V.2-C.48│Trouble II│

On Tatooine, some interesting events were taking place as the group on Yavin 4 are taking care of some interesting events, both that are supposed to happen in current times and some things that would be from the past, and most importantly completing some important things before they are supposed to be completed.

Specifically the interesting events taking place was between Talzin the ruling person over the far off planet of Dathomir from the Empyrean, and Shmi, whom is now a retired Empress. The Dowager in fact, is what she is, given her son is of course the current Emperor.

"Your majesty." While Talzin was a proud woman, she doesn't dare disrespect this woman in particular, considering what she had managed to accomplish, even if it was done with the help of her child.

"And you are?" Shmi had grown used to people approaching her, whether that be to get something from her or to help them in some manner. Rarely was she ever approached at this point by someone that just wants to become something akin to friends.

"Your majesty, my name is Talzin and I hail from the planet of Dathomir." Talzin didn't really have any real impressions of the woman just yet but going from what she had seen so far, she is just like her.

Shmi loved her son immensely, while she as well also loved her own son Maul, immensely. It was only natural that Talzin would feel in some way connected to this woman, and she is surprised that a Human woman could look so good despite her age of being in her forties.

She knows what kind of effects time has on a mortal being, even someone enhanced through the Force.

"Dathomir? So you were the one my child went too?" Shmi knew he had gone to Dathomir, he had already revealed to her a many great deal of secrets and she didn't mind what he has done. In all honesty, a mother is usually biased, as while you could do something wrong, irrevocably so, they would still side with you.

"Yes, I have helped the Emperor before when he was but a child." Talzin answered.

"I am aware of alot of things, there is no reason for you to be like this. I am far to ordained with the politics of this empire, and I am sure that the lovely woman that has helped my son would be some good company." Shmi looked towards the other female, a girl that was standing next to Talzin. "And who might this be?"

Shmi started to walk within the palace halls, given that this is the safest place in the entire Empyrean, there is a reason she doesn't mind turning her back to Talzin. Not that Talzin knows of this and instead is delighted by this interaction, because it meant there is hope yet for her plans.

If she couldn't get the boy to volunteer himself and take the girl, maybe she could get his mother to see reason. Surely she would see that she is lowering herself, unfairly and would force or at least persuade Anakin into accepting her proposal.

You see, Talzin had big events planned for the future, which included her becoming a monarch of her own, where Maul would rule with her on the other side of the galaxy.

Not that she would become all that great, or even live forever and ever because it was not within Anakin's designs or plans to help her accomplish her goals. He may indirectly help her take revenge by eventually going after Sidious, but that doesn't mean anything to him or her in the know.

Talzin whispered and slightly pushed the girl forward. "Come on, you are going to become an Empress. This is for your sisters and for yourself." Talzin then spoke to Shmi. "This is Merrin, she is a young sister within our tribe on Dathomir."

"May I ask why you have brought her with you, all the way to Tatooine? We are basically on the other side of the galaxy from you..." Shmi was slightly confused but had a feeling she knew where this conversation was going.

Shmi had received similar requests before and it would be weird if she hadn't but it wasn't only for Anakin, but also herself. Something she was both flattered by, but was not going to accept.

"Of course, as I am sure you have been having offers like this before, especially now it has been revealed your acceptance of polyamory here in the Empyrean, I would want to forge an alliance." Talzin said knowing the politics were probably similar to others.

"It is strange that you wouldn't bring a daughter of your own."

"I am sad to say that I do not have any. I have only had the fortune of having sons." Talzin said this, as she wasn't as brainwashed by the precedents set by her ancestors anymore. In fact, most of the Nightsisters at this point treated their men better, but that didn't mean they weren't still a matriarchy.

They still are.

"Oh? I am aware that it is extremely dangerous for a Zabrak to have children, especially on Dathomir but your population has started to finally crawl upwards." Shmi tried to change the topic with something both connected and not.

"Yes, that is true. Thanks to your sons help, of course." Talzin said bringing the topic back to what she wanted. "I am sure that you could maybe convince your son that a proper alliance set up between the Empyrean and Dathomir is good."

There was some silence as Talzin easily kept up with Shmi, due to her height, while Merrin was having a little trouble considering everyone within the Empyrean was better than what they were before. The super serum certainly changed the way Shmi conducts herself yet again, and those within the Empyrean. Faster movement just happens to be a part of that transformation.

"Of course, I dont mean to say I want to force anyone. In fact, I am even willing to become a part of the Empyrean. I have sensed events within the galaxy that could put myself and my people of Dathomir at danger." Talzin continued, seeing that Shmi didn't say anything.

Shmi continues to walk through the hallways, as there was space left enough for the palace to expand. It wasn't as small as it used to be and it had been renovated more and more. The reason being that Shmi was expecting Anakin to have, many, many children due to him many wives.

She didn't underestimate his sexual prowess, at all, and it may seem weird but lets just say it is mothers instinct. She had bathed him while he was younger after all, she knew just how well equipped he was despite being just a babe.

"Your majesty?" Talzin was beginning to think her plans were not working as Shmi was not responding to her offer. It wasn't all that bad either, because the Empyrean would gain an outpost of sorts on the other side of the galaxy.

And it wasn't like Anakin hadn't done anything to make sure it wasn't ready to start handling an influx of people.

If this were a empire with proper titles, then Anakin would hold an empire level title, while Talzin would hold a kingdom. Meaning that it was entirely possible to vassalize her due to the power, economic and political difference between the title levels.

"I think that this matter should be either discussed with Anakin yourself, or I could set up a meeting between the two of you." Shmi said not making a decision, since it wasn't hers to make. "Have you not asked Anakin directly yourself as well?"

"I have, your majesty, but the Emperor doesn't see it from my point of view. He doesn't wish to marry someone so young, despite her being only six years younger than him. There is also a fact, that within my people, they would get married earlier and have children earlier as well, and this aspect hasn't changed." Talzin explained that it was a part of her culture or tradition to be married off so young.

"So Anakin is against this because of the girls age? It seems perfectly normal from his point of view." Shmi said aloud with the poor girl, Merrin, was having her fate be decided by those that aren't even her parents.

In fact, her parents had long ago since died and this was before Anakin's implementations had come to full fruition within the Nightsisters.

"Yes, you highness. I agree with his choice, but I still wish to become and merge together through this way as it would satisfy the needs of my own people. They would be against just coming under someone, even if he has helped them." Talzin further explained.

"That is reasonable." Shmi nodded thinking about the differences in culture or religion was normal, what she was worried about most was hoe Anakin would react if she forced it upon him.

Not that the Force itself hadn't already forced him into having multiple wives or lovers already. It would simply be another of his 'parents,' because the Force could be seen as his parent, binding him to another.

"A marriage would solidify this aspect and allow myself to hand over the position of leadership, or at least hand over the top position of leadership to someone else." Talzin didn't want to give up her position of power, no matter what but that didn't mean she didn't see the benefits of becoming a part of the empire.

Shmi or Anakin could just set up a Stargate and use that to transport between both places, it wouldn't be that hard at all. Of course, not that anyone knew of the insane technology or medicine the Empyrean truly had access too.

Even if they were to somehow gain this information they would still be unable to decipher it or decode and reverse engineer the process of these things. Palpatine had tried and failed, so what made others think they could.

"I like all of the aspects you speak of, and I am sure Anakin has thought about this. I will tell you what..." Shmi started as she came to a stop looking towards both the very tall woman and the small girl known as Merrin. "I will try and convince him to go through with it, but it is on the stipulation I know what the girl wants."

"The girl?" Talzin was a bit confused before catching on to what Shmi wanted to know about. "Of course! There is no need to worry, Merrin is quite the lovely girl and is definitely interested in this because despite her ask, she is quite mature."

"No, I would like to here it from the girls mouth. She is the one to be married to him, so I would suggest that you be quiet and allow her to speak." Shmi stated quite firmly while also remaining a respectful tone that didn't upset Talzin. "Go ahead, Merrin. Allow me to hear your thoughts."

Merrin was still a little afraid, but she liked Shmi more so then Talzin because Shmi was much more kind. In fact, Merrin could positively feel through the Force just how much the woman seemingly cared for her and there was nothing stopping her from feeling this way.

It was a unique experience for an orphan girl like her, who has lost her parents at a young age. First her mother at childbirth, and her father to some unknown disease he had caught out in the untamed wilds of Dathomir.

"I-I like it here." Merrin stated, because she did.

Anakin had done alot for Tatooine and had done alot of realigning the balance of the planet, because it would remain as his seat of power for now. The Force, both dark and light was in perfect tandem with each other here, and it showed in the development within the bio-spheres.

"Go on." Shmi gestured for her to continue.

"I-I like An-I mean the Emperor." Merrin wasn't lying as well, as it was both within her instincts to choose a suitable male as her pair, and also within her culture as well. She was entranced by him, his presence in the Force and his physical appearance.

"Do you want to become his wife?" Shmi asked the most pressing question, that really Merrin shouldn't take any agency for. Why? Because she was still a child but her position in life would dictate to her what she can or cannot do, so if this was something only she could decide on, then it would most definitely be something she, herself needs to think about.

After a few seconds of silence, Merrin finally says in a meek tone. "Y-yes."


Back on Yavin 4, Anakin was nearing the top of the Great Temple.

A paradise for dark side energy, which was present all throughout this planet, right from the ground to the sky.

'Where could these things be.' He was on the last floor before reaching the top and his sense were going insane over this place. He knew at least one of the crystals was here, but he was unable to find it through using the Force, meaning it was purposefully making it harder on him.

Not that it would be impossible to find, but he had to cover alot of ground, both on the ground itself and possibly every nook and cranny of the temples walls.

He had been speeding around as he wanted to get to Shaak, knowing that the force directed Ventress to her, instead of him made him kind of upset. He knew that the Force wasn't going to try and kill either of the two off or anything but that doesn't mean it wouldn't allow harm.

Anakin is a very protective person, whether that be himself or his counterpart and that could be seen through both of their actions.

In the corner of his eye, Anakin could see something cyan in color and he knew that he had found it, and going by its color, it was the Mantle of the Force.

The Mantle of the Force in particular, when placed in a lightsaber, its properties altered depending on the other crystals the lightsaber carried, making it more powerful in the areas that the other crystals improved; though it always enhanced Force abilities.

But there was more than what meets the eye. Anakin isn't going to just simply make some boring old one saber, or two using the crystals he is collecting.

No, he has something much greater planned.

'There is only one place left to go towards to find the Heart of the Guardian.' Anakin thought to himself as he dashed upwards, flying through the temple insides.