am in the position," said Cyrus.

Narrator: I looked at Chris and Claire. They seemed not to be moving from that spot that they were in.

"Daisy, they have not moved for a while, so I say we go in and strike while we can," I said.

"Fine, Henry, but do not say I did not warn you," said Daisy.

Narrator: I had to move quickly and quietly around Chris and Claire.

"Who was that?" said Chris.

"Chris, you are jumpy. Just try to relax and pay attention to the director," said Claire.

"But if I feel like we are being watched, I will have to do something about it," said Chris.

"Fine, but do not get caught if you do try to kill that person," said Claire.

Narrator: I went back to Daisy and told her the news about what I had heard Chris and Claire talking about.

"Oh, that is not good. We need to talk to the director about Henry," said Daisy.

"You are right on that one, Daisy," I said.

Narrator: I started to think about what might happen if Chris and Claire find out who was listening in on their conversation.

"Henry, what are you thinking about?" said Daisy.

"I am just wondering if Chris and Claire found out who was dropping in, then what they might do to them," I said.

"Henry, I think they just did," said Daisy.

Narrator: I looked over to where Chris and Claire were and saw they were walking towards us.

"Well, that is just great," I said.

"Henry, we need to go to the combat area of the camp - like now," said Daisy.

"Claire, there are the people who were eavesdropping after them, "said Chris.

Narrator: After we ran to the combat arena, we stopped and saw that the entire camp was already there. Well, in the stands, that is.

"So we fight Chris and Claire," I said.

"It does look like that," said Daisy.

"Henry and Daisy vs. Chris and Claire," said the director.

Narrator: The entire camp started to cheer for whichever twin they wanted to win the battle.

"Daisy, it looks to me that we are outmatched, but I am not saying we will win or not," I said.

"Well, you are right that we will win, but we are more matched than you think because they will most likely hang back and have the undead warriors do all the work," said Daisy.

"Then what will be our game plan? I asked.

A Little While Later

"That is the game plan," said Daisy.

"Okay," I said.

Narrator: All of a sudden, the horn blasted, and the battle began. As my sister said, Chris raised the dead to attack us.

"Henry, you go to the right and draw some of them to you. I will draw the rest to me," said Daisy.

"Let us do this," I said.

Narrator: As we did that, I drew some of the undead to me, and Daisy drew the rest to her. Oh, and by this time, you should know how the narrator is.

"Daisy, did you get yours?" I said.

"Yes, Henry, I did, and I have ten big people on me right now, so when you are done can you come over here?" said Daisy.

"But you, oh me, I said.

"Just do it, Henry," said Daisy.

"But what if they see what is going on?" I said.

"Then we worry about that when we come to that,'' said Daisy.

"Tell me when you get that," I said.

Narrator: I started towards Chris and Claire when they looked around and saw me coming towards them.

"You got it, Daisy," I said.

Narrator: I went where I could see Claire and Chris, but they could not see me.

"Claire, where Henry and Daisy are, I cannot see them at all," said Chris.

"You are right. Where are they?" said Claire.

Narrator: I looked around to see where Daisy was. I find her and lock eyes.

"Claire, I will raise the undead to attack and possibly kill them," said Chris.

"Go and do that," said Claire. Narrator: Daisy and I went around where we could see Claire and Chris.

"Now what do we do?" I said.

"We attacked them and caught them in the garage," said Daisy.

Narrator: We started to walk toward Chris and Claire when a mass of skeleton warriors hit us.

"Great. Now, what do we do, Daisy?"

"I do not know, Henry," said Daisy.

"Alright, you go around one way, and I will go the other," I said.

Narrator: Daisy went to the left, and Henry went to the right.

"I am in a position where they cannot see me at all," said Daisy.

"I will attack first so that we'll give some time to Daisy to come and see what she can do about the one that I did not attack," I said.

"I see Henry attacking Claire, so that leaves Chris. I will attack, but first, I need to see him attack him," said Daisy.

"Right you are, Henry," said Daisy.

"Alright, let us go and attack Chris and Claire," I said.

"You got it," said Daisy.

Narrator: I crept up to where I could see them better, but they could not see me.

"Chris, can you go forward to see if they are there or not?" said Claire.

"You got it, sis," said Chris.

"Good. They are splitting up to cover more ground," I said.

Narrator: I crept up to where I could attack Claire. Still, she cannot see me at all.

"Who is there? I warn you I am armed and deadly," said Claire.

(No response from that came back to her.)

''That was weird," said Claire.

Narrator: That is when I attacked her.

"What the heck?'' said Claire.

"Surprise!" I said.

"Henry, don't get over the top," said Daisy.

"Right. So you're the strategist in the family. What's next?" I asked.

"Daisy, there is a pathway to your left and my right. I will scan to see where Chris and Claire are, ''

"Right. Let us go on and do it," said Daisy.

Narrator: Daisy and I enacted the plan that might allow us to win.