V.2-C.91│Mortis I│

Mortis was a planet enclosed in a monolith located in the remote Chrelythiumn system that was a conduit for the entire Force of the universe.

Mortis became home to the Ones, a family of powerful Force users, years prior to the Clone Wars. Time was experienced differently inside the Mortis monolith than in the rest of the galaxy standard days experienced on Mortis.

Mortis was a realm of the Force which contained dreamlike environments; it could not be mapped, and even its landmarks appeared in different locations frequently.

The daytime was a time of peace during which luminous creatures moved about lush fields, green mountains, and stunning vistas.

Dense forests, molten caverns, and floating mountains above the surface were among some of the different biospheres. The light had a healing quality, though it came from no star.

When night fell the plants withered and died, the creatures vanished, and the few stars that shone in the black sky were unidentifiable. Scalding rains swept the terrain, making survival without shelter near impossible.

Entrance to the realm was never voluntary, as Mortis drew in its visitors inexplicably. It manifested itself in different ways; Mortis was reported as having appeared as a massive monolith floating in space; other times individuals walked through a door or landed there without discernible reason.

Time within Mortis had no meaning; what seemed like days or weeks within the realm, passed within seconds without.

"And so the time has come." A voice spoke out. A masculine voice.


Everything was going just fine on Tatooine. In fact everything was gong just fine with the Empyrean overall, and it would seem that there was some amount of downtime that could be taken from the hectic life of the Empyrean for at least a short while.

Of course, there were many things to consider and worry about, but for now, none of that would impede what Anakin was gathering everyone for.

"And why exactly am I coming along?" Zannah asked in a huff as she watched everyone start to load themselves and whatever they wanted to bring along with them onto Jabitha. Jabitha hadn't really been used all that much, and she was starting a little lonely, which did resort to her sending out psychic signals from time to time because of boredom.

Of course, their target wasn't to anyone in particular and Jabitha made sure not to use the Force when using such signals, but instead she started to use it only with that psychic connection and nothing else.

What Jabitha didn't know, was that by doing this she was attracting the attention of a planet, a living planet that was still around to hear those sorts of things because their distance apart was not so great as to be unable to connect.

"You are here... because why not?" Anakin replied to Zannah as she seemed to be a bit upset, while surrounding by these other girls, especially since they were much more in line with the light, rather than the dark.

Well, there was one person among this group, other than Anakin, that could potentially go wither way when it comes to alignment.

That person being Padme.

"Really? That is your reasoning? Why not?" Zannah seemed to be exasperated.

"Wouldn't you feel sad if I went with everyone else and then decided to leave you all by yourself. Here on Tatooine where you would just be teaching some snot nosed brats or otherwise some other old students that may be checking you out?" Anakin was acutely aware of the appeal the women around him had, and they were also aware of his own appeal that attracted the opposite gender as well.

"I guess... but that still doesn't change the fact that I dont, no, we all dont understand or even know of where we are going in the first place." Zannah spoke.

"You can consider where we are going, is somewhere that is beneficial to everyone here. Something that will benefit everyone has in common, which is the Force." Anakin replied, not giving up where they were headed.

"I also think it is reckless to even bring along your... pregnant wife." Zannah spoke with some level of dislike, as she was the only one truly against this polyamorous relationship that all of them seemed to be ok with.

"Oh? You think so?" Anakin questioned, because he was also hesitant about this as well, but decided that there was no danger as long as he was there. Which he would be and he was more worried if he left her here instead.

"Of course I think so, and I believe that everyone else should think so as well. Given that it must be dangerous for a pregnant woman to go on any trip, especially since you still haven't told us where we are going." Zannah explained.

"It is good that you believe yourself to be a part of the group. Using words like us. It truly shows your growth." Anakin cheekily smile as he said this, which did make Zannah a bit frustrated and flustered at the same time because his smile was more than enough to attract her.

"You still haven't answered my question." Zannah said.

"Right. I haven't, have I?" Anakin said, stalling for some more time, but Zannah doesn't like surprises and instead would very much like to know where they are going.

"No, you haven't. Now if you would please tell me where we are going." Zannah even started to use some of her polite vocabulary to better butter up to Anakin.

"Ok, ok." Anakin decided that he was done with being mysterious about this and called everyone the center of the living ship called Jabitha, before they took off for their destination.

Aayla, Shaak, Padme, Ahsoka, Barriss, and Zannah were all gathered and were prepared themselves as Anakin had told them that they may be spending both a long and short time where they were going.

It was confusing but he told them to pass the time if they get bored, they should bring some things that would keep them busy. Not that there wasn't alot of things to be gotten and discovered where they were going, as Anakin intended to use this place as a training ground of sorts for all of them.

While most here would be using the dark side of this place, there was someone that would also be using the lights side. Those aligned to the light would have to go to the dark, while those aligned with the dark would have to go to the light.

Meaning that Anakin would probably be the only one left out for now, that is until he decides to finally step in himself to see just what Mortis could provide him. What insights or connections to the Force it may bring for him and the others would surely be of great help for everyone.

He didn't want to be the only one in balance within himself, and they should start to balance themselves out as well.

If there is a well of the dark side, then there is surely something similar for the light side of the Force as well. Meaning that even Zannah would benefit from coming to this planet, and then there is Padme who has not been influenced by either side, at least not yet that is.

Anakin knew that it was strange, but Padme seemed to be leaning more towards the dark side of the Force, meaning that she was inherently more of the dark side than the light. That certainly wasn't the impression he would have gotten at first but alot of it did make sense.

'I mean, she was willing to die for me... I know that may seem selfless at first, but this was incredibly selfish in nature.' Anakin thought to himself as he regarded just what it meant when someone said they would die for you.

That wasn't exactly healthy at all, or if it was, then it wasn't because of selfless reasons that you would die for another but instead are purely selfish desires.

Padme was definitely more selfish than she seemed, even with the original saying stuff like they shouldn't be together because they were both Jedi and Senator. Something that would never work out, but in the end, what did she do?

She got married to the original Anakin, just because he persisted.

The more and more one thought about her actions, they were definitely not selfless in the least and were pretty selfish, not that she was wrong to desire or want these things, but because she couldn't be more selfless, so to speak, the galaxy went into chaos because the original Anakin loved her that much.

Tragic, or is it tragic?

The flaws of these two individuals meant that it would always happen like this, for they would make the same decisions. Just as Padme, although influenced by this new 'version' of Anakin, she had still decided to be selfish in the end as well.

After explaining to all of the girls what was going on and where they were headed, they now held much more resolve in what is going to take place.

A place that would be a test for all of them, something that would surely not backfire at all.


The history of Mortis was strange, since 24,480 years prior to now, near approximate to now, the Darksider Xendor journeyed to Mortis and met the Ones. However, he believed their claims on the nature of the Force had no more or less legitimacy than the teachings of any other Force group.

Also sometime before Anakin joined the Jedi, Darth Plagueis heard tales of the Jedi about Mortis and the three powerful beings who lived there. He wrote about Mortis while studying the Prophecy of the Chosen One in his science journal prior to his murder by his apprentice, Darth Sidious.

Which Anakin had discovered by getting Plagueis to tell him everything he wanted to know and his knowledge about things relating to Mortis. Plagueis had practically been taken for all that he had.

His only future use would be to help those that wanted to learn, learn from the holocron that he had been entrapped in. It was perfectly safe to leave within the Empyrean Order as well, because Anakin had made a very strong and inescapable device with which his soul would never be able to leave.

The realm of Mortis was inhabited by only three intelligent beings, Force wielders locked in an eternal struggle for dominance over one another: the Son, who represented the destructive and deadly aspects of the realm and was aligned with the dark side of the Force; the Daughter, who represented peace and creation on Mortis and was aligned with the light side of the Force; and the Father, who maintained the balance of the Force between the two.

The Ones were a family of exceptionally powerful Force wielders who lived on the planet Mortis. Led by the Father, the Son and Daughter. The Son and the Daughter were worshiped as the Twin Deities or simply as the spirits in the Nightsisters' religion.

Mortis was therefore a fulcrum for the galaxy and an extremely powerful conduit through which the Force flowed.

It was fun seeing the connections within the Force as Anakin connected the prophecies, religions, cultures, and peoples throughout time. They all had something to do with each other and yet they didn't have anything to do with each other at all, besides this fact.

Originally, more than a million years prior to the Clone Wars,[4] the Celestials, mysterious beings who were thought to be capable of restructuring space on a massive scale, lived in the galaxy.

According to Thuruht, the oldest of the Killik hives, 'the Ones are what the Celestials become.' Thuruht distinctly 'remembers' the Ones coalescing out of a geyser on an unnamed tropical planet; there were three of them, the Father, the Son and the Daughter.

They gained these memories from the Son and Daughter themselves, who joined the hive mind briefly to help coordinate the construction of Centerpoint Station.

The Ones initially lived in peace and harmony in the home they made for themselves near the site of the geyser.

The Father warned his children to never drink from the Font of Power, or bathe in the Pool of Knowledge; however, they eventually disobeyed his orders, with the Son drinking from the Font, giving him the power of the dark side, while the Daughter bathed in the Pool, bestowing on her the power of the light side.

The siblings then claimed areas of the jungle for themselves and started to fight each other, while the Father tried to keep the peace between them.

If Anakin could discover the secrets as to what they had used to grant themselves these powers within the Force, then Anakin no doubt it would make it the more easier for him.

Font of Power and the Pool of Knowledge were the two things he was interested in most, despite these things probably not existing anymore. There was something he wanted to learn, and there was still more to do so.

A young woman somehow came to their world. She initially became the Servant, serving and catering to the Ones' needs; however, she eventually became the Mother, doting on the Father and succeeding in mending the relationship between the Daughter and Son.

She also managed to persuade the Son to use his destructive nature for a constructive purpose by using his Force lightning to carve new rooms in the walls of the gorge where they lived.

However, she was still mortal and as a result she grew old, and was no longer able to keep the peace between the siblings. The ageless children started to resume their fighting, and neither the Mother nor the Father were able to prevent it.

One day, while the three were fighting in the courtyard of their home, the Mother snuck a drink from the Font like the Son did, and quickly bathed in the Pool like the Daughter. The Father pulled her out with the Force, but it was too late.

She ceased to be the Mother and became Abeloth, the Bringer of Chaos. Abeloth attacked both the Son and Daughter, forcing them to bow down to her. The Father then stepped in to save his children, afterwards taking them and leaving the planet, stranding Abeloth behind.

The Daughter and Son then obtained the help of the Killiks, such as the Thuruht hive, by joining with their hive mind and lending them their power in the Force.

Sharing their knowledge with the hives, the siblings directed the creation of Centerpoint Station, Sinkhole Station, and other devices to help create and maintain The Maw, which imprisoned Abeloth.

Afterwards, the Father moved his family to the monolith-gated planet known as Mortis so that he might control them and keep the Force in balance.

Thuruht stated that when the Current of the Force was altered and the flow of time changed, the Current forced 'where it could not be taken,' Abeloth was able to escape.

She would stir up conflict and destruction each time, sending the galaxy into chaos and disorder, thriving on fear, death, and havoc, until the Son and Daughter returned to the Killiks, and together they would re-imprison her. This cycle would repeat itself periodically for hundreds of thousands of years.

This was someone that Anakin would also have to look out for as well, considering she is meant to also be a representation of chaos. Which for all intents and purposes may very well be the antithesis of the Father, which would make this cycle complete in a sense.