V.3-C.34│50-50 IV│

The senate meeting Palpatine held was now drawing to an end as information was given, some of his plans were also spoken, thus leading to the end.

"Thank you all for coming in such great times of need and distress..." Palpatine's voice could be heard from within, where there were some figures gathered around in preparation for something.

Within the darker parts of the senate building, the Jedi, or more specifically a small group of Jedi that is composed of most of the Jedi High Council had gathered. Of course, there was some exceptions to this, where Yoda is again seemingly nowhere to be found at this time, but is mostly unneeded as of this moment.

Palpatine's muffled voice could still be heard as he received platitudes and said various things related to some completely irrelevant matters. Mace, becoming the leader of this plan was currently in charge and also prepared to go through with their plan.

"Master Windu. Are you sure that this is a good decision? I have a bad feeling about this..." Obi-Wan spoke up, relying on his instincts to know that whatever is going to happen is probably going to turn out wrong in some manner.

"... Master Kenobi. I think that you should just trust in the Force and trust in my plan." Mace responded, making sure to ease the nerves of everyone here.

It is not everyday one faces off against a practitioner of the dark side, even if most of them have at least encountered someone that has dabbled in such activities.

"Sure... but I think that some caution must be practiced. Do you not find it strange that Darth Sidious had called a meeting here and today?" Obi-Wan questioned Mace, as the others were doing their own thing before the oncoming storm.

Hopefully, they would be able to take care of things before things go out of hand. "That may be, however, this is probably the only chance we can catch him off guard." Mace responded, which is reasonable since while security is high, in this moment security measures are at the lowest.

There had also been reports about Palpatine's apprentices not being around as well, meaning that he had probably tasked them to go somewhere else. 'Or, they could be in hiding, just waiting for us to come out and start an attack...' Obi-Wan thought to himself.

"Get ready everyone." Mace said, which prompted everyone to turn their attention back towards the podium where Palpatine is located.

Most members of the senate at this point had given up on alot of things, and what is even more interesting to the Jedi however is this new species and their threat to them and the Republic. They had not given up on the idea that the Republic is still alive and well, when it really isn't.

The Republic had at one point of time been a good thing, but has slowly descended into what it is now. Of course, the Jedi would still be in denial at this point, even with their foresight abilities cleared up due to Anakin's actions, they are still stuck in their ways.

This is one of the reasons Anakin is currently discussing and keeping Yoda away from everything that is going on right now. Yoda being the grandmaster of the Jedi Order and proper leader makes it all the more easier if he switches to and sees things from Anakin's point of view.

"... And that my friends. My comrades and people of the Galactic Republic is how we will finally deal with everything that is happening to us. I would request that you all now go off and start to take back control of some lost territories from those... traitors..." Palpatine was still going on, not finishing off his speech just yet.

It seemed as if he was waiting for something to happen, but no one here could actually tell that Palpatine was like a praying mantis, awaiting its prey to come close enough for him to get his pasty hands around them.

"I think that is about it for now... There should be no more things to discuss and instead I believe we should all go back to what we were doing before I called you all here." Palpatine continued, no one else daring to speak up and talk.

Palpatine hadn't even been in this position of power for long, or he had been in this position of power for a long time without anyone knowing, and he had already cowed most of his opposition. Obviously, they had heard of some of the things he had done already, including killing off the stand-in leaders for the Trade Federation.

The Galactic Senate was slowly being changed and reorganized into something else. An Imperial Senate. The Imperial Senate or Imperial Congress would be the de jure legislative body of the Galactic Empire, though in fact it would hold little real authority. Instead, it is slowly being transformed to mainly serve as an advisory body to Emperor Palpatine.

'The Imperial Senate is to be the successor to the Galactic Senate of the Republic, which its reformation is nearly complete!' Palpatine thought to himself, whilst looking around the still nearly full senate despite everything that has happened so far.

Rather than risk directly seizing power and overthrowing the Senate, Palpatine subtly manipulated the Galactic Senate into voting incrementally more and more emergency powers to the Chancellorship during the short Clone Wars. By the end of the conflict, Palpatine had gained near-dictatorial powers.

In fact, it could now already be considered the Imperial Senate as Palpatine issued a decree creating a new class of Planetary Governors and Sector Moffs appointed directly by the Chancellorship, to oversee all star systems in the Republic. A minority of Senators protested this action, but Palpatine brushed their complaints aside.

As everything was finishing off, a commotion is heard in multiple locations around the senate hall, revealing that the Jedi had somehow made their way in and trapped Palpatine within. "Your dark rule is now over Sith!" Mace's voice could be heard saying these words.

His purple lightsaber blaring to life for all those to see and start to flee from this area, as they didn't want to get involved. In fact, most of these people may just send in some guards to come and help the Emperor, Palpatine out.

Dressed in red robe garbs, Palpatine's hood obscured most of his features, but his eyes were clear for all of those within the see. Senate members started rushing out, with droids rushing in but being dispatched by the Jedi that had come into the senate building.

"Yes... How interesting..." Palpatine said, which confused the Jedi whom had come here as they were expecting something different to come out of his mouth. Maybe even some surprise to show on his face as this attack is completely unknown.

"My apprentices should have a fine battle ahead of them, which will lead me to also having to show my own capabilities..." Palpatine seemed to be speaking to himself at this moment, which lead to Jar-Jar Binks and Ferus Olin to come out of hiding and expose themselves to the Jedi as of this moment.

"It would seem that you are still outnumbered Sith. I would suggest that you surrender now, or else..." Mace continued, still being the leader in charge of this operation, unafraid of the new additions to the team.

However, the Jedi here would soon be in for a surprise as Palpatine is not as alone as one would think he is within the dark side of the Force.

Some of the former members that used to be a part of Dooku's own Sith assassins were actually here as well, revealing themselves and there seemed to be enough of them here to now outnumber the small amount of Jedi that came here specifically.

"Am I really that outnumbered now...? Jedi Master Windu... I would suggest that you shall be the one to surrender..." Palpatine cackled a bit and then continued. "Who am I kidding, you all shall die here and today. It is foolish that you would believe I would have no way of defending myself in this instance."

The Jedi and Sith would then go to battle, facing off against each other in a battle that would be extremely dangerous to both parties. Not that the Jedi would care about themselves, which is foolish and not that Palpatine would care about his own subordinates if they unfortunately died.

It had already happened before in the man known as Darth Maul, whom had been abandoned by his master before all of this happened.

In fact, Obi-Wan would come across someone that he has some knowledge of, while Mace would be heading towards the center to try and take care of Palpatine himself, as he does have the ability to face off against the enigmatic Sith Lord.

"Remember me?" Joining Obi-Wan, we see him facing off against Ventress, previously under Dooku but since his supposed death, most of the trained individuals under Dooku had come under Palpatine, but after Dooku's reemergence, few had gone back to Dooku.

However, Ventress is most definitely not one of the loyal ones.

"Right..." Obi-Wan replied in kind, igniting his lightsaber and preparing himself for the offensive and powerful Ventress to begin her attack.


Back within the Yuuzhan Vong ship, the squadron of Empyrean marines were slowly making their way from the very outskirts of the living ship, making their way deeper within.

"Captain. I think that we have some more immediate problems right now..." One of the men said as everyone further approached and traversed this place.

"This place is living..." Another one of the men responded, for even though they couldn't sense this place through the Force itself, they are still able to notice signs of some kind of biological creature, which this place is. "It is as if the ship is breathing..."

"What is the problem soldier?" The captain ignored the one rambling to himself and instead focused on what the other said.

"There are readings coming from our armors that this place is incredibly toxic. I dont think any living creature is supposed to be here, not even the Yuuzhan Vong themselves." The soldier responded.

"That may be, but we have very little information on these beings and from what we understand currently, they are highly varied in their capabilities." The captain replied.

The soldier went silent, agreeing with what his captain had juts said and instead everyone still continued their trek through this toxic part of the ship. 'This may be a place where these beings dispose of their waste...' The captain thought to himself going over the possibilities of such a thing.

While most would be disgusted, the marines had been trained and not only that, some of them used to be machines before their subsequent transformation into living creatures that could be considered cyborgs more than just human.

From the roof of the cavernous part of the ship they were traversing, there seemed to be some dangling bits and pieces that were illuminating their path. Despite this place being a theoretical dump, it would seem that the Yuuzhan Vong dont even waste this resource and probably use it elsewhere instead of just disposing of it immediately.

"What are these things anyway." One of the men, curious in nature reached up to grab hold of the tentacle like thing.

"No! Don't touch that-" However, his comrade was too late to stop him as of the next moment everything seemingly started to go into the dumps.

The tentacles started to come alive, wrapping around the men, trying to strangle them while they are decked out within their protective armor suits. "Damnit!" The captain exclaimed, trying to break free of the tentacles, being successful just like the others were as well, but the tentacles still kept coming.

As if there was no end in sight for them. "Sorry captain! I will never, ever touch things ever again!" The curious one spoke up, apologizing for his mistake.

"There is no time for that right now! We must get out of here before others come looking. I am assuming that the Yuuzhan Vong may have been informed of what is happening here." The captain swiped his hand in one direction, immediately causing a tentacle to implode. "Move!" The captain ordered and the men directed by his actions and words, moved out of the area.

Avoiding detection within a living ship like this is hard, but now things have become harder as they try to remain stealthy. 'We have probably been detected already...' The captain thought to himself, deciding that they should get things to calm down a bit before deciding to go on a full out assault.

"Right on it!" One of the men exclaimed as they started to move in the opposite direction of the hanging tentacle like vines and dump area.