V.2-C.103│Mortis in Balance III│

'Wh-Where am I?' The Daughter woke up within an unfamiliar space.

She had gone through a change during the process of merging with the energies from the one Anakin had inserted into her.

"You're finally awake." A voice spoke to her, and the Daughter saw someone that was sitting down just next to her.

She was beautiful, or at least as such because her own beauty standards were kind of skewered due to living alone for such a long time. She only had herself, her father and her brother to gain an accurate depiction of beauty, and she didn't even think about these things before.

Because that was just the way she is... or, that is how she was until Anakin had come and now she was becoming more and more self conscious. Specifically around Anakin, for she didn't want to embarrass herself around him.

"Where am I?" The Daughter questioned the person who was beside her.

"I think some proper introductions are in order. My name is Barriss Skywalker." Barriss just couldn't avoid adding the last name when introducing herself, even when just saying her first name was all someone needed.

"Skywalker? So you are the Chosen One's wife?" The Daughter seemed oddly upset but at the same time out of it, considering that she knew of Padme and of her being Anakin's wife as well.

"I am but one." Barriss replied.

"But one?" The Daughter was confused but she also felt physically weird as well. "What is wrong with me?" She didn't know and asked Barriss, for she felt smaller than she was.

"I dont know what you are talking about. Anakin brought you here and you were completely the way you are now. Perhaps if you were a bit more accurate...?" Barriss leaned in, so that the Daughter knew that Barriss didn't know what she was talking about.

"I... I feel smaller?" The Daughter had the same clothing and everything else, even the same glowing nature that she had as well. Except instead of glowing all of the time it was more like the glow would come on and off.

"I dont know anything about becoming smaller, but you are also kind of like a flickering light as well." Barriss gestured pointing out to the Daughter all around the room they were in was flickering, not fast, but in a slow, methodical dimming and then brightening of light.

"Oh!?" The Daughter was surprised, for this was most definitely not normal.

"Yeah. This has been happening for a few minutes now." Barriss said looking around as the light within the room continued its display.

"H-How do I stop it?" The Daughter asked.

But how the hell is Barriss supposed to know. "How am I supposed to know?"

"I dont know... By the way. Where is the Chosen One?" The Daughter had to ask, her situation not really all that important for herself and instead she was much more interested in what Anakin was doing in this moment.

"I suggest you focus on yourself for now." Barriss replied.

Anakin had gone along with the girls to head towards the well of the fark side, for while Anakin had sucked the planet, that didn't mean it had become something the Force was unable to pass through anymore.

Once it was gone, that was it and he would rather everyone help him get everything he needs but also at the same time use this place as something like a training ground. The only people to stay behind on Jabitha was Barriss, the Daughter and Aayla, given that she was pregnant and Anakin most definitely didn't want her doing anything too strenuous.

Even though she would technically be able to still do things even in her current state, meaning that she wouldn't have to worry at all about the fetus of the child.

Anakin was just being cautious and Aayla understood that, which is why she allowed herself to stay behind. And it wasn't like there was nothing to do here as well, for while Barriss stayed behind with the Daughter, because she was the most knowledgeable on Force healing techniques other than Anakin, where the Daughter would need to be checked on.

"I want to see how much I have shrunk." The Daughter now seemed intent on focusing on herself now.

"Ok. I can do that." Barriss got up and used a all purpose device that would allow her to do something like this. While height wasn't all that important in most things with medical procedure, it would still have something of importance to look at.

More specifically things to do outside of the medical aspects and may be important for other things. "Lets see here..."

The Daughter lay on the bed completely and fully still, while simultaneously emanating that light and at the same time having some inner thoughts to herself. She hadn't really caught up to the fact that her family had died by now, and while Anakin had told everyone on what had happened he didn't tell anyone to lie to the Daughter should she ask.

For she should know of the results of what has happened herself.

"You measure exactly at... 1.9 meters? You are the exact same height as Anakin." Barriss said and this surprised the Daughter for she most most certainly taller.

There was no way she had just gotten shorter out of no where, and then it happened.

Flashed of memories referring to the sight of Anakin ravaging the lands and turning it into the landscape that it is now. White, frozen in time and grey, drab in appearance due to the lack of color that would either give it life or give it death, for destruction and creation was no longer something that existed here.

There was nothing.

Nothing at all.

Anakin had made sure to eliminate anything that may have spawned here as a result of the continued cycle between the Daughter and the Son with the Father monitoring. Why? There is no telling if there would have been some freaky abomination waiting to exploit the galaxy at large.

A super virus pump up by the Force maybe?


The Well of the Dark Side was a deep, magma-filled chasm located in the realm of Mortis where the dark side of the Force was channeled.

Deep within the realm of Mortis existed the Well of the Dark Side, a deep, magma-filled chasm where the dark side of the Force was channeled. Directly below the well leading to the planet's surface sat an island, into which was carved an ancient symbol representing the dark side.

Magma, or lava, was dangerous fluid, molten rock. Often emanating from volcanoes, lava was extremely hot at thousands of degrees, but when it stopped flowing, the substance cooled and hardened, eventually forming obsidian or dark lava sand. It could also form basalt.

'Is this Minecraft?' Anakin thought to himself as he stood on the Obsidian island that if taken from another perspective, it would look like a yin-yang symbol.

The magma that used to be was no more and instead of molten hot lava, orange and red and most definitely not something safe to swim in was being swam in by Ahsoka.

Sighing, Anakin looked towards the silly apprentice and called out. "Stop playing around there. We got to go soon." The lava was not of any color now, and it was like the energy had been sucked out of it, leading it to instantly harden, or at least it should have but because of this location it did not.

Instead it formed a unique pool of moving lava like sand that was lava but also sand, that could be used to swim in. For it had all of the buoyancy of a liquid like water, while being not heavy at all.

It was a strange substance without any really purpose within the universe but right now it could be used however Anakin wanted. Molded and shaped into anything using the Force, but because of the way this planet was, it was quickly still moving.

Time had stopped and this had become the sands of time.

'That is actually a good name. Sands of time.' Anakin thought to himself as he picked up and contained the sand through the use of the Force. Anakin had created a dead zone, but it was not like the Force couldn't exist here. It was just that it would be extremely hard for the energy to recover.

If Anakin had made this place a proper and full scar within the Force, his own energy field would also become useless, and while he wouldn't mind too much, it would feel uncomfortable to him.

"I think that we have everything. What are we gonna do next?" Shaak walked up to Anakin, as she was done exploring this place.

She had nothing more to gain from here, and neither did anyone else. Maybe Zannah by staying here would start to gain some more power, but this place was unsuitable for everyone else, and maybe even Padme.

But her alignment was kind of undecided, even with Anakin knowing that she much more suited the dark side, he wasn't going to force her and no one else was as well. It wasn't like it was all that dangerous after all...

Ok, it is. But, with Anakin here Padme was guaranteed to never fully and properly succumb, especially with the Dyad connection between him and the rest.

"We can head back soon, but see this lava turned sand?" Anakin started to heat the sand up and it was ineffective.

"Yeah?" Shaak nodded, confused where this was going.

"It is immune to Force lightning, meaning that this stuff is probably also immune to other Force abilities. The only reason I can use the Force on it right now is through manipulating the air through the Force instead of just using the energy field itself." Anakin explained as he planned around with the sand making it take various shapes.

"Isn't this stuff useless for us?" Shaak questioned.

"No. This stuff will change the way Force-sensitives fight with each other, if implemented properly. In fact, while it may be useless now, that doesn't mean it wont come in handy later. If I integrate this into myself, what do you think will happen?" Anakin was referring to his bio-nano-suit that was a part of himself.

This could both be used as something to train with, something to protect himself, but also as a way to better control himself. More specifically, better control the energy-field that he was creating.

"This sand. The Sands of Time, would enable to to finally take back some more control over the energy-field that I am generating. Then I wouldn't have to further isolate myself from people anymore." Anakin was kind of forced to go into some form of isolation and only able to interact with the girls connected to him, or his mother, or anyone that had gone through the upgrade for the midi-chlorians.

As those new midi-chlorians connected better to his own energy-field, making them a part of his domain over the Force. The stronger he gets, the more consequences there are for those around him, and while they weren't for his loved ones, it was certainly for himself.

He disliked that he would have to stay away from people, not that he didn't mind having to talk to anyone. No. Separating himself more and more would make him more and more like the divine entity saw him as.

Untouchable and also misunderstood, for he didn't want to become a god.

However, everyone seemed to be elevating himself to such a position and at some point he had started to change. Mentally he started to change, not that he would start to become tyrannical and all of that, but it was the fact that he could have the potential to mess everything up.

He could in an attempt to try and return to the mundane world, destroy it.

If he has the potential to 'destroy' planets now, what about in the future? He fears that he would be unable to even touch someone without potentially risking harm.

What about his future children? His current lovers and wives and family?

The Force may have seen this as a possibility and that was probably why it was also trying to create Dyad bonds for him, so that he would not become something that was only known as a god. Known as a divine entity, something far up into the sky and unreachable, for he didn't want to become like the Mortis Gods.

He had seen them imprison themselves because of the Fathers fear of destroying the galaxy and Anakin didn't want that.

"So we should try and take some of this stuff back with us?" Shaak questioned looking at the silly Ahsoka as well.

"Preferably I would like to take it all, but I dont know if that is possible." Anakin was making the calculations within his head, also knowing that everyone, even Jabitha would feel uncomfortable by this stuff.

Ahsoka seemed to be the only one who was least concerned about it as she swam in the stuff.

"Ahsoka! Come on now. If you really want a pool of this stuff, then you might as well help us start collecting it." Anakin called out to her, and this seemed to get her attention.

"Really!?" She seemed excited, and Anakin couldn't deny her fun, so he just nodded his head. "Yes!"

One may question how Anakin was going to collect as much as he could, but he was planning to create a force field within his own room, inside of Jabitha and then create a sub-dimension within the Force and connect it as such but he would instead of allowing the sand to touch the energy field as it would become destroyed, would instead allow the sand to bounce around because Anakin would pad the energy field using some air.

'Time to go back home...' Anakin looked around and had a brief vision of Vader appear but instead of black, it was all greyed out. Indicating that it too would be lost to the sands of time.