V.3-C.8│Jedi Escape III│

Qui-Gon Jinn. Jedi Master of the Republic, or he had used to be a Jedi Master of the Republic and now he was just a simple teacher within an academic institution meant to help those with Force powers and abilities on their way to controlling them.

That is right, the Empyrean Academy, or Order was unlike that of the Jedi and instead was more of a school for all ages. It had to be because there were many people that had potential with the Force but were not trained in this potential.

Sometimes bad things could happen and sometimes good things could happen because they were not trained. That was just how things were and depending on the person the result of being untrained either resulted in the twisting and turning of said being or the elevation of their being.

When Qui-Gon had first arrived back on the capital of the Empyrean, Tatooine, he wasn't expecting too much to be different. However it was very, very different.

The time he had come with the Jedi here to inspect or see what was going on was something important, for if he never came he would never see things that he should. Specifically the idea and sense of balance within the Force on the planet and even within the students themselves.

Ranging from all ages, they were like beacons of what true balance was, and not the balance of being into one side of the Force. Qui-Gon has had his faire share of troubles with the Force, the Jedi Order and his own feelings, emotions that are connected to himself and the Force as a whole.

He had also taken some time to learn of the philosophy here and other such things that were important within this academy. He surprisingly enough also saw some of the Jedi from the Jedi Order were here and were actually a part of this place.

Everyone seemed genuinely happy, or at least it seemed that way and there was no such thing as blocking off ones emotions. In fact it made sense to Qui-Gon that emotions like anger, fear, sadness, and anything negative was natural.

Why would sentient, living beings have emotions in the first place? Why would the Force allow for ones emotions to be abused?

It was not because emotions, specifically negative emotions were evil or anything like that but instead because they can be used. Used to increase ones strength, used in situations that would require the use of such emotions, whether they empower oneself to move forward or empower oneself to run away.

'I have fear to determine what I am to be scared of...'

'I have anger to determine what I should be angry of...'

'I have sadness to determine what I should be sad of...'

It was all natural and denying these natural responses to external or even internal stimuli was wrong. 'I mean... when I should be afraid is when something could threaten my life, right? It is only natural to fear for ones life...'

'When one should be angry is when they are facing a conflict or confrontation that would need such anger. An example being something that could also threaten your life. Anger helps a person overcome whatever initial fear to engage in conflict and increases ones desire to resolve that conflict through physical force.'

'It could also be used to naturally tell someone why they dislike something that is happening to them, or even others. Anger is the gateway to someone's passion...'

'Sadness is also important, for without it, people would be unable to tell what to avoid. Specifically what they should that makes them sad.'

There are many things and many reasons emotions are important for more than what was addressed, however that was what Qui-Gon had come to discover. He discovered that on the Empyrean stuff like this was taught but being were also taught to control such emotions.

Not like the Jedi but instead if one needed something like therapy then they should go get it. Stuff like mental health was a priority it would seem.

Of course, at first Qui-Gon may have been apprehensive when going into the secrets of the dark side, a place and area of teaching he most certainly didn't want to head into. There was still some subconscious biases against the dark side from him, and it made itself know by his fear of the dark side and what it could do to someone.

What it could do to him and what it has done. That dream he had a long time ago really woke him up to the reality of being a Jedi and that he would have to face the deaths of those he had killed in the name of peace.

Being a Jedi is most certainly not am easy job.

He had students here now, whether they be young or old, he was someone that was more experienced and had alot of things that most people would want to learn. He leaned towards instructing the classes that included anything to do with the light side of the Force.

In fact, the Empyrean Academy, or Order had alot of people that were more on the light side of the Force because of the influx of Jedi that came here. There are of course people that wish to study the dark side, if they so choose but the teachers for such things is even lesser than it is on the light side.

There was an imbalance within the Academy, however that imbalance was fixed by Anakin himself. It was much a surprise to Qui-Gon alot of the things Anakin had hidden from everyone, even himself.

Anakin could control multiple, various droids and through them he could teach swathes of students, whether that be in the areas and classes the academy currently lacked teachers for, but mostly for the dark side.

That was also something that Qui-Gon had to come terms to, because he had always believed in the Jedi's prophecy from the Great Holocron. It spoke of many things, however because of his curiosity it was the final straw that broke the camels back.

Qui-Gon coming to the Empyrean was the first step he needed, and the last step was finding out that the Chosen One didn't necessarily have to be a Jedi. Or that they would even destroy the Sith. The Chosen One is simply someone that would bring balance to the Force and that was it.

This was the final stepping stone for Qui-Gon, as if everything else was but a precursor to his decision and change over to leaving the Jedi Order.

Sighing, Qui-Gon decided to get up from his meditation, feeling that something important is happening, so he turned on the news within his room. While he is a friend of the Royal Family here on Tatooine, within the Empyrean, he still chose to stay within the Academies building instead of the palace.

He is still used to the lifestyle he had been living up until this point and it was a preference that he didn't think he was going to change.

"This just in! The Galactic Republic has now be reformed as the Galactic Empire, under the leadership of the Supreme Chancellor, now turned Emperor, Sheev Palpatine. Also! The Emperor has also been revealed to be a Sith and..." The News anchor would go on to recount everything that had just happened within the Republic, and the chaos that had begun was something Qui-Gon never expected to happen. "The Jedi Order have now been outlawed and members of the Order have also been branded criminals within the Galactic Empire!"

'What!?' Qui-Gon stood up at this, for that meant his friends within the Order were in danger. He was just about to leave when his communication device that he had on him started to go off, indicating that someone was trying to contact him.

'Huh?' He moved over towards it and picked it up, before activating it.

"Master Qui-Gon Jinn! I am glad that you picked up." The person on the other side was Mace Windu, the other respective teacher for Anakin Skywalker.

"Master Windu. I didn't expect to be hearing from you, but I assume that things are not exactly going to plan right now, are they? I have seen the news reports and know of what is going on. There is no need to tell me anything, however I am confused as to why you would call me now." Qui-Gon replied as he took a seat once again.

"That is quite alright. However, I haven't called to pick up where we left off, and instead I was calling to ask of you a favor." It would seem that Qui-Gon and Mace were doing something before the two of them had split off, and now he was asking Qui-Gon for a favor.

A very important favor. "What favor?" Qui-Gon was curious and wanted to know.

"You see... The Jedi Order and the entirety of what is left is heading towards the Empyrean, as we believe that this is the place we can gain some safety from the Sith Lords pursuit. It would seem because of the control he has, and the distrust from the Republics public, we no longer can have a say or stay within the Republic." Mace explained.

"I figured as much, however I am not seeing where or what this favor is." Qui-Gon was confused.

"The Jedi Order wishes to stay within the Empyrean, however we are unsure if safe passage and shelter would be given to us there..." Mace had no clue as to whether or not the Order could stay within the Empyrean, however Anakin wouldn't be against it.

The only thing he would be against is them trying to take the children of his people against their wills or coercing them through lies to get more recruits for the Jedi Order to reestablish themselves.

"Are you saying that the Jedi Order wishes to set up base somewhere within the Empyrean?" It sounded absurd to Qui-Gon, for the Jedi would most certainly be against what is going on here. However this could also be a chance.

A chance for Qui-Gon to try and persuade the Jedi Order disbanding, and instead being merged into the Empyrean Order instead. It was a grand plan, and something that Qui-Gon had permissions to do because of his position within the Empyrean Academy for the gifted.

"Yes. I am asking you of this favor, as we cannot stay anywhere else within the Galaxy." Mace replied giving his confirmation that the Jedi were in a desperate spot, with the High Council having taken a back seat on this one.

The only person within the Jedi Order that could help as of this moment was of course Mace Windu, for he had the connections to the Empyrean above everyone else. Even a contact, that being Qui-Gon because they had developed a level of friendship between the two of them because they had both trained Anakin.

"Come. I can allow this." Qui-Gon said, as he couldn't just allow 'innocent' people to die just because the higher ups within the Jedi Order were usually very, very bad in what they do.

Brining peace to the galaxy...

"Really? Thank you Master Qui-Gon." Mace couldn't help but feel relieved, as he felt alot of pressure and it seemed like the others on the High Council did not know of what to do. It was Mace's idea to head towards the Empyrean after all, and because of this they would live to see another day.

"Hurry over. May the Force be with you." Qui-Gon said this as while it is a Jedi saying it was something that could be applied to everyone, even the Sith or those that practiced the dark side of the Force.

The Force, known to the Kwa as the Power of Cosmos and referred to as the Breath of Gelgelar by the Gelgelar resident Wise Man of Kooroo, was a metaphysical, spiritual, binding, and ubiquitous power that held enormous importance for both the Jedi and Sith monastic orders.

Known as the Way in ancient times, the Force was viewed in many different aspects, including, but not limited to, the Light side of the Force, the Dark side of the Force, the Living Force, the Unifying Force, the Cosmic Force and the Physical Force.

The first two aspects were concerned with the moral compass of the Force, as manifested by the conduct and emotions of living creatures who were themselves part of the fabric of the Force.

The light side of the Force was the facet aligned with compassion, selflessness, self-knowledge and enlightenment, healing, mercy and benevolence, while the dark side of the Force was aligned with hatred, fear, covetousness, anger, aggression, jealousy and malevolence.

The latter four aspects were defined by prominent Jedi philosophies: The Living Force dealt with the energy of living things; the Unifying Force, with the entirety of time and space; the Cosmic Force, with life after death; and the Physical Force, with anything within one's surroundings.

Though the Force was categorized in this way, no specific abilities or powers were only usable by a follower of a particular path of the Force; the Force partially existed inside the life forms that used it, and drew energy from their emotions.

It was something that was normal and made more and more sense to Qui-Gon as he also was on a journey of learning, alongside his own students within the Academy.