V.3-C.38│Fray III│

Retreating the Jedi within the senate building have now dwindled in numbers, meaning that it would make it all the more easier for Palpatine to slay them all.

"Very good... Very good!" Palpatine said aloud, as the Sith and his minions had reek havoc and destruction.

Looking around, there were a few dead Sith or at the very least dark side apprentices and initiates but on the other hand there was alot more deaths on the Jedi's side. For they not only brought master here to die in this ambush, but also brought many of them to die as well.

What makes Sidious upset however, is that it seemed like none of the people he wanted to make sure are taking care of didn't become taken care of. Mace Windu, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Depa Billaba, and a few others as the attack commenced, then subsequently finished.

"My apprentices and assassins, you all have much to do so I suggest that you all start moving towards those jobs... The Sith are not done in their work just yet." Palpatine cackled seeing some of them were burnt by his Force lightning, but were still so obedient to himself.

He reveled in the power he held, more so now because he can be open about it and not worry about such things. Of course, now that the Empyrean and the Yuuzhan Vong are distracted he can also start getting to work on doing other things as well.

Like taking over the rest of the free galaxy, bringing them all under his control. "And you." Sidious pointed towards another Sith assassin. "Bring in all of the senators back here, and all of the droids here will not clean up but instead leave the bodies on the ground!"

Palpatine wanted to send a message after all.

The Sith and dark side initiates all had their own things to do. Of course Palpatine has more than just Sith Assassins at his disposal.

Palpatine adopted some of the old Sith tactics.

Sith Inquisitors, a class of powerful Force-wielders within the reconstituted Sith Empire but now also under his own Galactic Empire, operating primarily within the upper echelons and political circles.

In contrast to their counterparts, the Sith Warriors, Inquisitors specialized in Force abilities as opposed to martial might, and many would devote much time to researching new skills to survive in the cutthroat Sith political environment. Few acolytes succeeded in becoming Inquisitors. However, those that did proved to be the most determined.

On the battlefield, Inquisitors were a spectacle to behold, channeling vast amounts of Dark side Force energy to create massive storms of Force lightning, or draining the life force of enemies to feed themselves and their allies. However, most Inquisitors preferred a more manipulative operating style, being masters of exploiting both enemies and allies to further their own agendas.

The Inquisitor experimented with forbidden powers to not only survive in the cutthroat environment, but to excel and seize authority.

The most formidable Inquisitors dared to explore unorthodox practices by investigating the enigmas of the past and by unlocking new powers for themselves. Due to their manipulative genius, Inquisitors were skilled at exploiting both their enemies and their allies to further their own personal agendas.

Regardless of potential, few acolytes succeeded in facing the rigorous trials to become Sith Inquisitors. Only the most determined acolytes attained such an achievement, but these Sith were often the ones to watch.

Though their skills were varied and many, Sith Inquisitors were most feared for their ability to channel the energy of the Force, making them a spectacle to behold on the battlefield.

Channeling this Force energy, Inquisitors were capable of draining the life from their enemies and using it to feed themselves and their allies, and those who have experienced the sensation of the Inquisitor's Force lightning and survived forever recoil from the crackling sound of electricity.

The clothing choices of Sith Inquisitors were often very calculated, with their elaborate robes designed to both illustrate their sophisticated tastes and desire for political domination, but also being practical and flexible to facilitate their stunning acrobatic movements in combat.

Some Inquisitors had been known to take this desire for personal expression to the absolute limit, favoring attire designed to inspire sheer terror in those they come into contact with. Sith Inquisitors often favored double-bladed lightsabers, or saberstaffs, in combat.

In addition to wielding such an unorthodox weapon, Sith Inquisitors often utilized much more esoteric and customized models of such armament, especially in contrast to the more technical and pragmatic weapons favored by Sith Warriors, featuring such details as exposed crystal chambers or artificially-generated Force lightning running through the hilt.

Expertise in conducting Force energies further allows Inquisitors to draw upon the life essence of themselves and others.

This energy could be channeled to bolster their powers, harm their foes, and even to reinvigorate their allies. Inquisitors fought with unlimited fury to create a storm of destruction. An Inquisitor's skills with a lightsaber were equally impressive.

Often wielding a double-bladed lightsaber, Inquisitors used quick, guileful, and lethal maneuvers to strike their enemies down with astonishing speed. Whether the Inquisitor wielded a lightsaber with lightning-sharp attacks, or just Force lightning itself, it was always a dazzling display of deadly energy.

Then Palpatine recreated the specializations, just so that he would have an easier time administering the whole Empire he has reorganized. The Inquisitors either became assassins, whom he has with him today or the sorcerers.

The specialization of Sorcerer offered the greatest level of raw Force ability, as these adepts drew their power from the darkest corners of the Force, unleashing volatile energies that could wreak utter devastation against enemies.

In addition to this, Sorcerers were capable of healing and bolstering their allies with these same abilities. With the very air around them crackling with energy, powerful Sorcerers had a reputation for torturous retaliations against those foolish enough to get in their way.

Whereas Sorcerers focused on raw power, Sith Assassins preferred a subtler approach. Speed and deception were their tools of the trade, relying on stealth tactics to infiltrate enemy ranks and remove high-profile targets.

Even in open battle, Assassins were utterly deadly, relying on both tactical awareness and mind tricks to assault enemies both physically and mentally, manipulating a confrontation to ensure their side maintains the upper hand.

While highly skilled with the saberstaff, their weapon of choice for both offense and defense, Assassins could channel the Force just as easily.

Sidious went really far back to bring these terms back, which resulted in him diversifying his forces even more so, but without sacrificing much, if anything at all.

The Senators were brought back into the Senate hall, some still having not fled from the scene completely and instead staying behind to see what has happened.

"The Senate will now be reformed as the Imperial Senate!" Palpatine spoke to everyone, so they all knew of his power, authority and wouldn't question it as such. He did this on purpose, luring the Jedi here, setting up the trap not just to try and kill them but to also reestablish his authority over his subjects as well.

The Imperial Senate differed somewhat from its Republican forebear. Whereas the Galactic Senate had held both legislative and executive power, the Imperial Senate held only legislative power, though most of this power was in the hands of the Emperor, as he was the overall ultimate authority.

Despite such, the Imperial Senate still held limited judicial authority, enough to try high ranking officials in the Empire and, possibly, handle cases tied into the Supreme Court. The Emperor allowed the Senate to provide him counsel in enacting new laws.

It also had nominal oversight of the Imperial bureaucracy and worked on the Imperial budget. However, the Emperor made it clear that his judgments would be final: Imperial decrees would be issued without debates, court proceedings, or Senatorial overrides.

The Emperor could also call and dismiss the Senate at will. The Senate could also pass amendments to the Imperial Charter and apparently had at least nominal oversight of the Imperial Military.

The day-to-day head of the Senate was no longer the Vice Chair, but the Grand Vizier as President of the Senate. The Senate was, at least in theory, responsible for choosing a new Emperor upon the death or abdication of the current holder of the throne.

As Palpatine had no intention of ever dying or abdicating, this power was merely a formality.


Within the undercity, instead of rejoining Ahsoka and her small journey, we instead take a look at the fleeing Jedi as they rejoin up with the others, whom are taking them off of the planet. Or at least trying to get as many of these people off of the planet as possible.

"That was... not good." Obi-Wan spoke, as the remainder of the Jedi High Council all stood here in another location, undisclosed.

Exile was a form of punishment used by numerous cultures and sentient species across the galaxy in which the punished were banished from the society issuing the punishment, rarely ever to return. This form of punishment was known to be practiced by the Jedi Order against members who went against the will of the Order or turned to the dark side.

Not all cases of exile were a form of punishment, as any being could place themselves in a self-imposed exile for a wrong they perceived they had done, removing themselves from society to keep them from wronging another again, or for failing a task they had believed they should have accomplished.

It may be poetic justice that the Jedi would suffer the same fate as those of whom they also would exile as well. Ahsoka would definitely look at this and sympathize with them, but also at the same time because of her ability to see into that alternate timeline, she would probably feel a little bit good at this as well.

For the visions she experienced felt as if they really happened to her.

"No. It was not good at all." Jedi Master Depa Billaba responded, as everyone had grim looks on their faces. After witnessing what they did, it did little for their morale and it did little for other things as well.

Specifically, their ability to sense things through the Force made it extremely hard on them to try and steel themselves. Just as Yoda may feel the deaths of millions from so far away, there is also other Jedi members, that while not as strong within the Force would still be able to feel the deaths of dozens of people, especially since they were right next to them.

Horrific indeed. "How close are we to taking everyone off of the planet?" Mace asked.

"We would be close, but there is a problem." Obi-Wan replied.

"Problem?" Mace asked again, wanting Obi-Wan to further continue.

Instead, another Jedi Master spoke instead. "There seems to be people flocking towards the Jedi exiles, as while most of the Galactic Empire wants the Jedi captured or killed, the people on the other hand want to use the Jedi to escape the Empire and get into the Empyrean." It was Jedi Master Adi Gallia, a female Tholothian, revered Jedi Master of the High Council.

Gallia was naturally an exceptionally skilled member of the Order, who completed several notable assignments during her service to the galaxy.

"So the people dont even see us as protectors anymore? Darth Sidious has done his job well." Obi-Wan added his own thoughts.

Even Piell, a Force-sensitive male Lannik Jedi Master who served on the Jedi Council. Considered brusque, bellicose, and even gruff, Master Piell was nonetheless respected for his immense courage spoke next. "Yes. People seem to not appreciate our efforts."

Plo-Koon, a Kel Dor male from the planet Dorin who became a Jedi Master and a lifetime member of the Jedi High Council spoke. "That doesn't matter now. What matters is how we are supposed to transport all of these people..." After all, they didn't have much help elsewhere and were supposed to be here undercover.

Thankfully, they had not revealed that alot of the Jedi had come here so that they could once and full all try and take down Palpatine.

"I dont know..." This was not a very leader like thing to say from Mace in this situation, but even looking into the Force didn't grant any answers. As if this path was not expected or something, and as such they had no guidance from the Force, even if they still have its assistance.