V.2-C.54│More Trouble III│

Another wedding had taken place on Tatooine.

A wedding that was between Anakin and Shaak to finally commemorate their proper union as man and woman, husband and wife.

That officially increased Anakin's total amount of lovers, and wives to a grand total of 4. It wasn't the largest harem a man could have, even within a galaxy that Anakin lived in as there were alot more people that probably had more.

That didn't however mean that he was only going to stop there. He would have more and that would all depend on the bond, which kind of confirmed who he is going to be in a relationship with, romantically that is.

Of course, Padme here was an exception, but he had a feeling that once he somehow increased her Force-sensitivity or midi-chlorian count, or even both, he would connect to her through a Dyad. It was an answer he held with full belief in, himself and he held that it would also be possible through the Force as well.

It was very willing to tell him about those chances, which were and are 100%.

First however, he needed to make sure she was capable of using the Force and the only methods he had available to him to transform her as such wouldn't work. Any form of genetic manipulation is over, or past the point where she could actually go through with the benefits and the super serum is something she had already gotten injected with.

In fact, Anakin had gotten everyone new to Tatooine to get the super serum, meaning Padme, Shaak, Aayla, Barriss, Ahsoka and reluctantly even Merrin had all gotten their doses. They all experienced a power boost to their physical and mental states.

They now knew what it felt like to be like him, at least in a small infantile percentage it may be, but they still got that taste. All of them, but that still didn't mean anything in comparison, as now they had to get used to their new capabilities.

Not that it didn't take them that long, at all. They were all extremely astute women, smart and intelligent in their own fields.

They all adapted really well to this and now Anakin had another way to feel safe and assured that they would be able to handle themselves, if they ever got into a situation that required them to not rely on the Force that is. They all needed someway to fend for themselves if the Force wasn't an option and having enhanced physical and mental capabilities would surely get the job done for them.

The Empyrean's space was also expanding greatly, where sooner or later after these small skirmishes, people would start to look into his expansion. Only those from outside however, as the people from within the Empyrean only grow more and more zealous by the day.

At this point, Anakin had given up on any hope that he could somehow, maybe reel in the absolute madness of the religion that has started based off of himself. There was just no one to tell everyone to stop this worship of him, without also making a big political explosion from within his domain.

It is both a good thing and bad thing.

"Emperor." Grievous walked into the throne room, approaching Anakin with his new form. It was quite something too see, and while Anakin was going to only give him a completely new body with some extra bits, he decided to be a but more kind and also help Grievous out in the height department.

While Grievous were in a relationship and Talzin would probably accept Grievous in his new body, that didn't mean there wouldn't be a height difference. Talzin just about nears his own height and it would seem weird if he at least didn't modify his height to better suit these two together.

"Trouble?" Anakin asked.

"Yean, trouble." Grievous replied.

"What is it then?" Most of the girls were either doing their own things or together doing girly things. They needed their time off and didn't need to constantly be around him or doing any work, and even Anakin himself doesn't have that much work to do as well.

Every now and then, he would have to convene with the officials that have only started to increase more and more, as representatives are elected for different star systems under the Empyrean's banners.

"We have some reports about those pesky dissidents, while all gone, we have found their allies." Grievous stated.

"And what do the agents say?" Anakin asked.

His intelligence agency was really hard at work and he wondered if this had to do with the increase in efficiency provided by the now commanding modified synths. He started to classify them into all types of variations, which included the basic modules that they had more resources for and the Primaris kind.

The Primaris were usually generals as well, and if not in the military of the Empyrean, they would be working else where. He can understand if there are those that dont wish for violence and instead wish to do other things, like medicine.

Even if their forms weren't exactly meant for that type of work... It didn't matter as Anakin wasn't going to force people to do something they didn't like, no matter how beneficial to him as he sees both the negatives and it would mar his own sense of self.

"We have isolated the group of allies, and from what they have gathered, their name is the Federation of Vengeance and they are the left overs of the Trade Federation." Grievous supplied.

"Finally, a name to the organization that was trying to help those dissidents." Anakin said aloud.

"Yes, and we have isolated their potential hideouts. One of them being within the Hutt's space, but we are unable to pinpoint where that could be exactly. Then there are other areas, speculative outside of the Hutts, but..." Grievous left of.

"But, Hutt space is the most probable for their hideout." Anakin finished for Grievous.

"Yes." Grievous confirmed.

"That is fine then. From what you have told me, I can already guess that the Hutts are in some way covertly helping them." Anakin said stopping Grievous from continuing.

"Also, yes." Grievous nodded with his head, and was still trying to get used to his new body. While he has had some considerable practice within the week he has had this body, that doesn't mean it is perfect.

With a mechanical form he didn't need to workout and would always be in peak form, that was if his parts were all right. Which most of the time they were, especially with the upgrades Anakin had done for him, but this new body was still better.

"What about the systems we are taking over? Any problems there?" Anakin asked two more questions, even though he could probably get any and all information extracted from Siri if he wanted to. This was still better, well, it wasn't but it was better for relations.

If he was an Emperor, a King that didn't come out of the shadows, not ever and forever stayed holed up by himself within his throne and not talking to anyone, it would certainly slowly start to impact the stability of the empire.

Specifically it had to do with how people were usually social in nature, ever species, or at the very least, most species, Humans and every else that was a variation of Human or species that weren't even human as all. They would, most of the time fall under a social structure because there is power in numbers.

Why do you think Humans as a whole was able to be so successful and take over the planet. Because of their intelligence? Their strengths? Their ability to create weapons and tools?

All of these things contributed to the rise of Humans within his past life, but the most prominent feature is that Humans are a social species. This was also observed within this universe as well, for both Humans and other species.

"There should be no problem with the take over. There has been some minor resistance for the Hutt controlled world, but other than that, everything is going well." Grievous stated. "Oh, before I forget, there is also the Pii system."

"Has there been problems when negotiating for the system?" Anakin asked.

"Yes, and it is the F.V.. They are getting in the way by turning the purchase of the system into a bidding war. They will continue to increase the price, which is good for the seller."

"I am guessing the seller doesn't want to interfere and is in some way influenced by them because this bullshit continues."

"We believe that to be true. I think that the F.V. have contacted them and are in cahoots."

"Cahoots, huh?" Anakin looked to the throne rooms beautiful interior ceiling as he contemplated what he should do. "The seller doesn't want to give an outright buy option do they?"

"They have... but it is quite the ridiculous price and would actually be way more than the system is worth, even with its future projections." Grievous replied.

"How much?"

Grievous gives the amount, which is really absurd, but there really isn't anything Anakin could do, not unless he either threatens the seller, complies with the demands, tries to outbid, which is futile or he could just outright conquer the planet.

'Not gonna lie, out of all of these options, the simplest would be to just conquer but while the short-term effects are nothing, the long-term could affect the empires ability to expand.' Anakin thought over the solutions and there was only one thing he could do.

That is to apply some subtle economic manipulation.

To creatively disrupt the market for the Pii system, he would lower the value even more and the bidding war would immediately go out the window. There is also the possibility of further crippling trade but redirecting people through the trade routes he has access to.

While the Empyrean is no galactic economic powerhouse in the sense it owns and secures some hyperlane routes, it certainly has become a massive center of trade. A republic of which would even outshine the actual republic in on itself, with its monetary attached value that only increases with more time.

"Anyone that passes through the trade routes connected to any of the systems, specifically through Pii, will just have to go the long way around. We will just have to spend some extra time trading while the influx of economic trade they have been getting because they stand in the way of the Empyrean, will vanish." Anakin said already going over the most peaceful solution.

Peaceful indeed, as it would cause a massive internal struggle of powerful within those trying to sell the Pii system. It would also lead to many people being fired from their jobs, but even though this would be indirectly Anakin's fault, he cant be lenient to a corporation just because of that.

No, it would most certainly be much better this way as it would send a message to the rest of the galaxy, that the Empyrean doesn't mess around and even when it is slightly peaceful in nature, it will find ways to bring others down if they get in the Empyrean's way.

If anyone gets in Anakin's way, that is more like it, but technically the Empyrean is also well placed here.

"Whatever you say, but wouldn't that like hurt the innocent people involved?"

"Its great marketing."

"Great marketing?"

"Yes, great marketing. We will frame it as the other corporations fault, and in fact it is their fault for exchanging in this type of behavior, but that is besides the point." Anakin confirmed before continuing. "It is great marketing because it would tell those employees, if they are fired that the Empyrean wouldn't do something like that. We will pilfer their people and indoctrinate them into the empire."

"In doing this, the galaxy would be on our side and it would further increase the amount of population growth we are getting. The faster and more people we have, the better as it would fill up the economy better." Anakin finished.

"So, you intend to make the suffering of others only temporary but you would also be benefiting off of it." Grievous could now actually raise an eyebrow.

"Sometimes, you have to be somewhat evil, and I believe myself to be the lesser evil within this setting. It isn't fair, but it will provide for those that lose their jobs because of this decision. They wouldn't have to worry within the Empyrean, as I have made it my own job to increase the amount of jobs available within the market." Anakin replied.

"I have seen this progress..." Grievous couldn't dent that Anakin had taken into account what the dissidents were saying, as even though they were lead by an insane leader, backed by people looking for some revenge, they started out because of a problem.

A problem that Anakin had taken into account and had worked hard on fixing it.

"Ani?" Aayla came into the room, seeing that there was only Grievous she strolled right upto Anakin and gave him a peck on the check. "You coming or what?" Aayla was referring to getting some action.

She had already sent some very elaborate feelings and messages through their bond, but Anakin had mostly ignored them. So she had decided to see just what exactly he was doing that was so important for her to be ignored like this.

They were already trying for some children, well, Aayla was adamant about wanting to be the first to have his child. Not that Anakin all that minded and in fact was also ready to go at it with her, but he just needed to make sure he relayed his thoughts on what was going on to Grievous.

"Yes, yes. I know." Anakin replied as he looked towards Aayla and decided that he would claim her lips for himself in this moment.

"W-what was that for?" Obviously flustered, Aayla questioned him as he leaned in, where his breath left a tingling sensation on her skin.

"Didn't you want to have a love making session, maybe with a little sprinkle of baby making?"

"Stop that! General Grievous is here." Aayla, even though she exclaimed like that, was feeling incredibly hot at this moment and couldn't wait to take him away with her. "You d-dont mind if I take him now, right General?"

"I dont." Grievous was highly amused but decided that he should give the two some room as he had already gotten everything he needed. "I will be leaving now, I have received my orders."

"Thank you, General" Aayla thanked the man.

"No problem, Empress Skywalker." Grievous knew that Aayla likes it when people refer to her by her new last name, of course she preferred when it was her close ones that called her by her real name. Nonetheless, it was something Anakin had told Grievous so he would be prepared to address her as such.

Nodding her head, Aayla begins to drag Anakin away with her. She was in a rush.

"See you later, Grievous. Maybe some other time we can continue our talks." Anakin said before the two left completely, also gesturing to him that he is dismissed.

"Perhaps..." Grievous replied as Anakin and Aayla were now gone from the throne room. 'Ah, young love....'