V.2-C.99│Mortis IX│

'Truly. Why do my thoughts wonder to the Chosen One?' The Daughter questioned herself on this matter, as it was not normal for her to think of things down on such a personal level. She would usually be much more disconnected and would rather think of everyone, instead of just herself.

But her thoughts wondered.

Wondered to Anakin and most important, wondered to why she wanted to be near him in a much more intimate manner, such that she would not even mind his touch. It was an incredibly strange experience, and that she would even allow him to do so...

'Why?' She questioned herself.

Whatever her reasoning may be, she would surely find out soon enough as she had a feeling that the Chosen One, along with his small group would not be leaving so soon.


'Anakin.' A voice echoed within his head as Anakin was now back with Ahsoka and Padme, specifically at the living ship, Jabitha.

He was meditating to himself within his own room, as after everyone had come to him for some more explanations, he decided to put that off for now as he knew that some meditation was in order.

Within his mental world, Anakin was alerted to an intruder, one that he allowed. He was most curious as he had seen the reaction of the Son, and he wanted to know why the Son would still try and get into his head and communicate with him.

He clearly didn't believe Anakin to be the Chosen One, but that didn't mean anything, since the Son may be trying to use Anakin to escape. It was entirely possible for such a thing to happen after all.

"Its true. What they say." Another him came forward, and he walked on water within this place, for Anakin was not within his own mind, but instead the mind of the Son. "You are the Chosen One. Join me. Together we could change the balance of the universe. My friend." It would seem that the Son had forgotten that Anakin had seen his outburst.

"I think you forget, but I did happen to hear what you said. I thought you didn't believe I was the Chosen One." Anakin said.

"Oh? That? I was simply misinformed and had failed to realize the truth at the time." The Son responded.

"Misinformed, eh? Then... you must know that I would not become a Sith." Anakin continued where he left off.

"Sith? You make it sound so simple. There is no dark without the light. There isn't simply one without the other, as that wouldn't be balance." The Son replied.

"I know of this. I was just hoping to make a point with what I said." Anakin said.

"And what point would that be?" The Son replied with a question.

"That I would simply not conform to whatever you wish for me to do. You clearly know that I am not the Anakin Skywalker that would have became the Sith Lord known as Darth Vader." Anakin said.

The Son visibly recoiled and took a step back. "H-How do you know that!?" He exclaimed, not really scared but definitely surprised at Anakin's declaration.

"Because I do." Anakin had a smirk on his face, as while the Son was taller than him he didn't fear for he had men larger than him under himself. In fact at one point he would have been the same height as this being before him. "Your tricks will not work on me, and you were smart to call me to your mindscape instead of try and come into me own."

"I knew it. You are not the Chosen One." The Son said, seemingly confirming to himself that Anakin was no the Chosen One.

"Oh no. You are not right. You are very, very wrong because I am in fact the Chosen One that you want, your Father wants and the Daughter wants." Anakin said taking a step forward, representing that Anakin was in more control of the situation than the Son was, even if they were both within the Son's mind.

"You are wrong. My sister would never be interested in you, for she is not like that. My Father may believe that you are the Chosen One, and you may have proven to all of us your power to control myself and my sister, but that means nothing. You have upset the balance with your existence. Do you not feel what you have done is wrong?" The Son was still trying to manipulate Anakin.

"I do not care what the Force wants." Anakin simply stated.

"What?" The Son was confused.

"You heard me right. I dont care for what the Force wants at all. I have had my fair share of being pushed, and whatever you say will not come in the way of what I think is right." Anakin continued stepping forward, which started to break the illusion, or place they were in.

The light that the Son envisioned within his mind was all a ploy after all and what was behind the curtains was his domain. The volcano of Mortis that was steeped in dark side energies.

"I dont understand. How could you listen to the will of the Force, for it is the very thing that guides you. It should call to you and tell you of your destiny." The Son said.

"My destiny and fate is my own, and so should the destinies and fates of others be their own to make as well." Anakin said.

"You are wrong. You are most definitely the red herring, and are most definitely the antithesis of the Chosen One." The Son was now more confident in himself and stepped forward himself, further closing the distance between himself and Anakin. "You are not balanced. You have only brought disorder to the galaxy."

"Have I? I believe and have actually seen the changes I have brought. While not all to my liking, it is still then more than enough for myself and others." Anakin replied while turning this mindscape into his own control, allowing him to show the Empyrean to the Son.

"That is wrong. You are wrong." The Son pointed to Anakin, for this was not the plan and was not exactly of what was foretold.

"I guess I am, aren't I?" Anakin just smiled a disarming smile, but he was kicked out of the mindscape of the Son's and instead found himself back on Jabitha.

"..." There was some silence within his room, as he could very faintly hear some argumentative noise outside of his room, due to his enhanced senses and due to the girls probably playing some game where they fighting with each other.

'Well that went better than I thought.' Anakin of course didn't actually think this but knew that what he had done was provoke the living embodiment of the dark side. Meaning that he could very well try and breach Jabitha's barrier, not that he could, but he would certainly try and kidnap someone like he had originally.

He may do so because things were not going to his plan, or it may be that he was becoming insecure in knowing that Anakin would not become Darth Vader, not knowing that Anakin had become and embodied Darth Vader to some sense.

'I wonder what will happen next...'


"Argh!" A sound of pain was heard from outside as someone had just tried to breach the barrier set up around Jabitha. This alerted everyone to someone's presence, which was in fact the Son.

In actuality the Son would have been able to get in if Anakin wasn't here and the only reason he had not made it in was because Anakin had reinforced Jabitha's shielding. Of course if the girls knew he was coming, then they could have come together with Jabitha to enhance the shields as well.

"Who is it!?" Aayla called out as she went forwards, identifying that it was indeed the Son. "What do you want!?" She called out, not afraid to face off against something or someone that was possibly stronger than herself.

The Son didn't say anything in reply and instead started to attack the force field surrounding Jabitha, but it was useless, for his use of Force lightning was unable to break down the barrier.

Anakin had already exited the ship and was already making his way over to the Son while having a calm look on his face.

"Hey!" The Force lightning stopped as the Son realized that the person he was after was right in front of him.

"Chosen One. You have come." The Son said seeing Anakin, and he had even stepped outside of the barrier.

"Ani! What is going on?" Through the speaker, Aayla was able to get this out but Anakin didn't verbally reply but instead sent a message through the Dyad he shared with each of them. Anakin told to stay within for now and go back to doing what they were for he has everything under control and instead he walked forward, towards the Son.

"I am out. Now what do you want me for?" Anakin waited for a response.

"Oh? You wish to question me? Then you must first catch me first." The Son transformed and instead headed towards another direction, away from everyone leaving Anakin to try and catch upto him.

Anakin didn't go after him, knowing that he wanted to follow him, instead he had other ideas, ideas in particular that would be getting to go towards the monastery again. For Anakin wanted to hear more conversation between all of the Mortis 'Gods.'


"You are growing stronger, my Son." The Father said.

"Am I Father?" The Son replied.

"Vanity however, is getting the better of you." The Father responded.

"How so?" The Son questioned.

"You have done what is forbidden." The Daughter got up, planning to follow along where the Father and the Son were going to walk as they do. "You have chosen the dark side, and allowed it to feed your anger and your desire for power.

"By bringing the Chosen One here, you have shown me my potential. You've only yourself to blame." The Son exclaimed.

"Do not do this Son. Do not become what you should not. Be strong, I implore you. Or else I will be forced to contain you." The Father explained.

"You look frail Father." The Son said.

"I am not dead yet." The Father replied, thinking that it was strange for his son to say that, but didn't otherwise say anything else.

"Well... Perhaps I am tired of waiting!" The Son then from behind the Father attacked him using red Force lightning, making the Father become harmed. "I hate you!" The Son seemed to have fully lost himself within the dark side, not having any control whatsoever.

Anakin was a witness to such an event, as the Son then transformed and flew off, leaving Anakin to move forwards. "Father!" The Daughter came rushing out of the monastery.

'Well... things seem to be going in a similar fashion.' Anakin thought to himself as he helped the Daughter bring the Father inside to heal him.

Sometime later, we rejoin Anakin, the Daughter and the Father as they are. The Father is unconscious while the Daughter was trying to help the Father as he needed rest, while Anakin was just sitting there watching.

He could probably help as well, but he didn't exactly want to help yet, for that isn't how the Force wants it, of course. He would be going against the Force soon enough by changing the events, but so far nothing too much has changed and everything is going according to plan.

"So..." Anakin began, seeing that the Daughter would not start any conversation.

"My Father needs some rest." The Daughter said out of nowhere.

"Sure. Whatever you say." Anakin didn't care too much, but he knew that whatever happens here come act as some form of symbolism for what he would be doing. Originally, by having all three of the Mortis Gods die, Anakin would see that this was what he would do to the galaxy.

The Daughter, representative of the Force shall die first, meaning the Jedi shall die. Then the Father shall harm himself to then kill the Son, whom is the representative of the dark side, meaning that the Sith shall comes to an end after the Jedi.

At least that was how it originally went, but with what Anakin was doing, those things would probably not happen.

"How can you be so irritating?" The Daughter all of a sudden said.

"What?" Anakin was confused.

"You... You are in my thoughts all of the time. This is-is unlike me." The Daughter said.

"What do you mean?" Anakin was getting a little freaked out here, for this wasn't supposed to be in the script. He most certainly didn't foresee this coming his way, the infatuation of the Daughter was most certainly not what he was expecting.

The Daughter got up and started to walk away, probably signifying that Anakin follow along. "You see. I am the ultimate representation of the light side of the Force. My brother is the representation of the dark side of the Force. I am selflessness, while he is selfishness, but..."

"But?" Of course Anakin would follow along, for he is interested.

The Daughter turned to him and came incredibly close. "I am interested in you much more than what I should be. I... I even allowed you to touch me..." She seemed to get a blush on her face as she said this.

"Hey... I didn't think that this would be my fault." Anakin really had no idea as to what was going on. He didn't even form a Dyad with her yet, so he didn't think they had any proper compatibility or anything like that. "Also, please calm down. Don't you think we should take care of your brother first?"

Something strange would be happening, and it would happen once the Son dies, but that should come at a later time for now, the Daughter is exploring her new feelings.

"I-I apologize. I know that this isn't what I am supposed to be like... But I cant stop these feelings. I wish to know what they mean." The Daughter said as she was right next to Anakin, practically ready to pounce on him.

"Calm down, calm down. Lets deal with the Son first. Please..." Anakin had to take a few steps back as she did come uncomfortable close.

"Right... Please, follow me. I know of what could help." The Daughter started to lead Anakin in another direction, and he was hoping that it wasn't her bedroom, for if it was then he may very well have to run.