V.2-C.88│Interlude V│

Anakin had amassed a large amount of militaristic forces at this point, meaning that he could continue his current campaign. Taking over and making use of more planets and hopefully shrinking the gap between the Empyrean's mainland and its other what was considered 'colony systems.'

The Koiogra system was the only star system located in the Grohl sector of the Outer Rim Territories. Meaning that after the Empyrean had taken it over, this sector is now considered proper Empyrean space and territory.

It would become another trade world, a center of trade just like the others that were taken.

The next sector after this would be the sector that the Kaminoans come under, which would mean that Anakin would have to be careful when taking this sector for the Empyrean. Technically, the Kaminoans aren't a part of the Republic at all and if he happens to become their leader, it would mean that the Republic really is relying on the Empyrean for everything.

Even their future endeavors where they could have future clones.

First things first, the worlds and systems taken over are...

Tieos, a planet in the Abrion sector of the Outer Rim Territories completely covered by grasslands. Tieos is considered to hold strong potential as a future agricultural planet, which means that it would become another place allowing for the growth of food for the Empyrean.

It was a planet that was strange, since it had some ties to both the Republic and Separatist, but wasn't actually considered a part of none of these factions. Meaning it is ripe for the taking.

Next is Roon, a planet located in the nearly impenetrable Cloak of the Sith. Known for its Roonstones, the planet was constantly sought after by treasure hunters for years. Located on the Triellus Trade Route hyperspace route and the smugglers' route Mumble's Turnaround.

This place would be perfect to start increasing the value of the Empyrean and its currency yet again, meaning that their economic power would increase yet again. This planet and system could only be a place where Anakin could house more people and also be a place where people may be able to strike it rich at discovering Roonstones, the precious crystal that this planet naturally produced.

There were also some other minerals that could be extracted, so this was also a useful planet.

Hefi, the next planet located in the Hefi system of the Abrion sector, within the Slice portion of the Outer Rim Territories. Covered by landmasses and oceans, Hefi's surface featured varied climates and was capable of supporting various forms of humanoid life.

Nothing much here, and is just another boring world to add to the collection. Who knows? It might become something, but for now it would just be another colony system for the Empyrean to develop more to see what it holds.

Abrion Major was an astronomical object located in the Abrion Major system, a part of the Abrion sector in the Slice portion of the Outer Rim Territories. Abrion Major served as the capital of the Abrion sector, and the latter was represented in the Galactic Republic's Senate by Senator Esu Rotsino, who hailed from Abrion Major.

In fact, it was the year before current times that Rotsino tendered her sector's Articles of Secession in that day's Senate session, thereby withdrawing the Abrion sector, which contained more than 200 agriworlds, from the Republic and would have folded into the Separatists.

The reason she didn't was exactly because the Empyrean was so close that it would be silly of her to not join them instead.

And join she did.

The next planet and system that folded into the Empyrean's ever expanding spatial borders was Intuci, a planet in the Abrion sector of the Outer Rim Territories. It didn't have much and is much like the system of Hefi, which may or may not produce anything within the future.

Absanz was a desert planet that hosted a factory belonging to Sienar Fleet Systems, or at least it used to belong to the Sienar Conglomerate before Anakin had it demolished from within. Never again would this company and those connected to it would thrive.

That was a while ago though, so this place was all Anakin's or more precisely it is all for the taking for the Empyrean. It would be used in a similar manner, a test sight. Science and technology would be the main factors of focus for this planet and system.

In doing this, Anakin was able to take over many planets and systems whilst having everything come one step closer to the unification of this sector.

Anakin owned 42% of this sector, so obviously with a bit more time and consolidation, would the Empyrean swiftly take the rest of this sector.

Unfortunately there were no sectors nearby to where the Arkanis Sector that is at the same level of the Arkanis Sector, as there were none nearby and anything else was further out and not really within one spatial area. None had the absolutely packed chock full of planets or systems.

In fact most systems were quite bear bones what with very little star systems and planets, and that is why Anakin was mostly interested in taking over sectors that had a large degree of planets and star systems. Clusters were better as while it may take longer to fully explore and develop a clustered sector, its long term benefits could be seen with the Arkanis Sector becoming something near impossible to stop.


"You know. I think that you should have informed people that you were going to war. Specifically inform those on Naboo." Padme said to Anakin within the throne room.

"Oh? I didn't want to involve your 'peaceful' people, so I decided that it would be best if I just went ahead with the plans I had. I had a feeling, distinct feelings that there are spies in Naboo as well." Anakin replied.

"Spies, huh?" Padme said.

"Yes, spies. While Naboo now be under the control of the Empyrean, that doesn't mean anything when your people, well, the culture of Naboo is different from Tatooine and most of the rest of the Empyrean." Anakin explained.

He continued. "There is also the fact that I know the Separatists and Republic are using Naboo as a place to try and spy on the things happening with the Empyrean. I allowed this because it gives them, no, me a way to trick them if I need to. If I didn't keep Naboo in the dark, just like most others, it would probably end up with me having to explain myself to the Republic, who seem to have a vested interest in the Empyrean."

"Vested interest?" Padme asked, curious.

"Yes, vested interest. There is a reason I didn't stay within the Republic as a Jedi, and while I would have left either way, there are still more reasons on top. I am sure you must have noticed the corruption from within the Republic by now." Anakin said.

"Yes, the senate seems to be corrupt, and here I had thought that I could change things if I stayed. Things only seem to be getting worse and worse, and I doubt I would have made much difference." Padme replied, with a sad tone.

Anakin got up from the throne and moved to the right where more thrones had been constructed for the Empresses to sit on. Of course it is all retractable, so there is only Anakin's and Padme's throne at this current time.

"You are not at fault." Anakin said.

"But-" Padme was interrupted.

"No buts. I think that you are looking to deeply into things and instead you should simplify how you look at things." Anakin stopped her.

"Look at it how?" She asked.

"I may not tell any of you some things, which does mean I hide things, but that doesn't mean I lie." Anakin said before continuing. "I think I could tell you now, especially since you have better control over your mind and mental defenses..."

"Tell me what?" Padme seemed to only have questions upon questions today.

"Well... Remember your great friend, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine?"

"I do." She nodded her head, not knowing where this is going.

"He is a Sith Lord, the Sith Lord that has been controlling everything. Of course, he had a master before, but it was a combination of Palpatine and his now dead master that had interfered and caused all of that panic on Naboo, between you, your people and the Trade Federation."

"What!?" She was surprised and exclaimed. "But Palpatine is a friend... was a friend... I have been lied to?"


"Ani." She looked into his eyes and wanted to know more, as she had many more questions now but things were starting to fit the puzzle pieces and her mind was connecting all of the dots. "We are going to fight against the Republic, is that it?"

She was wrong with this however. "If things go good, then no, if things go bad, there is a chance that we may or may not fight the Republic as well. Then there is also-" Anakin was stopped as Padme said.

"The Separatists." Padme finished for him.

"Yes." Anakin nodded his head as went to sit back down, because he was pacing just behind her chair as he explained things.

Padme had been growing quite alot recently, not in the physical sense as she has probably reached her peak physical status, but after some training she did start to develop some muscle as well. No, Padme was going through growth mentally, and spiritually as she was exposed more and more to the galaxy and its true colors.

Not that she hadn't already known about some things, it was just that she was lacking when it came to the intrigue part of ruling, and when she became Empress, Anakin had been helping her in this regard.

This is why she was able to develop even better skills when it comes to governing then she did before.

Padme also started to change her perspective on things, many things, especially when it came to the weird laws that have been passed, even that law about incest. While it was weird to her at first, she started to see why it wasn't outlawed and that was because there was no negatives, not after the super serum, if people wanted to start a family... with their family...

She still found it strange, but if even the people were not that afraid, and it was only accepting those that do things like that, then it was fine with her. She liked Anakin's freedom and liberty cause and it could be seen within the Empyrean's culture.

There may not be many throughout the words that participate in this, but on the off chance that there is, then it should be allowed if they wanted. Who was she to stop them? Especially when there is no valid argument anymore to go against this.

Anyway, the way Padme was starting to look at things was different from before. So, of course she was much more accepting of the actions taken by Anakin, even the big war that had just happened.

"Are we prepared for such a thing to happen?" Padme had an idea of what the Empyrean's military was like, but she was unsure if they were enough.

"We would not be able to go on the offense, but we would most certainly be able to defend. You have see the star map. I have focused on defense the most because I wanted the people to be secure from most things that would try and attack." Anakin replied.

He continued. "Whether this be simple smugglers, pirates and brigands to an armada and fleets from the Republic and, or the Separatists... Of course there was the threats of the Hutts at first, but now I believe and think that we could handle the combined threats of them both."

He further continued. "Did you also know that the entire civil war is a farce that Palpatine has set up?"

"What?" She wasn't as surprised as before but this was still a shocking revelation. "How is this possible?"

"I think that since I am telling you these things, shouldn't we bring in the others as well? I do think it is time I tell everyone of what exactly is going on." Padme agreed with Anakin and they would start to bring the others in.

Even if they were busy, which they really weren't.

Everyone that was coming in were loved ones to Anakin, and Anakin would be setting up a discussion later on to tell the rest of the leadership within the Empyrean. Talzin may know some things, but she would also need to be informed about what is going on, especially since she is the one that really wants revenge against Sidious.

Anakin would retell some things to everyone, with varying degrees of surprise from them and then some questions, with Anakin answering and telling them many, many things. After a while everyone, having heard everything that Anakin had to tell them went back on their own way, given that they also had some things to think about now.

Especially when it came to the Jedi, some of their previous home. They would surely struggle at least a little bit at this new information, especially knowing that it was Anakin pushing the Republic further into destruction and then benefiting off of it.

Not that what Anakin was doing is wrong, because they all agreed with his methods. What they were disliking however was that the Jedi Order was a threat to Sidious, or more exactly Sidious is a threat to the Jedi and would take whatever chance he had to kill more Jedi.

It was something, that for some of them, they were anxious about.

There may have been some Jedi that left for the Empyrean Order, but it wasn't all of them, especially those that they cared about.

Now that they were all alone again, Anakin had to ask. "By the way. You dont seem to want to have a child or children... Is there a problem?"

"No... It is just..." Padme started and stopped, not sure of how to say this.

Anakin got up and then made a gesture, using the Force to pull her towards him and he embraced her. "Yes. Tell me."

"..." Her words were muffled and really, really unintelligible that even Anakin couldn't hear her properly or what she said.

"I'm sorry, but could you repeat that?" He asked as she seemed to be rather embarrassed rather than anything else.

"I want children!" She all of a sudden exclaimed.

"Huh? What happened to-" Anakin started only to be interrupted.

"Well... I got jealous and seeing Aayla wanted me to have children as well. Ani, I want your children now and I cant wait anymore. She had a good point." Padme felt silly for being a holdout, especially when she wanted to have children with Anakin as well, but because she thought the timing wasn't right she would not go through with it.

Sighing, Anakin says. "You're silly, but... you are my silly Empress." He proceeded to kiss her on the lips and then proclaim. "I love you." Which made her blush before she proceeded to kiss him back with passion as well.

"I-I love you as well." Padme replied.