Avante x insomnia x overthinking: first encounter

*Anxiety, hyper vigilance and insomnia watching avante like the villains watching the MC at the start of a new arc*

I always had a terrible sleep schedule, I can get about 2 hours of sleep after being up for 22 and have more energy than someone who had gotten 12. While everyone else was sleep or temporarily waking up, I was watching all the shows on Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, and Disney, or probably playing the game but I couldn't wait for toonami to start showing the anime, every night whether it was school or not. Actually this wasn't a problem growing up, to me it was more of a blessing rather than a curse atleast at the time. I was around 4 years old since my birthday is only about a week after my dads.

Insomnia: you know you'll never get enough sleep again? Good luck trying to function without any sleep

Avante: actually that's fine I'm not even tired anyway cause naruto about to come on

Insomnia: wait what this isn't how that works

Avante: they're your rules, I just used them to my advantage, you might call for backup or something otherwise we mind as well just work together for now

Insomnia: I guess that sounds pretty fair as long as I'm in charge

Avante: aren't you in charge anyway? Kinda why I can't sleep

Insomnia: ok mr know it all, since you think you know everything, you'll constantly think about everything. Let's see how you deal with overthinking with no sleep.

Overthinking: I your ability to think shall now go into overdrive causing you to drain yourself constantly for no actual reason at all

Avante: jeez you guys are really annoying at best, someone call ptsd or something cause who hired the rookies?

Overthinking and insomnia: ever heard of damage over time you dumbass? You'll eat those words when you get older. Just wait til the next mental illness shows up.

Avante: yeah yeah we will see I don't mind being stuck with you two goofies anyway