Gains and Sacrifices


The appearance of the white speck baffled Lucian. However, his current condition didn't allow him to question what was taking place. All he could do was watch as the white light in view grew brighter.

At first, he thought it to be a mere inanimate source, but that wasn't the case. As it grew larger, Lucian could discern certain qualities about this spectacle. For one, the light was comparable to a humanoid body, yet it lacked features except for two crimson eyes staring into the depths of Lucian's shocked soul.

[Your fate; it is in your possession. The question is, do you accept it and the hardships it entails? If so, just say the word and the process will commence. We will unearth the power that was stripped from you due to some unfortunate circumstances.]

As the voice spoke, Lucian's mind froze. The mention of having his power plundered from him sounded odd. After all, he had never come in contact with any suspicious characters. Nor had he heard of someone being able to hijack powers in Alteria. If such a person existed, then their identity, as well as their existence, was an earth-shattering secret!

Instead of immediately answering, this piece of information impelled Lucian to seek a few questions of his own, "Who? Who robbed me of my power, and why would they choose me? Just what is so special about me?"

[You ask the right questions; it is just a shame that it is at the wrong time. However, while I'm unable to reveal the former, I can shine light upon the latter topic. In essence, the power you once held is like a blank canvas.]

"A blank canvas? What significance does that carry?" Lucian questioned. He also began to notice his ability to stand in this blank world. It seemed as if his body wasn't riddled with the same wounds inflicted in the Fractured Monolith.

[A great deal, because it is easily manipulated. If you wish to learn more, just analyze your current ability. If not for your weakened vessel, that ability you hold would occupy an astronomical limit. Alas, the matter is far too tricky and there are too many elements at play.]

"At least tell me, was it a human?" Lucian asked. After speaking with Overseer Vohr and experiencing the scenarios within the Fractured Monolith, Luchian could infer that the universe contained a multitude of races.

Though he wasn't able to guess how many, the fact that Overseer Vohr said this world was only in a minute quadrant spoke volumes of the universe's grandeur.

[Yes, and also no. I will clarify this once you escape the Transient Realm. Once you enter the realm beyond, you'll hold the ability to shelter yourself from the looming darkness that lurks over all the worlds plagued by that tower.]

It was slight, but Lucian could hear the disdain and resentment radiating from this ethereal voice. The only reason he could sense it was because it matched the same feelings he held towards Priscilla, thus he was especially sensitive to these emotions for the moment.

Even if he didn't possess the means to understand the entire situation, Lucian could glean a hint from this fluctuation in the entity's voice.

"You despise this tower's existence. Then, it must have wronged you, right?" Lucian asked further, attempting to pry every morsel of information he could.

[The only answer I can give is to be careful of who you trust. Everyone moves with a unique agenda. Even if the chosen road takes sacrifices, more often than not, an individual would welcome the infernal torch of resentment to realize their goals. It is now your turn to make that choice.]

[Do you wish to live with renown forged through the flames of your efforts, or do you wish to die in vain, at this very moment, with resentment potent enough to impair your judgment?]

Lucian's hand clenched when considering the question. It was apparent from his reaction that he understood what the voice was trying to insinuate. He could grant him power, however, a sacrifice was required of him in order to obtain it.

"What is the cost?" Lucian asked warily. Even though it was just a probing question, Lucian still wanted to gain a trace of what awaited him in the future. Whether it be near or extremely distant.

[You have two choices. Either relinquish your deepest desire to me, never being able to fulfill it. Or, you must engage in an Absolute Soul Binding contract with me. However, the stipulations will be large. Larger than the entire worth of your Minor World; are you willing to shoulder this vast burden?]

"Why me?" Lucian asked, astonishing the light entity for a moment.

[Because your circumstances are the rarest ever. They fit the prerequisites that have yet to appear. In other words, you are my golden ticket and I can't allow you to slip through my fingers.]

"If you lay your reasons bare like that, it'll have me believe that you're absolutely sure of my decision to follow you. Why do you believe I'll accept?"

[That answer is simple. In fact, you already know it. You wish to uncover the mystery of your parents, but to do so requires power surpassing the Transient Realm. Therefore, the only viable choice would be to accept this fate that has been awaiting you patiently.]

Just the mention of his parent was enough to trigger Lucian.

"Do you know something?!"

[Not exclusively, but accept and I shall tell you what I know. It should at least be able to ease your turbulent mind.]

After saying this, an archaic scroll appeared before Lucian's eyes. However, his expression became odd when he gazed at it.

"This...isn't this the scroll I collected?"

[Precisely. Mark it with a droplet of blood and the binding will officiate.]

After a deep exhale, Lucian nodded. As his hand hovered above the scroll, an eerie blood drop left his palm, which was odd seeing as this was a place unique to his consciousness.

[With your soul's lifeblood as the foundation, you now fulfill all requirements to accept the sacred jewel known as the Limitless Stone. I will see you again in due time. By then, you should be much stronger. Powerful enough to wrest your parents from their current situation.]

With that morsel of information, Lucian understood that while their whereabouts and conditions were a mystery, they were very much alive.

Before he could prepare himself, the light entity injected itself into the scroll, which then collided against Lucian's forehead.


A large emission of crimson energy pushed away all the Knolls gathered around Lucian's body. The same radiation caused everything to be thrown into disarray as Lucian's eyes slowly opened.

If one looked closely, they'd realize his previously aquamarine eyes were being enveloped by a ravishing crimson color. Furthermore, the color of his blonde hair faded as it adopted a shimmering silver luster. Even Aurora's pristine white hair couldn't compare to its alluring qualities.

Meanwhile, that wasn't the most worthwhile thing happening to Lucian's body. Numerous popping noises could be heard as the red jewel ejected from Lucian's body.

Only, the appearance of this jewel and its information differed greatly from the initial enigmatic information.

「Item Name: Limitless Stone

Rarity: Sacred (Divinity Item)

Information: A jewel holding the ability to bestow the chosen wielder with the presence of the «Limitless» trait and the corresponding abilities.

Usage: The item acts of its own sentience and chooses its wielder upon its creator's instructor.

Wielder: Lucian Salvatore (Unable to be extracted; Soul & Vessel merged.)

Durability: ∞ (Indestructible)」


The once complete orb was fading as the wisps of its boundless energy entered Lucian's body. The earlier wound healed at a bizarre rate. It disappeared in mere moments.

Not to mention, the discharge wave continued to force every Knoll present against the wall despite having already dissipated. They were not allowed to intervene in any shape or form.

Once the last wisp entered Lucian, a deluge of notifications appeared before Lucian. The first of which was the message linked to the Limitless Stone.

〈Alert! Inexplicable changes occurred. Unable to be measured by the system.〉

〈Alert! Error! Error! Error! False alarm. The system has failed to detect a plausible change.〉

Meanwhile, Lucian saw something entirely different.

〈Assimilation complete. All of your abilities have been awakened in addition to the return of your original abilities.〉

〈First milestone of the «Limitless Vessel» attained. Do you wish to perform your first Limit Refinement?〉