V.3-C.25│War V│

"Count Dooku." Mace approached Dooku, alongside Mace is also Qui-Gon.

"Mace Windu. Qui-Gon Jinn." Dooku responded and greeted both of the people before him.

Qui-Gon stayed silent himself, knowing that his input within this situation isn't needed due to Dooku and Mace now being two people from differing factions in the ensuing conflict. Qui-Gon now a part of the Empyrean would probably only act as some sort of intermediary between the Jedi and the Separatists still under Count Dooku, his former Jedi Master.

"I am intrigued to know of why you are both here." Dooku continued, implying he wished to know why they were here.

"Well... Yes. I myself, am here as a representative of the Jedi Order and as such wish to discuss things on behalf of the Order. The Jedi may have no more sway within the Republic due to recent events, but I do believe that we could still try and do something." Mace stated, making sure he made himself and his intentions here known.

"And here I thought you would still hold some grudge against me trying to kill Jedi, as I have successfully done so before..." Dooku replied.

"Just because I am here on behalf of the Order, does not mean that the Order forgives you for your transgressions..." Mace also had to make it clear to Dooku that his actions are subject to punishment, or at least would have been because right now that doesn't matter anymore.

It isn't like the Jedi has the power to capture Dooku anyway in the political and diplomatic situation they are. The Jedi would have to survive first before trying to do anything else.

"Right... Then I assume you have brought along my former apprentice as a sign of peace then?" Dooku replied with a question of his own.

"I am here of my own volition. You are my former master now, and am acting as a sort of mediator." Qui-Gon gave his own input on this situation, for he didn't play too important of a role right now.

"You and I should speak some more later own, Qui-Gon." Dooku made sure to input this last piece of askance towards Qui-Gon, for he missed his apprentice greatly.

Dooku, an aging human male who had light skin, brown eyes, white hair, and a height of 1.96 meters. Mace Windu, a human male who had brown eyes, dark skin, a strong build, and a height of 1.92 meters. His head is completely bald, although in his youth, Windu had black hair.

Lastly is Qui-Gon Jinn, a human male who stood 1.93 meters tall and had light skin, blue eyes, and long, brown, now greying hair, along with a brown and greying beard.

This three men were of great significance, power and even influence as they have all had a role to play within the galaxy at large. Whether this be from training young Anakin Skywalker, future Empyrean Emperor, or having their own roles within the fate of the galaxy.

The Separatists leader, Master Jedi's, strength within the Force, teaching the Force and other such factors.

"Enough of this. We should discuss some more important things right now." Mace wanted to hurry along and start heading off wherever he needed to go to.

As a Jedi Master, Mace Windu was both disciplined and steadfast, as well as unwaveringly committed to the doctrine of the Jedi Order. A clever and senior member of the High Council, Windu sought to protect the Order from the corruption and unrest within the Galactic Republic. Although he firmly believed in the Jedi's role as servants of the Republic, the relationship between the Order and the Senate made him uncomfortable.

Noted for his grim demeanor, Windu held corrupt politicians and rebellious Jedi in low regard. He had very little patience for the failures of the Senate and was disdainful of Jedi who disobeyed the will of the High Council.

However this would all change because of Anakin, as despite still having similarities to what was described, Mace could be described as more chill now.

"Right. And what, pray tell are we to discuss...?" Asked Dooku, wanting to know the specifics of what they are going to do.

"The Jedi wish to..." And the discussion would begin between the two, Mace and Dooku, along with Qui-Gon adding in his own thoughts on the situation as well.

The Jedi wanted to immediately start an attack against Palpatine, heading straight towards the capital of Coruscant in some sort of surprise attack. They had no need more more ground or land as the Jedi fully expected Anakin to allow them safe passage within the Empyrean.

Anakin had already given the Jedi some safe passage, however what the Jedi didn't realize is this is a mistake. Anakin's loved ones, family, friends along with other employed or devoted to the Empyrean and the Empyrean Academies Code were already making efforts to convert the stranded Jedi here on Tatooine.

Or even in other outposts, for this is the best way to ensure the survival of the Jedi without having hundreds, thousands of people do not die. Anakin may be considered weak in a sense for still wanting to save people, but it is only a part of his inner nature to do so, even being as selfish as he is.

Anyway, with the Jedi safe in the knowledge that they would be able to stay within the Empyrean and defend themselves here only made it all the more easier for them.

Dooku, a connoisseur of wine, and favored technique over brute strength in lightsaber combat.

Dooku was once a respected Jedi, and during the Separatist Crisis he was viewed as a 'political idealist' by his former peers. During his time in the Order, Dooku chafed at the Jedi's disdain for technology. After meeting her, Dooku secretly kept in contact with his sister Jenza and grew close to her.

His independent spirit helped push him away from the Jedi Order. By the time he was a Sith, Dooku had come to believe the Jedi had wasted their powers but that he had not squandered his own.

However, Dooku became increasingly disillusioned with the Galactic Senate's corruption and the arrogance and apparent complacency of the Jedi Order, eventually coming to desire the downfall of both institutions he'd once served.

After Sidious exploited Dooku's anger at the Republic to turn the count to the dark side, Dooku, having become the Sith Lord Darth Tyranus, was a menacing, intelligent, powerful, manipulative, arrogant, and immoral, yet charismatic statesman whose methods included torture, assassination, and even genocide.

What Dooku wanted right now from the Jedi is a change in the system, but even though he might want some change he knows that it would probably all revert back to the same state is is when Palpatine is charge.

No matter if the Jedi and himself win, the Republic would still be corrupt due to the years and years of decadence. No, Dooku now had more plans or desires in his grand scheme of wanting to end all of the conflict, bureaucracy and everything else that he deems as negative.

Because the Order served the Republic, Dooku believed the Jedi were dishonored and were not to be trusted. Dooku also protested the failure of the Republic, bringing numerous systems to the Confederacy, yet his true motives remained hidden. The Count truly wanted to rule a new Sith Empire at the side of Darth Sidious, whom he believed would bring order back to the galaxy.

Of course this is just before meeting Anakin Skywalker, someone that he now believed to be truly the Chosen One, whether the Jedi believed in it or not. Dooku had decided to do his own research, as he didn't immediately believe in false prophets and superstitions.

He however started to become swayed in his few months of having been connected to Anakin and has decided to once again switch his allegiance. Anakin had already done so much in the Outer Rims, so what would happen if he managed to get his hands on the rest of the galaxy?

Dooku has a plan. That plan involves becoming a part of Anakin's trusted aides and then influencing Anakin to become not only the Emperor of the Empyrean as it is now, but also to try and take over the entirety of the galaxy.

Dooku was already exposed and numbed to the actions he had taken for he believed it all to be for the greater good, but now that he has something to show for it in Anakin... It only further encouraged some level of loyalty and trust for Anakin.

If one could believe or not, Anakin had inadvertently saved Dooku from killing his own sister... Of course for Anakin, his actions were planned in this sequence, for Dooku to fall so deep into the dark side is something he didn't want.

As Dumbledore-esque as he is, Anakin had uses for Dooku as well, but Dooku also wanted to push Anakin to do things as well. To take over the galaxy, with Anakin at the forefront instead of Palpatine.

The last person in this discussion had to take into mind everything being discuss between Dooku and Mace, whilst at the same time trying to come up with good compromises between the two.

Holding the Jedi teachings as sacrosanct, Windu was suspicious of anyone he perceived to be a threat to the traditions of the Order. He often debated the 'maverick' Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn, but neither of them enjoyed such discussions.

In contrast, Qui-Gon and Dooku had a special relationship between the two of them as well. Qui-Gon really had to consider many things in what is happening now, and what could happen in the future as well.

Not knowing the full extent of the two of their intentions, Qui-Gon can only make guesses, even as inaccurate as they could be for this situation. The future is not set in stone, meaning that anything could change anything.

Anakin is something that completely messed up the entire timeframe and history of events that have happened, is happening and will happen.

Jinn was known to disobey the Jedi Code if he felt he needed to and was willing to rebuff the Jedi Council.

Furthermore, Jinn was different in his view of attachments when compared to other Jedi; he believed you could still love others as long as you were not possessive, whereas other Jedi feared any attachment could lead to that. While he knew the Force could often present more questions than answers, he nevertheless trusted in it and its guidance.

It was definitely a surprise to him about what Anakin had done, but for some reason he didn't absolutely abhor Anakin's actions to have many loved ones. He did dislike that Anakin seemed to be somewhat possessive, as anyone could tell around his loved ones, but that trait didn't seem to influence him all too much as well.

If anything, this made it so he could bring even further peace to the Outer Rim territories as well. Qui-Gon didn't just come here because he likes his former student, but because he truly believes in him and what he has accomplished, is accomplishing and will accomplish.

"Is that it?" Dooku asked, having come to terms with many of the things said here today.

"Yes. I believe the terms you have given is fine." Mace replied. The Jedi needed some forces other than themselves, and having such a powerful and influential backer like Dooku would make it all the more easier for the Jedi to raid Palpatine.

"Really? Is that all the Jedi wants in this? I thought there would be some more arguments about the government and things like that..." Dooku replied, saying his thought out loud.

"Stuff like that can be decided upon in the future. The Jedi are not politicians." Mace does have a distaste for politicians after all, but he also said this making a jab at Dooku's current status after all.

"Right..." Dooku said, whilst internally thinking about how he could manipulate this situation into having the Jedi accept Anakin as the new ruler of the galaxy. He knows that some if not most would disagree with this statement but he is also aware of the changes within the Jedi as of late as well.

There is a chance that they could accept something like this.

"That is all then." Qui-Gon got up himself and everyone said their goodbyes, or more like Qui-Gon said his goodbye to both Mace and Dooku. "May the Force be with you Master Windu." Qui-Gon first said towards Mace and then turned towards Dooku. "... May the Force be with you as well, Master..." Qui-Gon still couldn't deny Dooku was his master.

Qui-Gon also had a special attachment to Dooku he couldn't deny as well. They were friends, but right now things would seem to indicate otherwise. "Yes. May the Force be with you as well, Jinn." Mace responded to Qui-Gon first before starting to head off.

"We must talk some other time. Not now, but some other time..." Dooku said this to Qui-Gon before leaving off himself. "And may the Force be with you, my apprentice..."