V.3-C.42│Sheev Palpatine II│

Once again, within the undercity, one could see in a specific and hidden part of the undercity that the Jedi Order and their members are hiding away. In wait, waiting for their opportunity to strike back against the Sith menace.

The Sith menace on the other hand may have some plans yet for the Jedi underneath, for while the undercity is protected, that doesn't mean it can afford the same level of security those within the Empyrean have.

The undercity, whilst still the undercity, also should not be considered the same as it was before. Within one of the closed off alleyways, if one took a closer look they would identify that there is a hooded figure that seemed suspicious and most certainly shady.

"Tell me. I want to know." The shady figured asked another, as they were using the Force to telekinetically uphold a struggling person.

The struggling person seemed to be a Jedi, an alien Jedi of some kind and looked to be somewhere closer to a Jedi Padawan for they have the signature Jedi braid.

"P-Please! I know nothing of what you speak of!" The Jedi Padawan replied, but the other person seemed intent on wanting to get some more information.

The shady individual clenched their fists and started to choke the Jedi out, slowly killing the poor Padawan, but one should not fear as the Padawan is already an adult.

In fact, most of the Jedi Padawans are adults, meaning that it takes an large amount of time to elevate themselves past the Padawan position.

"Speak! Or die!" The shady figure let his hold go, but made sure that the Jedi Padawan didn't try to escape once he does let go of them through the Force.

"I-" The Jedi Padawan coughed, trying to regain their breath from the encounter. "I... I have heard... that they are either planning to leave or stay and try to combat the Sith here." It would seem this Jedi Padawan was not very loyal, but who is when their life is on the line and their limits are tested.

"Good. Unfortunately, your usefulness has come to an end." The shady cloaked figure then ignited a lightsaber, red in color indicating that they are in truth a Sith.

"W-Wait-!" The Jedi Padawan was going to plead or at the very least fight back, but it is all for naught as they were not powerful enough. The Sith struck the Jedi Padawan down, loping their head from their shoulders and watched in grim satisfaction.

The cloaked figure disengaged from the situation, making sure to start burning the corpse to hide his deed. He cant allow the Jedi to know that the Sith have infiltrated their hidey hole, now could they?

Walking out of the dark alleyway, the Sith started to blend into the crowd, hiding their Force signature within the Force. An ability learned and tempered through their training with their master, and with their face covered, none would even be able to identify the individual.

Walking and winding themselves through the streets of the undercity section reserved and hidden away just for the Jedi Order and their members. The Sith would leave through another passage completely unaccounted for when entering a building that is completely abandoned and no Jedi reside within.

Entering the special tunnelway allowed the Sith to come across another person, another being whom used to go by the name Jar-Jar Binks. Now, they may further be known as Darth Immerbose.

"You'sa done the joba?" Jar-Jar asked his compatriot that had just come in.

"Yes." The other Sith pulled down their cloak, revealing that it was in fact the other Sith apprentice under Darth Sidious, Ferus Olin.

"Good. The masta will be pleased. Me'sa ready to commence the attack." Jar-Jar spoke, indicating to another area that has a holographic projector.

It showed the entirety of the place the Jedi resided within. The structural supports and beams, alongside many points that glowed red. "The'sa bomba has been put in place." Jar-Jar continued as he pointed towards different locations.

This indicated that there would be some bombs ready to explode and come down on the poor, poor Jedi within. "I have discovered the Jedi would either leave or stay. Either way, we must do the plan faster and accelerate the progress. Is it all done?" Ferus asked Jar-Jar, whom seemed a bit distracted which always increased Ferus' hate of his fellow apprentice.

He could not wait to actually end him, as his annoyance was starting to get on his nerves more and more. It is only thanks to his Jedi training that he had the patience to deal with him, for his Sith training wanted him to end his fellow Sith apprentice.

"The other apprenticeses are in place as well. No need to worry, as me'sa has done the plan perfectly..." Even Jar-Jar didn't believe himself, but it was not like Ferus had a greater understanding that Jar-Jar is usually clumsy.

For it does not matter that he had become a Sith apprentice and learning under possibly the greatest, if not most powerful Sith of all time, Darth Sidious.

"They are not apprentices! Remember your position and station, you Buffon. They are simple assassins that are meant to follow the will of our master, and the will of ourselves as well." Ferus got frustrated and berated Jar-Jar, however Jar-Jar was not someone whom easily got angry.

No, one had to start mentioning his idiotic and clumsy nature to get a rise out of him properly. Jar-Jar seemed entirely against the things that have happened from the past, and would most certainly hate it if someone even mentioned him by his previous name of Jar-Jar Binks, the failure.

"Whateva..." Jar-Jar responded, looking back towards the holographic projector, showing the imminent destruction of the Jedi underneath Coruscant.

The red blips and bleeps continued to show locations of importance, especially everywhere the Jedi would be going to sleep and reside. Going to eat or otherwise anything else the Jedi like participating in.


Although he was from the Mid Rim instead of the Core Worlds, Palpatine primarily spoke Galactic Basic Standard with a Coruscanti accent during his time as Senator representing Naboo and as Supreme Chancellor. He also spoke with a Coruscanti accent while assuming the identity of Darth Sidious, and later while acting as the Galactic Emperor, although his voice differed slightly in that it uttered a guttural, slightly rasping element.

After the exposure of himself, and the attack of Dooku on himself, he created a new image of himself, that of a pitiful victim of a random act of violence. He had been left after the attack with the appearance of a gnarled, ancient man with pale skin, and searing, sickly yellow eyes.

He wore a heavy dark cloak, which gave him the appearance of being a simple individual to hide his Force abilities, and carried a glossy black cane, leaning heavily on it to create an illusion of weakness.

His acts as a loving politician and later a helpless victim served only to bolster his true persona, that of Sidious. The Dark Lord was a highly manipulative, Machiavellian, exploitative and seductive megalomaniac, easily bending others to his will in his quest for Sith supremacy and ultimate power.

A megalomaniac, Sidious identified his own essence with the very blackness of space, even going so far as to declare himself the ultimate personification of the dark side. His desire for absolute power was such that he even had Extra-galactic aims regarding his rule, seeking to dominate the entire universe.

He would have the means to do so to, if Anakin was the original alongside Anakin also going forward to have his son, Luke Skywalker also join Palpatine in their goals of wanting to dominate the universe. Unfortunately for Palpatine, that would not be coming true.

Sidious also displayed traits of psychopathy, including extreme sadism and cruelty, taking considerable pleasure in the suffering and deaths of others. In fact, he was known to cultivate life-forms for the sole purpose of eventually killing them. An example of this being his cultivation of that Sith assassin he exploited and turned into a slave of his will to attack Anakin during his trials.

His sadism was such that, when murdering his Master, Darth Plagueis in his sleep, he paused occasionally to mock Plagueis for being manipulated by him and revel in Plagueis' pain before continuing.

His sadistic inclinations may have had roots from his father, Cosinga Palpatine, where a penchant for violence was one of the few things the two men had in common. He also had absolutely no qualms with destroying his own forces in order to defeat his enemies.

Enough of his psychopathic nature had been unveiled to the subjects of the Empire that several members of the Imperial hierarchy viewed him as having delusions of grandeur. Some of his officers dismissed these claims as figures of speech. Some also believed him to have been simply installed as a puppet ruler.

Even as a child, Palpatine was demonstrated to be manipulative, rebellious, and self-centered. This is especially evident by his frequent breaking of various rules and social norms, knowing full well that his father, whom he hated, would simply pay off the authorities to make the problem disappear.

When he accidentally killed two pedestrians whilst recklessly driving a speeder, Palpatine was more concerned with the matter of becoming a professional racer rather than the accident he caused. It is unclear how much of Palpatine's personality he inherited from his father, who himself was said to be cruel, power-hungry, and exceptionally arrogant.

Although possessed of an insatiable hunger for power, he honestly believed a Sith government would be best for the galaxy, and in time came to regard himself as something of a savior. When Palpatine compared his rule to others, even when clearly the Empyrean was and is working better, over what is considered better, Palpatine would still say that it is imperfect.

It is true that it is, and Anakin wouldn't deny this fact just as every government has problems. With Palpatine however, he would notice flaws and do nothing to really stop such things and rely solely on his power within the Force or his control over others to keep everything in line.

He implied that only when the Sith had control over the galaxy can there be any peace at all. He viewed all sentient beings bereft of the Force as inferiors, likening them to children floundering about aimlessly, ignorant of their own shortcomings and incapable of fulfilling their aspirations.

As articulated in The Weakness of Inferiors, Sidious considered the wise and powerful, specifically Force-sensitives, as responsible for providing guidance for such lesser entities in order to allow for a thriving civilization.

Seeing no one wiser nor more powerful than himself, he deemed only himself as worthy of realizing this philosophy, and thus endeavored to control the galaxy forever. Despite his megalomaniacal nature, Sidious was capable of acknowledging his mistakes.

Although he desired immortality and to rule the galaxy for all time, he nonetheless anticipated the possibility that he would die, and in some cases, was even willing to risk his own life if it meant ensuring someone would turn to the dark side as a result of their killing him or testing someone's loyalty. This willingness to be killed was especially evident in his interactions with those that he wished to bring to his side.

This behavior had been demonstrated as early as shortly before he massacred his own family, where he, upon getting confirmation from his father that the latter hated him to such an extent that he wished to kill the former from the start, told Cosinga that the latter 'had better start now.'

Palpatine is a prolific author; his notes on political and military sciences became popular texts, and his theories on these subjects were taught at universities throughout the galaxy.

Sidious, largely free from the work of governance due to the system of governorship he had set up during the war, began devoting some effort towards writing what he intended to be the seminal work on the dark side of the Force.

Palpatine was a known patron of the arts, attending the opera whenever able and surrounding himself with unique statuary and decorative antiques. Many of these statues served as convenient hiding places to stash Sidious' various Sith artifacts and lightsabers.

Much of his spare time was spent at his private retreat on Naboo, a luxuriously decorated estate where he went for relaxation, meditation, or to hold meetings with his most trusted staff. Which unfortunately he is unable to access anymore, for it was given over towards the Empyrean.

Further fueling Palpatine's anger against the Empyrean and its current Emperor, Anakin Skywalker.

He had also developed a taste for chocolate, with Gracious Government Mix being his personal favorite.