V.3-C.2│Chaos II│

The Senate was aflame with discussion as the people were preparing themselves for the chaos of the negotiations to come is a hot topic.

The galaxy as a whole was waiting in anticipation of the things that were happening as this would decide whether or not the conflict would continue, for no one wanted to live under the constant threat of danger.

That didn't mean that those higher up would listen, for war is profitable after all...


With the galaxy in chaos, the senate convenes within and starts negotiations with the separatists.

Anakin, now faced with the certainty of his impending and overwhelming power, wishes to create something that would allow him to be in control.

Qui-Gon Jinn, and a host of other Jedi have now left the Jedi Order, heading towards the Empyrean, to join with that Order.

Or is it that Qui-Gon, along with the others only head towards the Empyrean for other reasons? An example being Luminara Unduli and Quinlan Vos wanting to see their respective former apprentices.

The Jedi Order, now left more torn then ever, thankfully doesn't have to deal with the Separatists and the Clone Wars, for negotiations are about to begin.

The Empyrean has taken over the Hutts and grand reforms have already started to take place, while cracking down on the criminals within.

With slavery abolished within the territories of the Republic, Hutt space, Separatists space and even the Empyrean, the people could look forward to being free again.

Not everything is good however, because there is an undercurrent. An undercurrent that threatens to tear down the current peaceful calm before the storm.

Yoda, Mace and along with the Jedi are now faced with visions of darkness, while unobscured and the words of Count Dooku seem to be true. Someone within the Galactic Republics Senate is controlling things, but their investigation would not turn up with anything.

Despite regaining their foresight abilities, it is still diminished after many, many years of disuse.

There was also something else. Something stirring within the deep dark space, outside the purview of everyone within the known galaxy.

Not only that, this stirring was in fact invaders that were beginning their encroachment upon the galaxy. Invaders that were starting with the very outer rims of the galaxy.

The first to come in contact with these invaders being the Empyrean, and this would spell war for what is to come next.

For now, the galaxy would have to deal with its own internal conflicts, with someone planning something behind the scenes as well that isn't the Sith Lord Sidious...


The exterior of the Senate building consisted of a large courtyard known as the Senate Plaza which displayed several statues of the Republic's ancient founders.

The interior held the Galactic Senate Chamber which could hold one thousand and twenty-four repulsorpods that detached from the chamber wall, and were equipped with voice-amplifying microphones, translators, and hovercams that recorded the various proceedings.

At the center of the chamber was a podium where the Supreme Chancellor and the Vice Chair would preside over meetings of the Senate.

"Gentlemen! Ladies! Any and all in-between! We are to welcome out guests for tonight!" A voice called out, over the voices of many, various beings that were here to witness the event taking place.

It was the Senate, the Galactic Republics Senate, and everyone was gathered here, awaiting the arrival of the various representatives from the Separatists movement.

Everyone was expecting the leader of this movement, Count Dooku, but he was no where to be seen at this moment and the people would be both confused and surprised by what is the come.

The Galactic Senate would serve as the primary legislative body of the Galactic Republic. It was responsible for creating laws, mediating disputes, making treaties, and regulating commerce. It possessed the authority to levy taxes, declare war, declare Free Trade Zones and manage almost every action necessary to preserve the stability of the Republic.

Despite its vast authority, it did not prosecute offenders, leaving the judicial system in the hands of the Supreme Court and peacekeeping efforts largely in the hands of the Judicial Department.

The Senate could not order the Jedi Order into action, but could often pressure it into carrying out its directives. This could be seen in the actions taken by those within the Senate to make sure the Jedi participated in the Clone Wars, that was hopefully coming to an end after a few months of skirmishes.

Supreme Chancellor was in the middle, smiling ear to ear as his plans were starting to get back on track with no interference in what was happening at all.

However, Palpatine would fail to see that there was someone lurking in the shadows, awaiting his chance to make himself known and expose Palpatine for what he truly is.

Following the Battle of Naboo, Sheev Palpatine returned to his homeworld as the new Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic.

The queen and the new chancellor congratulated each other on their respective victories. Palpatine promised Amidala that he would dedicate his chancellorship to fighting corruption in the Senate.

As the Separatist Crisis escalated to open war, the Senate approved of Junior Representative Jar Jar Binks' motion to grant emergency powers to Chancellor Palpatine.

The chancellor publicly vowed to relinquish his wartime authority once the crisis was resolved, but the Sith Lord Darth Tyranus warned the Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi that the Senate had fallen under the influence of a Dark Lord of the Sith.

Grand Master Yoda disregarded Tyranus' warning as an attempt to confuse the Jedi. As the war progressed, Palpatine's emergency powers eroded the Senate's authority, while amendments to the Galactic Constitution prompted questions even from the chancellor's own Loyalist Committee.

While Palpatine had eroded the Senate's authority, that didn't mean his own choices and actions weren't coming back to him, for by this point of time, all of the Clones from the Kaminoans had vanished.

There were no more clones to fight the war for the Republic anymore and they had grown dependent on the Empyrean. An UNO reverse card had been used, for now instead of the Empyrean because economically in a position that required the Republic, it was now the Republic needing the Empyrean.

Even though the reasons or the leverage vary, the roles have still been reversed and this is something that the Supreme Chancellor dislikes very much.

'A tyrant can make anything seem to be 'the will of the people.'' A person thought to themselves, the very same person that was here awaiting their chance to expose Sidious.

"Enough!" A voice called out again, this time coming from the center most platform, that being where Sidious, otherwise known as Sheev Palpatine, the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic was seated, alongside his aides. It was exactly Palpatine's aide that had come up to the forefront and had ordered everyone to be silent.

"I said enough!" It was quite the spectacle, for the Senate was unruly and definitely didn't 'seem' to be under Palpatine's control. But he doesn't need to overtly display something like control over others and instead could take a step back and allow others to do his work for him.

It was very much like Palpatine to do something like this, for he believed himself to be above things like this, especially since reaching such a high position. Palpatine was most definitely not immune to the sways and allures that other corrupt people like.

The only difference between himself and others is the fact he is Force-sensitive, a genius manipulator and he has other goals from everyone else. While everyone else may be concerned about themselves, their wellbeing or they may even be concerned about the well being of those underneath them, Palpatine had goals.

Grand ambitions and desires with which would only make itself be known once he achieves the status that he wants.

"Right. Supreme Chancellor."

"Thank you." Palpatine thanked his aide, for it was always good to continue the facade that would soon end. He had been growing ever impatient since the rise of Anakin Skywalker becoming an Emperor, especially since it was before he could become an emperor himself. 'Sometimes... life is not that fair...'

It didn't matter however, because the amount of power that Sidious would hold after this would be immense and possibly more than what the Empyrean holds. Of course, there is always the possibility that something goes wrong, but Palpatine had already considered everything.

Even the Jedi...

"Thank you everyone for joining me here today. First I would like to say is that we are going to be putting our orders for Empyrean droids on hold, for we do not what may happen next. The Empyrean tyrant may be unhappy with this, but we have already given our reasons for breaking the contract first." Palpatine wanted to try and plant seeds of doubt when it came to the Empyrean.

He was trying to make sure that the Republic would only turn to him for answers, for he is to be its one and only leader once he announcers himself the emperor of a reformed Galactic Republic into an Empire.

"Now, onto other things. Namely those from the Separatists and how we will negotiate with them. I am happy to inform everyone that the leader, the Separatists scum leader, Count Dooku has been found missing, and as a result his tyranny has come to an end. This makes it all the more easier for us to discuss things now, as the leaders, representatives of the Separatists have so graciously decided to come here to the Republic to talk things out." Palpatine up till this point had not mentioned anything about giving up his emergency powers.

This would come up later.

The Senate was excited, for while some here may lose out on the profits one could gain through war, or the shady back deals that could be done for a profit, they would now not have to live under constant pressure of being hunted down and killed.

Especially since it seemed like Count Dooku was specifically targeting things and those that would continue to get wealthier or had some level of power that was corrupt. Obviously the man, Dooku, was not perfect so he would also hit those that were considered innocent as well.

"If I may ask? Have those Separatists representatives arrived yet?" A person, someone from one of the many factions and planets and systems a part of the Republic asked.

"I am afraid that they have not arrived yet, and have been delayed." Palpatine replied easily and smoothly, for he was the one that created the delay. He was continuously making sure that they would remain loyal to him now, and the only way to do that was through manipulation, money and other means.

"Thank you." The person replied, stepping down and allowing the conversations around the senate develop and continue.

There were a few factions, but the main factions that were here was a part of Palpatine's, those that sough peace, the neutral faction and the last but probably most chaotic faction left that focused on profits. In total, that made four main factions to look out for, not considering the smaller factions that didn't come into discussion, or were in fact a smaller part of a larger faction.

Everyone had their own agendas and own things that they wanted, which would in turn create a diplomatic situation that is hard to control. For Palpatine however, chaos and disorder only made it all the more easier for himself to control the Senate.

Everything came to a halt however, as the Separatists were guided into the Senate's grand hall and everyone was now anticipating what would come next.

"Welcome!" Palpatine got up with a smile on his face, for this was a true genuine smile, one that was unlike what it was when he was acting.

'That delay doesn't only work for you, master.' These thoughts, again came from somewhere within the Senate, but this person would only reveal themselves when the time comes. Now is not the time.

"Welcome to the Galactic Republic, for I know that most of you are from here... But that doesn't matter anymore, for we shall have hospitable revelations here!" The Supreme Chancellor was acting his part, his role in everything, which would only further cement himself and his position.

He was the one in power after all.

"Thank you for welcoming us." After many long hours, the leadership of the Separatists had been changed to better suit Palpatine, but little did he know that this would not only work in his favor, but against it as well.

"Yes, well... Now that we are all gathered here, I think that we could start to get onto the right foot? Don't you think?" Palpatine had a smile on his face, as his aged and wrinkled face showed an expression that one could describe as either malicious, predatory or magnanimous.

Whatever floats someone's boat.