Death's Door



Lucian groaned while falling to his knees with a pale expression. While the others continued to fight with the boss in an attempt to claim all the points, Lucian was being put through an experience akin to a trial by fire.

Since his consumption was leagues above what he was used to, Lucian had already exhausted his MQ three times over. Plus, the continued consumption of the lesser recovery potions was taking an immense toll on his body.

After all, these elixirs weren't like their refined forms, where the drawbacks were minimized to display their increased effects. Of course, the same method could be applied to correct the lower versions, but then how would they maintain their profit from the exchange system?

They based the system on the laws of equivalent exchange, which in this case, meant you get what you pay for. Not to mention, the Fractured Monolith's operators withheld exposure to the better version until the Guardians entered the required stage.

Nevertheless, Lucian stubbornly guzzled another vial of the Lesser Mana Recovery Elixir. However, instead of his usual actions, Lucian channeled his ability as soon as the contents entered his tongue.

This was an experimental plan. If his body couldn't contain the energy, then what if he discharged it through use before it was emitted wastefully? If that was possible, then it would help increase his chances of survival.

Since his odds were already dismal, Lucian was willing to accept this wager. Even if it produced unfortunate repercussions, he didn't have the time to dwell on this matter. After all, he had only dealt with 20 percent of the enemies present.

"What do I have to lose? I must matter what," Lucian thought to himself. However, his actions were remarkably reckless. Because of the amount of Mana he was pouring into his body, some of his veins split open his skin to reveal a gruesome sight underneath.

As the durability of an F Rank's vessel wasn't enough to handle the forceful influx of Mana, Lucian's body was suffering extensive damage. Although it wasn't enough to decommission him, it was just enough to cause him to stifle his movements for a moment.

'No, no!' Lucian thought to himself. A savage gleam then radiated from his eyes as he adamantly refused to give in. His condition blanched further, yet he didn't pay this a single notice. Even his peripheral vision was withering from the constant strain.


A collection of enthusiastic cries sounded when the Knolls observed Lucian's state. The fact their prey was on the edge of death enlivened their actions. So much so that they started to steal glances at the restrictions.

This behavior was odd for monsters of their level because it possessed a shred of intelligence. Almost as if they were here upon order and not by choice. Unfortunately, Lucian didn't notice this matter since he couldn't spare their current behavior any consideration.

Instead, he raised his dagger before his chin and open his empty right hand before his body. While untrained, he had been biding his time by watching Cezar and the other's actions.

This enabled Lucian to pick up some battle stances to employ in battle, albeit amateur in appearance.


Three of the greenish Knolls rushed towards Lucian while flailing their arms in a frenzy. Their rush wasn't fast, only on par with Lucian's currently augmented body. However, their advantage rested in their numbers.

It would prove difficult for anyone to go against 3 three enemies of the level while simultaneously defending themselves from impending doom.


Lucian defended against the first strike by raising his dagger. Before he could stabilize his feet, the next Knoll's attack was upon him. The Knoll launched a fierce hack, intending to inflict a serious wound, but Lucian reacted quickly through his blurry vision.

Lucian used a minimalistic action and sidestepped the hack before stabbing his dagger forward. A faint blue light appeared at the tip of his weapon, which symbolized the use of his ability.


His dagger landed on the Knoll's left chest but Lucian couldn't rejoice over his feat as he faced an attack from three directions. In the heat of the moment, he did what any sane person would do. He grabbed one of the Knolls by their tattered clothing and pulled it towards him.


Pained squawks rang as a deep gash formed from receiving a sharp attack on its back. Furthermore, a tiny ice spear and small fireball impacted the Knolls back. Once this happened, a notification appeared before Lucian's eyes.

〈Alert: You have killed a Knoll (E Rank) [Reward: 0.8 points]〉

After the notification appeared, Lucian tossed the Knoll aside and wiped the deep blue blood oozing from his face. This scene created a horrifying sight as Lucian's savage eyes burned through the mess of viscous blood.

Without pause, Lucian bit the hilt of his dagger and raised his bow. Unlike before, Lucian was attempting to perform a feat most archers would find difficult to execute. He didn't aim to fire one arrow; he withdrew two from his quiver!


Lucian exhaled before listening to the rapid beating of his frantic heart. Now that his blood was filled with particles of Mana, his heart was in overdrive. This, in turn, led to enhanced cognitive abilities, allowing Lucian to grasp his opponents' movements with greater depth.


A moment later, Lucian released the arrows before immediately following up with another volley of arrows. However, while he aimed the first set of dual arrows at his enemies, Lucian utilized the next set to deal with the incoming fire and ice projectiles.

Due to the difference in mana presence, Lucian's arrows dispersed the projectiles, but it wasn't as gratifying as he expected. Simultaneously splitting his Mana to flow into two different objects left him to experience crippling pain.

The pain originated from his heart and flowed to his limbs, making them feel heavy and nearly unresponsive. The abuse of Mana was causing his body to shut down! Once this occurred, Lucian's mind was assaulted with the realization of his peril.

"I won't die… but if I do then curse you, you stupid bitch. If I manage to survive, I swear I will kill you," Lucian uttered while falling to a single knee. His right leg gave out since he could no longer feel its presence, despite it still being attached to his body.

Of course, the person he was swearing at was Priscilla, the cause of his current predicament. If she had stayed for just a while, they would have already dealt with the troubles of this room.

Sadly, this was just Lucian's wishful thinking, and not the fact of the matter. If these Knolls never brought him to this desperate state, would he even think about experimenting on himself in such a way? While the answer was partially unclear, Lucian truly couldn't see himself being this ruthless to his body.

Skree! Skree! Skree!

As soon as Lucian dropped to one knee, the Knolls rushed towards him all at once. Even though every fiber of his being was aching, Lucian persisted through the pain by nocking arrow after arrow.

Apart from the first arrow, his aim kept veering off-path and something similar to a cackling laughed echoed from the Knoll's mouths. Then another shocking event happened.

Two of the Knolls threw their scimitars towards Lucian. The rotation of the blades made them seem like rotating disks with exceptionally sharp edges. Danger blared in Lucian's mind, but no matter how much he compelled them to, his legs wouldn't move.

A split second later, two ghastly wounds appeared on Lucian's body; one on his torso and the other by his shoulder. Yet, despite their horrid appearance, he couldn't feel the pain that should have followed.

"Do I...already have one foot in death's door? Why doesn't it hurt anymore," Lucian muttered as his vision darkened continually.

With the last ounce of his strength, Lucian clutched the dagger by his side and threw it right in front of his body. The last thing he saw was another notification window, followed by a few more.

Meanwhile, the Knolls stood over his body with disturbing grins plastered across their faces.

[Obtain your path to power. Trudge through the darkness and arrive at your unique light.]

The same voice that called him into the Monolith appeared in his mind as a speck of white light surfaced in the darkness.