V.2-C.45│Search II│

Yavin 4 was one of three habitable moons orbiting the gas giant Yavin.

It was mainly covered in jungle and rainforest, and despite being remote and unheard of, it would play an important role in galactic events, including the seduction of Jedi Knight Exar Kun to the dark side and the destruction of Sith Lord Freedon Nadd during the Great Sith War, the site of the eventual final death of the maddened Jedi Revan in the waning days of the Galactic War.

It would have been and probably will if events go accordingly, be the place a ferocious duel between Jedi and Sith during the Clone Wars, and serving as the base of the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Battle of Yavin and as a battlefield in other battles of the Galactic Civil War.

An attack was launched on the Death Star from this moon. It also became the base for a Jedi Academy after the war ended.

All of this however, the later events may or may not happen depending on Anakin's effects on the galaxy at large. His empire stepping in to become the new safe haven instead of an entire rebel alliance against the emergence to the Galactic Empire.

For all intents and purposes it was still possible for the Rebel Alliance to restore the Galactic Republic could still be formed and try to overthrow Palpatine. It wasn't off the books just yet as Anakin didn't know whether or not it would reach that point of where he would be the safe haven for these people.

If it does reach this point, it would probably be better for him to just declare himself as the new Emperor of the Galactic Empire and just merge the Empyrean and the Galactic Empire. It would be immensely better for himself and much easier as well, but there were also problems with that solution.

The purpose of the Rebels was to restore the democracy of the Republic and make it better, instead of electing another Emperor, namely himself...


"What was that back on Lehon, Ani?" Aayla was a little shook by the explosion that was created and it also disturbed everyone else, believing that they were being attacked.

But, it was only Anakin making a big scene out of nothing because he felt like it, well, there were other reasons as well, since the ruins of that temple was also a source of latent dark side energies he decided to just destroy it.

"Nothing much." Anakin replied not going into detail as they were above Yavin 4, within Jabitha.

"Right, I am sure that a massive explosion that could even be felt by all of us was nothing." Aayla rolled her eyes at Anakin's poor excuse.

"Hey, calm down now. You guys were the ones to leave me all by myself, all with my boredom of trying to get my own lightsaber crystal..." Anakin replied, giving his compelling argument.

"One doesn't simply just blow stuff up for some fun." Shaak interjected her own thoughts.

"Maybe you guys wouldn't..." Anakin was truly and well bored on his search and needed some action on his search. Becoming powerful is great and all but it does get boring, especially if you have a very strong to be adventurous and take action.

Even though there will be alot of action for him yet, that didn't mean his boredom in the moment wasn't warranted. There is also the fact he didn't want the temple to survive for an even longer time after its fall as well.

Despite its historical value, it didn't mean all that much to the galaxy at large, even when it had become, officially a historic site to be kept and properly preserved.

"I dont think anyone else, but you would do that..." Barriss said, not that any of the girls were mad or anything as he didn't harm anyone and at most gave the fish on the planet a scare.

They had after all not come to help him when he had helped them, again, not like it all that mattered because he didn't need it but it was the thought that counted...

"Anyway, where are we now?" Ahsoka decided to shift the conversation to a new topic, that new topic being Yavin 4. The resting place and the most probable area to find the lightsaber crystals that Anakin is looking for.

At this point, Barriss and Shaak have both finished constructing their lightsabers and are wishing to get a move on and use them within a real life scenario.

"I am glad someone asked. We are currently at Yavin 4, currently within the Outer Rim territories, of course." Anakin stated.

In fact it should be around this time that the Dark Reaper events were taking place, meaning that there was a chance that the group could come across the estranged Nightsister, that isn't a Nightsister anymore, known as Asajj Ventress.

The Dark Reaper was a Sith superweapon created during the Great Hyperspace War, 5000 years prior to current events.

The Dark Reaper worked by harvesting the Force using the Force Harvester, a device that killed anything within range by draining its Force energy and focusing it into beams that dealt massive damage to any object. However, the Reaper could not harvest a wound in the Force.

The Reaper was also equipped with dark side-powered turbolasers. In order to defeat the Dark Reaper, an ancient Jedi Knight named Ulic Qel-Droma taught the Jedi how to withstand the Dark Reaper's effects.

Anakin had heard of the news that the Dark Reaper had been destroyed and wasn't all that hurt over its destruction. Even when he could have taken it for himself as he could always go to its debris and always reconstruct it.

Just as he had done with the Star Forge, which he considered of much more importance, rather than this weapon which could have killed billions. 'In fact, that sounds like a good idea. I should go ahead and do that for myself.'

It seemed like events were perfectly lining up and it was quite possible, if not guaranteed that he or anyone else here would be finding the estranged Ventress. Originally she had been followed by the counterpart Anakin, and he wasn't the original but it is still possible that the stars were lining up perfectly.

Maybe, it was all just as the Force wanted.

It was just after the group had left Dac, did the separatists come and take it over by Dooku. He also deployed it on Dac. The death of millions caused the planet's inhabitants to cooperate with the Confederacy, including the deployment of Commander Merai.

Anakin had a head start and of course didn't want to get in their way. It made him wonder whether or not, the Force was sending Ahsoka these visions, even visions that could potentially have him come into conflict with either the C.I.S. or Republic on purpose.

Everything lined up to allow it to have him come so close to these events, that it even lead him back to here. Even though it was his decision, the Force was getting more and more attuned to him and trying to still lead him in the direction it wanted.

'The duel may still happen yet.' Anakin thought to himself as Ahsoka nudged him to continue. "Right, right. I got distracted for a second." He said to the group, but because his eyes were unfocusedly looking in a certain direction, Aayla was both proud and embarrassed.

"Can you stop making eyes and staring blanking at your wife and continue explaining. I didn't know you were such a pervert..." Shaak said out loud because she was listening to his explanation before he was seemingly distracted.

"I wasn't look-" Anakin looked at the cute Aayla and decided to take ownership of an action that he didn't actually do. "No, I was staring at my wife. You are right to assume that is the correct answer."

Sighing, Shaak gestures for Anakin to continue. Aayla didn't mind, and in fact wanted him to do so, while Ahsoka was annoyed and Barriss didn't mind considering he had done some things to her as well the night before.

It would seem that he had the capabilities more and more so to block off this connection the closer everyone is. So he was now capable but only if further away enough to block of the feelings of such acts from the others if he wanted.

"Anyway, back to the topic at hand, this planet is a very special place. It has had alot of special events happen here and I am here to find some very special crystals." Anakin continued.

"So it is your turn? You didn't find anything on Lehon?" Aayla questioned having come out from her little trance.

"No, there was nothing at all." Anakin answered.

"So, who is going to go with you then?" Barriss asked as she wanted to go with him, no doubt the others would all like to tag along as well.

"Me too." Practically all of them said but Anakin knew better than that.

"No, I shall just take Shaak and Barriss with me." This left out Ahsoka and Aayla to stay behind on the ship, especially since they hadn't finished their lightsabers yet. It would be dangerous, especially if Asajj was actually here on Yavin 4.

This is also a chance for the two of them to test out their lightsabers, Shaak getting used to her own, while Barriss gets a feel as well. She is probably, along with Ahsoka, that needs training and actual experience when it comes to these things the most.

"That is not fair, I want to come along." Ahsoka complained, but she has had enough adventuring for now, Anakin decided.

"No, Barriss, Shaak and I will go. I dont need absolutely everyone within to help me search, and I shouldn't take too long here." Anakin said whereas Shaak is surprised that she is coming along.

Not that she minded, not one bit but she probably would have preferred if Anakin took her alone. There is no telling what she would do once they were alone and she is both regretful and thankful that he would not have her to himself. Or is it the other way around, where she would have him to herself?

"Right! Lets get going then." Barriss turned a little excitable because even though it wouldn't be some proper alone time, it would certain allow her to do some other things that while wasn't what she is hoping for would still be better than staying within Jabitha.

Not that Jabitha wasn't luxurious enough and even had some games to play with, and she also is able to connect back to the servers and networks of the Empyrean, it still doesn't beat getting some outside experience.

Barriss had already packed everything she needed as soon as the words left his mouth, she bolted back to her room. Shaak meanwhile didn't need to do much at all and had everything she would need on her.

This trip would most likely not be taking an entire week to complete and may even be completed within the day. If not, then it was possible for it to extend outwards but even then it wouldn't matter because she is capable enough in hunting.

She is used to living out in the wilderness after all.

"Alright then. I guess lets all meet back up outside, and you two." Anakin turned his attention to Aayla and Ahsoka. "I suggest that you two get back to working on you lightsabers, or you could just slack off... I wont be long and will most likely be finished within today."

Aayla just went up to him and gave a very, very long and somewhat sensual hug, something that was both great and annoying to Anakin. He had to shield Ahsoka from those feelings in this moment as he would consider this inappropriate, but now that she knew it would seem that Aayla doesn't mind sharing her feelings.

That didn't mean he did, and while he wouldn't mind if she was older, it certainly bothered now. "I know." Anakin said to Aayla as he knew what she wanted. It was more than just the physical feeling and the spiritual transference but at this point, when he gave her the go ahead on having children.

She became especially enthusiastic.

"I will be seeing you as well, Snips." Anakin said.

Internally Ahsoka was beaming. 'He said it... he said it...' She had gone into a trance, a trance of which gave Anakin time enough to escape the situation he was in. He couldn't exactly some some fun times with Aayla right here, right now but he promised her mentally that he would punish her once they got back to the Empyrean.

'I hope so.' Aayla at this moment sent a message back as well.


Yavin 4 was composed of a molten metallic core with a thick, immobile low-relief silicate crust. The surface was made up of four continents which accounted for sixty-seven percent of the moon's surface.

These continents were mostly covered in large sprawling tropical jungles with tall canopies though there were also a few mountain ridges like the Yunteh Mountains, dominated by volcanoes such as the Nicolo and Borundi Peaks.

Yavin 4 also had six interconnected oceans which covered the remaining thirty-three percent of the moon. There was also a large landlocked sea on the moon. As a relatively young world, the tiny jungle moon experienced a considerable amount of geothermal activity.

Large rivers flowed dramatically from volcanic heights and then followed a more meandering pace through the jungles.

The planet had the standard 24-hour cycle that was similar to the timescale of Earth from Anakin's previous life.

"Where are we going then?" Shaak asked.

"This way." Anakin just started walking off into a random direction.

"Don't worry, he knows what he is doing." Barriss was of course just going to follow along with whatever Anakin said.

"I am sure he does." Shaak rolled her eyes at the blatant display of affection and honeyed words Barriss said just for Anakin to hear.