V.2-C.40│Depths of Dac I│

'Into the depths we go.' Ahsoka thought to herself as she used the provided equipment to help her breath underwater.

A small device that recycled oxygen for her to breath and extracting that oxygen from the water they were in and neutralizing the carbon dioxide she released when exhaling. It was a different story for Anakin as he was able to breath underwater perfectly safe because of the third lung he had implanted into himself.

'What a cheater.' Ahsoka thought to herself as the deeper they both went, the harder and harder it was to see.

The light of the star for the system they were in was obscured by the layers and layers of water above them and if Ahsoka didn't have the Force to help her, then she would start to feel the pressure of the ocean.

'Look at him, all smug. Thinks he is the king of the world.' Ahsoka was a bit grumpy now that they went under as it was taking some effort for her to push through the water. Anakin looked like he was enjoying himself swimming and everything.

Every now and then he would go so far as to play with some alien fish that would pass by, completely harmless and even if they had some form or type of damage, they would be unable to hurt him.

There was a few jellyfish that looked super poisonous and would have very much harmed her but he easily tamed those as well. Even if they somehow manage to get past his Nanosuits armor and his bodies natural protection, the poison would still be eliminated by his extremely powerful cellular and biological makeup.

All and all, Anakin was having the time of his life and they were barely off the coast of where they had landed. Leaving everyone else behind on the ship, they were having their own scuba diving session.

"What is this planet all about anyway?" Ahsoka was able to ask despite the device she was using. She hasn't released her Dyad connection to Anakin yet and would probably not know that it has happened despite knowing of what it is and what it means.

How could she not when around other women, with various experiences in relation to it.

Anakin replied as he had an entire school of fish follow behind him. "Well, this planets name is Dac."

"Dac? That's it?" Ahsoka questioned.

"Yes, thats it. It is also known as Mon Calamari and sometimes simply called Mon Cala. This place has a whole wealth of species that call this planet home: the Mon Calamari, the Quarren, the Moappa, the Amphi-Hydrus, and the Whaladons." Anakin explained. "Of course, this place is called by the locals that live here as Dac, so that is why I called it Dac."

"It is a bit of a silly name..." Ahsoka was being a little childish as internally she was comparing the name Dac to another inappropriate word. She may be a bright light within the Force but that doesn't mean she is innocent.

She lived with a closet pervert, known as Aayla who was actually at the same time an open pervert as well, considering the clothing she wears. Not that she doesn't know the reason of why she wears clothing like that, but it doesn't help when she is also around Shaak who is also openly flirtatious sometimes with Anakin.

Her only respite from those two is Barriss, who is probably the most reserved of them all. It is a good thing that Ahsoka isn't able to hear Barriss' thoughts or feel her emotions sometimes as she is quite passionate as well.

"Different cultures, different languages, you get the gist of it." Anakin replied.

Mon Calamari was the name given to the planet by Human explorers from the Galactic Republic who first discovered and revealed the world to the rest of the galaxy.

The planet was a shining bluish-white orb from space, due to its ocean-covered surface. It was home to 27.5 billion Mon Calamarians and Quarren, as well as surrounded by the impressive Mon Calamari Shipyards.

Anakin didn't really have to explain what they were doing here and there were no check points stopping them from enter, so of course he went right ahead. Of course he did all of this under the cloak of invisibility from Jabitha as while it didn't look defended, that was because there was no threat to be detected.

Anakin had no doubt that the people living here would at least want to question why he was coming here. If it was revealed that an Emperor had come all the way out to another sector far off from his own territories, Anakin was sure people may question his sanity.

The fauna and flora of any Ocean environment was dangerous and Anakin had been making sure that Ahsoka didn't make any mistake that would cost her, her life.

This was not a particularly good place to come to, but because of his influence and the decision of her own, Ahsoka was prepared to do something like this. In fact, it was her that had mentioned ultima-pearls in the first place.

There was no way she had heard of it before and Anakin connected the dots to her having already seen her arrival on this planet. The Force may have even guided her to be here at this time and knowing that Anakin is with her, he became suspicious at what it may want from him.

His paranoia is acting up and while he is not the most suspecting of people, he certainly had his moments.

"What kind of dangers can we expect down here exactly? You know, are there any big, big monsters that could swallow us whole?" Ahsoka asked a bit nervous, knowing that Anakin would save her gave her warmth. Knowing that he would also make sure she doesn't have it easy also made the warm feeling be doused as well.

"Nothing too dangerous, just some stuff like devilsquids and and things like that..." Anakin left off in an ominous tone.

Anakin didn't want to hentai situation happening of course so he would stop anything like that from happening simply by virtue of the fact he had already accepted that Ahsoka will be his. He couldn't allow a stupid squid that privilege, and of course there was the fact that he wanted to keep this pg.

"W-What are devilsquids?" Ahsoka said in a shaky voice as they were now in an area nearly completely void of light.

"Nothing that you should be worried about right now. What you should be worried about however is whether or not you would be able to see where your going." Anakin didn't answer her and kept her on point, as distractions could take away from the learning experience.

Various fish of alien origins, or is it various fish of local origins as Anakin and Ahsoka could be considered alien because they do not originate from this planet were swimming around. Not that Ahsoka could see them and hear them at all.

Thankfully Ahsoka could rely on her biology of being a Togruta as her montrals has the ability to sense the proximity and movement of physical objects around them by means of their hollow montrals, which detected space ultrasonically.

She was using to to make sure there is nothing in front of her and nothing behind her while Anakin didn't, again, have to worry about the darkness of the sea. His Nanosuit provided him with all of the vision he needed and even if it didn't he had access to the Force or even his own natural biological functions.

His eyes had been enhanced to an insane degree that it could pick up light and all of its various colors. Not that seeing light was all that useful the deeper they went because at some point it would become useless as light cant penetrate deeper into the ocean.

The further they went, the more and more, Ahsoka would use her hollow montrals to help her navigate herself.

She could feel that Anakin was right beside her all the way and she felt immensely safe by this. 'It shouldn't be long now before we come across some ultima-pearls.' She thought to herself, believing that wherever they went, she would find what she is after.

Ahsoka's objective is to get the ultima-pearls, specifically two pearls for herself as she would be using two lightsabers instead of one. Her vision was blurry and things weren't the same as they are now but there was alot that she would think is her, especially that one vision she will never forget.

Leaving the Order in whatever style she had within that vision was saddening and it made her feel as it was right. When she left the Order with Anakin in reality though she felt that it was right and she didn't have those same feelings.

She was scared that she would at that point of time but there wasn't anything to indicate that going along with him was wrong. Even now, she would say it felt extremely right.

"Focus, my apprentice. You really dont want to not be prepared for what could come after you down here. While I will help you, it also doesn't mean you can do nothing." Anakin spoke to Ahsoka as she was going in towards her thoughts and not paying attention to her surroundings.

"Sorry, sorry... I was just thinking about some things..." Ahsoka replied.

"Remember, three pearls and then we are out." Anakin stated.

"Huh? Wait, you said two, right?" Ahsoka appeared confused, that was if Anakin or she, herself could see her.

"Nope, three. Two for you and a third for myself." Anakin said as he could sense something beneath them.

"Is that why you are coming with me? Just to get yourself your own pearl?" She knew that Anakin wasn't coming with her just for that but it did make her a little upset.

"Careful there, keep some attention on your surroundings remember." Anakin reminded her.

"Whatever." Ahsoka seemed to be in a mood, not that Anakin all cared at this moment but instead was focused on their surroundings.

An archeological find had been discovered on this planet thousands of years ago that recorded a beast, a monster of the sea that was enormous. It was dead of course, but there was no telling when it came to places like the ocean.

In his previous life humans had been to space before they had the capacity to even fully explore the ocean, and he wouldn't think it was that far from how it was here as well. Despite the differences there are also alot of similarities as well.

"It seems that your mood has become a bit snippy..." Anakin left off as she recognized the word and how it would refer to her, but she decided to focus on her task instead. It would seem that what Anakin had just said had knocked her out of the trance she was in and she would at the very least be prepared for what is to come.

Inwardly she was and is actually happy that there was something from her visions that was predicted by her. Anakin would, maybe start to give her the endearing name on snips, hopefully...


While all of that was going on, Aayla was in wonderland, thinking about this and that. She is currently within Anakin's room and instead of working on her own new lightsaber, she is instead daydreaming.

She should really come out of it as she would still need to construct her lightsaber. The ghostfire crystal may not be the strongest when it comes to lightsabers and their connection to the Force, however they did compensate with their unique abilities.

She was just too overjoyed at the moment and she wanted to share this information with someone. Anyone at this moment.

She had already told Barriss as it relates to her and in fact she had even told Shaak who was in her room still connecting with her own saber, and as of this moment she needed to tell someone else. Specifically the other Empress of the Empyrean, Padme.

Aayla got up from Anakin's bed and connected herself through the connection so she would appear before Padme. If she wasn't too busy in the place of Anakin that is. Acting as regent may have been hard work and, or tiring her out so Aayla would make this quick.

If she wasn't however, then the two would probably continue to talk alot more about this subject.

"Aayla, is that you?" Padme was seen as a hologram just as Aayla was seen as one as well.

"Yes, it is me Aayla." She responded.

"What is it? And if you are wondering, I am not busy at all. It would seem that Ani didn't just leave me with all of his work to go off on an adventure with you guys." Padme had a smile on her face and Aayla was able to notice this.

"That isn't important right now." Aayla said not caring all too much but still this added to her perception of Anakin as someone that wouldn't just throw his responsibilities onto someone else. It was reassuring to know that Anakin was dependable enough to not make one of his wives do work that is his.

"Oh? What is it then? Going by your expression and overall excited tone, it would seem that you have either going at it with him or you have something exciting to say." Padme had a suggestive face when she said this knowing full well Anakin's capabilities.

"O-Of course we aren't doing THAT." Aayla said before whispering the last part. "Not around Ahsoka at least..."

Aayla snapped out of her inappropriate thoughts as she still hadn't told Padme about Anakin's change of mind. "Anyway, enough about that. Ani has decided that he wants to have a family." In her excitement Aayla forgot to mention the important part, instead of saying something Padme already knew.

"Huh? Are you ok Aayla? I already know of this, didn't he say he wanted one already? And a massive one at that going by how he is going at getting us to fall for his charm..." Padme was exasperated at how easy it was for Anakin to draw in the attention of women, whether this be unintentional or otherwise.

"Uh... That isn't what I mean. What I meant is that he is willing to have one now. Like he is willing to have children with us now, in the moment not sometime in the future when the galaxy is safer, or whatever excuse he was using..." Aayla said.

She continued. "But instead, he would, when the both of us, either you or me do the 'thing,' will be able to have children."

"Now, that is surprising." Padme responded not knowing what to say as it is a happy thing, for Aayla as she was the one who wanted children in this moment, while she also wanted a family in the future she was of the same mindset Anakin was. Children in chaotic times like this wouldn't be all that great, so she didn't try to convince him otherwise and in fact liked his decision.

"I know that you are of the same opinion as Ani, but think of it from my point of view and you will understand why he decided that it is fine." Aayla said before she would go on to explain her point of view.

While Padme was listening, her own mind started to change more and more as she listened to Aayla explanation of things. She couldn't help but agree and was now getting her own desire to have children herself.

It wasn't like there was all that much work for her or Anakin to do as the empire seemingly ran itself. It didn't but that is besides the point as Anakin would be able to be a great father and spend time with his children due to having minimal workload. If any at all.