V.1-C.77│Missions II│

Another year had finally passed and if Anakin was to take a look at the date it would be the seventh year of the Great ReSynchronization or thinking about it from his future knowledge be known as 28 BBY.

It was the year that the senate elections for the next Supreme Chancellor were to be held but we all know that there would only be one candidate.

This was also the year that Barriss Offee, a young Jedi would be able to complete the initiate trials to become a padawan, to gain a master of her own. It is also the year that Queen Amidala, otherwise known as Padme Naberrie would step down from her position.

Padme by stepping down had been able to escape this betrothal treaty and because of the delays within the Republic and Jedi still being against this it didn't go through. That didn't mean Padme was against Anakin in particular but was against the decision that would have been forced on her.

He was also upset as well, if only by a little because they were also trying to force him but now neither himself or Padme would need to worry about the treaty anymore..

Anakin was currently within his training room, as he could actually at this point call it so and Barriss, Ahsoka and Aayla would come here frequently.

"Ani, do you think I would do well?" Barriss asked him.

All of the girls had gotten used to using his nickname that everyone seemed to agree on, it was not like they were able to know it was originally from his mother. Given how the Force works in mysterious ways however it would seem that may have slightly influenced them to use it.

But that is just a theory, why would the Force do that. Or it could be that one of them somehow did some basic research on him and decided to try and be more intimate with him which resulted in them all using it.

"Do well with what exactly." Anakin knew what she was referring to but deciding to coax what she was talking about.

"You know, passing the trials." Barriss continued while looking at Anakin with a certain look that could be what was called the 'puppy dog eyes.'

"I think you will do just fine." Anakin knows that she wanted more from him but again he wouldn't say anything about it.

After a few seconds of staring, Barriss decides to ask about what is on her mind but in a much more subtle way. "I have heard that you aren't taking on any apprentice and dont wish to do so for a while now..."

"Yes, that is correct." He responds knowing where this was going.

"Well, I was wondering about whether you have changed your mind or not." Barriss said still not completely saying what she wanted.

"I dont know." Anakin replied with a vague answer and a somewhat mysterious tone.

Mustering up some courage Barriss finally asks. "Can you be my master?" She blurts out with some embarrassment.

"Asking someone to be your master? I am sure that the Jedi wouldn't allow such favoritism." Anakin said to Barriss but didn't really mean what he was saying and was just testing her resolve.

"Of course! You would be a great master, have you not already taught me alot already?" Barriss responded dodging his comment on the Jedi.

He hums abit before saying. "I could take you as my apprentice... but if you wish to do so it would only be so long before I would want for you to graduate from under me." Anakin then continues. "I cant be having my apprentice not become great, and do so slowly."

"I will do anything for you-I mean this opportunity." Barriss quickly covers up her slip.

"There are other things to consider as well, like how you shall address me. While we would still be friends and all, by becoming your master the relationship between us would change." Anakin continued. "Are you alright with this?"

"Yes." Barriss was firm in her belief that there would be no other who could teach her.

He had been doing so for the past few years, helping her in the areas she had wanted to progress down towards and helping her develop her strengths and even fill in her weaknesses. "There is no one else that I would have." Barriss says to Anakin.

"I think you are getting ahead of yourself a little, dont you have something else you have to do first?" Anakin says not giving his answer just yet.

"What is that?" She frowns.

"To complete your trials of course." Anakin supplies.

Exclaiming she replies. "Of course! I forgot..."

"Don't worry, from what I have seen you will easily be able to pass them. Let the Force guide you when making your saber as well, just a little tip for when you begin the construction of your lightsaber." Anakin says as he feels that he is done for the day within the training room.


After having gone on that mission for his new ship, with the birth and development of Jabitha, Anakin had to take a little bit of time to make sure she didn't do anything crazy.

Thankfully Jabitha was very resourceful when she got into situations that may have lead to her discovery.

When he went back to the Council to explain his side of the story of why he had stayed behind they were fine with it. Considering they were interested in going there as well, it would seem some of the members wanted a ship like that.

He just explained to them that all of those ships had died because of an attack against the planet which resulted in the deaths of the living ships.

They gave him some time off before they would send him off for another mission.

They did ask however about what had happened to his ship and how he had come back, he replied that the living ship made for him was born and had enough energy to get him towards another planet before he purchased a ride back to Coruscant.

He explained that was why it took so long for him.

Anyways, it was a new year and the Council had finally called him in to participate in another mission, one that would lead him down the path to discovering a Sith holocron.

Anakin would have to recover from the planet Kodai the ancient Sith holocron of King Adas. This time he was not joined by Obi-Wan as the first mission he was sent on was only reassure the Council's doubts about his capabilities.

Even though they had tested him and he was successful they had thought that because he was too fast in becoming a Knight and only having completed one mission as a Padawan, another mission with another person would help them be secure with their decision.

This time however after proving that he didn't need the extra help they had assigned him this mission alone.

Once going towards this planet and landing he would meet with the mad Sith historian, Murk Lundi, whom had once tried to claim the Sith holocron. With Lundi accompanying him, the two found that Lundi's pupil, Norval, a dark-side fanatic, had found and taken the holocron for himself.

Anakin, after facing and killing the deranged student, was able to recover the holocron, only to learn that their quest to reclaim it had exacted a heavy toll on Lundi's body. Anakin decided to spend some of his time during the last moments of Lundi's life at his side, as the old Quermian professor expressed regret for his fanatical pursuit of the holocron years ago.

With the dangerous artifact at last secured, Anakin should have returned the holocron to the Jedi High Council for safekeeping within the vaults of the Jedi Temple at Coruscant, but he didn't want to.

He would keep it to himself to discover what other dark side abilities and powers he could gain access too.

Adas was both a monarch and a god to his people, and during the end of his reign, Adas was given the title of Sith'ari, the perfect being, bestowed upon him by the Force according to legend. A fierce combatant and a respected, though inflexible ruler, Adas was still feared millennia after his death.

He preyed on the timid, enslaved those he considered to be foolish, executed idealists, and was highly derisive of the weak; his essence, recorded in a holocron, would refuse to pass on its teachings to anyone it did not deem worthy.

Anakin would be sure to take advantage of this fact and make sure that the special consciousness left behind in this holocron would give up all its information.

He couldn't do this through blunt force however and would need to play his cards right.

Though his holocron was generally reluctant to pass on instruction, it did have the extraordinary power to affect the minds of people in its presence when activated.

Anakin intended to learn everything he could and he did which resulted in him finally perfecting his mind reading technique. Well, it was perfected in that he would not damage the minds of those he read their memories from, meaning it would work on people who were not Force-sensitive.

He can now read peoples memories without mind-breaking them. For Force-sensitives however it would take some time to get used to it.

Another thing he would come to learn from that holocron was the manipulation of emotions, of which he had already developed himself but it would seem that the holocron had some information of its own relating to such an ability.

Considering the holocron itself could affect peoples minds when activated it would only make sense that Anakin would finally have a way to advance this trait.

King Ada was also known to be quite physically imposing but the combat aspects didn't matter to Anakin knowing he could perfectly recreate whatever style he was using. Its effectiveness was limited because Ada was more of a brute force style rather than refinement of ones skill.

'Anyway, I have been away from the temple for a small while.' Anakin thought to himself as he was ready to return on Jabitha. He had taken some time to digest and refine his own abilities after accessing the Sith holocron.

He would be keeping this for himself and putting it within his own Force-sensitive training institute in the future along with any other holocron he finds.

Anakin strongly felt that Jabitha did not want him to be on any other ship than herself, he readily complied given she was much more capable than any other ship. It could access the Force itself and use it, what more did he need to add?

'Lets go back to Coruscant.' Anakin mentally told Jabitha.

'Ok!' Jabitha was always excited to be driven by Anakin, not that he need to be a pilot because she was fully capable of doing so herself.

It was just because of the bond between the two, it was much better for her to become connected with him as originally her hyperspace rating would be a maximum of 0.4, which was quite high. With Anakin however it would become even faster reaching the 0.1 rating.

This was only possible because of the energy-field known as the Force, otherwise Anakin would only be able to pilot her at a maximum of 0.4.


Back on Coruscant.

After having come to Coruscant Anakin explained to the council that the Sith holocron was destroyed in the process of trying to retrieve it. He told them about Lundi and how he had died, along with the student who had tried to take the ancient Sith artifact for himself.

He was annoyed he had to continuously report to them about things, but that was how the hierarchy structure worked within the Jedi.

In fact this was what it was like everywhere else as well and in general it had always been like this. 'I guess I have still not grown used to being under the command of someone else yet.' Anakin thought to himself.

He also doesn't think that he would ever get used to it either.

For now Anakin would have to take up his duties as a stand in teacher once again till he gets another mission but that was perfectly alright with him.

The children were learning quite alot from him and he was actually starting to enjoy taking on the teacher role more and more.

Some of the things he had been teaching them over the years would set them up on a better path than what they would have originally gone down. When it came to emotions he would allow them to seek him out for some help.

Kind of like becoming a father of sorts.

Ironic that his other persona as Vader also meant father. The role of a parent was to ensure that your children grew up well and adjusted to the world, the galaxy but that didn't mean it was easy.

It may not be the hardest job to do but these children only had other Jedi to look up to and Anakin decided to give them another figure. Himself.

Of course he didn't want anyone to live up to the expectations of the chosen one but for them to know that even though he is hailed as such, he also faces problems and hardships. They took his words to heart given that most younglings within the temple absolutely idolized him.

Given he wanted them in his new Order or organization of Force-sensitives individuals in the future it was a great start to their conversion. He doesn't want some unstable individuals joining him and wants people who are mentally within the right frame of mind.

He had also been secretly teaching them about the grey code of the Force. Why, when this could lead to him being reprimanded, because the children held him in such high esteem that they wouldn't ever tell anyone else except those who are in the know.

'All going according to the plan.' Anakin thought to himself.

It may take a few more years before any big changes are found because they are still young and most of those who are older and are padawans are not really within his access.

He wont be able to save them all from their fate, but he will save those who are deserving, an example being Plo-Koon, while some who must die would be Ki-Adi-Mundi.