V.3-C.40│Fray V│

"So you are done then?" Eve asked as Anakin reappeared within the Sky Palace throne room.

"You were waiting for me?" Anakin replied, asking a question of his own, finally noticing that there seemed to be a problem with his connection to the girls. Specifically, his connection is telling him that they are currently not on Tatooine or even within the Empyrean, and are instead near or on Coruscant.

Eve, with grace is easily able to brush off Anakin's teasing tone and also noticed that Anakin has noticed everyone seems to have gone. "They have gone to Coruscant to retrieve the little Togruta girl." She said.

"Really now? And why is that?" Anakin asked.

"I dont know exactly. But, what I do know is that I and supposed to be having some sort of time alone with you?" Eve at this point seemed to hold her composure well enough but Anakin could easily tell her current emotions as well as she knows that he can tell.

"..." Anakin took a second to go inwards to discover that things within the galaxy have livened up a bit. First there seemed to be the most preeminent threat of the Yuuzhan Vong, and then the Jedi going towards Coruscant, with Ahsoka following along. Which lead to Barriss, Shaak and Zannah going after her to make sure she doesn't get into any trouble. "I guess I am free as of this moment..."

"Great then." Eve moved forward and tentatively held out her hand towards Anakin, whom took her by the hand and the two of them started to go on whatever they are going on. Which should be something similar to a date of sorts, as Eve is slowly getting used to things in this way.

The world and galaxy at large has changed physically over alot of time, but fundamentally the galaxy has remained similar to the past from her memories.

The two would spend some time in each others company, with Eve slowly becoming more and more enchanted with the world as it is. For everything within the Empyrean is both in line with the Force, yet at the same this there is dissonance created to make sure people are disconnected from the Force at the same time.

In fact, alot of the ambient energies within the Force that the people are subconsciously using is being directed in Anakin's direction. Once it reaches Anakin, it starts to shift and transform, slowly becoming something and nothing all at the same time.

'It is very hard to describe just what is going on here.' Eve thought to herself as she took notice of absolutely any and everything she could see.

The balance on the planet of Tatooine seemed to be near perfect if it isn't already perfect. Eve would know, especially once her brothers powers were transferred over towards herself, making her probably the second most in balance person within the Force, second only to Anakin.

Even then, there is almost no way to sense Anakin as well through the Force because of the special Sands of Time material collected from her former home. Even then, once again, Anakin would have been able to escape most if not everyone's sense within the Force just by his sheer control anyway.

"So how are you enjoying yourself so far?" Anakin had been connecting with the fleets in Hutt space, sometimes having one of his many thought processors access and take control of some of the lesser ships. Doing so, he was able to help out a few times himself even thought he is so far away.

"... I am pleased..." Eve responded, still coming to grips with the situation and being unsure of how to deal with her current emotions. Usually she would represent the light side of the Force, but as soon as Anakin landed within the domain of her family, she started to have selfish thoughts about him.

Which is when the Force decided to throw her a curve ball and make sure she knows that it has deciding to make her connect to the Chosen One in a more intimate manner. "So, what is the nature of our relationship...? Am I to be like all of the others?" Eve asked, seemingly trying to angle something.

"What do you wish for this to be?" Anakin asked in return.

"..." Eve had no answer right now, or at least she has an answer, but is unsure of whether or not Anakin would reciprocate in kind. "I want more." Eve has only had one relationship so far, that being with Anakin in her long, long life.

Forced to never be able to even touch another person, or be touched by another unless they were her family members really made her very shy when it comes to such contact. Eve has gotten better, enough so that she would hold Anakin's hand and accept stuff like hugs from him or the other girls.

However, she would still be disinclined to accept such things from others outside of this group. In fact, the Force is still very much connected to her and while she is now able to disconnect herself and be able to do more things than she could before, that still doesn't mean it is everything.

"You must understand what that means, right?" Anakin asked again, having come to his own decision in relation to their relationship.

"... I think I do?" Eve seemed, and this made Anakin take the next logical step to make sure she does understand.

Stopping, Anakin holds both of Eve's hands and tells her. "You may close your eyes." Eve although confused, has an immense sense of trust in Anakin especially in the knowledge she constantly got from the Dyad.

Eve closed her eyes, and awaited for what was to happen next, and it was in this moment that she felt something touch her lips. In this moment, it seemed as if the world, no the galaxy came to a halt as she experienced something she has not ever done.

A new experience indeed, and the feeling flowing through the bond between the two of them, she could tell exactly how he felt to her proposition.

'Well... I wasn't expecting this...' Eve thought to herself, before she started to respond in kind fully enjoying the experience.


Yoda, a Force-sensitive male being of a mysterious species was one of the most legendary, renowned and powerful Jedi Masters in galactic history. He was known for his legendary wisdom, mastery of the Force and skills in lightsaber combat.

Yoda served as a member of the Jedi High Council in the last centuries of the Galactic Republic and as Grand Master oversaw the Jedi Order before, during, and after the devastating Clone Wars.

Following the First Battle of Geonosis, Yoda held the title of Master of the Order in addition to that of Grand Master.

In his centuries of service to the galaxy and the Force, Grand Master Yoda had a hand in the training of nearly all the Jedi in the Order, including such luminaries as Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ki-Adi-Mundi and Oppo Rancisis, all of whom had come to serve on the Jedi Council along with him.

Standing about 66 cm tall, Yoda was a male member of a mysterious species, details of which he did not reveal. Yoda served as a member of the Jedi Order for centuries, eventually gaining a seat on the Jedi High Council, before reigning as the Grand Master of the Jedi.

He had exceptional skills in lightsaber combat, having mastered all forms and stances of lightsaber combat, except the Vaapad subset of Form VII, he had mastered the original Form VII variant known as Juyo, but known for being particularly accomplished in Form IV, often employing the acrobatic techniques of the form.

Many considered him a swordmaster and the greatest duelist in the Jedi Order, even surpassing Mace Windu and Count Dooku.

Though arguably the Order's greatest master of the Force and most skilled warrior, Yoda believed most firmly in the importance of instructing younger generations and never missed an opportunity to ensure his students learn from their experiences.

At heart, the diminutive Jedi Master was a teacher; indeed, he instructed nearly all the Jedi in the order, to some extent, during his reign as Grand Master.

Though Yoda was, arguably, the most highly Force-attuned member of the Order, he was not flawless.

It was partially due to his failure to recognize that Supreme Chancellor Palpatine was actually responsible for the outbreak of the Clone Wars, and was in fact the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, that the Republic was overthrown and the Jedi Order decimated.

'To be Jedi is to face the truth, and choose. Give off light, or darkness, Padawan. Be a candle, or the night, Padawan: but choose!' Yoda's voice echoed in the void he was within, as he was trying to understand what is happening.

'A trial of being old is this: remembering which thing one has said into which young ears.' Yoda started to hear himself, saying words with which he has trouble remembering.

Yoda is now getting on in life after all, and would soon enough become old enough to where he would unfortunately die. Or as Yoda would like to put it, by 'becoming one with the Force.'

"Master Yoda, do you think it will really come to war?" Palpatine appeared before Yoda, as he was asked once again within Palpatine's previous place of office, and a meeting was taking place.

Yoda also remembers what he said next. He hummed to himself before saying. "The dark side clouds everything. Impossible to see, the future is."

Again Yoda is brought somewhere else again, whereupon he is having a conversation with Jedi Master Mace Windu. "Blind we are, if creation of this clone army, we could not see." Yoda said.

"I think it is time we informed the Senate that our ability to use the Force has diminished." Mace suggested to him at the time, but...

"Only the Dark Lords of the Sith know of our weakness. If informed, the Senate is, multiply, our adversaries will." Yoda of course denied the request, for his logic is reasonable, but who would have thought that it would also be another something leading to the downfall of the Republic and Jedi Order overall.

"The shroud of the dark side has fallen." A voice spoke right next to Yoda's ears, and as he turned around he was faced with another him. "Darker, the coming storm grows. I fear the dark cloud of the Sith shrouds us all."

This time Yoda was now receiving memories from a situation that hadn't happened at all, but could have really happened within the next few years if things went according to the will of the Force.

"Know now we do that guide the creation of the clones from the beginning, Dooku did. Hm, our enemy created an army for us." Yoda said first upon discovering something out.

"If this was known, public confidence in the war effort, the Jedi, and the Republic would vanish. There would be mass chaos." Mace replied.

"Cover up this discovery we must. No one, not even the Chancellor, may know. Valiant men the clones have proven to be. Saved my life and yours they have many times. Believe in them we must. Win the war swiftly we must, before our enemy's designs reach completion, whatever they may be." Yoda made the final decision.

'What!?' Yoda thought to himself as he watched himself further doom the Republic and the Jedi Order.

Yoda then started to watch the rise of the Sith Lord known as Darth Vader, and as he went into the Jedi temple he absolutely destroyed all of those within. The children, the adults and everything else in between.

Yoda watched as the clones armies that would have, no, should have been with the Jedi in their fight against the Separatists turn on the Jedi at the very end, which resulted in all of the Jedi, or near all of the Jedi dying off.

Yoda learnt the entirety of another timeline, whereupon he discovered alot of things that could have or should have happened. From Anakin and Padme in this other timeline, and Anakin's subsequent fall to the dark side which the Jedi did nothing to help.

Even Anakin's padawan learner, Ahsoka Tano would have left the Order, further putting a dent in Anakin's fragile psyche.

"Premonitions... Premonitions..." Yoda saw himself with another version of Anakin, speaking face to face and alone with each other. Vision Yoda spoke. "These visions you have..."

"I have pain, suffering... death." Vision Anakin replied.

"Yourself you speak of, or someone you know?" Vision Yoda asked.

"Someone." Vision Anakin replied after some hesitation.

"Close to you?" Vision Yoda asked.

"Yes." Vision Anakin responded.

"Careful you must be when sensing the future Anakin. The fear of loss is a path to the dark side." Vision Yoda said.

"I wont let these visions come true, Master Yoda." Vision Anakin said.

"Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for all those around you, who transform into the Force. Mourn them do not, miss them do not. Attachment leads to jealously. The shadow of greed, that is." While Yoda's advice here is sound, there is also the underlying problems Vision Anakin has built up over the years.

Yoda himself could feel it, sense it and know about it. The Jedi had not done well to see the signs, and even if they did, they would still fail due to the way they handle things like this.

"What must I do, Master Yoda?" Vision Anakin asked.

"Train yourself to let go, of everything you fear to lose..." Vision Yoda said.

Unfortunately, Yoda at this point knew that this would not end well in the end. While right, he is also wrong and the mistakes of the Jedi against not only Anakin but towards others as well would eventually result in what he started to see next.

Pain, suffering... and death.