V.1-C.17│Phantom Menace III│

Within the shop known by the locals as 'Skywalker Technologies' the Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn and his companions, Jar-Jar Binks, Padme the handmaiden and R2-D2 walk into the store and are greeted with the sight of a beautiful woman sitting behind a desk working on some type of mechanoid.

A chime rings in the background alerting the woman of their presence and she begins to speak in galactic basic. "Hello, welcome to Skywalker's Technologies. How may I help you?" She asks politely.

Qui-Gon gets straight to the point. "I need parts for a J-type 327 Nubian."

"Nubian? Well if you would let me check I would be able to tell you if we have any available." The woman in reply says then directs her voice elsewhere. "Ani? Please come here, we have a customer."

The others start to look around the clean and tidy shop noticing the various mechanical bits and pieces from droid parts to weaponry, even fully constructed droids ready to to purchased and activated.

"My droid had a readout of what I need." Qui-Gon continues.

Within a few seconds a teen human boy appears from around the inner outside of the store. He is of around 1.5 meters in height with a very strong looking physique and the others are a bit stunned by his appearance.

From his eyes being blue in color and his hair being an ethereal sandy-blonde. He looks like he could be a model of some kind given his beautiful appearance not taking into account his movement and the way he carries himself.

Most of the group are stunned none more so then Padme with Qui-Gon stunned just behind her, but for other reasons.

"Ani would you be a dear and watch over the store for me?" The beautiful woman asks the teen.

"Sure mother." The boy whose name or nickname is identified as Ani replies. 'Why did I not get any droids to do this instead? Well, hindsight is 20-20.' Anakin thinks to himself.

Anakin looks over the group before taking a seat at the entrance of the storefront behind the very same desk his mother was behind.

"Please come this way." Anakin's mother directs.

Before Jar-Jar could touch anything Anakin speaks out loud so the Gungan could hear him. "I suggest you do not touch anything over there. You do not want to get shot right? We have multiple security measures in place to stop stuff like theft from happening and you are about to do would be considered as theft."

Qui-Gon was just about to reprimand Jar-Jar but he beaten to the punch, while Padme still distracted continuously stares at Anakin. Qui-Gon along with R2-D2 follow the woman outback while Jar-Jar and Padme stay with the teenage looking Anakin.

'Should I say the line? Padme is staring rather intensely at me, she is not subtly at all.' Anakin thinks to himself. 'It would be a bit embarrassing to say it.' Anakin is currently looking away from Padme focusing on something else whereas Padme takes full advantage and stares thinking she has not been noticed yet.

"You know with you staring at me like that one would start to wonder." Anakin says directing his voice towards Padme.

Padme blushes a bit either because of the heat or something else before recomposing herself. "O, sorry I was impolite. Hello, my name is Padme." Of course her training did help her in this situation to avoid any awkwardness.

"Hello Padme, my name is Anakin Skywalker."

'Skywalker, like the Skywalker on the outside of the shop? Wait I think I have also seen that name in other places as well...' Padme recognizes the name but can not seem to place it other then the connection between the young man and the current stores brand name.

"So what are you guys here for?" Anakin questioned Padme knowing full well the answer.

"Well we are here to get some repairs done for our ship and we thought we would try a small shop first." Padme answered.

"Smaller shop? Do you not know that this shop you have entered isn't considered apart of a small company. The name Skywalker must not ring any bells." Anakin says in a questioning tone.

"No, I do know or recognize the name which also happens to be your last name, I just cant place where I have heard of it." Padme admits.

"Well, you are standing in the original shop that started the Skywalker Industries brand."

"Skywalker Industries? THE Skywalker Industries. No wonder I recognized the name. You guys make weapons and droids, very recently adding in starships to your products. I have to say I dislike the corporation you are apart of." Padme passionately says.

"Because we help people in wars? Or that the droids and weapons we produce can be used in a violent way? These things can be used in more then an aggressive way they could also be used in defense but I must admit weapons can be used for activities you dislike." Anakin explains.

"The Naboo are a peaceful people but I do understand the use of weapons in self defense." Padme states.

Anakin asks. "You do, do you?" In the background the even clumsy Jar-Jar starts to mess around with a small droid which results in a small scuffle between the two. "Hit it on its nose." Anakin tells Jar-Jar. 'Wait didn't this originally happen?'

We met back up with Shmi and Qui-Gon going through the back storage area.

"A Nubian hyperdrive generator? We seem to have some parts around but I am unsure if there is any with us here and I am also sure that no one else has the generator you're looking for here on Tatooine." Shmi tells Qui-Gon as they walk through the storage within the back.

"You might as well buy a new ship because the cost for a new generator of a ship of that model will cost you. That does remind me, how are you going to pay?" Shmi continues.

"I have twenty thousand Republic Dataries."

"Republic credits? Republic credits are not taken out here and the credits you give me now will be of no use within a short time frame. It is better if you have something else because I cant accept credits for this store in particular." Shmi denies.

"That is unfortunate. I do not have anything else but credits will do fine." Qui-Gon tries to use a Jedi Mind Trick but for some reason it does not work. 'What? Is she Force-sensitive?'

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience but I can not take the credits." Shmi insists.

Again gesturing with his hands Qui-Gon tries again. "Credits will do fine."

Shmi insists yet again. "I insist that the credits you are offering are useless to me right now. I simply have no need for it."

Getting a little upset Shmi responds again. "I dont not know what you are up to but if you do not have a method to pay then I suggest you either leave or take your credits elsewhere. Maybe you might be lucky enough to find someone else with the part you need, but I doubt it."

Shmi has had her fair share of unruly customers and those who would not pay. From being short some to having the wrong type of money she would or even could accept she had gained an attitude suited to a business woman.

Qui-Gon looks down for a bit before recomposing himself before facing Shmi and giving a small smile and head nod before turning around with R2-D2 following him to the entrance.

Anakin and Padme were continuing their conversation while Jar-Jar was messing around.

"We are leaving." Qui-Gon directs to Padme as she sees him walk in. "Jar-Jar." He also says to Jar-Jar whom is messing around while swiftly walking towards the door that doubles as the entrance and exit from the store.

"I am glad to have met you Anakin." Padme follows after Qui-Gon with a smile on her face.

Anakin responds as she is leaving. "I guess I was too."

Jar-Jar follows behind R2-D2, whom follows behind Padme as they all leave.

Anakin's mother walks from the outside towards her child. "Ani, they seemed a bit lost on what to do. I do not want them back here because of that man whom tried to intimidate me."

"Did he?" Anakin asks.

"He did not have the right money we use here and you know we dont accept Republic credits here on Tatooine even if we could use it back on Coruscant. Right here it is useless." Despite her kind nature her few years working within a business that is surrounded in a area by known criminals she would gain an edge to her character.

"I am sure that they come up with a solution. I think we should finish up here then head home. I am sure C-3PO can handle things here for awhile, we can take a break." Anakin offers.

"Ok if that is what you want..."


Communicating back with the ship Qui-Gon calls in to the pilots cabin. Obi-Wan responds to his call. "And you're sure there is nothing left on board." Qui-Gon says in a questioning tone.

"A few containers of supplies. The Queen's wardrobe maybe but not enough for you to barter with. Not in the amount you are talking about." Obi-Wan replies.

"Alright I am sure another solution will present itself. I will check back later." Qui-Gon disconnects from the device and puts it away and is about to head off into the streets again.

Before they could head off again Jar-Jar decides to voice his thoughts. "No again, no again. These whearabouts are cwazy." Jar-Jar gestures with his hands near his head doing circles. "We shall be rowbed and crunched."

"Not likely we have nothing of value. That's our problem." Qui-Gon quips.

The group once again sets off into the streets of Mos Espa. While doing so the group passes a food stand with various alien grub up for sale and Jar-Jar being the clumsy Gungan he is decides to do something stupid.

Jar-Jar proceeds to extend and grab onto the hanging food and eat it. Doing so grabs the attention of the shop owner whom questions if he is to pay for it thus surprising Jar-Jar leading to the following events.

Jar-Jar lets go and the meat gets launched in the direction of another person landing perfectly into that beings food. Jar-Jar tries to play off the situation but is unsuccessful the being rushes up from his table dashing towards Jar-Jar on its two hands and confronts the Gungan.

Alerted to the lack of Jar-Jar's presence behind him, Qui-Gon turns around to witness the event taking place.

Before anymore harm befalls Jar-Jar, Anakin happens to be nearby and approaches the two where one is ready to fight the other.

"Careful, Sebulba. You know of my sway and power around these parts. It would be best if you just back off now." Anakin speaks in another language directed at the Dug.

The now identified Sebulba backs away from the two, Anakin and Jar-Jar with some trepidation within his eyes not wanting to start a confrontation with Anakin.

Sebulba even though afraid decides to get some insults out to cover for his fear. "If you weren't protected by the Hutt's I would and had your own droids I would have squashed you now." Sebulba says not knowing Anakin at this point could fully defend himself from doing basic training along with his developed Force abilities.

Still continuing in the alien language Anakin has the last words. "It would be a problem if you tried something otherwise."

Qui-Gon walks over towards Anakin and Jar-Jar who is still sitting on the ground. "Hello." Anakin greets.

"Hi there." Qui-Gon responds.

"Your friend here was about to be turned into orange goo. He picked a fight with a Dug, an especially dangerous Dug called Sebulba." Anakin explains while Qui-Gon helps the pathetic Gungan up.

"Mesa hating crunching. That's the last thing mesa want." Jar-Jar tries to explain.

"Nevertheless the boy is right you're heading into trouble. Thanks my young friend." Qui-Gon states.

"Actually I look much older then what age I actually am." Anakin tries to clear up any misunderstanding knowing the the younger he is the easier it would be to convince Qui-Gon to help him get into the Jedi order.

"And what would that be?" Padme asks, curious to know the answer considering he looks to be the near the same age as herself.

The group starts to walk off into the streets again with Anakin deciding to tag along with the bunch.