V.1-C.15│Phantom Menace I│


An ever-expanding trading alliance, the Trade Federation, headed by the Neimoidian Viceroy Nute Gunray, would purchase victories in the Galactic Senate with their immense resources.

As an independent entity, they even had their own senator, Lott Dod, and went so far as to 'persuade' the weapons inspectors of the Galactic Republic to ignore the arming of their onetime cargo craft.

Secretly, the Federation had converted these shipment vessels into lethal battleships.

The modifications were made ostensibly to defend against increasing pirate activity in the Outer Rim Territories. Following the buildup, the battleships and battle droids largely replaced the Trade Defense Force and its marine forces.

Gunray was granted a permanent seat on the Trade Federation Directorate following the acquisition of exclusive shipping rights of lommite ore from the planet Dorvalla one year ago.

An invasion force of deadly battle droid soldiers was built in addition to the increasing number of the Federation's disguised warships by Baktoid Armor Workshop and Haor Chall Engineering on schedule but at the cost of an exorbitant amount of credits.

They were part of a plot quietly masterminded by Darth Sidious as part of his scheme to establish himself, beneath his public persona of Senator Palpatine, as Supreme Chancellor.

Sidious had approached the Federation's Viceroy Nute Gunray and suggested a test for the new army. Gunray suggested Eriadu, but Sidious countered by suggesting the home of Senator Palpatine, a world which would not respond with force.

Later, Sidious contacted them and ordered a fleet assembled.

Deputy Viceroy Hath Monchar left the flagship Saak'ak in a scoutship and took a Sith holocron with information about the impending blockade.

Sidious' apprentice, Darth Maul, was tasked with recovering the holocron, which he eventually took from the Coruscant information broker Lorn Pavan. During the hunt for the holocron, Maul engaged and killed the Jedi Anoon Bondara and his Padawan Darsha Assant, ensuring the secrecy of the return of the Sith.

Kenobi investigated their deaths and suspected Black Sun involvement. When Kenobi returned to the Jedi Temple, he discovered that he and his master had been assigned as ambassadors to the blockade.

One year prior, the Federation's opponents in the Galactic Senate were pressing Valorum to slow the trade organization.

The Supreme Chancellor responded by calling for the disbandment of the Free Trade Zones, albeit granting additional defensive allowances. Following the Eriadu incident, the Republic soon passed legislation calling for the taxation of trade routes to outlying star systems.

The reason for this was two-fold; it would serve to weaken the growing Federation, and would recoup funds for the ailing Republic. Unfortunately for the Republic, the Trade Federation felt offended, and was determined to strike back.

The Federation also pursued alliances with the Intergalactic Banking Clan, Corporate Alliance, and Techno Union, groups which were also affected by increased taxation.

Jedi Council member Adi Gallia monitored the actions of the Trade Federation following the Summit, and it was her who alerted the Jedi Council to suspicious activities in the Naboo system.



Padmé Naberrie of Naboo (publicly known by her regnal name, Padmé Amidala, and also known as Her Royal Highness, Queen Amidala of Naboo since a year ago, or more commonly known as the 3rd year after the Great Resynch) was the younger daughter of Ruwee and Jobal Naberrie, and the sister of Sola Naberrie.

Padmé grew up in an isolated mountain village where her parents instilled in their children high virtues like self-sacrifice and care for the socially weak.

Her family moved to Theed when she was young, and Padmé attended the best schools available to her, enjoying occasional class retreats to Naboo's lake country.

In her youth, she volunteered for the Refugee Relief Movement, like her father had before her, and journeyed to Shadda-Bi-Boran to aid in the relocation efforts of the natives. Sadly, many of these refugees died when they were unable to adapt to life on another world.

Following this, she entered the Legislative Youth Program, where she met a young man named Palo. A brief, innocent relationship followed, but the pair parted ways when Palo became an artist, and Padmé continued in politics.

She never forgot her past or her heritage, however; even after she reached the top, Amidala still maintained her village's tradition of painting her thumb nail on each hand stark white, a small but notable sign of her dedication to her family.

Amidala's rise was meteoric. She had joined the Apprentice Legislature at age eight and became a full Apprentice Legislator by age eleven. During this time, she first met Silya Shessaun, her workshop mentor.

One year ago, at the age of thirteen, Padmé Naberrie had become Princess of Theed, and was extremely popular, rallying those opposed to the rule of King Ars Veruna.

She became involved in a relationship with Ian Lago, the young son of Veruna's Prime Counselor, Kun Lago. Lago's father opposed the match, but it ended of its own accord when Veruna abdicated and Amidala accepted to enter the race to succeed the King.

Her bid for the throne had initially been suggested to her parents, and subsequently discreetly backed, by Senator Palpatine, who wished to see Veruna lose the election for his own reasons.

Although prodigiously talented, Amidala, at 14 years old, was still not the youngest Queen of Naboo to ever be elected.

Once elected Queen, Padmé took the name Amidala, and amended the constitution to limit the rule of elected monarchs to two terms, in light of Veruna's unpopular long rule.

Her birth name was Padmé Naberrie; Amidala was actually a regnal name. In her guise as Queen Amidala, she appeared regal and austere, but as Padmé, she was headstrong and compassionate. It appeared that her birth name was not public knowledge.

In a lengthy communiqué assembled by Supreme Chancellor Valorum's aide in the current age, the Republic diplomats and Intelligence officers who contributed listed Padmé as one of the queen's handmaidens, and only referred to the queen as 'Amidala.'

The notion that the handmaidens' true purpose was to serve as the queen's decoys, suggested by a Senate security officer based on irregularities in the Royal Starship's passenger lists, was dismissed as 'outrageous.'

Amidala's cadre of handmaidens, young women of a similar age and with a striking similarity to her, acted as bodyguards, decoys, and confidantes to their mistress, roles devised by Amidala's head of security, Captain Panaka, who insisted the new queen be trained in self-defense and weapons usage. While Amidala was queen, her handmaidens included Sabé, Eirtaé, Rabé, Yané and Saché.


Thrust into a position of authority and power, Padme had to prove herself or at least she felt like she had to. With great power comes great responsibility or so she has learnt.

Living on this planet that she had come to know as her home, she had many things she wanted to do. Many things she wanted to change but it seems during her tenure she would be coming across many problems.

Including the predicament she is in right now.

A blockade conducted by the Trade Federation had started and she had minimal information about how to go about a situation like this. She had many experiences in her very short lifespan but now similar in nature to what is happening now.

'I do suppose this is a diplomatic based event but how could my planet, my people be ready to face such a threat.'

To understand her thoughts one only need to look at Naboo's military. It has been traditional that the established peaceful nature of the people of Naboo did not do anything that contradicted their way of life.

So having a military capable enough to defend their own planet was a shortcoming. With no force strong enough in either quantity or quality that could not engage in and be combative about the situation.

Of course she has her own personal guards so as to protect her from harm and she herself had been trained in the event she were in dire need of protection. Most other Queen's that had succeeded the throne she sits on now would not have been able to survive without some level of training.

They had not required or needed an army to defend themselves for a long time now and this has made the people somewhat complacent in their place within the galaxy. With protection provided to them from the senate, at least the aid that should have been given they would be safe.

About five months after her election in one year ago, she had been faced with what would become one of the most significant problems in Naboo history.

In protest of the Galactic Senate's decision to tax users of the galaxy's trade routes, Viceroy Nute Gunray of the Trade Federation enforced a blockade on Amidala's home world, Naboo. With few resources of its own, Naboo relied on imports, and the blockade served as the perfect example of the Republic's reliance on trade.

Amidala tried to use diplomatic and political means to rid her planet of the Trade Federation, yet it was all in vain. The Viceroy, secretly following the orders of Darth Sidious avoided direct diplomatic efforts.

Not that Padme knew this, but what she did know was if she did not recieve any type of help soon she would be in huge trouble and so too will the rest of her people.

Her desire, her drive and ambition to do things great, king and so much more but she had to inherit this problem.

From what she knows ambassadors from the republic are being sent her way. She had sent for help discreetly, she would recieve some help discreetly through Chancellor Valorum and she has no clue as to whom they may be.



Darth Sidious, also known as Chancellor Palpatine, the insidious mastermind behind the blockade of Naboo had many plans. Many, many plans that had gone o so right.

He had finally done it.

Rid himself of his detestable master with which he had no more to learn from. At least that was what Sidious told himself to keep his sanity.

His benevolent master did not pass down all of his knowledge, his teachings despite being his apprentice all because of his obsession with eternal life.

Killed him in his sleep. No mercy just like he had been taught, that left him freedom, true freedom like nothing ever before and it was one the sweetest of things he would ever taste. He would savor it but he had more to do, more of his ambitions to continue with.

His overwhelming desire to create his very own empire. He would be at the top controlling everything, everyone and he would absolutely dominate it all.

Unfortunately he would not be able to enjoy his empire without a young body, as with his younger body he could truly get into the joys of life.

Not that he already does not.

Back to his plans, one of his many plans where he manipulates and takes advantage of as many people as available for his considerations to work.

One of his main plans, the blockade done on Naboo by the Trade Federation. Orchestrated by his hand.

Sidious, as Palpatine, moved to seize power from Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum, who had virtually no political power and counted Palpatine as a close friend and ally, allowing for Sidious to easily manipulate him.

In need of pawns for his plans but preferring a mysterious, hooded presence through holographic transmissions rather than direct communication, Sidious contacted the galaxy's most powerful beings and convinced them to do his bidding with promises and threats.

To that end, Sidious was also able to manipulate Nute Gunray's rise to the position of Viceroy of the Trade Federation and convinced the Trade Federation to obey him by promising wealth. Ordering the Federation to construct a droid army, Sidious also helped the Geonosian Poggle the Lesser rise to the position of Archduke of Geonosis and controller of their droid foundries.

With Sidious's backing, Poggle produced millions of B1-series battle droids for the Trade Federation military.

This helped further his plans and through holographic communication, Sidious conspired with Viceroy Gunray to blockade the planet Naboo in protest of the Senate's taxation of trade routes to outlying star systems.

Sidious had secretly been behind the Senate bills around taxation, including the voting sessions that ended in Federation defeats and victories, while Gunray falsely believed Sidious was working towards Federation victories all the time.

The Trade Federation initiated the Invasion of Naboo on the orders of Sidious, who also instructed Gunray to kill Chancellor Valorum's Jedi ambassadors. When Gunray questioned the legality of the invasion, Sidious simply stated that he would make it legal.

That is right, ambassadors that he became aware of that he wanted to put a stop to because they would most likely ruin his plan.