V.1-C.95│Welcome to Hell V│

The sixth level of Chaos.

The sixth level of Hell.

After having finally achieving a checkmate against himself, Anakin was thrown into another void where he was falling from a height that felt like it would never end. He had achieved victory, so he had gained freedom, atleast that was what this dimension may be about in accordance to the Sith code.

For all he knows it could be going according to something else and he was just trying to insert pieces of the puzzle within the wrong places. Even if Chess Anakin had said he was correct, could he really trust anything or anyone here?

Probably not.

When thinking to the Sith code, the last line was that the Force would set oneself free which if Anakin was to follow the theme this would mean that possibly the last thing he has to deal with would be something to do with the Force.

Something within the Force that could supposedly set him free, whatever that meant, fate, destiny, a mortal life or just free from this hellish dimension, he would find out.

As he was falling he felt more and more that the Force was chaotic. It was the epitome of what the dark side was, pure unadulterated darkness and chaos.

For now he could only see nothing but sooner or later he would be able to perceive his location.

Falling quite hard but not taking any real damage except feeling some pain Anakin can see that the description of very powerful and dangerous divine beings was an understatement. 'I didn't know I would be seeing some cosmic horrors.' He thought to himself.

He wasn't exposed to anything else, atleast there was no boss for him to fight but going by the levels so far, there should be one at the end of his path.

'Nwûl tash.' Voices were heard as Anakin was making his way towards the things that looked like Cthulhu.

'Dzwol shâsotkun. Shâsotjontû châtsatul nu tyûk. Tyûkjontû châtsatul nu midwan. Midwanjontû châtsatul nu asha. Ashajontû kotswinot itsu nuyak. Wonoksh Qyâsik nun.' These voices were not vocalized but were sent straight to his mind trying to disrupt his thoughts.

They spoke into his mind with an unknown language, something he couldn't understand.

"Can you guys speak to me properly. I do not understand what you are trying to say." Anakin spoke to these beings as he was defending his mind because those messages they were sending him were quite harmful.

It was similar to how when Nihilus spoke and just being in his presence sapped him but theirs was different. Its intent was not to devour but to cause confusion, chaos and be a source of absolute corruption.

"Stop trying to corrupt me, it is useless." Anakin said in hopes they would listen to reason, but madness doesn't stop because you logically apply yourself.

They were started to get agitated. 'Nwûl tash. Dzwol shâsotkun. Shâsotjontû châtsatul nu tyûk. Tyûkjontû châtsatul nu midwan. Midwanjontû châtsatul nu asha. Ashajontû kotswinot itsu nuyak. Wonoksh Qyâsik nun.'

They just said the same thing over and over again, nonstop.

Usually when it comes to telepathy it is the ultimate way to transmit your thoughts and feelings to another but it would seem that these beings purposely kept using another language. The language of the mind is universal so how these guys could stuff up so badly was beyond Anakin and he thought this was done on purpose or they were just beings of pure madness.

"Ok then, I guess that I will just have to end you guys." Anakin said using the trick to summon himself his own dual-bladed lightsabers.

'It would also make sense to drain these guys of their Force energies.' He though to himself as he leapt off of the ground and into the air diving right into the mass of creatures of madness.


After a lengthy battle of dealing with these creatures of madness Anakin continued his journey into the depths. Funnily enough his drop to the sixth level was not the lowest point he could be at and he could go even deeper.

Along the way he had to fight with beings that those above feared.

Creatures of madness, chaos but strangely enough of passion. They were extremely passionate knowing a challenger had come down to face them.

It would seem that the dark side is, as he thought more then just evil. People who believe that one side is absolute evil from the other is stupid but but have their wrongs and rights.

Most of the time the Sith or those affiliated with the dark side were corrupted by it which lead to devastating decisions or actions. This epitome of selfishness, while the light also corrupted those into inaction, choices that lead to devastating consequences as well.

Not doing anything can be just as bad as doing something.

Anakin remembered a saying from his last life, 'The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.'

The Jedi were meant to be the good but at many points one could point out their flaws and say they were evil in alot of their actions. While others would point out the atrocities committed by the Sith as the worst actions possible without considering that some of their actions created some good.

Universally, everyone is in the end both good and bad. Everyone has the capacity for evil, it is just whether or not you realize this or not.

No one may be born this way but they could with certainty be made this way.

'Nwûl tash. Dzwol shâsotkun. Shâsotjontû châtsatul nu tyûk. Tyûkjontû châtsatul nu midwan. Midwanjontû châtsatul nu asha. Ashajontû kotswinot itsu nuyak. Wonoksh Qyâsik nun.' Most the creatures that had some form of telepathy kept chanting within this language.

What made it all the more frustrating was that he was unable to decipher this language but if he had a guess of what it could be he would guess it is actually the Sith code.

When it was finally all said and done, Anakin had reached a door.

An impressively tall and wide door that easily overshadowed him and would probably overshadow those larges beasts behind him as well.

He approached and as soon as he did he felt the Force shift and an eerie feeling settled within his corporeal stomach. His instincts went into overdrive and he hadn't even opened the door yet.

His mind was nearly thrown into chaos before he reasserted himself.

Opening the door by using the Force he enters the dark room and the doors close behind him, telling him he is now all alone with whatever is down here with him.

There was a crater and the lighting was dim but enough for him to make out tendrils of darkness coming out of the hole. He started to back up.

'I have a bad feeling about this.' Anakin started to back up as the room he was within started to rumble, the next moment he knew he was held onto by a hand that came from the abyss.

It was also black and looked corrupted covered in shadows and darkness, it dragged him down, deep down into the hole.

Everything went dark and as he came to he found himself on the ground, it was rocky and cold. The only source of light came from himself as he conjured up some lightning and coated himself with it which illuminated the dull grey colored area.

It was dark, extremely so and he couldn't see an end to it. All four corners and the ceiling above was just an abyss, a void of black tar.

From the darkness as he rises are dots, red in color that align themselves like eyes.

It was horned, it came from the darkness as if was apart of it and Anakin knew that he was in for a ride. It had fur coating its body, with one arm disproportionate to its other and in its other arm, it held a large axe.

Summoning his lightsaber while coated in lightning, he started to rush towards his new opponent. There is no talking just a beast ready to unleash its wrath upon him and as he draws closer it swings with all its might ready to crush him.

He dodges the blow as it hits the ground creating a shaking affect in this infinite void-like space.

Now behind the beast he sees it also has a tail, his senses then alert him of danger coming from his left where he sees the creatures arm bend and twist around itself in an unnatural way swinging right for me.

Anakin dodges again while holding his lightsaber, he disengages and now is using his dual-saber in both hands instead of together. It twirled around and continuously tried to jump onto him where he just continued to move out of the way.

It was creating waves of pure physically manifestations in the form of its fist taking on a dark shape smashing and flailing around onto the ground around them.

Anakin was on the defensive whist sending out some lightning towards the creature every chance he had.

The beasts move set was actually something created out of a routine and Anakin could accurately predict it making this fight all the much easier.

As the battle continued and the beast was disoriented by his movement he continued to keep up the pace making sure not to slow down because that would just destroy his momentum. It continued to flail around to create a disturbance and the Force was deeply imbued within it which only served to further empower the mindless beast.

This thing was the epitome of this void. This chaos with which if one were to dissipate within what would be left behind is nothing, no consciousness and only bodily instincts.

Its mind gone and a being of no soul it was actually strange for Anakin because he in particular could feel the energy that radiated off of the beast.

The beast started to break from its usual patterns and stayed still for a moment as it lifted its axe into the void and called forth on the Force. It answered and created shadows that came down on the beast and Anakin within its immediate vicinity forcing Anakin to create distance between the two of them.

He had tried to penetrate the beast but to no avail, it was as if the lightsaber was useless and only abilities within the Force could harm it.

Which reminded him about how within the Sith they believed through the Force they could free themselves by using it, by becoming its absolute master and servant.

So Anakin decided to do just that, to completely dominate and control the dark energies within this endless void. He drew on and used the recreated ability he stole from Nihilus but needed to do so with caution.

Again he didn't want to become like Nihilus where he had become dependent on the Force to live, for sustenance.

The beast continued to pursue him and did alot of things that was annoying to Anakin, as even though his opponent was stupid, that didn't mean it wasn't hard. It was absolutely, mind-boggling hard to defeat this creature because it absolutely made sure that no damage was done to it.

His Force lightning was the only thing capable of harming it and he had minimal success but at this point it would take a long time to defeat it.

He decided that he may need to take a risk here and believe in his capabilities of holding off the corruption, he started to increase the speed of which he drew in the dark side which started to cause a change within his eyes.

Making sure to at least try and maintain a balance one of his eyes became a burning yellow. His other still stayed the same glowing purple but now he had technically completed the basic three colors.

Red plus blue equals purple while his other eye is yellow. He was slowly twisting the dark energies into himself that even the mindless beast started to react and started to empower itself.

Anakin rid himself of the sabers as they were useless to him in this moment and he started to formulate another ability within the Force. Something within himself just clicked and his corporeal form started to enlarge itself just as the beast was doing so as well.

It had now become a veritable battle of titans but that didn't mean it was to be a fair fight. Anakin was now in what he would the future call his cosmic form.

The beast summoned minions to better help it finish off its opponent as it now fully sees him as a threat. It called on its own lair to bring out more of those colossal tentacles creatures of darkness where they came out but now Anakin towered over them where before he was towered over.

Both of his eyes now were starting to turn another color, the color of darkness itself. A deep cold dark black, where once was beautiful glowing violet eyes that had a certain allure to them, here it was as if the abyss was staring into you.

His eyes stared directly at the beast as it roared and tried to overpower him with its aid but Anakin was easily able to absorb them as he slowly startled to suckle out of the beast its endless darkness.

"You are no match to me, reveal your identity now!" Anakin compelled the mindless beast as if it still retained memories.

Deep within the beasts red eyes there was some sort of amalgamation of voices, memories, thoughts and emotions with which Anakin could view through his cosmic form. He started to draw on the beast power by pinning it down and creating Force lightning to chain it.

"Your name..." Anakin said before seeing that the abyssal creature had no name. It was nameless, it just simply was, it simply is, it existed without purpose and if it did have one it was to be trapped down here.

Anakin started to assume this may have been some sort of illusion, a fragment of his imagination before seeing something within the beast. A glimpse of the light side of the Force.

It showed Anakin the possible identity of its existence. It was the devil, the veritable king of this underworld. A divine being that had been lost to the annals of time and the corruption of the infinite darkness of the Force.

'It would seem that not even the devil could survive this hellhole. How cruel.' He thought to himself about this dimension and what it did to the people within.

Anakin then withdrew himself and decided to purify the energy within the beast before taking it for himself and as he did so his body started to return to his normal size.

No longer within his cosmic form his eyes also resumed their normal color because this variation of his cosmic form was of the darkness, of the abyss. He would have to test out the next version of this form, which would be in line with the light side.

Anakin now was starting to feel something building within the Force. 'What is this?' It wasn't something here to kill him or somehow prevent him from leaving and in fact felt like something beneficial.

He had established a connection to this realm, what this signified didn't matter right now as he had to leave.

'So this will allow me to return to this dimension and traverse its levels wherever I want?' He thought to himself before finishing his thoughts. 'Great.'