Chapter ε We train with the trainer of Heroes

    Sept 17 1939

"Yes, that was a lie," said George.

"And who is with you?" asked Daisy.

"This is Cyrus, Jace, Kyle, and Sara. Well, you know Cyrus, "said George.

"My name is Jace, Son of Zeus," said Jace.

"I am Kyle, son of Poseidon," said Kyle.

" I am Sara, daughter of Hera," said Sara.

"I have to ask; since the last time you talked, you said that you could not help. So what gives?" I asked.

"That is a good question. I was in contact with Director Sid, and he said we could help you out," said Kyle.

"Something tells me that is not by choice," said Daisy.

"Yep, he would let you rot in Tartarus," said Sara.

"Why? It is not like we did anything to him," said Daisy.

"He is very old," said Kyle.

"Don't let him hear you say that," said Sara.

"He is not here, so do not worry about it," said Kyle.

Henry started to think. "Wait, if this is the ancient lands of the Greek gods and goddesses, do you think there are other creatures around here as well?" I said.

"Do you mean like centaurs and other fantastical beasts?" asked Daisy.

"Yes, I do." I asked.

"If I remember correctly, there was one centaur named Chiron," said George. Just as he said that.

"Did someone say my name?" said Chiron. The group turned around, looking out of the temple. Jace whispered, "Do we walk out of here?"

"Do not worry; I am not here to hurt you," said Chiron. The group, unsettled by the sight and sound of the centaur, began walking- ever so slowly out of the temple. "Why are you walking out of here slowly? I told you that I would not hurt you," said Chiron."True, but that said, are you not the son of Cronus and Philyra, two titans?" asked Kyle.

"You did your research. That said, I will not hurt you, demigods," said Chiron.

"But why are you here? It is a bit strange that you just popped up when we were talking about what to do next," said Daisy.

"Will you follow me to where I live?" asked Chiron. The group talked to see if following Chiron was a safe idea. The group talked together to see if following Chiron was a safe idea, but ended up following him/her to a small shack.

"We are here," said Chiron. Going into a shack. In the shack, there was a table and chairs. A place for Chiron to sleep, and a small kitchen.

"Do we follow him into the shack?" asked Kyle.

"We have followed him so far. Do we stop now?" asked Daisy.

"Right, my bad," said Kyle.

"Come on, your lot? Are you coming in or not?" said Chiron.

"Yes, we're coming in," said Daisy. The group walked into Chiron's Shack.

Meanwhile, in the Greek underworld

"Chris, what are you doing?" asked Claire.

"Not much. You will see," said Chris.

"Why aren't you telling me we're in this together?" said Claire.

"We might be brother and sister, but I do not need to tell you anything," said Chris.

"Yes, you do; Father told us that we need to work together," said Claire.

"I will tell you if you promise not to backstab me," said Chris.

"I promise not to backstab you," said Claire.

"Good, I will tell you what our father told me," said Chris.

"Tell me," said Claire.

"Father wants the Athena twins out of the picture," said Chris.

"How are we going to do that?" asked Claire.

"By Injuring them so much they just give up," said Chris.

"Then show me what we are going to do," said Claire. Chris walked to their father's weapon, a bident.

"What are you going to do with your father's weapon? I didn't think he would give it to anyone," said Claire.

"I might have taken it without permission," said Chris.

"If you got caught, that wouldn't have been good for you," said Claire. As Claire was saying that, all that was running through his mind was why is she saying that? Is my sister trying to one up me in pleasing our father? Will she try to get father's approval and not me? Chris thought to himself.

"Are you saying you will not help me?" asked Chris.

"Yes, this kind of idea might get you killed," said Claire. "Since we are a son and daughter of Hades. He will respect us," said Chris.

"That is not how that works, son of Hades," said Hercules.

"What do you mean by that?" asked Chris.

"The gods can only watch what you do; they do not interfere with mortals," said Hercules.

"We both know that is BS. The gods and goddess do as they please," said Chris.

"Chris, it is probably not a good thing to say since we are trying to stop the Athena twins," said Claire, a bit worried.

"Claire, if you are so worried, you can leave. Do not bother me again! "Chris retorted.

"Chris, that is not what I am talking about," said Claire.

"Oh really, then I am going to see where the twins are and set my plan in motion," said Chris.

"Chris… '' Claire tried to continue what she was saying, but he left.

"I saw that coming from a mile away," said Hercules.

"What do you mean?" asked Claire.

"He is so stubborn," said Hercules. "

"Aren't all men stubborn?" asked Claire.

"Ah. That is true," said Hercules. "

"Then why are you still here?" asked Claire.

"Oh, no reason, just looking at the outside world. It has changed a lot since I last saw it," said Hercules.

"Well, you can go; you are distracting me from what I was doing," said Claire.

"Oh, sorry I will go back and guard your father," said Hercules.

"Go and do that. I have things I need to do. You are distracting me," said Claire.

In Chiron's House

"Why are we here in this shack?" asked Jace.

"First of all, it's not nice that I invited you to my house. Second, it is not like you have a plan," said Chiron.

"He has got you there, Jace," said Sara.

"Yeah, you are right. He did get me there," said Jace.

"Why did you bring us to your house?" asked Daisy.

"A very good question, and one that I will answer soon," said Chiron.

"I am guessing you know about the camp with demigods in it," said George.

"Yes, I do know of it," said Chiron.

"If you are a hero trainer, then that place would be great for you," I said.

"That might be true, but at this time, I can not," said Chiron.

"Then why are we talking to you?" I asked.

"The reason is that you are in danger and not properly trained," said Chiron.

"Training? How do we do that?" asked Daisy.

"Train in one aspect that you want to get better at, and then go from there," said Chiron.

"Then, let us see," said Daisy. as she started to think.

"Since I am the son of Apollo, I was thinking I need to get better at healing," said George.

"Well, there are some creatures that are around here that are injured. You could go and heal them," said Chiron.

"I was thinking of training in air combat," said Jace.

"I could join you for training," I said.

"I think there is a pegasus around the area for you to train," said Chiron.

"I need to train better in underwater breathing," said Kyle.

"Huh. It should not be easy for you," said Sara.

"True, but I still get nauseous," said Kyle.

"Hmm, what can I do?" said Sara.

"What do you think will help you train?" asked Chiron.

"Hmm. Let me think. I guess I can train with a sword," Sara said.  

"There are training dummies in the back," said Chiron.

Narrator: As Chiron pointed to ten training dummies clad in Greek bronze armor. Sara walks over to one of the dummies and starts to swing the sword that she had in one hand. As she did that, Chiron looked on to make sure that nothing bad would happen to her. While Sara was swinging a sword at one of the training dummies in the sky above Chiron's hut, Jace and Henry soared high above.

In the Sky above, Chirons Place

"What are your thoughts on Chiron?" I said.

"Let's see; I guess he is okay. What about you?" said Jace.

"Well, I don't know," I said.

"Dude, why is that?" said Jace as he swung the sword.

"Well, I guess I can only trust my sister and that is it," I said.

"Do you have a reason for that?" Jace asked.

"None that won't take hours to explain," I said.

"I guess that makes sense," said Jace.

"Why did you decide to go with Cyrus and the others?" Henry asked.

"That is a good question. It is not as complicated as you and Daisy. I was just asked to join, and that was that," said Jace.

"That makes sense. Daisy and I were in special circumstances that sent us on this quest," I said.

"Do you know what?" asked Jace.

"What is it? I hope it is good," I said.

"I wonder what the names of these creatures are," said Jace.

"What made you bring that up, Jace?" I asked.

"Oh, nothing. I was just thinking," said Jace.

Meanwhile, at Chiron's House

"I need to figure out what to do," said Daisy.

"Why don't you work on your strategies?" asked Chiron.

"I see that makes sense. That said, I need a place where I can practice my strategies," said Daisy.

"Will you follow me, and I will show you?" said Chiron.

"But where are we going?" asked Daisy.

"You will see soon enough," said Chiron as he led Daisy to a clearing in the wood surrounding the shack.

"What is this place?" asked Daisy.

"Wait here and watch," said Chiron. The centaur pulled out a flute from his coat and blew into it. As he did, the roots covered what looked like a table—receding into the tree line.

"What is this place?" asked Daisy.

"Pan and his followers guard this place well. That said, we have not seen Pan in a very long time," said Chiron.

"Is it okay that I use this to hone my strategy?" asked Daisy.

"Yes, I do believe what," said Chiron.

"I will start then," said Daisy.

"Where are the creatures that need healing?" said Cyrus, looking through the woods.

"Over here," said a voice.

"Which way?" asked Cyrus.

"To your left," said a voice.

"No, to the right," said another.

"So tree nymphs then," said Cyrus.

"Yes," said the two nymphs as they came out of the trees.

"What is the matter with the two of you?" said Cyrus.  

"Something is draining our magic," said one of the nymphs.

"Yes, someone is here that should not be here," said another.

"To help you out, I need to get help," said Cyrus.

"We will wait," said the two wood nymphs.


"Dang it, Chris, where are you?" said Claire, looking around.

"Ah, there you are," said Claire, walking over to Chris.

"What are you thinking?" asked Claire.

"None of your business," said Chris.

"So what can I do?" asked Claire.

"You can leave me be and never come in front of me again, "Chris said.

"Fine. See if I watch your back, if things go upside down and backward," said Claire as she walked away.

"What was that all about? It is like after we get sent to the underworld, it changed her…or did it change me?" Chris asked as he continued to plan his attack. Claire walked around to see what she could do.

"Jeez, it is like he does not trust me anymore. What can I do?" said Claire.

"What is that?" said Claire, looking up at the sky.

"Is that who I think it is?" asked Claire, looking at the two people riding a pegasus.

​" Yes, that is," said Claire, looking over at Chris.

"He will not help. I'll go alone," said Claire. She went and grabbed a backpack and her weapon.

"I am going to search; if you want to come, you can," said Claire. "Nope, I do not want to come with someone like you," said Chris.

"See you then," said Claire.

"See you. "said Chris.

"What was that in the sky? It looked like there was a pegasus," said Claire.

"Hey Chiron, can you call everyone here?" asked Cyrus.

"Sure, but why?" asked Chiron.

"I will explain later when everyone is here," said Cyrus.

"I will get everyone here," said Chiron.

"Why did you call us here?" I asked.

"I was in the woods to heal some creatures, and they told me something was draining their magic," said Cyrus.

" What creatures did you hear? Also, what was the thing that was draining their magic?" I asked.

"Wood nymphs, and for the creature… Chiron, is there any creature in Greek mythology that can drain magic?" asked Cyrus.

"Let me think. None of that comes to mind. "said Chiron.

"Then what is it? Are you sure it was draining magic, not something else?" asked Daisy.

"Whatever it is, it's not good for the surrounding area," said Jace.

"The question is, what is it? And also this question as well: 'What is it doing here?'" said Daisy.

"That is two questions, Daisy," said Chiron.

"I know it is," said Daisy.

"I think someone should scout and see what is making that noise," I said.

"Is anyone willing to go and see what drains the magic from the wood nymphs?' asked Chiron.

"I will go and see what is doing that," said Jace.

"Will you go and do that? We will get things prepared for whatever you tell us," said Chiron.

"Roger that," said Jace as he left.

"Will he do that? Where is the armory… if there is an armory?" said Daisy.

"There is one, but it is not that great," said Chiron.

"Then can you show us where that is?" I said.

"Right this way," said Chiron. He showed us the armory that he had.

"This is the armory?" asked Sara.

"Do you have a problem with that?" said Chiron.

"No, not a problem with that. Let us see what is in this armory," said Sara.

"A lot of bows and arrows. I see ten of them," I said.

"I see two spears," said Daisy.

"What about armor, since it is an armory?" asked Kyle.

"Right this way. It is in this direction," said Chiron. Chiron led them to the back of the armory.

"It is not that great as Hephaestus, but it does get the job done," said Chiron.

"That's okay, "said Jace, looking around.

"What are we going to do?" I said.

"Good question. I do not know," said Daisy, thinking to herself.

"Do not think; just do," said Jace.

" That…is not," said Daisy.

"Jeez, Jace, you are pulling this too much," said Kyle.

"What I was just saying," said Jace.

"Kyle is right," said Sara.

"Why are you ganging up on me?" said Jace. Everyone looked at him.

"I will stop," said Jace.

"Okay. Okay. That is enough," said Chiron.

"What are we going to do?" asked Sara.

"We need strategies," said Daisy.

"What are we going to do?" I asked.

"That is a tough question," said Jace.

"Hmm, what did you see when you scouted?" asked Daisy.

"Some kind of mechanism," said Jace. "It was big. About twenty meters."

"That big! Okay, anything else?" I asked.

"Nope, nothing else," said Jace.

As the Group talked in the Armory at Chiron's Shack

"So now that I am away from Chris what do I do now?" asked Claire.

"Are you lost?" asked someone.

"Who is there? Show yourself!" said Claire. From the shadows, Seth emerged from nowhere.

"Who are you?" asked Claire.

"I am Set or Seth, an Egyptian god of war, chaos, and storms," said Set.

"What does the Egyptian god of war have to do with me?" asked Claire.

"I am just here to cause chaos," said Set.

"What kind of chaos?" asked Claire.

"Just trapping my brother in something that he can not get out of," said Set.

"Sorry, I'm good. I do not want to be a part of that plan. Also, are you supposed to be locked up?" asked Claire.

"You will need to release me first, "said Set.

"I told you I am good. I do not want to," said Claire.

"You will do it in time," said Set as he left.

"What was that about? Hmm, what is that?" asked Claire, turning to look at what Jace was scouting earlier.

"Looks to me like some machine. '' said Claire.

Crash! Bang!

"Ow, that hurt, brother," said a cyclops.

"Sorry. You should watch out," said another cyclops.

"True, but why are we doing this again?" asked the first cyclops.

"I told you why. It is for the lord of the sea," said the second.

"Oh right, do you mean Poseidon?" asked the first cyclops.

"Yes, I do. Now to get to work," said the second.

"Okay. Okay, mister boss man," said the first cyclops.

"I heard that," said the second.

"What is going on there?" asked Claire in a quiet voice.

"That's not good," said a cat, looking around and then down.

"A cat. Who are you?" asked Claire.

"I am Bastet," said the cat.

"Great, another Egyptian god here. What is going on? This is supposed to be the Greek gods and goddesses of ancient lands," said Claire.

" What do you mean another Egyptian god?" asked Bastet.

"Set or Seth asked me for help a bit ago," said Claire.

"He is supposed to be locked up somewhere," said Bastet.

"Oh, then, that is good," said Claire.

"What are you looking at and why?" asked Bastet.

"Well, there are a bunch of cyclops around that machine," said Claire as she pointed.

"That is good, or not good?" asked Bastet.

"I don't know. That's what I am trying to find out," said Claire.

"Hey, Jace. Is this what you were talking to us about?" I asked, as he looked down.

"Yes, this is the machine that I told you about at Chiron's," said Jace.

"Good to know. Now that we are here, what's the next part of the plan?" asked Kyle.

"Looks like there are cyclops here. Does everyone know how to ensure they can not see you?" asked Daisy.

"Yes, we know Daisy," I said.

"It is not our first time doing this, so yeah. Just watch and see what we do." said Jace, as he left to see what was around the area.

"Let us just hope that he knows what he's doing," said Daisy as she looked out in Jace's direction.

"Agreed. There is no way that we should let our guards down," I said.

Narrator: Everyone had their weapons drawn and looked ready for battle.