Chapter δ We meet the Egyptian god of the War and Sky

  Sept 3rd 1939

At the Museum

Looking around the exhibit, Daisy and Henry came across a security guard that was on patrol.

"Looks like the security guard has left for the moment," I said.

"Agreed. Now let us see if there is anything useful to us," said Daisy. Daisy and Henry look around the exhibit to see what they could find.

"Henry, look," said Daisy, pointing to what looked to be a spear and a shield.

"That looks like Athena's spear and shield!" I said.

"I think the shield is called 'The Aegis.'" said Daisy.

"Look at what is on the shield,'' I said.

"A gorgon head like Medusa," said Daisy, looking at the spear and shield.

"What do we do now?" I asked.

"We wait," said Daisy.

"I guess that makes sense," I said.

"Let us go," said Daisy.

Daisy and Henry left the museum.

That Night

"Got what we need?" asked Daisy.

"Yes, but I still think this is a bad idea," I said.

"Oh, stop your whining and buck up," said Daisy, looking down at the exhibit that they were at earlier in the day.

"I have a question for you," I said.

"Yes, what is this question?" said Daisy.

"Well, umm. What do we do from here?" I asked.

"Well, let us see if we can get into the Greek exhibit," said Daisy.

"Then what?" I asked.

"Enough explaining; let us go in and see," said Daisy.

With a scared but curious heart, Henry and Daisy started to look for something that was out of the ordinary.

"Do we know what we are looking for?" I asked.

"I think I'll know it when I see it," said Daisy.

"That is not helpful at all. "Thinking to himself, Wait, are we trying to get Athena's spear and shield back?" I said, remembering the morning's events.

"Oh yeah. That is right. Whoops, I forgot for a second or so," said Daisy, looking at his sister.

"Are you serious right now? You are the one that has the brain's side that thinks up strategies," I said, looking around the exhibit.

"Oh, there they are," said Daisy as they walked over to the spear and shield.

"Daisy, my danger meter is going off," I said.

"I see. Then we should probably keep our guard up for now," said Daisy.

"We are at the display now. What?" I asked just as the words left Henry's mouth.

"You know that it is after hours," said a voice.

"Hide," said Daisy. Her hair is sticking up. As she said that, they went and hid.

"Did you hear a hissing voice?"I asked.

"Medusa, I think," said Daisy.

"Great job Daisy. We even have a mirror or something reflective?" I asked.

"Let me see," said Daisy, as she looked through a bag that she had around her waist.

"Daisy, what are you looking for?" I asked.

"Shh. I am looking; do not distract me from what I am doing," said Daisy. Henry went quiet and Daisy continued to see what she could find in her bag.

"Here! I found it!" said Daisy, pulling out what looked like a small mirror.

"What is that going to do?' I asked.

"Why? So you wait and see what happens," said Daisy. Looking at what Daisy was doing, Henry thought it might not be a great idea to use a mirror on her while hiding behind two pillars.

"Uh, Daisy…" Henry tried to say something. An ear-piercing scream was heard throughout the museum. Daisy and Henry looked out from behind the pillars.

"I turned good Medusa to stone," said Daisy.

"What are we going to do about the Medusa statue?" I asked.

"Send it to Tartarus," said Daisy.

"What then?" I asked. Henry and Daisy took out their swords and both of them swung their swords and broke Medusa into pieces.

"Now that is done, we leave to go to our next spot," said Daisy.

"Do you know where that is?" I asked.

"No, I do not know where to go, but we will find out where," said Daisy.

"It is like a scavenger hunt game…that went wrong," I said.

"I guess you could say that. We need to find someone that will help us," said Daisy.

"The question is this, 'What god/goddess would help us right now?'" asked Henry.

"True," said Daisy. Both Henry and Daisy started to think about when Horus came into the museum. Horus is the god of the sky in Egyptian mythology. Apollo is the Greek god's equivalent of Horus.

"I see the two of you; come over here and let us talk," said Horus.

"We will come over there," I said. Henry and Daisy make their way to where Horus is standing.

"You wanted to talk with us. Why is that?" asked Daisy.

"First, I see you have Athena's weapon and shield now. When Athena lost her weapon and shield, every pantheon heard about it," said Horus.

"We just need to return it to Olympus," said Daisy.

"It is not that simple because of what happened. Olympus is closed to others," said Horus.

"What are we going to do? It is not that we can wait for Olympus to open back up," I said.

"Well, not really," said Horus.

"What are we going to do?" asked Daisy.

"Well, you can follow me and see for yourself what you can do. "Said Horus. We followed Horus to what looked like the Egyptian wing of the museum.

"Why are you bringing us here?" asked Daisy.

"You will see," Horus said. Horus went around to the different displays. "Ah, here we are,'' Horus said.

"What are you looking for?" Henry asked as he pulled out a vulture and uraeus from a display case.

"Why do you need that?" asked Daisy.

"You will see," said Horus. Horus turned to what he was looking at and grabbed the vulture and uraeus—simultaneously replacing them with realistic fake ones and then turning to us and grabbing us as well. Then when he turned back to Daisy and Henry…the two of them could see that he had the head of a falcon, and the body of a man.

"This can be very bad or very good," said Daisy, looking on with a concerned look in her eye.

"Why is it not like a god or goddess to take us without knowing?" I asked.

Meanwhile, at the Empire State Building

Narrator: Claire turns to Chris very angry. Then she starts to yell at him.

"Chris, you're not thinking, you let them escape!!" Yelled Claire.

"How the hell am I supposed to know that a god would be going through that museum, let alone the Egyptian god of the sky himself?" asked Chris.

"True. That was unforeseen," said Claire.

"What are we going to do?" asked Chris.

"Let me think. We know that the bolt they are looking for is in Greece," said Claire.

"True, since we are the ones that put it there first, "Chris said.

"Yes, and it should be causing havoc on the country and ecosystem right about now," said Claire.

"Do we go and see where we put it?" asked Chris.

"No, we do not go and see it. It has two giants guarding the bolt as we speak," said Claire.

"What are we going to do right now?" asked Chris.

"I guess we'll just go sightseeing," said Claire.

At the Same Time at New York Harbor and Trade

"Horus, where are you taking us?" asked Daisy.

"You will see soon enough," said Horus.

"Henry, do you know much about Mom?" asked Daisy.

"Up to a point,'' I said.

"What point is that?" asked Daisy.

"She would come by to check up on Dad about twice a year. Once when they meet and the other on my birthday," I said.

"That is luck since normal gods and goddesses do not interact with the mortal realm that much anymore," said Horus.

"Daisy, what about you?" I asked.

"Let me think … only five times, not including when she had me," said Daisy.

"Let us see where Horus takes us," I said.

"Agreed. We need to find the bolt," said Daisy.

"Well, this is as far as I can take you," said Horus, looking over at a boat that was heading to Greece.

"I understand why you can't go to Greece," said Daisy.

"Yes, you are right, since that is the ancient land of the Greek gods," said Horus.

"Well, then we are off to Greece," I said.

"Best of luck to the both of you," said Horus.

Daisy and Henry board the ship headed to Greece.

On the Ship to Greece

Narrator: Henry and Daisy look around when Henry starts to talk.

"What do you want to do? Will we wait to see Greece?" I asked.

"I do not know," said Daisy.

"You seem to be upset about something," I said.

"Well, you got to spend more time with Mom than me," said Daisy.

"Even though I think I did, I don't know if that was here. It is just a feeling that I have, that is all," I said. "

'I see, so that is okay," said Daisy.

"What is the plan for arriving in Greece?" I asked.

"First, we need to scope out where we need to go, then go from there," said Daisy.

"Then we'll wait until we get there," I said.

"I guess that is the case," said Daisy.

Two Weeks Later

"Henry, wake up! We made landfall," said Daisy.

Henry turns over in his hammock.

"HENRY, WAKE UP!!" yelled Daisy.

"Okay! Okay, I am up!" I said. "

"Good, now let us get off the ship," said Daisy.

The two left the ship.

Meanwhile, on the Mainland

"Do you think they're here right now?" asked Chris.

"No, they should be here soon, though," said Claire.

"Why do you think so soon?" asked Chris.

"It's just a hunch that I have," said Claire.

"I see that Henry is rubbing off on you," said Chris.

"No, he is not rubbing off on me," said Claire as she blushed.

"Then why are you blushing, Claire?" asked Chris.

"No, I am not blushing," yelled Claire as she ran off to the north.

"Yes, you are," said Chris, shaking his head.

On the Coast of Greece

"Henry, looks like we are here," said Daisy.

"Looks like we are in Greece," I said.

"Yes, you silly," said Daisy, shaking her head as she looked around.

"Where do you think we should start? "I asked.

"Let us start at the temple of Athena," said Daisy.

"Then let us start at Athena's Temple," I said.

"The question is, what will we do when we go there?" said Daisy.

"Let's see if we can find a map or if we can ask someone for help," I said.

At the Doors to the Underworld

"This is so boring," said Chris.

"Then why don't you go looking for them?" Claire asked.

"I know that, but it will be much easier to find someone who looks like they do not belong here." Chris said.

"You know that goes for both of us, right?" said Claire.

"True, you are right," said Chris.

"Then we wait," said Claire.

"I hate waiting," said Chris.

"Too bad, so sad. Just deal with it," said Claire.

Taking a Taxi

"Now that we are here, what are we looking for?" I asked.

"Let me see if the door to the underworld is around, and then we can get to the place," said Daisy.

"Then let me know," I said.

Henry and Daisy look around the temple for clues about what to do next.

"This is where you two are," said someone from the furthest left corner of the temple's ruins.

"Who are you? And what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I am Athena, your mother," said Athena. All she answered was the first of the two questions that Henry asked, because the answer to the second question was unable to be heard.

"How are we supposed to know that you are who you say you are?" asked Daisy. Daisy took some time to think about what the goddess of wisdom and strategy said.

"First of all, you are going way too fast to get this quest done," said Athena. As she looked at Daisy and Henry.

"We know that Zeus's bolt was stolen, and that we were framed by whoever said that," said Daisy.

"We don't know where to look for the bolt," I said.

"You came here for some guidance," said Athena.

"Yes, we are looking for guidance to help us find where the bolt is," said Daisy.

"I know the exact location of the bolt. That said,–finding it will not be as easy as you may think it is," said Athena.

"Where is the bolt … exactly? "I asked.

"The bolt is with the damned in the lowest place in Tartarus. Use my spear and the Aegis–they will help you," said Athena.

"Thank you, Athena. Henry, let us go and find that bolt," said Daisy.

"Let go of my hand; your grip is too strong," I said.

"I will be watching over your progress as you go along," said Athena. "My owls will help with that,"

"Now we know where to start looking," I said.

"The question is, 'How do we get there?'" asked Daisy.

Daisy and Henry bumped into someone as they were walking, talking about their strategies.

"Ow, that hurt!" said George.

"George, what are you doing here?" asked Daisy.

"Not allowed to say since the two of you have been kicked out of camp," said George.

"George, do you remember that we were not kicked out of camp? The camp gave us a choice to get kicked out of the camp or find the bolt," I said.

"Oh, right? Sorry. I thought you were Chris and Claire," said George.

"What is the camp up to now?" asked Daisy.

"Oh, just going on a quest," said George.

"Are you with another group of demigods?" I asked.

"Yes, I am in a group with Cyrus, Jace, Kyle, and Sara," said George.

"Well, whatever you are doing, good luck," said Daisy.

"Thanks, and you, too," said George as they parted ways.

"Did you feel he was trying to hide something?" I asked.

"Yes, it was like he wanted to tell us something but could not tell us," said Daisy.

"Let us get a move on as well," I said.

At the Temple of Athena in Athens

"This is Athena's temple," said Daisy.

"Do we know what we are looking for?" Henry asked.

"Well," said Daisy…her voice trailed off.

"What I am getting from your response is that you do not know where to look," I said, looking at Daisy with a confused look on his face.

"So we are at the temple of Athena; let us go sightseeing, and maybe on the way see why we need to be at this location," said Daisy. Daisy and Henry looked around the temple of Athena to see if they could find anything of use… but also sightseeing, as well. Let us hope that nothing gets destroyed.

Narrator: Daisy and I looked at the temple of Athena, and wondered what their mother was thinking at the moment.

Meanwhile, in the Underworld

"Claire, we should probably check to see if Henry and Daisy are in Greece yet," said Chaire.

"But if they aren't there I will not turn back," said Claire.

"That is up to you. It's not like I will stop you," said Chris.

"Good, let us get a move on," said Claire.

"Yes, ma'am. You are like a drill sergeant," said Chris, turning around and facing Claire.

"What did you just say?!!" yelled Claire.

"Nothing. Nothing at all," said Chris.

"Good, now let us get a move on," said Claire as she left.

"Phew, that was a close one," said Chris as he sighed, as he started to walk.

"Why are you walking slowly?'' asked Claire.

"Yeah, so what? You have a problem with that?" asked Chris.

"No reason at all," said Claire, turning around so that Chris could not see her face.

"Good, now let us keep moving on and find the twins, "said Chris.

"You know that we are twins, right?" said Claire.

At the Same Time

Narrator: Henry and Daisy were in the midst of looking for something. They were also talking about their run-in with George.

"Henry, I do not see what we might be looking for," said Daisy, a bit annoyed at what was going on.

"Be patient and wait and see. It should not take too much longer," I said.

"Even though you say that, I'm still worried," said Daisy. "Why are you worried?" I asked.

"You know the group George told us about," said Daisy.

"Yes, what about that group?" I asked.

"I feel they could be trouble," said Daisy.

"True, and it is not like we can go back to the camp right now," I said.

"Agreed. That said, we still have a quest to complete," said Daisy.

"Then let us get to what we need to find here at Athena's temple," I said as he continued searching. We will keep searching until we find something.

"Daisy, look! I think I found something," I said.

"What did you find? Let me see," said Daisy.

"What are the chances Athena left armor here?" I asked.

"One in a million. I think," said Daisy. As Daisy said that, Henry pointed to where the altar should be.

" Then what is that?" I asked.

"That looks like armor," said Daisy. We walked to the altar to see if what was said was true.

"This looks like armor to me," I said, as he lifted a helmet, chest plate, and leggings from an armor stand.

"It's like we are getting ready for battle," said Daisy.

"True, but this time we do not have any backup at all," I said.

"We need a plan," said Daisy.

"Just as Daisy said that, George said. "Did someone say back up?,"

"So when you told us that you could not help us was that a lie?" I asked.

Narrator: Daisy and Henry both look at George.
