V.2-C.64│Jedi Visit I│

It had come.

Come time for Anakin to start moving along his plans once again.

Having sent the message towards Palpatine, Anakin knew that it would just be a matter of time before the Chancellor deemed that his deal was all right. Not that there was any deal that had even taken place, it was just that Anakin knew Sidious had no other options currently available to himself and that by taking advantage of this opening, it is one step closer to his fall.

Of course, it is also one step closer to the balance being restored as well.

The Force would be happy, if it could with everything he was doing, or at least it should be but how is he supposed to know what it feels? It cant feel at all, because it is just an energy-field with some sentience but no proper emotions.

Instead it is something that could be considered living and only able to stay as it is because it wasn't connected to people. Once the Cosmic and Living Force became intertwined, that was when stuff started to become unbalanced.

But it also allowed people to evolve, for the Force to evolve and grow its presence within the galaxy, possibly the entirety of the universe.

It definitely had done so with the Yuuzhan Vong, as they had come from outside of the known galaxy and had very minimal access to the Force. Historically they were able to use the Force as well, and there are other races, species present outside of the current known galaxy.

How could Anakin let this chance pass up, when it came to making sure he is taking down Sidious. He may be a selfish bastard, but who ever said he didn't care.

There was very little that he didn't care about, it was just that he sometimes cared more for the things he treasured, or loved. His empire, his people, but most importantly his family and friends. Loved ones that have become a part of his life and possibly even more so when considering the bonds he has with some of them.

There was no greater desire for him, other than to make sure they were safe.

Ok, that was a lie, but Anakin still did want that. It was just that he had other desires as well, which was something he always knew would catch up to him, no matter how long he had put it off. Thankfully he doesn't need to worry much about that as those around him can make up for that desire, hopefully...

Anyway, back on topic with the entirety of the galaxies life on the line.

Well, it didn't quite reach that point because Sidious had no way to destroy entire worlds if he wanted, as with no Death Star he would have no way to create an even more powerful scare tactic. A military is scary enough, but imagine if he did have a Death Star, or even still had the possibility to access the Dark Reaper.

It had been destroyed, thankfully, but that didn't mean there was no possibility of Sidious not trying to bring it back to life.

Anakin had a general rule that he stood by when it came to many things in life and that is, 'If I can do something, it probably means someone else can do it as well.'

This stemmed from the fact, that nothing was all and truly unique or special. Not even his status as the Chosen One, because what is stopping the Force from making another one of him?

There was nothing.

Nothing from stopping the Force from trying to make another one of himself, maybe not exactly the same, maybe less powerful, or more powerful. There was nothing stopping the Force from doing so, and the things he was doing could benefit it if he didn't have a way to counteract this.

Which is why he was going to make great use of his own energy-field, born from his own power and self where it would manifest as something to rival the natural Force. He intends to get his special brand of midi-chlorians to all of his people so he could rapidly expand his own influence while at the same time making sure they are safe at the same time.

While the Force could be trusted, it also shouldn't be trusted 100% of the time.

It was something he had decided right from the very start, that he would use the Force, the natural Force as much as he could before it decided to force him to do anything. Or maybe even just guide him in a certain direction.

He didn't like the idea of some all-knowing being dictating his fate, and while that may have been the real truth to anything that happened. It was here, in his unique state of being that he was breaking that mold, and casting himself anew in the forges of his mind.

His body is not what it was supposed to be, signifying his physical independence from the Force, his mind or soul is also at a state that is in balance. Connected to the Force whilst simultaneously creating its own dimension.

Somewhere he is the only one in control, as its god or whatever divine-like entity he may be.

'Now to wait for Sidious' reply.' Anakin thought to himself as he went off in another direction to have some alone time with one of his wives. He isn't a workaholic and would much rather prefer being with any of them, perhaps all of them if he could.


"It is quite good to see you again, Emperor." Palpatine said these words, but internally he didn't quite like the sound of addressing another as Emperor. He wanted those words to only come out of the mouths of others, not his own.

"Yes, greetings Chancellor Palpatine. Greetings to the entirety of the senate." Anakin was on stage, not within the senate itself but was displayed by a holographic display device.

He would be addressing the entirety of the senate with his proposal and a vote would happen among them all to decide whether or not being supplied by him was the right choice for them. While they spend massive amounts of wealth for the clones, where the Kaminoans gobble up the profits, the Empyrean's droids would also be another economic factor to put into the mix.

Not everyone was agreeable with what was going to happen, and Palpatine had decided that if a vote is held, and the people decide that they would like the Empyrean's assistance he would accept. Of course, he had executive power over everything but he couldn't decide when it came to this topic.

It was something that he both wanted and didn't at the same time because of the nature of politics, he decided that this is the best option. It would absolve him of any guilt, if something were to go wrong because he had put it upto a vote, plus he has the advantage of not saying what he voted for.

He is a completely non-factored into vote on the manner, since he had handed over this decision to those within the senate.

"Yes, as everyone can see here, the Empyrean's Emperor is joined by one of his wives, Empress Padme Amidala, former senator of Naboo." Palpatine had to do some theatrics and play into whatever Anakin was planning, not that he considered Anakin to be his opponent.

What could the boy, only very recently having ascended to the throne do against him, a veteran? Also he took into consideration that Anakin wasn't even the mastermind and it was likely someone within the shadows.

An example being Vader, but he had disappeared off of the face of the galaxy.

There was no telling where this mysterious individual went, and he wasn't able to gather any information from the Empyrean as well. So, his guess was as good as the next person and it frustrated him to no end.

Anakin was joined by Padme in the holographic image that showed the two of them off. This sent ripples through the senate as they knew about the senator and her outspoken manner on everything, especially when it came to the production of the clones.

She didn't want them to become a thing and she was supposedly against violence and war. Something that she would be reluctantly be going against, as she is here to support Anakin. She knew that he was intending to sell battle droids to the Republic and while she disagreed with him, she decided that it would be better if even she was here, then there was something about these droids she could accept.

Anakin wouldn't only be giving the Republic battle droids as that would be a waste. No, he also intended to sell them medical droids as well, because this would also give him more power or control within the Republic.

They would see him as someone that loved peace, but was also against the idea of sitting around and doing nothing. Increasing his influence was the goal in this session, and by doing so he may persuade people into the deal that would help cripple them even further.

It is like that good old saying.

'If there is no problem to solve, then just create some problems and then sell the answers.' Anakin also used this tactic, which applied to the current situation.

With the clones having been gone for a while now, and more and more of them disappearing he has created a problem. Then through offering his services at the right time, he has also given them the answer.

"Now, if I may ask, what is it that the Emperor and his Empress had wanted to say to us?" Palpatine questioned, given he was the one with the highest authority within the building.

"Yes, I am here today as the Emperor of the Empyrean. As you can all see, I am joined by my wife, and we are here to discuss some things in relation to the war between the Republic and Confederacy." Anakin stated.

While Anakin does have a non-aggression pact with the Confederacy of Independent Systems, that doesn't mean that he is stopped from trading with the enemy. It would be another thing if he decided to become a full blown ally of the Republic, which would only make things complicated.

Specifically if he did do that, he would become a target. The entirety of the Empyrean would become a target and he couldn't allow that, even with his protections set in place.

He is building up an army to deal with the Hutts and the future Yuuzhan Vong that come to the galaxy, he isn't all that interested in fighting the Republic or the Confederacy. Well, maybe the Confederacy, but not right now as they were not in his way.

Dooku had even been so kind as to give up Geonosis when he had occupied it and instead of coming to him for some form of payment, he didn't. That may have been a bad move on Dooku's part as Anakin at that time would have gladly supplied him something in return if he didn't press the issue.

Which he didn't but he didn't without even pressuring him, which is either Dooku's fault or the fault of the Chancellor, Palpatine.

"And what is it you wish to propose?" Someone within the audience asked, coming forward on their floating platform.

"I have already spoken with the Chancellor and have provided what you would need to know." Anakin stated, saying this to make sure that everyone knew that Palpatine had some level of understanding, but he really had the bare minimum.

"The Chancellor may know what you speak of, but we, everyone within this room other than yourself and the Chancellor, do not." Another person spoke, also coming forward.

People that were more interested in certain things, like the military or economics. In fact, everyone here would be interested in looking into whatever Anakin had to say as he, or the things he had helped to build, the Empyrean and Skywalker Industries, all touched upon various aspects.

The Galactic Senate, also referred to as the Republic Senate, Galactic Congress, Republic Congress, or Old Senate, during the time of the New Republic, was the legislative and executive branch of the Galactic Republic that was located on Coruscant.

Its primary duties were to mediate any disputes between star systems, worlds and cultures, to regulate trade between systems, to protect and care for citizens in need and to provide mutual defense in face of threats to the Republic.

"Then I will explain." Anakin stated before he went off to include information, more information then he had previously given the Chancellor, but that didn't matter.

He told them of the droids he was willing to supply, and that he had a price. This price wouldn't be too high of course, and he wouldn't be able to milk the Galactic Republic of their money the same way the Kaminoans are, and instead he needed to set a proper price.

That price being that Anakin would take Naboo into his control.

The crowd was bursting, because this bold move was something totally expected to them. Even much more unexpected to Palpatine. Anakin spoke about combat droids and medical droids and their benefits, he also didn't leave out the downsides of having them.

But no one cared about that, as Anakin had just asked for something that was totally expected. Something that while most people dont really care all too much about, but he was basically bargaining with them a star system that was a part of the Republic. They had little to no sway over this type of decision.

"What makes you think that this august body would accept?"

"It is not you I will have to worry about, but instead I have already contacted Naboo and those within the Naboo system. They have agreed, the Queen and all to becoming a part of the Empyrean." Anakin wanted to do this for a few reasons.

The first would be Padme of course, as it was her birth planet, her second home as she had grown up there. Why would he not try and bring her people under his control and further his own plans as well.

The second reason is to distract Palpatine, especially since Palpatine had also come from Naboo as well. This would make him believe that the mastermind behind Anakin was some sort of intelligence fiend, being able to ferret out information about him.

This would make him panic and more likely to take actions that were risky, even with his calm facade, he is still a person after all.

The third reason, is that he would be able to start expanding all the way out where Naboo is. Which isn't exactly all too far away from the Empyrean and it would be easy enough to back it up and protect it.

Anakin isn't that far away from moving himself and the Empyrean over towards the Naboo system and the surrounding systems anyway.

'Most intriguing...' Sidious thought to himself as the rest of the senate was conflicted on what to do.