V.2-C.86│Interlude III│

It was a fine day on Tatooine, as the suns that the planet orbited look as if they were in orbit around Tatooine. Like it was the center of the system, galaxy or even the universe itself.

The people were going on with their own business, whether that going to their jobs or otherwise going out to enjoy the freedoms and liberties that the Empyrean provides for its people.

Everyone was generally having a all right enough time as is, and they were also in quite the festive spirit as well. One doesn't just simply build a culture and society within a day and it requires festivities to take place as well.

Religion is also quite normal, but traditions that families would pass on from generation to generation should become a part of a society. Without traditions, the culture doesn't have common things to connect people together.

So, in remembrance of Anakin and, or Vader helping the people, enslaved as they were rise up and fight against the Hutt empire created by Jabba the Hutt was certainly something to remember. Then there was Anakin's birthday itself, making it something that everyone celebrates in, even when it was just another normal day, the people saw to make it something special.

Then there was a tradition that involved Anakin going and leaving the Empyrean, and the date of his return recorded to symbolize a persons journey and growth into becoming an adult. Sometimes a person would have to leave their home to go somewhere else foreign and grow there.

Anakin's birthday was a religious event, the slave rebellion celebration was a public holiday, Anakin's leaving and return is another religious and cultural tradition and finally Anakin's coronation is considered a brand new holiday for the people.

Public holidays exist, and alot of it somehow involves Anakin.

Then for every planet, they had their very own separate events in accordance with their own culture and history, along with the additions of the cultural and religious traditions starting from Tatooine and Anakin.

Not everywhere would have the exact same events, but everyone would have all of the events that included Anakin to some extent and if it was a holiday, then it was allowed. Another festivity had come into play however, as the people were now celebrating what is being called the 'End of Slavery.'

The 'End of Slavery,' being a new event all starting because of Anakin and those within the Empyrean putting in the work to overcome this once and for all. Well, at least slavery that is out in the open, as no doubt slavery still happened behind closed doors, especially in areas outside of the influence of the Empyrean or Hutt space.


"Hello?" Anakin called out to see if anyone was there.

He knocked on the door again, as he was within the Sky-Palace, awaiting whoever is behind this door to come out and greet him.

'Is she asleep?' He thought to himself as he was waiting for the person who he had made plans with today to come out, but it would seem that she was either still asleep or was hesitating. He could always just barge in, but then that would just be something silly, now wouldn't it.

"W-Wait!" A feminine voice was heard from the other side and she seemed to be panicking and from Anakin could hear, she seemed to be in a rush to get to the door, but was otherwise doing other things instead.

Specifically trying to rush and put on some clothing, or from what he could tell some very minor applications of makeup. He didn't mind makeup, but much rather preferred someone's natural face, but it would seem that the woman on the other side didn't know of this, or didn't want to come outside to meet with him without some assurances that he would be attracted to her face.

Not that, THAT would matter considering most if not all of the women around him were extremely attractive already.

Opening the door, it is finally revealed to be Zannah, the Sith woman rescued and brought back to life by Anakin from Hell, otherwise known as Chaos.

"I-I am ready." She very cutely said as she seemed to have been in a rush. Her clothing seemed to be ok, and accentuated her curves and other physical parts that Anakin would take an interest in. She had some minimal makeup as well, also given that she doesn't have the same face paint that she had in her first life, it was clear to see her beautiful features.

"Are you sure?" Anakin was smiling as it would seem that Zannah was willing to make some form of an effort when going out on a date with him, formally that is.

Anakin reached out his hand and tucked away some of her hair that was a bit messy. "Oh!" She realized this and had a small blush adorn her features, which only made Anakin think she looked even better.

"There, all ready then. Since this is your first actual 'date,' I have decided that instead of going all out like a person usually would, we should try some of the 'basic,' people do. How does that sound?" Anakin would have taken her to do things she would have liked to do, which was probably destroying things or otherwise getting into spars of fights with others.

He wouldn't have minded doing something like that with her, but that isn't exactly what constitutes as a normal date, and she hasn't had a relatively normal life before. What with her being a Sith Lord before her death, and then being dragged out of hell by Anakin not just because he wanted to, but he had his own reasons.

"Well... If that is what you say it is going to be like, then I guess it is fine." Deep down, Zannah very much appreciated that her first date would be considered normal. She did want to dot he things those other girls she taught within the academy did.

Which may or may not include some special 'alone time' with Anakin afterwards, but wherever it may go she would probably either be happy or bored. Given that everything would be a new experience to her, she has no doubt that she would probably be not bored, especially with Anakin around.

If she told Anakin that she was bored with these normal girlish things, then he would probably resort to plan B, that being some preplanned things that he knew she would have liked to do.

Not that Anakin would tell her that, of course.

"Shall we?" Anakin held out his arm as she also grabbed on and they would go on throughout the rest of the day enjoying and spending time with each other. Their relationship getting a little better as a result.


Sheev Palpatine.

The Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic, Dark Lord of the Sith as Darth Sidious, was not amused.

Not amused in the slightest as he had received some reports about the Empyrean having a big but very short lived war with the Hutts. It wasn't hidden away from anyone, and in fact he would say that this was done publicly on purpose to make sure that everyone knew of the Empyrean's power.

It was done at the correct timing as well, because the Republic was thinking that they could just and bring the Empyrean under their own control. They knew of the Empyreans power, but it wasn't like they couldn't pull on the other senators or systems within their reaches power to go after them and forcibly make them comes under the Republic.

Some of the people were thinking that they could do it, even when he, Sidious himself had suggested that they dont.

He didn't mind if they tried however, because who knows what will happen and instead he was going to wait for them to amass and then force the 'peace' loving Empyrean to help them win against the Separatists properly.

Instead of just using them for funds by selling them droids.

Some people were upset, as they could see what the Empyrean was doing, not that they could really do anything because at the same time they were also grateful. There was no telling how long this civil war would have lasted, so too was Sidious kind of banking on the Empyrean allowing them to buy mass amounts of droids to make up for their clones deficit.

Not that the clones made up the entirety of heir armies.

Now that the Empyrean has kind of shown its true 'colors,' everyone within the Galaxy knew to stay clear of the Empyrean and whatever they wanted. While there may not have been any real conflicts between the Empyrean or those within the Empyrean to anyone other organization or government within the galaxy, that didn't mean they would just stop their conquest at the Hutts.

Those that were more political or just had a keen sense of the politics of what was going on from within the galaxy, could tell that the Empyrean was making moves that may only seem as the natural course of action, but they had planned this.

The Empyrean was a much scarier opponent than Sidious had at first thought and he was starting to consider that he would be more wary of Anakin now. Now he would look very deeply into any of the actions taken and words said by the Emperor of the Empyrean, simply because of this massive event that has changed the landscape of relationships within the galaxy.

Everyone will be looking towards the Empyrean and hoping that they come over to their side, because they were an intelligent enemy that no one wanted to face.

So for now, everyone would hold their breath around the Empyrean, simply because they have risen to power so fast that it is quite insane.

'They now fully control the Arkanis Sector.' Sidious thought to himself as he gazed at the holographic map displayed in front of him that gave him a view of the entirety of the known galaxy.

Even some more undisclosed systems or planets not give out to the public to see, as not every piece of information was exactly public knowledge.

With the Arkanis Sector completely under the Empyreans control and even Hutt space now falling under the control of the Empyrean, while not officially, it was a puppet state and Sidious could very clearly see that.

They had massive power and control over trade, and even over the hyperlane spaces and orders or rules were given to both the Republic and Separatists that they were not to fight while within both the borders of the Empyrean and Hutt space.

Completely natural and normal, since no one would want to turn their home turf into a battlefield just because some foreign powers were at war. This would both be great and bad for Sidious as he didn't want to prolong the war for too long and instead wanted to end it at the right timing, so that he may gain complete and total control over the senate.

Once that happened he would become an Emperor himself. The Emperor of the Galactic Empire.

'Emperor Palpatine. It has such a nice ring to it.' These thoughts encapsulated the joy that Sidious would get out of achieving his goals. Goals that had become harder once again, because of the Empyrean or was it all along because of the pesky 'Chosen One'...

It was certainly something to think about a little more, whether or not Anakin's status of the 'Chosen One,' was interfering with his plans just as his now dead master had said he would. Or it was just the fact that Anakin was something that went against what he was working towards and is very easily arguably the better of the two options for an Emperor.

Palpatine was creating some back up plans for himself in case of failure, because he was starting to see that because of the Empyreans developments, the people within the senate are not precisely going in the direction that he wants.

It was like if everything was being taken out of his control and put into the hands of another. 'The boy must die...' He thought to himself as he looked at the image of Anakin, that was extremely good looking.

Sidious was now planning to take down the Empyrean, by taking down its leader because without a head, the snake would die.

Once Anakin is taken care of, there would probably be some problems from the Empyrean, but it would naturally be all ok. He has had enough of trying to bring Anakin under his control and was already looking for another apprentice, someone that wouldn't be like Dooku and instead would be both an easy to manipulate pawn and powerful Force user.

He had many options in trying to infiltrate the Empyrean and trying to kill Anakin and poison is one such method. Of course Palpatine didn't know that this wouldn't work even if he managed to get Anakin to drink some poison.

Anakin is immune after all, and if that didn't work he would start to send some assassins that Dooku had been training. Something that may prove to be of some more difference, but would probably still be relatively easy to take care of by Anakin.

'One man cannot defeat many.' Sidious knew the powers in numbers and believed that if he sent many to attack Anakin at the same time he wouldn't be able to resist and would die. That is if his poisoning attempt would fail.

If all else fails, in the end it would better if he tried to take care of Anakin himself.

Something that Palpatine was starting to believe in more and more is that sometimes you have to care care of your own problems because others are too incompetent at doing so. 'If you want something done right, then you should do it yourself...'

Of course this would expose himself to everyone, no doubt the boy would expose him at that point, but at that point he would have to kill Anakin because this take care of his competitor.

Then there are those that he was considering to take under his wing as an apprentice, and he had a few options that would be interesting.

Ferus Olin was someone that Palpatine had been trying to mess around with, especially after he had left the Order because of reasons, one in particular being Anakin. Something that Palpatine and Ferus had in common.

Then there is the bumbling buffoon known as Jar-Jar Binks.

Believe it or not, Jar-Jar was actually Force-sensitive without even knowing that he is and because he was such an easy pawn to manipulate and one could see his luck, which is Jar-Jar's application of the Force subconsciously to help himself.

Then there another prospective replacement, Garth Ezzar, who Palpatine had only very recently discovered during the current times. He had taken Garth in and was currently training him in the dark side of the Force, which he already was learning in before Garth killed his previous master because she betrayed him.

Garth is inadequate though because he wants someone stronger than Darth Tyranus.

Of course, there was one of Senior Administrative Aides known as Sly Moore, someone that he had kept close to himself. Both with the allure of the dark side and because she seemed to have some attraction to Palpatine, not that he all that cared and instead he was using her for something in the future he wished to try.

Now however, she may be more useful as a proper apprentice, but her power is inadequate for his needs.

So his choices were between Jar-Jar who actually had a very powerful connection to the Force or Ferus Olin, who was said to be a rival of Anakin's meaning that he was also properly powerful as well...

Or he could make them both his apprentices and break the rule of two... At the same time keep Tyranus for now as well, since Tyranus also held no concern for the rule of two.

'Choices, choices, choices...'