V.1-C.12│Plans I│


Within the inner sanctums of the infamous Darksisters fortress was none other then their leader, Shaman Mother Talzin.

Only a few days ago she had come to know of a seemingly prodigious child smart enough or mature enough to converse properly with adults. This human child was a surprise considering most human children that age were stupid with little to no capabilities in emotional control.

At first it was the child being in control of the small army of droids that had come into their sacred cavern but he was talented enough to be able to hide his presence within the Force from not only every member strong with the Force but also herself.

Her talents did not see the boy coming, and her foresight was a gift she cultivated and was most of the time right in her visions but it had failed her before in the kidnapping of her son.

This time was different though, she foresaw Sidious coming and was at least able to tell he was Force-sensitive, but the boy interacted with the Force as if it did not sense him.

Other surprises like his goals of coming here to Dathomir just for a potentially lethal ritual that would only give so much power was certainly shocking.

'Even more so that I could not feel anything, and that kept me on edge.'

'What the boy offered was enough at least for now to allow him to go through the ritual.'

He offered to help supply us with equipment to improve our quality of life. Droids whether they be in tune with combat, medic, or otherwise other activities like teaching to improve general education.

'Certainly the deal was advantages for our side.'

In return he would create an alliance with the Darksisters of sorts where he would continue to support us and our development with grand and ambitious plans to take control of the planet of Dathomir completely.

He planned out well how to increase the population giving example of other things to increases as well. Trade was brought as something important, and what he brought to the table was of value. An example being spacecrafts.

He would in the future help supply spacecrafts of various kinds, event though in general it is not needed for the clan it may be in the future.

'Hell, he may have even not survived, most children do not and I was unsure if even a human could participate and have the same or similar results.'

'For all I knew he could have exploded.'

The boy had confidence at least, or he did not show his fear. Again that level of emotional control should be more then enough to set off alarms within anyone's head especially at the age he was. Only five years old.

At least he fit the requirements in being able to participate. The few days wait was over and when it came to the main event, he had showed up just as he had promised and wanted.

The ritual included instructions passed down from their ancestor, whom had started out as a Jedi but later became disillusioned to their teachings.

So she supposedly recorded and created her own way through the use of the dark side of the Force and special magicks that can over generations built up upon successive generations.

The Book of Laws had a lot of details and most of its magicks included ritualistic and symbolic gestures with some connections to the Force.

The ritual usually only increased physical capabilities when done on adults and did not increase ones sensitivity to the Force. The workaround was to start early preferably at the age range between three to five years of age, unfortunately though this increased the risk of fatality.

This influenced their culture yet again but making them value those who were strong.

'Unfortunately my mate that I had chosen died shortly after my last child Maul and I and become to old to continue having more children so there was to need for another mate.'

Rituals done on children, both female and male. Despite the favoritism cultivated in the culture of Dathomirian Zabrak for women, the chances of surviving were equal for both genders of children.

This time it was the males of their species and only those chosen were of a decent Force-sensitivity. They have ways to identify them through the magicks and do not need to rely on technology like the current Jedi to find children strong in the Force.

Force-sensitive children are more likely survive is the simple reason that they were preferred.

The ritual this year would have gone like any other and everything was going fine even with the odd child out most children here were brought from either outside to ensure we did not do too much inbreeding amongst each other.

They were scared, some knew of the stories of what is to happen to them or at least fantasized stories anyway. Most would not survive anyway so it would be quite cruel to give them false hope.

'So I did exactly that.'

Once the ritual began, the usual panicking and cries of agony and pain also began. Passing out left, right and center with many probably dying.

What left Talzin and the others participating in the ritual however was the human child and his resilience, undoubtedly if he was a male Zabrak and/or of our culture he would be a suitable candidate for the mate selection process.

'What happened next however was more surprising and quite frightening. The dark energies of the planet started to respond in more kind to my call, no the call of the human child Anakin.'

'The conductor, leader of the event myself had lost control once the ritual started to effect him and as if the Force itself was answering the call of its one true master, imbued itself into his being. The energy and pressure I felt and no doubt my sisters as well was great forcing me to my needs.'

'I hated that. As if I was to prostrate to a chosen individual of the planet and it had to be a male. If only it was a female, even if of a different species I would not have felt the disgust I did in that moment as much I did.'

It had only taken a few seconds but had felt as if a few days had gone by, but just as quickly as it started it had finished.

'I cautiously approached the human child while the others either checked on the other children or helped to back up my approach.'

No words need to be spoken and in synch with each other the small group of women had gotten within physical touching distance. Reaching out her hand to the child she was able to determine he was still alive, still extraordinarily so and despite her reservations she was shocked again.

After that, Anakin had been taken to the outer parts of the fortress. Despite being a child and having the potential to permanently end him there in his state of vulnerability, again the Force had warned her against her inner thoughts.

Dropped off outside left to his fate she had other things to attend to and so too did her sisters.

'There was also that small piece of information about how he knew about my want to revenge. This partnership would surely be interesting.'

So had begun the beginnings of Anakin's empire building plans.


The dark side magicks and the rituals done to enhance the Dathomirian Zabrak Darksisters and Darkbrothers was dangerous certainly, and had a minor disadvantage or inconvenience.

The influence of the dark side on ones mind and emotions.

Just what exactly had been influenced by the ritual and its what were its permanent effects.

Anakin's desires despite being more in control because of developed mental control had to now handle brewing emotions being influenced and increased that is culminative of his own desires both from his old life and his new.

From what he could identify at least for himself, was emotions related to possessiveness or greed and another identified as lust. Again primal desires similar to Savage Opress where he had become transformed into an avatar of rage or wrath and ager, he to has now become similar but instead of wrath it was more in line with his traits.

'I knew I was a bit of a playboy and I wanted to have more than one lover, possibly many, but this is a little intense and certainly tests my mental practice.'

'Most of my desires though have been repressed due to my physical age because I have not gone through puberty. I also know I will be going through it again at a faster rate and will start earlier then what my biological age would suggest.'

The ritual when done on young children and if successful would accelerate growth. At first within the first year one would appear one year older physically, then within the second year one would appear as if they were two years physically older then you're biological age. Finally three years after the ritual one would reach a peak at being physically three years older then what they should be.

Anakin while his inner monologuing was going on was moving away towards the exit of the caverns that house the Nightsisters. The smooth stone created pathways and beautiful glowing water illuminates his path.

Using and delving into the energy of the Force he is able to tell there is a significant enough change to his ability to utilize the Force itself. It feels easier, flows smoother with greater connectivity and he feels his influence and power to manipulate within the Force is much stronger then it was before.

Estimating the exact benefits to this increase, he believes it might of increased his midi-chlorian count by a third of what he had been born with. A thirty three percentage increase overall.

Physically he also feels much more powerful then what he had before along with measuring his newfound capabilities it is estimated he should be physically powerful enough and capable to leap a meter off of the ground without the assistance from the Force.

Finally reaching the exit, he could see the light of day expanded from just outside.

'So it is currently day time. That is good, I think I have been down in the cave for too long. I am much more used to an environment with heat and strong rays of light, but also the extreme cold of the nights on Tatooine.'

A droid quickly approaches Anakin as it was stationed just outside the entrance to the Darksisters fortress cavern.

"Master." A quickly acknowledgement comes from the droid.

"I want a report of what has happened, but first tell me how long was I within the cavern for?" Anakin commanded the droid and asked a question he was curious about.

"Report, the Master was within the caverns for eight day and night cycles of this planet."

"So I spent around a total amount of 192 hours within. That means I was unconscious for at least 3 days. They really do not care too much about what had happened to me or whether I had survived... At least they brought me some form of shelter."

"Furthermore, Master the expansion that has been made for your business on Tatooine and what was meant to be delivered to the Darksisters was already delivered a day ago." The droid furthermore explained.

"That is good. I do hope they find my payment to be satisfactory."

"Has what I have also asked about been investigated, of course I do not expect much results but it would be good if anything was found."

"No Master, only one such planet was located. Should we begin extraction of what is wanted?"

"Well that is unfortunate. That is ok, I will just have to do it myself."

What Anakin is referring to is the location of a planet that would play a role into what he wants to do and experiment with in the future. There are two planets he wants to go towards, one such planet contains a special blue stone that would give non-Force-sensitive individuals to use, in a limited capacity, Force abilities.

The other planet it seems his droids were able to find was another one he was most interested in. There on that planet a species that was living and sentient, yet were but beings made up of material that was non-organic.

Their entire beings and special way their midi-chlorians interact with things was interesting and could be used as least from what he hypothesizes is create life within a mechanical being.

He could upgrade all of his droids to be capable of independent thoughts and freedoms but of course he would still control them and they would be loyal to him. He could also possibly help these droids become even greater, giving them the capacity to use the Force themselves.

Imagine droids with the non-organic version of midi-chlorians infused into them using those blue stones from the other planet to use Force abilities.

Then he would not have to worry too much about the droids being incapable as they come learn outside of their initial programming.

In no way would he be enslaving the droid as he would be unable to control their actions but what he could do is bind their loyalty towards him so they would not betray him. What Anakin didn't know however was that this would lead to a strange development in the future.