V.1-C.65│The First Mission X│

'It is finally over.'

Anakin was within the throne room along with everyone else discussing what had happened and about the defeated man who had not been identified but captured.

Everyone was surprised when Anakin came in with the dark side user and presented him to everyone but were easily able to get over this knowing his capabilities.

Qui-Gon was a bit suspicious but otherwise didn't say anything about how he had been captured.

Anakin had made sure to memory wipe the man of his interesting experiences with him because it would cause some trouble if he didn't.

Currently the Jedi on Coruscant had been contacted about the person they had captured and a small meeting was taking place between the Council members, Anakin and Qui-Gon.

"Successful you are. First mission congratulate I must." Yoda spoke to the holographic figures of Anakin and Qui-Gon, while the two also saw the holographic figures of the Masters within a private room in the repaired Skywalker palace.

On the other side, Mace continued with a question. "Where is this dark Force user you have promised us?" Despite his change in how he viewed Anakin, it did not mean he was going stop being a hard-ass.

Anakin speaks up. "He has been captured and is currently being secured within Tatooine's makeshift prison."

"Bring this man you must. Many questions we have." Yoda said.

"Tell us about the current state of Tatooine and its relations with the Hutt's." Mace said asking for a report.

Qui-Gon answered. "It would seem that the Hutt's have given up in pursuing any hostile actions against the people of Tatooine. I assume it has to do with them getting back Jabba the Hutt."

"Been made an agreement has?" Yoda asked.

"Yes." Qui-Gon answered.

"Then return you will, to investigate much we have." Yoda continued.

"We will be returning shortly, there is nothing left here to do." Qui-Gon replied before the connection was cut off signaling that the conversation is over.

"Come on, I believe it is time that we say our goodbyes." Qui-Gon gestured to Anakin as he left the room they were given.

Anakin follows after Qui-Gon as they move towards the throne room that was always busy with people moving about, the place that had been damaged was repaired and people were going about important and benign political matters.

His mother sat upon the throne with a smile and didn't look tired at all, as if some pressure was relieved. 'She has to stop being this kind or compassionate.' Anakin thought to himself with a small frown marring his face.

Progress had been made, but it was obvious to Anakin that his mother was not fit to be a proper leader. Maybe within a business environment, but when it came to the leadership of this many people, the lives that could be affected by decisions made, it had a certain pressure to it.

"Weary is the head that wears the crown." Qui-Gon said as they were walking towards Shmi.

"I did not think you would say something so wise Master." Anakin said to Qui-Gon.

"I have seen many things and I can say that being in such a position of power is alot of responsibility." Qui-Gon replied.

"I understand the meaning of what you have said and would like to add that not everything about being in such a position is burdensome."

"Of course, there are all sorts of benefits to reap." Qui-Gon then continued. "But still, there is much to think about when it comes to things like this. Everything has its price and the price of being the Queen seems to be a heavy responsibility."

'Getting philosophical...' Anakin sighs mentally. "I am sure that my mother can handle herself, she has been doing well so far."

"That she has." Qui-Gon left off as they had finally come close enough to hear the conversation between Shmi and those around her.

Sighing, Jira continues her argument. "Why are we wasting our time here talking about the cost of building these facilities. We should just build them already, dont we have the resources for it."

A random councilman replied. "We do have the resources but we are limited to where we could allocate such things and it would be wasteful to do so on just these things."

People were contesting each other and sides were being formed to debate on things, of course Shmi could put an end to this and make an executives decision but what is the point in that? These people were elected by the people to help better represent different facets of the current situation on Tatooine.

It would be detrimental to just throw away the opinions and perspectives of those people. "Alright, I think that will be enough for today." Shmi said and everyone become quiet.

Weirdly enough there was a droid here, it was one of the living medical droids that had become known to the people here. Everyone was starting to notice that every now and then these weird droids had strange things occur around them.

It was recently revealed what these droids were, but the full truth about wasn't disclosed and only Shmi truly knew what they were. Living.

Others kind of knew as well, but didn't know the exact origins.

Shmi knew that some of her protectors and medical sector was full of them and had made the executive decision to include an elected official of their people, Anakin would have introduced them himself at some point but it would seem his mother was adamant in including them as soon as possible.

'It would seem that the medical droid also dislikes being here.' Anakin was laughing within his mind imagining the expression that would be shown on the droid if it had a face.

"Excuse our intrusion." Qui-Gon stated which had everyone looking towards their helpers.

"Yes, yes. I think the Queen has had enough for one day." Jira said and everyone started to disperse as Jira remained by Shmi's side.

Smiling Shmi greeted Qui-Gon and Anakin. "Sir Qui-Gon." She moved forward to hug Anakin and he allowed it. 'Public displays of affection are not really my thing.' Anakin was a bit embarrassed but nothing showed in his body language or facial expression.

He just returned the hug. "Mother."

"I know that you will have to return to Coruscant but I just want you to know that I will still be here." Shmi said then looked to Qui-Gon. "I am sure that you will continue to help my son."

"Yes, I will continue to train him."

"You should also be keeping him out of trouble, he basically was able to capture the person you had trouble doing so yourself." She said.

Qui-Gon a bit embarrassed at the fact replied. "It is because I have taught him well enough that he will soon be surpassing me if he hasn't already."

"I am sure..." Shmi finished before letting go of her embrace around Anakin. "You should be going now then, and be sure to stay safe."

"Yes, I will." Anakin said to Shmi.

"You should go on ahead Anakin. Get the ship ready and I will be right with you." Qui-Gon told Anakin.

"Sure." Anakin left to go start up the Scimitar and transport their prisoner onboard.

Qui-Gon then went on to have another conversation with Shmi. "I am sure you have noticed that the person we had captured is quite the dangerous individual."

"I have." Shmi was unsure of where this was going.

"If you happen to come across like the man, would you make contact with the Jedi or at least the Republic?" Qui-Gon asked.

"I can do that, it seems to be outside of my scope anyway. If I discover anything else to do with this individual I will send this information to the Jedi through a messenger if its sensitive otherwise I can do so in another way." Shmi replied in confirmation.

"I thank you." Qui-Gon responded before continuing. "I can see where Anakin has gotten intelligence and compassion."

"Sir Qui-Gon, if I didn't know any better I would say you were trying to compliment me." Shmi replied.

Coughing a little, Qui-Gon covers for himself. "I did mean it as a compliment but it was only meant as a testament to your own capabilities and your sons."

"I am sure." Shmi stare seems to see through Qui-Gon.

"Anyway, I best be heading off as well. May the Force be with you and if it allows it may we meet again." Qui-Gon finished.

"And too you as well." Shmi smiled towards Qui-Gon before he left to board the ship he and Anakin had come on.


"Thankfully there is just the place capable of keeping John Doe restrained." Anakin said to Qui-Gon as they were on the ship, the Scimitar with the captured prisoner who had no name be given one.

The universal John Doe identity.

"Yes. It is quite impressive the capabilities of this ship. Its experimental technology leads me to believe more and more that you are as much as a technological genius as people have proclaimed you to be." Qui-Gon continued.

"I would say that I am, comparing myself to others at least." Anakin replied.

"Yes, it was also quite funny to me that alot of people were lamenting your departure from the industry with joining the Jedi." Qui-Gon said with some mirth in his voice.

"That was weird to me, I am sure there are many other people capable enough to do as I could." Anakin responded.

"Maybe, but you shouldn't sell yourself short here. Your talents are quite up there, not only within many things to do with technology or business but also within the Force." Qui-Gon tried to boost Anakin's confidence.

"Don't get me wrong, I know of this but I would just like to be humble here as it makes it easier for others to digest. Jealousy is easily bred when being compared with others and I would certainly become a target of such things." Anakin replied.

"Very wise of you my young apprentice."

"Well I have to learn something from you, now dont I?" Anakin replies with some jest.

A voice comes from the containment field. "Will you two shut it already. You guys are driving me mad as it is with your insistent need to pat yourselves on the back." It was John Doe making a ruckus.

"Did you hear something Master?" Anakin said to Qui-Gon blatantly ignoring their prisoner.

"No, I dont believe I did." Qui-Gon replied going along with him all to used to his antics at this point.

"It must have been the wind." Anakin said while internally laughing.

"Don't ignore me! I am speaking and will be heard!" John Doe continued trying to get their attention, which he had but was being purposely ignored. "HEY!"

Deciding to not ignore the man anymore Qui-Gon turns to him and starts his questioning as Anakin goes to the pilot the ship. "Hello. It would seem you have gotten yourself into quite the situation."

"You have finally decided to stop ignoring me... I have nothing to say."

"Weren't you just screaming out to not be ignored?" Qui-Gon played on John Doe's anger hoping to lower his defenses.

"That is different." Anakin could sense everything that was going on and thought to himself as they had now gone past the atmosphere of Tatooine. 'Is this guy a tsun-dere?'

"It would seem that you are not going to cooperate. At least you could tell me your name and maybe your punishment would be more lenient." Qui-Gon was speaking from a respective angle here because usually the Jedi just kill those who are aligned to the dark.

"You lie, I know of the Jedi and that you would have me executed for practicing the dark arts." John Doe continued. "A bunch of hypocrites you lot are."

Qui-Gon doesn't seem to take any offense. "I am well aware of the flaws within the Jedi but you have not answered my question. I believe it would be best if you do not dodge my question."

"Never, I think that I will just remain silent. In fact, for what reasons under the Galactic Republics law are you taking me in for custody?" John Doe seemed to think he was going to get away with his terrorism.

Anakin would make sure that he died, but he was unsure if it would be possible to make him confess to anything that could jeopardize Palpatine and his plans. "You seem to be very resistant and know very well the laws of the Republic." Qui-Gon said.

"It seems that you have not been kept upto date on the politics' between the Republic and Tatooine." Qui-Gon continued. "An alliance has been made, and it was agreed that you were to be handed over to the Republic. or more specifically the Jedi for an in-depth investigation."

"Lies!" John Doe screamed then whispered to himself. "Impossible, that is not how the plan was supposed to go." John Doe was receding back into his maddened state of mind.

"It would seem you wanted to achieve much more." Qui-Gon said playing on the mans obvious mental deterioration.

Raving mad John Doe continued. "No. Never, I didn't fail. The fat slug was rescued, the Queen escaped and now that arid planet is safe. Damnit!"

'Somethings wrong.' Anakin thought to himself as the Force was warning him of something going wrong. Rushing back into the room Anakin calls to Qui-Gon. "I think there is something wrong with him."

"Obviously." Qui-Gon did not seem to notice anything else that was off but Anakin was able to quickly diagnose John Doe's physical condition and it was slowly withering.

"I think he is dying." Anakin stated going over and simple medical scan.

"How? There was nothing to give off that impression." Qui-Gon said.

"He may not make it back to Coruscant." Anakin replied.

"We will just have to see, try to stabilize him as best you can." Qui-Gon told Anakin.