V.2-C.59│Preparations II│

Within Anakin's bedroom, his royal suite if you will. Both he and Padme were cuddling each other, after a rather long session of love making between each other.

She wasn't the only one to come into his room to come and engage in some rather scandalous acts, as his other wives were brought into here as well. He had quite some fun times within, and he would continue to do so as well, with no interruptions by anyone.

"Padme." Anakin stared, as he got her attention.

Groggily, Padme responded. "Are we still not finished? I dont think I could do anymore..."

"I dont mean we should have another round, I wanted to ask you something." Anakin said.

"Why? What is it?" Padme asked.

"Remember how Aayla wouldn't accept you because you didn't have a Dyad bond with me?" Anakin asked.

"Yes, but I also remember that she got over it as well." Padme had made her see it from her perspective and had kind of tricked the poor girl, not that she did anything bad, but just defended her love for Anakin.

"Yes, that is true. What I meant to ask you about was if you are willing to experience that with me." Anakin explained before continuing. "Experiencing what it feels to be like that, connected to me spiritually and fully without me having to aid you through the Force."

"I dont need your magic to tell me I love you, Ani." Padme said, which was something that filled his heart with a strange warmth. A warmth that would have turned into passion, only if she was up for another round, but it was obvious she is both tired mentally and physically. "I already know of how I feel, but..."

"But?" Anakin continued for her.

"I do believe I am a little jealous and just what those feelings everyone else around me experiences. I would like to know, if only for a short while." Padme finished for herself, revealing her truthful feelings on the matter.

"Didn't I promise to make you like us, like all of us?" Anakin asked her, seeing that she was being truthful.

"You did, but I have done my own research. Don't think that just because I spent most of my time studying and delving into politics that I wouldn't be smart enough to understand things from a medical perspective. Or even from the perspective of a trained Force-sensitive." Padme said.

"I didn't say that, you did."

"Hey!" Padme exclaimed.

He just embraced her, fully so, engulfing her in his arms. She even blushed as she also felt his not so little brother poke her as well. "I thought I had said..." Padme was aroused but she was also sore enough to know her limits.

If she didn't resist this temptation, she wouldn't be able to even get out of bed proper.

"Don't worry, we wont be doing anymore of that." Anakin whispered into her ear, like the devil he was. Wanting to see if he could trick her, getting into another session of love making between the two of them. "Unless, of course you want some more..."

"I want-" Padme cute herself off before she said more and continued. "No, no, no. Bad Ani, bad!"

"All right, all right... it was worth a shot." Anakin said, sighing inwardly but not showing any disappointment on the outside.

"Yeah, save that for someone else. Your mind tricks dont work on me remember? You said it only works on the weak of will."

"That is true." Anakin nodded his head before saying. "But, who knew you could even resist the temptation of the feelings I give you. It makes me wonder whether or not you actually lov-" He was cut off however, as Padme kissed him on the lips and it wasn't so innocent.

It was full of love and passion, as if to reaffirm to him that she does indeed love him. He knew this but it would seem that she had taken his joke a little too seriously.

"All right." Anakin separated her from him. "Don't worry, I know." She just gave him a glare before cuddling him some more and in an attempt to make him the little spoon she failed and became the little spoon herself.

"Don't joke around about stuff like that." Padme huffed but she didn't mind cuddling him even tighter, not that she could harm him or the other way around, be harmed herself.

"You know. I can do it. I will make you able to feel how I feel, and form a connection between the two of us." Anakin said, promising to her that he would.

"You can?" She questioned him, and he just nodded in reply. "If you really can, when can we do it? how can we do it? And how are you even sure we would have a bond form between us? Isn't it based off of compatibility and all of that? Are you not worried that we may not be meant to be together."

It would seem that Padme had alot of insecurities because of Anakin having many other woman around him, in combination with him being much more closely connected with them, and she is the only one left out.

"I know I can, and through the Force, I know that we are meant to be together." Anakin replied while thinking to himself at the same time. 'If you are the original were meant to be, of course your coupling would have destroyed the universe but also helped to restore it... Then I know for sure we are meant to be as well.'

He continued inwardly. 'It is a good thing that Force is on my side in this instance and doesn't want to jump scare me with being unable to connect with her.'

"Really?" Padme looked into his eyes as she said this, and he could sense her turmoil. While she does love him and feel that are meant to be, it doesn't mean she was supposed to be strong all of the time.

Mentally alot of things should have gotten to her, especially when she was only 14-15 years of age as a Queen. Even younger than that were other girls even younger than herself that rose to the position of Queen and excelled.

There were alot of things to take into account when considering Padme, and Anakin didn't mind putting in some extra effort. For any of his loved ones, and he would continue to do so because that is how it is meant to be.

It is what he wants to do and if he gives it his all, so too would those he is connected with give it their all as well. Again, relationships were not 50/50 but instead 100/100.

Anakin had to give all of himself to them and they would in return give all of themselves to him. It is as simple as that.

Anakin leaned in to kiss Padme back, and this time it may not have been as passionate or hungry as Padme's before but it help a certain feeling. A feeling that everything would be ok, and that he is sure, certain in his position that his feelings matter, even if the Force wanted to separate the two, he would be against this.

He was already fast approaching that point of power, and it wouldn't be long now before even the Force would be unable to direct him anymore. It would be unable to change the flow of fate when it came to things related to him, and those around him.

He was a push, a pulse and pull within the Force that things just naturally gravitated towards him and orbited him like planets. He was a star, a giga-star that would create a system of his own within the mighty universe that was the Force.

"Of course." Anakin finally replied as he hugged her back, where the both of them would finally drift off to sleep. Well, Padme would fall to sleep with a smile on her face, while Anakin would still be hard at work in his own mind within the background as the empire cant exactly run itself.

Not yet at least, and even then...


"I dont Anakin wants to get engaged to the girl you have given him. I think you should wait and at the very least consider why he doesn't want a straight up marriage at the age the girl is." Grievous spoke to Talzin, as he had travelled, constantly as well, to set up the transportation device on Dathomir.

Anakin would at least give the Dathomarian's a way to travel to the Empyrean, and he would send out some of his armies to better protect this place as it could become a weakness otherwise. A point of entry into the Empyrean, that could be disastourous if he didn't fortify this teleportation device he had created for all of the star systems within the Empyrean.

"What do you mean? Doesn't the Emperor not like my gift? I had assumed that he would have liked to take another woman for his collection..." Talzin replied to Grievous, showing her view of what Anakin was like.

"Don't get me wrong here, but I think you are being a bit biased." Grievous obviously didn't want to upset his lover but he also wanted to come tot he defense of his savior.

"Biased, how is it that when I make such a simple observation, that I am biased. I had thought that he would have loved to have another girl, and I saw that we only had one girl here that was acceptable to whatever degree he is accepting." Talzin said, still a bit pissed she hasn't gotten what she wanted.

Anakin may have started to help set up some better communications between the Empyrean and is even building a Stargate, that still wasn't enough for her.

"Look, I know that it seems weird, but everyone that is in a relationship with the Emperor already accepted this caveat in their relationship. It isn't like they are hurting anyone, ok?" Grievous supplied trying to ease her into being more accepting. "There is a condition that the Emperor proposed he would accept but only if you accept some different conditions."

"Oh? He is willing to take the girl? Then why am I wrong?"

"Calm down, calm down. You are wrong because the Emperor will allow the girl to be BETHROTHED to him and would do so because you want him to marry her straight away. This way, if the girl in the future, upon becoming an adult doesn't want to go through with it she may leave." Grievous obviously left out the fact that Merrin would most certainly be leaving if by that time she didn't form a Dyad with Anakin.

'What she doesn't know, doesn't hut her.' While Grievous liked being honest with her, as most relationships should be, that doesn't mean that had to tell each other absolutely everything about each other.

Thinking to herself, Talzin replies. "Ok." She had gone over the benefits to her and those around her and came to the conclusion that this is for the best. There was no need to force the girl, especially when Talzin herself was sort of against the idea of polygamy.

Especially when it came to men having multiple wives as that just wasn't what she was into and would much rather the females be the one on the receiving end. It may not make sense, evolutionary wise for a woman to have multiple partners, but it was at least fair within the Empyrean.

Anakin didn't discourage and allowed everything within. Who was he to say who you could love and who you couldn't, it wasn't like it was harming anyone as well.

"I thought that you would have put up some more resistance." Grievous said as he looked Talzin up and down and could only thank Anakin within his mind for at the very least making him the same height as her.

It would have been extremely awkward otherwise.

"I wont lie and say I wasn't thinking it." Talzin looked at Grievous and couldn't help but compliment him as she much rather preferred this look rather then his mechanical self. "You look quite good." She was surprised that Grievous was gifted an entirely new body.

"I know, I think that I like you-I mean my own body as well." Grievous slipped as he was checking her out, because despite them both being quite old and incapable of have children with each other, they were still plenty capable in 'that' department.

"It would also seem that you aren't exactly incapable as well..." Lets leave these two old love birds to have their own way and talk about something else, as no one really wants to see these two flirting with each other.

One reason Anakin wanted Dathomir under his control, was the immense benefit of both having an outpost on the other side of the galaxy but also because he could start looking into transforming this planet into something else.

It had a very spread out wildlife and because of this Anakin would be taking control of this factor and transforming this place into a research area. Not just research but for people that were interested in taming and training animals, because animals were quite important as well.

Droids and the variations of droids may be important but it isn't the be all end all and creating better livestock would work to his advantage. He may have massive agriculture worlds, but he is lacking in a area specifically within the market and that was for meats.

Of course he could have always created some synthetic meat, no, not from the synths but created meat from chemical compounds, bacteria and viruses all centered on cultivating edible and nutritious meat substitutes.

This would take up too much much, not because it couldn't be done but looking and producing this in large quantities is currently impossible due to the lack of resources but he could create a planet that is meant to look after animals.

Whether these be animals for entertainment, livestock or trained pets for either the public and military. It was all on the board.

That would only be one side of the planet however, as the Nightsisters would no doubt not like this idea too much so he would compromise and set up something else entirely for them. A place that would allow Force-sensitive people to come here and engage with the people.

It would basically become something of a training ground for the people from his temple to walk through. The ancient Je'daii had something like this where if one person was too aligned to one side, they would have to travel towards the other side of a planet and realign themselves.

They were the very first proper Force-sensitive organization after all, and it seemed like their structure was flawed. Anakin would have to take inspiration from them, but not be exactly like them because they had failed.

He doesn't want to fail himself in his endeavor. So of course he needed to right their wrongs and do it better this time.