V.2-C.68│Jedi Visit V│

Ahsoka Tano.

Who was Ahsoka Tano?

She would have called herself a Jedi at one point, but that wasn't the case anymore. She would have considered herself someone that believed herself to only be a friend to Anakin, but now she thought otherwise.

Having discovered the Dyad between herself and Anakin sure was life changing but at the same time it wasn't. Not because there wasn't a difference in their relationship, because it was made obviously clear to her that he wouldn't be interested in her, not until she became much more of an adult than she was now.

Not that she believed herself to be a child and she was fully aware of the things adults do. 'They held hands and stuff, right?' She thought to herself as she inner monologuing about the things that were going on around her.

Becoming Anakin's apprentice was something she had always wanted, but now she wanted more than that. She always knew that this was going to happen as well, not because she was told so or any other reason.

It was because through the Force she could sense it, not that she would have known for sure but it was a possibility.

Her and him.

Obviously it couldn't work out right now, but she would be cashing in on some checks once she is old enough to participate in whatever adults do. Like hand holding.

Ahsoka was energetic and didn't like doing most things that involved sitting around. Like meditation, but it was something she was starting to do more and more of because it would seem she had the best foresight among everyone within their small group. Excluding Anakin of course, as his abilities far surpassed her own and the others as well.

That didn't mean that she was useless however and she would prove that she was capable herself. Not that there was much conflict like at all, and that person. The Pawn that she had wanted to get some revenge for escaping from her, was dealt with as well.

She didn't know exactly what had happened to the Pawn, but she that he should have gotten justice for their crimes. Along with everyone else that was a part of whatever organization they were a part of, trying to ruin the Empyrean.

She had come to love it here.

She found herself immensely liking it here, but of course that was mainly because she was with Anakin. As home was where the heart was. Of course the other girls as well, as they acted like a family.

It was certainly much better than being within the Jedi as she had never been anywhere else and the first time she had a chance at exploration outside of the temple was when she left with Anakin. This signified a new era, a new change not only for herself but for the others as well.

What it would also signify was the turning of the page and the end of a chapter, where most if not all of the galaxy would start to change due to this event.

She had seen many things through her visions and was aware that Anakin was always the chosen one. One of the main reasons she had even decided to attach herself to him was because of her older self's attachment to Anakin, her future master.

Her relationship with the others, besides Anakin, was pretty good. They hardly had any disagreements with each other and even if they did, it wouldn't last long before they were able to talk it out.

Anakin didn't have to come in and save the day as that would just be silly trying to mitigate and keep all of them happy all of the time. Their emotions and feelings were their own, even when they could share those emotions with Anakin, he never really got involved.

Not because he didn't want to but because if they were to act like adults, or be adults, then they would have to grow up and be like them. Which they didn't exactly have the best examples from, except the mostly unfeeling Jedi.

At least Barriss and herself did learn from Anakin's interactions with other adults.

Then there was today, a day that she knew was coming but didn't think it would come so soon. While Anakin informed them all of the Jedi coming, not everyone knew of who was coming, or was aware of who was coming.

Supposedly even Anakin, but Ahsoka knew that he knew, and Anakin knew that she knew that he knew.

Quite the twisting of the mind that was there, but back onto the point and that was she knew and he knew, so there would only be one outcome. Her already being prepared and ready to see what she considered to be someone she was close to.

Jedi Master Plo-Koon.

Plo-Koon had a very close bond with Ahsoka Tano, having been the Jedi that found her and brought her to the Jedi Temple, affectionately nicknaming her 'Little Soka.'

In a way Plo-Koon was very close to her, or at least she felt close to him and while she couldn't exactly say he was like a father or older brother, she could at least say she was close to him.

"Little Soka." If Plo-Koon could smile, he would but his alien biology really didn't allow for that, so instead he could only transmit his feelings through his voice.

Smiling herself, Ahsoka walked upto the person that had taken her away from her home planet of Shili. Ahsoka was an orphan. An orphan that seemingly had no parents and had no one to really look after her, even when her people were supposed to be a very social species.

Then there was the fact that she was incredibly Force-sensitive as well, something that Plo-Koon was able to easily sense in her.

"Master Plo-Koon." Ahsoka greeted him.

"You seem to have grown somewhat since the last time I have seen you." Plo-Koon said as he looked at the little Togruta girl he had seen grow up.

"You dont seem to have grown at all since the last time I had seen you as well." Ahsoka cheekily replied.

Plo-Koon was in general a humble, polite, stubborn and difficult person. That difficultly has supposedly been mellowed out over the years and he is now much more of a chill guys than what he was as a Jedi apprentice.

"Hoh? You can talk." Plo said with his voice being modified by the mask he wore.

"So what have you been upto recently?" Ahsoka may have thought of Plo-Koon as family but she knew that he was kind of like a father to her as well. It wasn't simple though to just call him her father-figure when she didn't know if she had any family of her own.

She had some goals of her own, other than being by Anakin's side forever and that was to try and someday see if she had any family at all. Did her mother and father die, and that is why she was left all alone, by herself.

Or was it that they didn't want her, because of some other reason she didn't know about. Most children within the Jedi Order probably would have questions about their family as well, but that was suppressed behind other things that were taught from within the Jedi.

For Ahsoka, though. She was much more determined than that and was also much more fearless in the face of not knowing what the answer to her question could be.

"Well..." Plo-Koon started and would recap alot of what was happening, even though Ahsoka probably already knew of things like this.

She was very smart, and very perceptive when it came to many things.

Ahsoka would also share some thing that would have and has happened here on Tatooine, within the Empyrean or some of the things she has done. Like that small adventure everyone had gone on to get their own lightsaber crystals.

Just like Aayla however, she wasn't about to tell him everything about what was going on, even if Plo-Koon was someone that she felt close to. It was kind of the agreement all of the girls had set up, without Anakin knowing of course that they would keep the Dyad to themselves.

They wouldn't share this secret with others, as they felt that it was something precious for them and them alone.

If Anakin could be possessive of them, then of course they could also return the favor as well.

'I want to hold Anakin's hand as well.' Ahsoka thought to herself as she glanced over to see that Anakin was talking with the three Jedi Masters and was also holding Padme's hand. 'Why couldn't that be me.' She was sulking internally.

Ahsoka, to get away from being jealous, decided to drag along Barriss, Plo-Koon, Luminara, Shaak, Obi-Wan, and Qui-Gon along to somewhere else. She left behind Aayla and Quinlan, seeing that the two of them had something more to talk about.


Barriss Offee.

No, she is actually now known as Barriss Skywalker nee Offee.

Barriss didn't know what to think about when it came to recent events, whether that be their leaving from the Jedi Order, or otherwise her now married status to her loved one. Of course, she wanted to be together with Anakin and very much wanted to continue this relationship from now until forever.

If possible, she would even go back in time and try and take Anakin for herself, before he got to anyone else. Of course, that was her just being silly as she had already accepted that he would probably have multiple lovers, if not wives.

What pained her however, was that she wasn't the first one.

Not that all of that mattered in the end, as she was still able to unify herself with her lover for holy matrimony. Of course, she had done so in where it was done accordingly with the customs of her people, but the priest involved was of the religion here on Tatooine.

No, within the Empyrean and she had decided that she should become the hidden boss of this religion. She wouldn't even tell Anakin or anyone else that she was going to be the one operating things from the shadows.

She wanted, just like all of Anakin's people, followers and creations to know of Anakin's greatness.

She kept her thought and emotions hidden however, but she knew that Anakin probably knew about how she felt and what she wanted. He did oblige her multiple times, in the throes of passion she would have liked to make herself more durable, but it would seem that her endurance just wasn't up to any of the other girls level.

It wasn't something she ashamed of, and thought of herself as blessed. Blessed that she was the one to finish the quickest, as this meant that she felt the most pleasure with Anakin, or at least that was what she told herself.

"What are you thinking about?" Luminara woke Barriss from her thoughts as she was currently daydreaming about her very passionate times with Anakin.

"N-Nothing!" Barriss exclaimed. She would have been the most interested in having a child with Anakin, even if she didn't say so because she was starting to buy in more and more into the religion created by those living droids, now turned synths.

"Well, you were just telling me about how you were..." Luminara began up again, but Barriss was distracted by Anakin starting to hold hands with Padme, which where she was the first to notice.

'Damn, she is getting in some quality time.' Barriss thought to herself as she was also simultaneously listening to Luminara talk to her.

While Barriss did get to have her alone time, she was the one that wanted even more time with Anakin, even when she had also agreed to this special situation of Anakin having multiple lovers. It wasn't that she was overly possessive or jealous or anything like that but instead she just wanted more time with Anakin.

Actually, she did feel satisfied enough with the time she spends with him, whether that be doing absolutely nothing at all or something that was highly physically intensive.

What normally consisted of what she did now that she was here, was stalking Anakin most of the time, while also trying to reform the religious system here. While it was supposedly mostly complete, there was still some more work to be done to refine the religion.

Then there was the cultural aspects of the Empyrean which she was also interested in influencing.

While she was mostly good with the religion, that didn't mean she thought of it as perfect as there were things within that were imperfect. All of those that wished to become priests had to go through her.

All of those that become 100% followers and believers were all being influenced by her, as while Padme took an active political role in the Empyrean's development, that didn't mean she did other things as well.

Specifically in regards to the Empyrean's culture and religion as a whole, where Barriss was starting to become quite the influencer herself. While educational institutions are probably the best to convert people into believers of Anakin being some sort of divine entity, that wasn't an area she would go into.

Not because she wasn't allowed, but because it was better to separate things like religion, culture and education.

Without this distinction, many things could become merged and that wouldn't be good to the growth and development of the empire Anakin had put in alot of work to finish and make better. One of the prime doctrines that Anakin had taught her was the idea of conflict leading to growth.

Something that she had seen developing and had seen in many areas as well, especially when it came to the Jedi as while they were backwards because of peace, as soon as they were threatened by Dooku, it was only then that things were starting to change.

Of course there was another form of conflict in the form of Anakin leaving with them and then creating his own Order, but that should only have a minimal impact. What was important was the war, which did lead to the people upgrading things they had never thought of doing so before.

The Jedi were starting to become more powerful because they could finally put into practice their abilities and powers within different situations. Not that they hadn't done so before.

It was just much more apparent that the conflict at least brought up their combat based abilities to another level.

"Hey, come on and lets go." Ahsoka called out to Barriss, as they were all leaving in a small group to better explore or give a guide to those Jedi from the Order, around Tatooine.

"Coming!" She looked back to where Anakin was, to see that he wasn't there anymore and was most likely gone with Yoda, Yaddle, Mace and Padme.