Chapter β We battle our cousin

July 5th 1939

"Ah!" said Claire.

Narrator: A battle ensued. We went back, and after a while, I finally overpowered her and knocked her to the ground. Which, on the other hand, might not have been the brightest idea I had.

"Henry, that was the stupidest thing you could have done," said Claire.

"Why is that?'' I said.

"Chris, do it!" said Claire.

Narrator: Just then, the ground split in two, and an army of the undead came out from the background. That is also when the director went into the battle and stopped

"Stop the battle," said Director Syd.

"Why? Sir, we were just getting started," said Daisy.

"True, Daisy, you were just getting started. However, those undead warriors are not just undead warriors–they are Hades' guards and are to be in this camp at all," said the director.

"What is going to happen?" said Daisy.

"Well, I have no choice but to banish Claire and Chris from this camp forever," said Director Sid.

Narrator: That is when the entire camp went completely silent.

"You are banishing us from this camp," said Claire.

"You will regret the day you did that forever," said Chris

Narrator: That is when the ground opened up again; Chris and Claire got sucked into the hole in the ground. "Served them right, "I said.

"I do not think it is the last that we will see of them, but when is the question?" said Daisy.

"True, and we must be ready for that," said the director.

Narrator: That still made me uneasy about what might happen to the campers.

"What are we going to do with the traitors?" said George.

"Kicking them out of the camp," said the director.

"We will be back. When we come back, we will bring an army of the undead and people who hate the camp," Chris retorted.

"Chris, let us go. We are not welcome here anymore," said Claire.

"Sis, let us go," said Chris.

"Okay, we will go," said Claire.

"Also, before you go, I am putting a spell on you. That will dissolve if you step into the camp," said the director. The director put a blood curse on those two. If they step into the camp, their blood will boil away, and they will die.

They left the camp

"Henry and Daisy, what did you find on your quest?" asked Cyrus.

"Not much, just some monsters," I said.

"Wait, Henry, we did find someone," said Daisy. "We found Icarus's father, remember?" said Daisy.

"Oh, that is right. We did find him, did we not?" I said.

"Everyone, go back to what you were doing," said the director.

"Yes, sir, "everyone said.

"Daisy, what are your thoughts about what just happened?' I asked.

"What are my thoughts on what happened? Let me see. I guess it is okay that they got killed," said Daisy.

"Do you think that you want to train?" Henry asked.

"Sure, let us train while I think about your question," said Daisy.

"The training ground is right next to the arena. That way, it would be easy to go back and forth between them. Back to the question that I asked you..." I said.

"I guess that I am good about what happened. I am just worried that it will bite us in the butt later on," said Daisy.

"I see where you are coming from. That said, for the moment, we do not know what those two next moves are," I said.

"True, we don't know what they are thinking since now they can't step foot into the camp without their blood dissolving," said Daisy.

"That is true, so for the moment, all we can do is to train for when they come back," I said.

In the Underworld

"You are back so soon. What happened at the camp?," asked Hades.

Bowing to their father.

"The camp director kicked us out of the camp," said Chris.

"I see no point in continuing there then," said Hades.

"What do you have in mind?" asked Claire.

"I will call for you when I know. Till then, Persephone will take care of you," said Hades.

"Chris, let us go and let father think of what to do next," said Claire.

Both of them bowed to Hades and left the throne room.

"What am I going to do with those two? I told them not to get kicked off of the camp and then what they do. They do just that!" said Hades angrily.

'Do you think father is angry with us?' asked Chris.

"Yes, I think he is angry with us," said Claire.

"What do you mean?" asked Chris. "I mean that he is upset that the plan did not get off the ground at all," said Claire.

"What are we going to do?" asked Chris. "We are going to do something that will make him proud of us," said Claire.

"Yeah, what are we going to do?" asked Chris.

"We need to raise an army to attack the camp that we were a part of until recently," said Claire.

"But where will we look for this army?" said Chris.

"Out there in the world," said Claire.

"I guess that makes sense. The question is, where are we going to start looking?" said Chris.

Back at the Camp

"Daisy, look at this," I said, handing over an old letter.

"Looks to me like a map to someplace; look here at the bottom," said Daisy, looking at the bottom of the letter.

"On the other side, there is a map," I said.

"Yes, look at the 'X' marks on the spot," said Daisy.

"It looks like two spears and a shield with an owl on it," I said.

"We need to show the director this right now," said Daisy.

Henry and Daisy ran to the director's house to tell him what they found.

"You two, why are you running?" asked the director.

"We found something that I think you would want to see," said Daisy.

"And that is?" asked the director.

"This map, I think," I said.

Handing the map over to the director.

"This is very interesting. Where did you find this map?" asked the director.

"In the Archives in the library," I said.

"I will talk to the camp counselor about what you showed me. You may go," said the director.

Henry and Daisy leave.

"Does the director seem a bit off to you?" I asked.

"Now that you mentioned it, it seems this is a bit off. I wonder why," said Daisy.

"That was weird. Well, for the moment, there is nothing to worry about," I said.

"Let us go back to our cabin and see what happens next," said Daisy.

"Whatever it is, we need to prepare," I said.

"Heard that. The question is how do we prepare?" said Daisy.

"That is a good question. Let us continue this conversation inside," I said.

"Good idea, do not what to get overheard," said Daisy.

Inside the Cabin

"It is hard to continue the conversation when the thing you are talking about is not here in front of you," I said.

"True, it does make things difficult," said Daisy. Henry started to think in deep thought. "What are you thinking?" asked Daisy.

"Well, since we kicked out Chris and Claire. Things have calmed down, but I am getting this feeling that we are being watched," I said.

"That is weird, but I would not do anything right now," Daisy said"

"Heard that we will continue the conversation later," I said.

"Well, it is getting late, so we should probably get some sleep," said Daisy. "

"True, it is getting late, so night, sis," I said.

That Night

"Ow, my head. Where am I?" I asked.

"Henry, you are awake; that is good to see," said Daisy.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"I do not know. One second I was falling asleep, the next, I woke up here," said Daisy.

"That is never a good sign," I said.

"True, but for the moment, we are safe," said Daisy.

"Famous late words," I said.

"Oh, shut up," said Daisy.

"You do not need to be that harsh," I said.

"True, but still, we should think of a way to get out of here," said Daisy.

"Do we have a plan to get out of this place?" I asked.

"Will you still be asleep? I was thinking of a plan to get out of here," said Daisy.

"That is what?" I asked.

"We wait and see who did this to us. Then we tie them up," said Daisy.

"We are playing the waiting game for the moment," I said.

"Yes, we do," said Daisy.

Henry and Daisy waited for someone or something to open the door.

"What do you want to do? Will we wait for something to happen?" asked Henry.

"Nothing at the moment; why do you ask?" said Daisy.

"Oh. To figure out if there is anything to do we will wait," I said.

"I guess that makes sense," said Daisy.

"My father went missing when I was five, so I have too many memories of him," said Daisy.

"That is too bad. If you want to tell me what happened, you can," I said.

"Thanks, Henry, but I don't want to," said Daisy.

"No problem," I said.

Bang Bang

"That sounded like a door or something," said Daisy.

"Yep, but where is the door?" I said.

The door opened

"There you are. When you two did not show up for the morning meal, the camp went looking for you," said Cyrus.

"How did you find us?" I asked.

"Who brought you here? Let us say they were not good at covering their tracks at all," said Ben. "

"They are probably kicking themselves right about now," said Daisy.

"Well, I would not say that per se because we have the culprit down in the big house right as we speak," said Cyrus.

"Do we know the name of the person or people that did this?" I asked.

"Not at the moment, no," said Ben.

"Can you please take us to the big house?" asked Daisy.

"Yes, right this way," said Cyrus and Ben.

At the Big House

"Good, the two of you are okay," said George.

As George looked around the area.

"Um Yeah, we are okay. Why shouldn't we be?" I asked.

Henry and Daisy looked at the person that locked them in the mountain.

"Who is this person? I don't know who this person is. What about you, Daisy? Do you know this person?" I asked.

"No, I do not know this person," said Daisy.

"Then, if you two do not know this person. What are they doing here?" asked Meg.

"Good question, but right now, I suggest you return to what you were doing," said the director.

"Everyone, time to leave," said Ben.

They all left to explain to the director.

"What the heck are you doing here? You are going to ruin everything I put in motion," said the director.

"I told you I am here to serve you and. By default, the titans," said the Stranger.

"I never said that I needed someone's help. Athena and Hades don't know that I orchestrated this whole thing from the shadows," said the director.

"I see; what do you want me to do?'' asked the Stranger.

"For the moment, observe the Athena Cabin. It is harder to look at the son and daughter of Hades because they are in the underworld right now," said the director.

"As you wish, my lord," said the Stranger.

The stranger left the big house.

"Why did she need to show up? She almost ruined everything I worked on. In one night, no less," said the director.

"The director is acting more and more weirdly now. I wonder what is on his mind," I said. "I do not know, but whatever it is, it can not be good," said Daisy.

"In any case, probably not the best to worry about," I said.

"Yeah, true. It is not like we can do anything to help or whatnot," said Daisy.

"The question is, what should we do now?" I asked.

"Yes. The best thing I can think of is waiting and seeing what happens," said Daisy.

Back in the Underworld

"Chris, you idiot, what the heck do you think you are doing?'' asked Claire.

"Oh. Not much, just practicing what I can do," said Chris.

"Just don't get in trouble with father; you know how he can get when he is angry," said Claire.

"I know what I am doing, sis. You don't need to tell me twice," said Chris.

"Just looking out for my brother, that is all," said Claire.

"Thanks for the advice, but I think I know what I am doing," Chris said"

"Then I will leave whatever you are doing," said Claire.

"Thanks, right now. I don't need any distraction," said Chris.

Claire left her brother alone.

"Now it is time to see how far I can push the summon zombie and whatnot," said Chris.

Chris practiced day and night, trying to see his limit and push through it. He did so much practice that he collapsed from exhaustion.

The Next Day

"Hey, now what is that?" I asked.

"Oh, not much, just a new weapon that I forged myself," said George.

Thunder clapped around them as George said that.

"Looks to me that Zeus is not happy with something," I said.

"Yes, but what is he angry about?" asked George. Looking at Henry.

"Do not look at me; I do not know why," I said.

"You two stop talking and meet at the big house," said Daisy.

"Why?" I asked.

"You know I do not leave the forge," said George.

"That may be true, but the director wants everyone to go," said Daisy.

"Fine, I will go," said George.

Henry and George left the big house

"Good, everyone is here," said Cyrus.

"As you know, there is something weird going on," said the director.

"Yes, we know Zeus is unhappy about something," said Daisy.

"Yes, you are right. Zeus' lightning bolt got taken," said the director.

"Wait, by who?" I asked.

"By the twin of Hades," said the director.

"Then we need to go to the underworld and get the bolt back from Hades," said Daisy.

'If you do not get the lightning bolt back, who knows what might happen," said Cyrus.

"Is it that bad?" I asked. With a worried look on his face.

"Yes, it is bad. Zeus's hand will send you to Tartarus," said George.

The director looked at Henry. "There is nothing I can do," said the director.

"I know I need to go," I said. He turned around and went to his cabin to pack to get the bolt back.

"You know you don't need to do this," said Daisy.

"I know it is just that I do not want to endanger anyone here," I said.

"There is a fine line between wanting to protect the people you care about, Henry. I hope you are making the right decision," Daisy said.

"Is I making the right decision?" I said.

"But it looks like you are making a stupid one. I do not want to lose another brother," said Daisy.

"I will come back. Do not worry about me, "I said.

"Then go. It is not like I need you here.!" Yelled Daisy.

Turning around and running out of the cabin. As Henry packed up his things and headed to London.

The Next Morning

"I think father will be proud," said Chris. Holding the lightning bolt in his hands.

"Also blaming the son of Athena. Is a pleasant touch," said Claire.

"Indeed, it is," said Hermes. Chris and Claire spun around and looked at the messenger god.

"What are you doing here?" asked Chris.

"Taking the bolt back," said Hermes.

"Back to Olympus?" asked Claire.

"Yes, where else would it go?" said Hermes

"We are not telling you," said Chris. Looking at Claire and disappearing into the darkness.

"Zeus will be angry at me if I do not get the bolt back," said Hermes.

Claire and Chris ran away. He was saying that Henry had bumped into him.

"You are Hermes; what are you doing here?" Henry asked.

"Trying to get the bolt back. What about you?" asked Hermes.

"Trying to get the bolt back. I can't go back to camp without it," I said.

"A quest then," said Hermes.

"Yes," I said.

"Mind if I tag along? I am looking for the bolt too. I saw it with two people, a boy, and a girl," said Hermes.

"Sure. Wait, a boy and girl, you said. Were they wearing all black?" I asked.

"Yes, they were; why?" asked Hermes.

"Great, just, great. Those two are twins of the god of the underworld," I said.

"You know them?," asked Hermes.

"Sadly, I do know of them," I said.

"Come, there is a place where we can talk," said Hermes.

"What is this place?" I asked.

"A place where gods and goddesses hang out in your world," said Hermes.

"That is interesting," I said.

Looking around the cafe. Henry saw signs of Roman, Egyptian, Chinese, and Hindu. To name a few.

"This place is where many gods and goddesses can meet," I said.

"Yes, and that is why we can talk without people looking at us funny," said Hermes.

Looking at what was around, Henry started to wonder.

"If I fail this, I will go to Tartarus," I said. "Then let us make sure that does not happen," said Hermes.

"Then what do you have in mind?" I said.

Hermes told Henry the plan.

"Do you think that would work?' I asked.

"Only one reason to find out," said Hermes.

Narrator: As Hermes started to leave the cafe.

"Thank you for telling us what is going on," I said.

"Do not mention it, Henry," said Hermes. As he walked through the door.

"Well, that was interesting, wasn't it?" I said.

"Yes, I do believe that was," said Daisy.

Narrator: We watch as Hermes leaves the cafe. Now it is in New York. Wondering what Chris and Claire are doing.