V.2-C.35│Official Marriage│

"By the way..." Grievous started as he was thinking of a way to broach the topic of alliances through marriage to Anakin. In a few days time he would be having his own official marriage and it wouldn't be that good to bring this up now but it was the best he would get.

"Yes?" Anakin had a distinct feeling that what was said next will be surprising.

"It is about Talzin." Grievous said. "She wants to arrange a political alliance based on a marriage between yourself and someone from her tribe."

"That is interesting..." Anakin said while contemplating what Grievous had just said to him.

"Emperor?" Grievous voiced himself to make sure Anakin was still listening.

"Yeah?" Anakin was shaken from one of his multiple thought processes that had been working on other things. Siri was not the other administrator of the matrix setup, the whole entirety of the system was run in combination of her multiple processors along with his own developed mental facilities.

"If I may suggest, there have been two options given by Talzin." Grievous said to Anakin who was listening. "There is a woman, whom she has said she had to give up a long time ago due to some certain circumstances. Her name, if I remember correctly is Asajj Ventress."

"Go on."

"Apparently she is somewhere out there right now and it would be prudent of us to find her and bring her back to her tribe. It would be a great political move, both from within and outside for the people to see us rescuing the girl."

"Who is the second option." While Ventress was attractive in her own right, Anakin had a feeling that she would be trouble. No, it would be better to see the full list of options first before he made his decision.

Unfortunately for him, he only had two and while the first woman is around eight to nine years his senior, the next option is better but still bad. "Then there is another girl, but she is younger than you are and is currently about the same age as your now apprentice Ahsoka."

"Really..." Anakin didn't want to have to deal with another girl younger than him, not because he liked older women or anything, even though that has been within his target range, that doesn't mean he wouldn't get involved with someone younger then him.

The fact of the matter is that these girls are still within an age range he is not comfortable being in any meaningful relationship with.

"Talzin said this second candidates name is Merrin and she is quite the prospective amongst her people and she said you would be most pleased with her."

'Of course. Even with changing their culture to be more tolerant of men, that doesn't mean they would change everything.' Anakin thought to himself as it is actually quite common for children to be paired and married off to each other.

It was like this for the simple fact of the matter that mortality rates were so high that the times demanded that people very young have children to help stabilize their population.

"Her age?" Anakin wanted to know the exact age because if he chooses the younger option, it would mean he would have to wait. That would feel creepy, just as it was feeling slightly creepy for him now that Ahsoka had unintentionally bonded with him in that way.

While there are technically alot of age ranges for marriage and betrothals and the age of consent, blah, blah, blah. That didn't mean anything much to him because he would still follow some of his previous life's morals.

Not out of some insane sense on wanting to hold on to the past but because that is what he had gotten used to. He thought of those above a certain age as adults and thought of those below a certain age as children.

As simple as that.

"I believe that Talzin said she was born six years after you were. So that would make her 14 years of age this year compared to Ahsoka, you apprentice of 15." Grievous answered from the knowledge handed over to him by Talzin.

Grievous was told that if she had to pick then it would be Merrin because she was the easiest option right now and quite possibly the best out of the two. Considering other factors it is incredibly likely Ventress had died by now and Talzin didn't hold out much hope.

Of course Ventress is alive and is actually thriving at this point of time, specifically she should be training under Dooku as his new Sith assassin and somewhat apprentice, but Dooku didn't really take her as an apprentice.

She would still be classified as such by others though.

"So my choice is between a 14 year old girl and a 28 year old woman that may or may not be alive?" Anakin asked thinking the situation was ridiculous but considering stuff like this happened within his past life and the fact that Padme, at the age of 14 was elected to rule over an entire civilization... It was probably very much in line with the logic of this universe.

"Of course, if Ventress is not alive then that would mean Talzin only has one choice left to her as other women of her tribe are either married off and have partners of their own or otherwise." Grievous supplied why exactly these were the only two options.

"What value does this Merrin girl have compared to Ventress." Anakin knew of both of these people and knew of the value either one would have to him if he were to accept.

It is within his best interests to do so but he would still not be going through with this, why would he? It was one thing if he was also the same age if not similar but the age gap was still a little too big at the moment because she is still a child.

"Well, Merrin is younger so obviously that is the plus and other things like proper Force-sensitive training by the Nightsisters, compared to Ventress, who we have no knowledge of."

"Stop right there. I think I will decline this offer."

"I thought you would say that." Grievous within his new body was still giddy over his new form and had been getting used to his new muscles. His body was aged however, both at his request and because Anakin couldn't reverse his aging without granting some form of immortality. Which is something he wouldn't do.

"It is great to know that you know me so well." Anakin stated as the situation was decided and while Talzin may dislike this decision, she would just have to live with it. At this point, there is nothing she could do to bring him over to her side more than what she has already done.

There was also no reason to antagonize Anakin as well, since they have only ever had, well, nearly almost always has Talzin and the Nightsister ever had positive interactions with Anakin.

"I dont mind being in a some form of treaty with them but I dislike the idea of being forced into a marriage. I am sure the girl, whether it be Ventress that may be dead and Merrin that is young would also appreciate my sentiments." Anakin said as he walked off leaving Grievous to get used to his new body all by himself.

"A little help would've been appreciated!" Grievous called out as Anakin just left laughing internally at Grievous' struggles. He is kind and compassionate but that doesn't he would just give it out like it means nothing.

Grievous has done alot for him and they are close but they could only be considered friends and Anakin believes that it is fine to mess with your friends every once in a while. He had already shown that he cared enough to remake him his entire body, with upgrades, so he just left.

It didn't stop him from taking pleasure in knowing that Grievous would struggle for abit however to regain his bearings.

Another thing about the whole age matter, is that he wouldn't have minded that much if Merrin is older and he wouldn't mind that much if Ventress was younger as well. Not that he didn't already have a few women older than him in a relationship with himself. Padme and Aayla are two, then there is Shaak who is connected to him through a Dyad, and finally Zannah who is quite possibly the oldest out of all the women.

No, she is the oldest as she was born a whopping 1000 years before the current date, give or take a few years.

Barriss is a year younger than himself while Rynalla is also older than him. 'Now that I think about it, does the Force like pairing me with older women? Or is this just my preference?' Anakin thought to himself. 'But, the Force also paired me with Ahsoka, so there must be something going on there...'

There was some silence as he came to a stop.

'No. Lets not think of this matter now because within the next few days there will be a grand event taking place. Unfortunately it would seem that most of the guests for Aayla and Barriss may be unable to make it...' Anakin thought to himself.

"It is ok. They will have me." Anakin laughed to himself cockily. "Ok. Maybe it isn't ok, but delaying the wedding wouldn't be good as everything else has already been planned."

Anakin wanted to allow for the Jedi to come here on time, the guests included people like Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, Luminara, Quinlan Voss, even good old Mace but they are busy with the war. More so then they would be to have a few breaks here and there because of his actions.

Meaning they would be unable to come, which of course saddened Barriss and Aayla as Luminara was sort of like a mother figure to her, while Quinlan is a father figure for Aayla. This just makes it easier for him though as he wouldn't have to do the whole bullshit face the father thing.

It was usually over the top, and he would also do the same thing. This is hypocritical of him, but this is one of those times that it would be allowed as for some reason it is universal for fathers to be overly protective of their daughters.

That didn't mean they had any real right to dictate their children's love life, as it is their own. So all he would be doing is scaring Han some more and waiting to see if he still has Luke and Leia with Padme, just as the Force designs.

It wouldn't be out of reason for something like this to still happen. Thankfully he had already given everything he is connected to through a Dyad eternal life already, otherwise they would be aging while he didn't.

'A few more days...'


A few more says later, indeed.

Everyone, well near everyone that is meant to attend this ceremony had come. The family of the Groom, which is Anakin and the families of the Brides had also come on this fine evening.

Tatooine usually isn't the best place to set the atmosphere but Anakin didn't mind as he could create the atmosphere himself. He did do it, as it wouldn't be the best for the girls.

Those in attendance is actually quite a few people, now that he thinks about it. Those that had come weren't anyone from the Jedi or even anyone from the Republic or C.I.S., both of whom he had signed treaties with.

'They must have more important things to do.' He thought to himself as he would transform his Nanosuit for every bride to be. He decided to go along with each of their cultural background to better respect them, as for all three girls their species and heritage played a part in their development.

Traditional clothing from Naboo was copied for himself and he allowed the Nanosuit to create the illusion that he was actually wearing a proper suit. Then came the traditional garb of the Twi'lek when doing their ceremonies in relation to finding a partner and the last but not least, Mirialan cultural get up.

He put in the effort because he wanted too and it would also show to everyone in attendance and no doubt when it is broadcasted to everyone that the Empyrean is quite the diverse and tolerant empire.

Meaning that any and all are welcomed, because even the soon to be crowned Emperor himself would get married to three people of differing species, that he may or may not be able to even have children with. Well, of course he would be able to have children with Padme, but the other two are a different story.

That was until you took into account that he had already modified it so that he would be capable of impregnating any species.

The way he did this was a unique method that allowed him to bypass the whole hybrid situation and instead of the children between himself and someone from a differing species being spliced. They would come out completely like the mother.

The mothers species would be predominant while features from his own genetic code would be passed on like hair, skin or eye coloring. He did this because it was the easiest way to get around having to overly transform himself as well.

"I, Padme Amidala Naberrie, take you, Anakin Skywalker, to be my husband."

"I, Aayla Secura, take you, Anakin Skywalker, to be my husband."

"I, B-Barriss Offee, take you, A-Ani-" Barriss was stuttering badly when it was her turn to participate, while Padme and Aayla had already gone through this before. They were still nervous, dont get Anakin wrong. It was because they just had to do it in front of so many people now, and potentially to the rest of the galaxy as an audience, if they so choose.

"-I mean, Anakin S-Skywalker. to be my husband." Barriss finally properly finished and everyone's ceremonies went on their own pace. Finishing one after the other and now, within his own Empyrean, the Skywalker family had increased by few more members, officially.

Aayla Skywalker nee Secura, Padme Amidala Skywalker nee Naberrie, and Barriss Skywalker nee Offee.

A small passionate moment of public affection passed by as Anakin would proceed to passionately kiss them when it was their turn to go through with the ceremony. It wasn't the typical everyday thing to witness but there was alot of people to witness it in full grand scale.

'It would seem that it is time to finally have some passionate baby making with Padme...' Anakin was thinking naughtily right now as he was full of certain energies as of this moment.

Of course, he thought of Padme in this instance because of two reasons. The first being that he can sense her want for him and the other two weren't particularly in the mood as of this moment. The second and arguably the better reason is that she is technically his second wife? 'That seems a bit backwards, their are no ranks...'

It doesn't change the fact that she is the second to be married to him, after Aayla and she hadn't gotten her fair share of sexy time with him, so it is only right for him to fulfill her needs... Just as she would try, but probably fail to fulfill his.

But that is what practice is all about.