V.3-C.36│Fray I│

"Ha!" Voices are heard, with labored breadth and an assortment of fast movements indicative of the intense battle happening, the Jedi and Sith with their respective lightsabers were going at it.

"Argh!" More voices were heard, as while being Force-sensitive is fun and all, there is alot left to be desired from the duties one has as a Jedi.

"Die Jedi!" Again, multiple voices were saying an array of things and sometimes grunts, moans of pain and a variety of noises were being made. Some of those noises produces by the Force-sensitive beings themselves, and some of those noises coming from their lightsabers.

"Not today Sith!" Deflections, parries and clashes were happening frequently within the senate building, soon to be called and reformed into the Imperial Senate.

The Senate Building, also known as the Senate Rotunda, Senate Tower, Convocation Center, or Senate Dome, was the building on Coruscant in the center of the Senate District which served as the seat of the Galactic Senate from the end of the Great Sith War until the end of the Old Republic, also serving as the seat of the Imperial Senate during the Galactic Empire, with the Grand Convocation Chamber at its heart.

The designers claimed that any weapon capable of destroying the Chamber would also have to be powerful enough to destroy the entire planet, making the facility invulnerable against sabotage or orbital bombardment.

A massive drum-shaped building boasting a shield-shaped dome with a diameter of more than two kilometers, the Senate Building was built some time 4000 years ago, following the duel between Jedi Master Vodo-Siosk Baas and Sith Lord Exar Kun in the old Senate Hall.

On Coruscant, new structures were typically erected on top of older buildings, eliminating the need for demolition; the ancient meeting hall of the Galactic Senate served as the foundations of the new Senate Tower.

Located in the heart of the Senate District, the building was situated at the end of a large, flat concourse known as the Avenue of the Core Founders.

This area was lined with tall, impressionistic humanoid statues, each representing a founder from each of the Core Worlds. Surrounded by the Senate Plaza, several parks such as the Gardens of Equality and Justice served as meeting places near to the Rotunda.

Adorning the front of the building were two narrow towers. One of these structures contained the primary office of the Supreme Chancellor during the Galactic Republic.

The summit chamber's design was antiquate by the administration of Chancellor Finis Valorum and offered a wide view of the capital. Following the election of Chancellor Palpatine, the former representative of Naboo ordered the construction of the Republic Executive Building and moved his primary working office to a brand new suite there.

Entrance to the Rotunda was gained after passing through the ceremonial entryway known as the Great Door. Adorned with the Great Seal of the Republic and the sigils of the Thousand Worlds, the doors were open to all who might enter, as symbolic of the Republic as the iconography emblazoning the durasteel.

Directly beyond the Great Door was the large Atrium of the Senate. This grand, circular chamber was lined with statues of the Republic's greatest heroes and politicians, as well as members of the Jedi Order, the atrium continued on deeper into the building where a long, two-story hall granted access to several first level embassies and conference rooms.

Among the room's tower pillars senators and diplomats gathered and conversed with one another before proceeding on into the Grand Convocation Chamber just beyond the chamber's far door.

Occupying the majority of the building central mass was the cavernous Grand Convocation Chamber, a tiered chamber sometimes referred to as the Senate Arena.

The slightly slopping walls of the funnel-shaped room were lined with repulsorpods arranged in concentric patterns from floor to ceiling, which soared over a hundred meters high. The center of the vast chamber was dominated by a podium used by the Supreme Chancellor, the Vice Chair and the Senior Administrative Aide to coordinate the sessions.

The chamber contained a total of 1024 repulsorpods, which could be used by delegations from member systems and large voting blocs. When a Senator or representative wished to address the body they were able to detach their pod from its magnetic berth and move out into the open space of the chamber on an automated path.

From there, their address would echo throughout the room, translated into hundreds of different languages instantaneously and piped into the other pods for ease of understanding.

Small hovercams constantly hovered around the chamber, recording the words of the speakers and broadcasting them onto the ceiling-mounted vidscreens to allow the congregation to view up close visuals of the orator.

Because sessions tended to grow long and last into the night, natural light and air was not used to fill the room. Instead, an artificial glow kept the room lit so as to diminish the senators' sense of time.

Directly beneath the Convocation Chamber was a series of rooms known as the Chancellery Secretariat, a set of offices used by the Chancellor and his aides while at the Senate Building. At the heart of the Secretariat was the holding office, located directly below the Senate Chamber and home to the Chancellor's podium when it was not in use.

Before the start of a session of the Congress, the Chancellor and his aides would board the podium and the ceiling would dilate and the hydraulics driving the chamber would raise it into arena. A turbolift was also installed under the Chancellor's seat, able to evacuate him from the podium without having to lower it.

Access to the chamber was granted through a small antechamber where the ceremonial, blue-robed Senate Guard stood at attention. The upper tiers of repulsorpods of the Senate Chamber were each assigned a permanent delegation.

These senators represented large voting blocs in the Senate or held long tenures in the Republic, such as the representatives of the Core Worlds.

These delegations were afforded permanent wedge-shaped offices, which included a multi-room preparation chamber adjoined to the delegation's platform and a separate, larger set of chambers which stretched to the outer edge of the building and served as a place for each delegation's countless aides to toil endlessly without need of travel.

These offices were separated from each other by the sloping, canyon-like Grand Concourse, a long corridor that ringed the entire Convocation chamber on each level.

The black-tile floor of the bridges and walkways that made up the Concourse was punctuated by the towering silver impressionistic statues that lined it, similar to those found on the Avenue of the Core Founders.

Private turbolifts lined the walls of the Concourse, conveying senators to and from their offices, connecting them with the rest of the building.

Security in the building was monitored from the main security center deep in the heart of the building. Senate Guards protected the Senate Chamber as well as delegation offices throughout the building, while members of the Coruscant Security Force patrolled the halls which were otherwise open to the public.

Communications throughout the complex were handled by the Senate Communications Center, which was responsible not only for broadcasting the Senate proceedings throughout the building and the galaxy, but for screening all incoming transmissions to Senators and representatives.

While each delegation pod in the chamber had privacy buffers under normal circumstances to prevent eavesdropping during private conversations, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine had this function disabled during the Clone Wars in an effort to increase security.

Many storefronts and restaurants occupied the Senate Building, allowing Senators and their staff to shop and eat without leaving the complex.

The dining commons was a formal eating establishment popular during the Clone Wars, while others preferred more casual eateries. Below the Senate Rotunda was the Senate Commercial District, wherein the Senate Commerce Hall and Galactic Trade Center were located.

Everything within is meant to stand as a testament to the Galactic Republic, but things actually look much different now with the ongoing conflict between the Jedi and the Sith herein today.

"Jedi Master Windu. How nice of you to join me." Palpatine spoke, as he watched his opponent come closer to him, whilst his apprentices had already joined the fray in trying to kill more Jedi.

"Your day of judgement has come Sith." Mace responded, his lightsaber ignited as the two masters through the Force were now ready to face each other in deadly combat.

Palpatine proceeded to bring out his very own lightsaber, that he doesn't bring out very often or even use at all. "I am quite the old man now, as you can see. I would appreciate it if you go easy on an old man such as myself." Palpatine mocked.

Mace leaped into the air, using the Force and lunged down towards Palpatine, whom is on center platform.


The Yuuzhan Vong, and the squadron on the ship known as a Koros-Strohna.

Additional defense came from the worldship's cargo and troop holds which could transport more than 5,000 warriors along with Coralskippers and planetary vehicles. Due to the vehicle's size, the Koros-Strohna could transport a small Yuuzhan Vong army.

A Yuuzhan Vong worldship lived for an average of 500 years or more. However, they could live up to twice that long, as the Baanu Miir proves. When a worldship started to near the end of its life-cycle, it would develop color variations on its Dovin basals, and it would grow Myogens in its corridors.

"Where are we now?" One of the men within the squadron asked as they were passing through another area, going deeper into the living ship.

"From the scans, the data suggests that we have finally made our way into the main section of the living ship here. Above us should be an entire colony of those Yuuzhan Vong beings." Another replied with the statistics and analysis of the situation.

They were in the bowels of the living ship right now, underneath the normal area a living being would be able to inhabit. The only reason they are able stay down here is because they can make use of the life support systems of their armor suits, alongside the empowerment given to them through the Sky-Seed implants and even the viral factor introduced to everyone on the Empyrean to fill in the gaps.

"So those beings are above us. What should we do next then?" Another asked, unsure of the next course of action.

They are supposed to try and take control of this wordship, as it would get in the way of the battle to come. The Empyrean has collected alot of information from their in-depth look into this place, and thankfully none of the Yuuzhan Vong had found them so far.

The Empyrean's basic set of rules to follow in this situation would be to try and minimize any harm that may be down to civilians. Even if their enemies may not necessarily care enough that the Empyrean shows their people amnesty and mercy. This is a decision that alot of people can follow and abide, as one should treat others the way they are to be treated.

Of course, there are some exceptions some times but most of the time one would follow that rule, and to follow this, the Empyrean military would not target civilians or innocent people at all when it comes to conflicts.

What the squadron here can do is try to make sure they are able to peacefully annex the current leaders within this living ship. Then, they would take the people as prisoners of war, not that they would do anything untoward the captured subjects or anything like that.

"We should not be harming the civilians at all and instead we need to find a way to get to the main control deck... If there even is some sort of main control deck, but going by this ship design the scans indicate that there should be some form or method that we would be able to commandeer this place. Hopefully we also dont have to face off against everyone within as well, for that would truly be tragic." The captain said as they kept traversing, trying to identify a place that they would be able to burst through.


"Yes, sir!"

"Lets do it."

The men answered in turn their own replies, with one being silent and only nodding, the captain took it upon himself to start leading them through this undergrowth of the living ship. "This way then."

"We are almost there, captain. Once we reach the point the scanners indicate, we should be able to start taking control of this ship and then have these people as hostages. The Yuuzhan Vong do not need to know that we wont actually hurt their people." The member that is the diagnostics expert said.

"Good idea soldier." The captain nodded along, liking the idea as it was a bluff but a good bluff and should be effective. That is unless the Yuuzhan Vong decide to not heed their words once they take control of the living ship.