V.2-C.25│Problems in Paradise VII│

"Are we ready?" A deep voice spoke as there were some people gathered around a table.

Within a building of some kind, located somewhere undisclosed and most likely off of the grid as well, because these figures didn't want to be found.

"Well? Speak up! You useless lot." The same deep voice yelled out, which startles many of those sitting in on this meeting taking place.

"But, sir. They had captured Trevor Icinghold, even... God Damnit!" Another person exclaimed. "They got Danie-" One person tried to speak up but was interrupted.

"Shut up! I dont care who they have captured. It doesn't matter because we have this." A whole bunch of people, servants, brought in a large box that was sealed shut. The box had been cleaned off as it had gotten dirty on the way to their location.

"B-But boss! You cant be possibly thinking of using this!" One voice from within this dissident group spoke up.

"This is insane! You are going to kill people! And you are going to get us killed as a result!" And yet another person who couldn't take the injustice of the situation. They hadn't killed before, or at least to the knowledge of most of the members.

But there will nearly always exist corruption.

They had killed before, of course not from the Empyrean. Otherwise that would get too ugly too fast and they wouldn't be able to send out their message, which the Empress was still not getting after all this time, supposedly.

"All of you doubt me now, but with this we will send a proper message. One that cant be ignored by those above us, thinking they are all high and mighty." The person stood up and directed his gaze upon the small group gathered within this dank location.

Everyone within the room was unsure. Even those that are supporters of the madman talking to them all now.

It was one thing to destroy things, as, to them it wasn't harming anyone and was only meant to send a message to those in positions of power.

Of course, attacking defenseless peoples properties was quite the shitty thing to do and it shouldn't be done even when they 'protest,' because that is not right. They aren't actually helping the people they believe to be helping but are just causing destruction and chaos.

In fact they are harming themselves and those around them by trying to do all of this, and everyone here, probably deep down knew this.

"If I may suggest..." Someone else within the room started to speak and this person seemed to be unusually calm for the situation at hand.

Violently looking over towards this voice within the silence, the gruff and violent lunatic of a man, saw that the person who had spoken was strange. Strange in a manner that suggested he was in complete control of the situation, as if the entire event, the entire room was at his disposal.

"What is it stranger!?" The lunatic didn't notice this person, and no one else had really noticed him as well. It was if he had appeared out of nowhere and was just sitting in on their meeting, which the lunatic didn't mind all too much but the others...

"W-Who are you!"

"How did you get in here!"

"Where are the servants!? Or even the Guards!?"

Multiple other voices rose up as the situation was starting to get heated because of the mysterious visitors presence. The room descended into total chaos, and the only two people that was calm now is the lunatic and the mysterious man.

The servants were no where to be seen, otherwise presumed dead or missing and the others filtered from the room at a very fast pace not wanting to know who this person was. It was a danger to their lives and they are a paranoid bunch of lunatics, but the most mad of them all stayed.

As everyone else evacuated, the only two left was the madman and his now new friend within the room with him, the mysterious man.

"How about we talk this over?" The mysterious man said within his cloak as it would seem everyone who wishes to disguise themselves uses something that would cover their face inefficiently.

If Anakin were here, he would tell them to hurry up and use a mask or something, because the wind could and would get in the way of their grand entrance. Even if it weren't the wind, it would still be prudent to take caution when only using a hood to disguise your identity.

It was enough however for the man to get in unnoticed by absolutely everyone, the guards, the servants and not even those within knew of what was happening.

"Of course! My friend, now that those useless pieces of trash are out of our way, we can get down to business." The madman had an insane smile on his face not too unlike the Joker.

"I wish to ask first, for what reason you wanted to go against the Empyrean. To what extremes you are willing to go through just to make sure the Empress, the Prince and their people are hurt?" The mysterious man asked.

"My reason?" The madman posed and continued. "Why of course! It is to create absolute chaos. Chaos with which it is unseen or even unheard of before."

"Chaos, huh? Then you are just right for the job." The mysterious man said before continuing. "It has come to my attention and the attention of those from my people that someone has been impersonating us."

"And who might you be?" The madman asked.

"I should reveal it now then. I am from Trade Federation." The mysterious man revealed himself to be the representative sent by the remnants of the now disbanded Trade Federation. No doubt those from higher up positions, now aware of Anakin and what he has done, is trying to get back at Anakin.

"Wow! And here I thought that all of you were dead. Well, you are just in luck because you guys aren't the only people who want to stick it to the people here." The madman said.

"Oh? Who else has come to you?" The mysterious man coaxed the madman.

"I dont know. Some crazy scary dude that wanted to destabilize this developing empire. Some shit like that." The madman replied. "I dont know his name or where he was from but he was someone I dont want to mess with."

"And you think messing with the Empyrean is any better?" The Trade Federation representative just had to ask.

"Of course it is! As long as I, or my associates dont hurt anyone in anyway, they wont do anything to us. Look how far I have gotten! Cowards, the lot of them." The madman said before saying. "Oh! I am terribly sorry, but I have forgotten to introduce myself. You may simply call me Jester, may I know your name?"

"You may refer to me as, the Pawn." The now newly dubbed Pawn said.

"What a great name! Now that the introductions are over, I would like to know just what I will be receiving out of this deal? What more does this Trade Federation that doesn't exist anymore, want?" The Jester asked.

"What did the scary figure offer to you before?" The Pawn asked.

"He gave me money. Lots of it. Enough for me to live off of once I leave this hell hole. This place is crazy! The locals are crazy! Even the droids are crazy!" The Jester was starting to rant about the things he had seen and heard from within the Empyrean as a citizen.

The system for the citizens wasn't perfect and there would obviously always be people that are unhinged allowed into society because they looked completely normal on the outside. While from within, there is this deep seated craze, a burning fire that tells them to do things untold of.

One must tow the fine line between genius and insanity rather carefully.

"We dont call ourselves the Trade Federation anymore, given that we needed to give up everything we have..." The Pawn clenches his fist and this isn't unnoticed by the Jester. "I suggest this..."

The two, the Jester and the Pawn would then go on to describe what they hadn't want to be done and what they did want done. Negotiations didn't last long and by the end of it, both parties would be satisfied with the results.

This only meant that Anakin would have more trouble to deal with.


Within a spaceship, a woman was eagerly anticipating her arrival at her destination.

This woman is Padme Amidala Skywalker, formerly Naberrie and she is extremely excited to not only meet up with her Ani again but also to meet his family. In particular his mother, Shmi. She had a very close relationship with the woman and wanted to become an even closer, tight-knit family and was willing to do alot of things to make this happen.

She was aware that her decision to get married to Anakin was rash and probably not what she should have done but she doesn't regret it. Her time spent with Anakin was more then enough for her to love him.

No what she wanted was to spend an inordinate amount of time with him, evermore. After handling things within the senate, and with her new Queen on Naboo, she had finally been able to not be a representative within the senate no more.

That is right, she will no longer be a major part of the galactic senate and would become apart of the royal family on Tatooine. The Empyrean is where she would be spending most if not all of her life from now on.

It is an all too natural choice for her, but she would be lying if she said she wouldn't miss her family from Naboo. Her mother, father, sister and her children. It would certainly be a daunting process to go through when she knew that the people were quite obsessed with Anakin.

If she were to somehow do wrong within the public eye, she would fear for her life, at least that was what she had heard was going on there. It wasn't exactly chaos but it seemed like his people regarded him as an entity above them, forever and ever more.

It wasn't like they weren't correct in assuming he is powerful or even all knowing but that doesn't separate the fact from the matter. The matter being that it is scary and she doesn't know what she would be doing exactly once she got there.

Unaware of the responsibilities there would be when becoming the princess and eventual empress alongside with whoever else is to be included, she at least felt safe in the fact that she wouldn't shoulder this burden alone.

First and foremost she would have Anakin, and that was all she needed but it was still nice to have someone else right beside her. That being Aayla, whom had also gotten into a shotgun marriage with Anakin.

"Your majesty. We will be arriving shortly."

"Thank you captain." Padme said to one of the pilots as they were nearing Tatooine now, having gone through the hyperspace lanes available and those that were hidden as well. It was always better to be precautious, even within their own territory.

Anakin was no stranger to events that would go against him in some manner, as no matter how much the Force may 'love' him in a sense, it would still make sure he was tortured first before fulfilling his role.

It had done so to the original, so why wouldn't he also guess that the Force would try and do so to him as well. He was no masochist.

There were other problems going on as well, and Anakin was very aware of what was happening. At least he thought he was as he wouldn't be prepared for what is to happen next.

An event that would very much anger him.

'I am coming, Ani.' Padme thought to herself as she imagined what it would be like when she got there again. To see the massive amount of changes and improvements that Anakin had no doubt implemented for the people was something she would be proud of.

Just as Anakin would bask in her glory, she too would in his.


Anakin was waiting at the spaceport that would have Padme arriving and he could see her now. Sense her within the very atmosphere as she landed despite the amount of distance between the two, despite the inability to bond to her through the Force.

That was just how powerful he had become that he would be able to destroy an entire planet through the Force if he really wanted to. He would be able to crush one, and that was why there would be no Death Star because it is pointless to him at this point.

That is not even considering his connection to the Infinity Gate on Dathomir, that had been disabled because he also didn't need that anymore. It was backwards from his own, new design that is much better in all ways.

Why would he leave a potentially dangerous planet destroying weapon within the hands of the Nightsisters? That is just asking for trouble.

"Ani!" A voice called out to him and he awaited her eager embrace.

"Padme." He said softly as she was now dangling off of his neck, because of the size difference she was much smaller compared to him. Not that it would get in the way of 'certain' activities.

"I am so glad that I am here. To be with you." Still dangling, she stared into his eyes before prompting a kiss scene that was quite romantic as the two were within their own world. However...

There was no typical person interrupting them and they could embrace each other as they wanted without prying eyes.

"Are you ready?" After disengaging from the situation, Anakin and Padme began their trip back to the palace.

"Yeah. I think so." Padme answered.

"I hope so, because while the people may love me. My mother and I haven't given an announcement yet about my marriage to you or Aayla." Anakin said.

"So she knows?" Padme didn't seem surprised and was actually wanting Anakin to do the explaining for the both of them to Shmi. It would make it easier on the both of them, Padme and Shmi, if Anakin did so.

"Yeah, I wont forget about that. You should've told her to save me the trouble." Anakin sighed with a troubled look on his face.

"Don't blame me." Padme pouted but Anakin just ignored this and couldn't walking. She had minimal luggage, well, minimal in female terms, so he had to rely on either the droids or the Force. He opted for the Force as he was starting to become more and more comfortable with what the people are calling him now.

A God.

Their God.

As the two continued on their way, the sound of children was heard as they were playing within the streets and some elderly and young people every now and then passed by the two, in awe of Anakin's display.

"Do you really have to do-" Padme was interrupted however.

An explosion occurred, with which had ripped a massive hole in the buildings behind them and this lead to many elderly people dying. Thankfully Anakin was able to save the children from such disaster and protect everyone else from this.

"Ani!" Padme's scream was heard as he saw one child within her arms, cold and dying.

He tried to save the small boy. "Hold on." Anakin said as he used his considerable powers within the Force but it wasn't enough.

"It that you? My God and his angel has come to bring me..." The boy said before breathing his last breath.