V.1-C.21│Phantom Menace VII│

Back on the outskirts of Mos Espa, the ship used to transport the escapees of Naboo is currently undergoing some repairs.

Obi-Wan walks towards Qui-Gon who is sitting upon the camel like creature as Qui-Gon directs a statement towards him. "Well, we have all the essential parts we need. I am going back, I have some unfinished business. I wont be long."

Obi-Wan replies with some annoyance heard in his voice. "Why do I sense we have picked up another pathetic lifeform."

"Its the boy whos partially responsible for getting us these parts. The boys mother wouldn't have helped us without the little push provided by him." Qui-Gon continues. "Get this hyperdrive generator installed."

"Yes Master, it shouldn't take long." Obi-Wan says. Qui-Gon the leaves while riding the creature and dragging along another.


Qui-Gon had gone back to get the answer from Anakin about his decision to leave Tatooine and come with him.

At the Skywalker residence there are three people currently within a conversation between the three. 'I wonder what choice the boy will make, he has everything he needs or could possibly want in life by being here but I have to insist that there is something special about him and take him to be trained as a Jedi.'

"So, Anakin have you made your decision."

"I am unsure about everything to do with the Jedi but there must be something that I could hope to accomplish by going there? For what reason would I go."

Shmi is conflicted over this situation wherein she would like Anakin to follow whatever dreams that may be, he has been stuck with her practically all his life and she could tell he wanted to go places. To see the stars.

No matter how much he had tried to hide these desires they were seen through by her, mothers instinct at its finest.

"Anakin, I think you should join. It may not provide everything you have here or may not have everything you like but is it not apart of your dream to have adventures?" Shmi questions her son.

"That is true mother but I believe there is still much more here I could do."

"That is not true and you know it. Everything here can be taken care of by myself or by any of our employees, there is no need for you to stay with me any longer."

'That is quite depressing, despite having increased her confidence it seems Shmi doesn't believe she could give me everything a mother could. Technically it is true she can not give me everything but she has done her very best despite the circumstances.' Anakin thinks to himself.

Qui-Gon speaks up. "Again, the choice is all yours Anakin."

There are alot of things that Anakin could do without the Jedi but he would not be able to truly have a proper master to learn from. No matter all the holocrons, no matter all the knowledge, all he had to work with was his own raw power, potential and creativity.

No matter, all the talent in the world would be wasted without some effort and being omniscient would be near completely useless without the power or the omniscience to back yourself up. To protect oneself from the those who wish to use your knowledge for their own purposes.

Anakin is well aware of the fact that without a proper master to teach him it would take a long time to properly do anything right when utilizing the Force. What he had been practicing again was only been able to be achieved through luck.

It was basically plot armor helping him along get a greater start and the fact he was reborn as Anakin speaks to the fact that he may very well be relying on his talent too much.

He needed to make groundwork in other areas as well. There were truly alot of people more powerful than himself at many points throughout history despite the immense potential that Anakin had.

No one should be able to surpass, no one from the future and technically no from the past as well but the original had failed or more like was kept in check and held back.

Anakin does not intend to make the same mistakes.

When in doubt, trust the Force alot of people would say. It is a guiding energy that tells and communicates to living sentient beings with a soul what to do and what not to do. Albeit it is much more nuanced but the Force or atleast Anakin's connection should allow him some leeway into if his decision to join should not be done.

Closing his eyes for a split, asking his question his energy resonates within the Cosmic Force allowing him to see if the Force itself thinks his decision is appropriate.

What he gets is silence. 'I guess this choice is truly all on me then.'

"I think that I will come with you. I believe that it is the right decision to join the Jedi."

Anakin reasoned that he would be able to leave the Order just as others were able to so it wouldn't be a problem if he joined. There were restrictions of course but that wouldn't stop him from doing the things he planned out.

Anakin was very ambitious after all, he doesn't have to tell the Jedi everything or reveal the true extant of what he is capable of.

What military might he commands, the connections he has. Nothing.

Qui-Gon still smiling, nods his head in agreement with Anakin's choice. "Then I think you should pack your things. We haven't much time before we have to leave." Qui-Gon just behind Anakin speaks up as Shmi finishes.

Anakin decides to make haste just like he said but instead of packing his things because he has already prepared in advance he is to send out some orders to take care of a thug.

Originally Shmi would have been left a slave here on Tatooine and would have died having never seen her son before the eve of her death. This much has changed and she could now potentially visit and communicate with him as much as she would like to in the future.

For now it would be best to leave her with someone who would help and care for her. There are not many people that Anakin could trust and she has no significant other of her own.

C-3PO could definitely stay behind and help her but it wont replace the loneliness she would feel.

'Who says I would be unable to visit her as well? The Jedi certainly would not be able to because I am going of my own volition and have the knowledge I could leave whenever I want.' Anakin thinks to himself.

After Anakin leaves the room Shmi and Qui-Gon begin to converse. "Thank you." Shmi says.

"I will watch out for him. You have my word." Qui-Gon promises knowing that and seeing the conflict on Shmi's face. After a small pause Qui-Gon continues placing his hand on her shoulder. "Will you be alright?"

"Yes, I will be fine. I have my own freedoms as well. Just as Anakin is going his own way I may go on my own because change cannot be stopped just as the setting to the sun cannot be frozen." Shmi says more to herself then Qui-Gon.


Anakin has all of his essentials packed away into a backpack and is trailing behind Qui-Gon as they set off past the Skywalker residence.

Anakin stops for a moment looking back at his mother and then to Qui-Gon before rushing towards Shmi, giving her a warm hug. No dialogue is exchanged between the two as Anakin is secure in his decision while Shmi is also sure that he is needed elsewhere.

Shmi whispers. "Be brave Ani. Don't look back an go."

'Why is she making this exit so dramatic? It is not like I wont be able to see her again. I am not stupid enough to just stay with the Jedi, I have my entire life ahead of me.' Anakin thinks to distract himself from getting trapped in the feels.

'I knew this was my decision but man, it still sucks when it comes down to it. Even if the circumstances are different between myself and the original, I think this moment still hits the same.' Anakin continues before saying. "Mum. I will never forget you and you could always visit me or I will visit you. All I know is that this is not the last time we will see each other."

Anakin smiles at his mother as she also smile back at him with watery eyes before letting go of their embrace.

Anakin turns towards Qui-Gon and walks away as Qui-Gon also turns around uncomfortable with disturbing the touching moment between the two.

With nothing more left to say the two head off into the streets of Mos Espa and while doing so Anakin and Qui-Gon come across the same old lady that Anakin had come to think of as a grandmother.

'Wait a minute, Jira could stay with my Mother. the two know of each other and are friends as well. It is not a replacement for myself but it is better then having no one.' Moving over towards Jira, Anakin begins to speak. "Jira I am leaving Tatooine."

"Ani? Really? Let me give you a hug."

"Sure, and one more thing. I would ask of you to help keep my Mother some company. I would greatly appreciate it."

"O, I will miss you Ani. You are the-"

"Kindest boy in the galaxy, I know Jira, I know." Anakin finishes off for her.

Smiling Jira continues. "You take care now, dont worry about your Mother. She will be just fine especially with everything she has now."

"Thanks Jira. You also take care, maybe I will see you again sometime."

"I am not too sure about that. He-he-he, not with my old bones."

As Anakin is conversing with Jira, the floating droid used by the apprentice Darth Maul makes its appearance again and notices Qui-Gon Jinn. One of its targets.

Anakin goes back towards Qui-Gon as the droid also trails along just behind them. Anakin and Qui-Gon are walking alongside each other before Qui-Gon very quickly pulls out his lightsaber and destroys the droid.

Slicing it in half Anakin decides to ask the same question the original did. "What is it?" But then decides to add his own input as well. "I thought I had sensed something following us..."

Qui-Gon kneels down to get a better look at the thing. "It is a probe droid. Very unusual." Pausing and looking around himself Qui-Gon continues. "Not like anything I have seen before."

Qui-Gon gestures Anakin to run. "Come on."

Back with the apprentice Darth Maul a probe comes forwards towards him seemingly given him information about something.

Mauls face turns stoic with some anger brewing behind his eyes, turns around, walks straight towards a bike and hops on.

Maul ignites the engines and is off into Mos Espa with the probe droid left behind at his ship.

Back in the outskirts nearing the ship Anakin and Qui-Gon have nearly made it but before reaching the ship Qui-Gon and secretly along with Anakin sense the approach of another individual.

Anakin thinks to himself. 'That must be Maul. What a timely appearance he has made.' Dodging the bike speeder by ducking down and rolling away before Qui-Gon says anything Maul zooms right past him.

"Anakin go! Tell them to take off." Qui-Gon explains to Anakin.

Deciding to listen to Qui-Gon, Anakin gets up off of the sand and rushes towards the ship as the two Force-sensitive individuals engage in a show of lightsaber combat.

Qui-Gon is on the defensive while Darth Maul is aggressively pursuing Qui-Gon having his anger duel his attacks.

"Qui-Gon's in trouble." The guard captain Panaka says entering the room where Obi-Wan is with Anakin following them in.

Obi-Wan goes forward and says. "Take off."

Anakin just decides to sit back and wait but if anything were to go wrong he would try using some of his telekinetic abilities to make sure Qui-Gon doesn't die. 'That is the least I could do for the guy, because even though he didn't free me this time. He would have done so for the original which is enough for me to decide to assistant him.'

Obi-Wan points in another direction just close enough to the two doing battle. "Over there, fly low."

The ship powers up with the landing gear still out with the pilot moving the ship over to the location directed towards. Seeing the ship coming next to them Qui-Gon disengages from Maul and jumps onto the still open docking ramp.

The ship moves up into the atmosphere of Tatooine leaving behind the Sith apprentice Darth Maul.

Within the ship exhausted, Qui-Gon falls backwards towards the ground as he turns off his lightsaber. Obi-Wan along with Anakin rush into the area with both of them not saying a word but rushing towards Qui-Gon to check if he is injured.

"I think so." Qui-Gon says catching his breath.

"What was it?" Obi-Wan curiously asks and kneels down to eye level with his master.

"I am not sure." Still trying to catch his breath he continues. "But it was well trained in the Jedi arts."

Anakin silently thinks. 'I am not so sure you can call everything Force related a Jedi thing but whatever floats your boat.'

"My guess is, it was after the Queen." Qui-Gon finishes.

Anakin decides to ask a question at the forefront of his mind. "So what are we going to do about it?"

Qui-Gon responds. "We should be patient." Qui-Gon then motions to Anakin and Obi-Wan. "Anakin Skywalker, meet Obi-Wan Kenobi." Qui-Gon introduces the two each other.

"Hello. You must be a Jedi as well, right?" Anakin says.

Obi-Wan is a bit confused asking. "Wait... You are the 9 year old kid my Master was talking about? You look like your around 12 years of age." Obi-Wan exclaims in slight surprise not thinking the child would look like this.

"I get that alot. It is a pleasure to meet you." Anakin wryly smiles while thinking. 'I know that people will continuously be surprised but I cant help but think it is funny to see the looks on peoples faces when I tell them I am actually only nine or any of the other ages in the last five years.'

The ship has successfully left the atmosphere, is repaired and fully prepared to reach its target.