
Since everything here had been completed, Anakin wanted to go back to Tatooine now and start working on his special project.

If one is curious about what had happened with either Ikrit or the Golden Globe, then one need not worry because Ikrit would be returning to the Jedi. This would inevitably be a boon to them as yet another of their Jedi Masters would be returning to help them in their efforts.

The Golden Globe had been packed up and secured within his dimension, and the reason he gave everyone for its disappearance, including Shaak and Barriss because it would look bad, was that it had been destroyed.

They didn't question him, especially Barriss and Shaak didn't question him, fully believing that he was telling the truth. He wasn't but it is such a minor detail because the globe would be destroyed into only its parts that made up the power of containing souls.

He didn't want to entrap and enslave the souls of children, and that is why he is making his own dimension slowly both wear the globe down and integrate it into his dimension.

"So how am I going to take the both of you back?" Anakin said as he was left alone with Shaak and Barriss.

The two had somehow come to know of what had transpired between everyone here. Barriss seemed to know or know of what Anakin and Shaak were to each other know, it wasn't something hard to decipher as well.

"Well?" Anakin asked seeing that the two remained quiet.

"I think that you should try and carry us both." Barriss said all of a sudden, which Anakin could probably do, no, can do. It would just be a little annoying because who would be who.

"So one of you on my back, while the other is carried by me?" Anakin didn't mind this arrangement, as it wouldn't really matter in the long run, but he was confused that they would want to do this. There is no more rush other than wanting to get back home.

Something that both Shaak and Barriss were starting to accept, that Tatooine would be becoming their home. Not their own homeworlds, even though they would likely still travel back to their homeworlds every once in a while simply because it is their birthplace.

Well, Barriss was born on a starliner, but that is besides the point because the point is that they are still a part of another culture.

"Yeah." Barriss jumped over him and landed before she proceeded to attach herself to his back, while Shaak made her own move. She approached him from the front and stood there waiting for him to lift her and sweep her from her feet.

"All set then." Up and up he went as he scooped Shaak into his embrace and went back on their way towards Jabitha.



That was his name, a name that he had held for over four hundred years and he had not forgotten his promise. His isolation from the galaxy at large due to his failure, a failure that while not of his own fault, still pushed him into doing something this drastic.

Isolated and alone, he would have to wait years and years on end until someone, someone meant to destroy this orb would come. Come they had in the form of a little girl, or what he assumed to be a little girl but was in fact an adult.

The female had companions, which would lead him to meeting and discussing things with her that was in relation to the Republic and the Jedi.

She spoke to him and he was glad for the company, given he had been here, exiled, self-imposed as it was, it was something he should of expected. To be alone, lonely and have nothing to do because of it, not even have time to train because he wouldn't live that long.

Something still needed to be done about the object, the Golden Globe and it was really not something he could just let go. Those phantoms didn't scare him away and neither would his failure and he made sure that he would stay to see this until its end.

A year after training under Master Yoda, he returned to his village to visit his family and friends. They were happy that he came though they still teased him for joining the Jedi.

However, on the night before the silkweed harvest was about to begin, a Kushiban returned home injured. She alerted the village to the presence of a pack of vicious xinkra. Since the Kushibans were ill prepared to deal with this menace, Ikrit spoke to his people and offered to deal with the threat alone lest many die.

He then raced into the fields to deal with the beasts. As the xinkra surrounded the Kushiban, Ikrit stood on top of a stack of harvested silkweed. Ikrit then used his Force powers to send a message into the minds of the vicious creatures.

In that message, he told them that his village was in flames before convincing them to seek food elsewhere by sending them a picture of plentiful food—other creatures—in the forests and streams of the mountains behind them. A victorious Ikrit then returned to his village where he was treated as a hero.

Ikrit would return to his Master and complete his training as a Jedi Knight. On one occasion, he lost control during a petty disagreement and almost murdered a friend with his lightsaber. Yoda risked his life to stop him, and as a result Ikrit forsook the use of lightsabers, much like Nomi Sunrider had years and years ago.

Ikrit had already become a Jedi Master, it wasn't all that long ago as well. At least it wasn't that long when taking into the grand scale of time and everything else that was happening in the galaxy as a result of many things.

He traveled to the moon of Yavin 4 and discovered the Golden Globe within the Palace of the Woolamander. Unable to break the curse and free the countless trapped Massassi children, he waited in a hibernation trance, until someone came along who could.

When the girl came, her companions came soon after.

The chosen one, he had heard the girl named Barriss speak of him, intimately and he knew that the Jedi must of changed. That was until the girl revealed they were no longer a part of the Jedi because of several reasons.

He was amazing, no he IS amazing and Ikrit couldn't help but agree with the assessment made by everyone within the Jedi. He had heard that he was brought in as an older child, which it made sense as to why at first they were scared, but it wasn't like children over a certain age hadn't been accepted before.

It was just unorthodox for the Order.

"The task that drew me here was beyond my power to complete. It was beyond the power of any adult Jedi." It was a remark he made as he left those children alone, for they were still children within his eyes because of his age.

It was no wonder he had grown old after all, without experiencing most of the passage of time.

"You, all of you have done something I was unable to do." Ikrit acknowledged that without the other two here, the boy, no the man known as Anakin may have very well left. Not that he actually knew of why he felt this way, but it was just a feeling, a feeling that wouldn't have come true but it was there.

Something within himself that was strange yet at the same time both familiar and not. He was seeing doubles as the man that helped him, also at the same time looked like a boy and he was extremely confused because of this occurrence.

It was like this man wasn't meant to free the children but had still done so, and in place of another that wasn't even in existence just yet.

The Force is mysterious, that is until you see the many facets and flaws of what it wants, as it was something that existed. It had life of its own in a sense and Anakin knew of this, it was something he took advantage of and tried to make sure it didn't clash against his goals.

Sometimes, it doesn't like this and would send signals, signals through the Force to inform other Force-sensitives of something which wasn't exactly wrong but wasn't right as well. He is foreign, a foreign entity that had come from outside of its purview and god-like perspective on everything.

"And now, I believe that it is my time to return to the Jedi. I thank you all." Ikrit had done his duty, perceived duty that is and not his actual duty as a Jedi, but it was honorable nonetheless and the three also said goodbye.

At that time Ikrit had no idea where he would be going next, and the Force didn't really tell him or lead him in any direction. He had no ship to leave and had already decided in splitting off from Anakin, Shaak and Barriss because he felt like he was imposing.

It was clear to him that whatever was going on, it was best not to put himself in between these people. The chosen one he may be, but that didn't look like it all that mattered to him and he would be annoyed that his alone time would be interrupted.

Of course that was all just based off of Ikrit's perceptions of the matter.

'I guess, I could go back to the Jedi. I wonder what Master Yoda's face will look like once I come back.' Ikrit thought to himself as he was left alone here on Yavin.

With no way back, Anakin didn't want to leave the poor guy here and he especially looked like a pet. There was just no way he was just going to leave the guy here, so he had given him a communication device that he could use.

It would allow him to connect to the virtual world of the Empyrean, of course it would be a way for him to call a 'taxi' of sorts. It was completely safe and Anakin had made the device on the spot, plus using his own Nanosuits connection to the network, patched him in.

So, if Ikrit ever wanted to leave he could.

And Ikrit would leave, leave to return to the Jedi which would both be a good and bad thing as he spreads some more tales about the magnificence done by Anakin. Anakin would soon be getting and influx of students from the Jedi Order as they start to leave more and more because of this.

Any form of publicity is good publicity.


Back on Jabitha, Anakin had arrived with Shaak and Barriss.

Of course, there was some people awaiting their arrival and wanting to go into detail about what has happened. Shaak was dragged away by Aayla and into another room to talk about some things, while Barriss went off with Ahsoka to help her in making her lightsabers.

Of course not before Anakin got a quick peck on his check from Ahsoka and a hug before running off. It would seem Ahsoka will be becoming more and more bold despite him having already told her to not engage in any romantic behavior, but he would learn that controlling teenagers are harder than expected.

He only has some experience in managing children under the ages of 13, not a teen that is on the precipice of becoming an adult. Of course, she was around three years off from that point but that didn't change the matter.

At this point she was slowly starting to wear on him, not that he still didn't respect or love her but it was the fact she was crossing boundaries he had already set in place for her. He had assumed she would have known better than that, especially with having semi-taught her things.

In the future, it was highly probable and most likely going to happen either way, but he wasn't going to start a relationship with her at this stage. Besides, he already has a few wives already that he is already within a relationship with.

Moving on from this however he went back to his room and took out the two crystals he had originally come here for, while he has the Golden Globe within his spiritual dimension being crushed and pulverized into oblivion.

He had now taken another step into a direction he wanted.