chapter 1

Reunited sorta

Ok, guys, this is my first story so please don't be mean *duck taping the Chevy twins and shove them in the closet * I don't own any transformers they rightfully belong to Hasbro just my oc ok and please be nice or I will sic ravage on you after his catnap now onto the story

Bamboo forest Tokyo Japan,

There was a battle raging on between two robots the red-blue with flames robot is the leader of the Autobots Optimus prime he was looking at his opponent who's the leader of the evil Decepticons Megatron both once friends now enemies metal hitting metal soon Megatron was on the ground with Optimus gun points at his faceplate.

"This is the end Megatron your reign of terror ends here." Megatron aims his gun at him "it's never over prime." A portal suddenly opens between them.

A figure came out of the portal with lighting speed and kicks Optimus away from Megatron taking her blades out it was a femme she glares at Optimus then looks at Megatron

"Are you alright Lord Megatron?" She asks him as she turns to look at him seeing him get up "Dark Phoenix you got here faster then I expected as always. " he said with a smirk no one knows that Dark Phoenix is actually Moonpheonix his sister who was once the second in command of the Autobots and is Optimus long lost spark mate

(Ok guys I know you have questions so leave a comment ok I'm still working on it )Optimus looked at the femme feeling an ache in his spark as if there was more to her. He felt like he knew her but couldn't quite place it ."You have done well, Phoenix," Megatron said as his optics fell on Optimus who quickly went into a fight mode pushing the feeling he has in his spark away as he was ready to battle them. Twirling her twin blades Dark Phoenix smirks at Optimus as she got into a fighting stance. "Thank you Megatron now get out of here I'll deal with prime."

Optimus watched as Megatron smiled evilly at him before running to the ground bridge. Optimus transforms his hands into blades waiting for the femme to charge at him as he ready his blades. A smirk never leaving her glosses she opens a portal with her hand and steps in " time for some fun prime!" With a laugh, she vanishes then appears behind him and swift kick him sending him flying Optimus quickly got his footing he lands on the ground. Transforming histone of his server into a blaster as it glows to the life he fires at dark Phoenix three-times she dodges it quickly with ease except for one as she fell to the ground.

Optimus quickly ran and jump up as he was ready to land his blade on dark Phoenix. Seeing the blade about to hit her dark Phoenix rolls away quickly showing him her birthmark of a Pheonix quickly doing a backflip in the air landing behind and stabs him in the side with her knee blade "did anyone tell you that a Decepticon always had a trick up their sleeve" she got out her blaster and shot him in the shoulder. After removing her blade from his side. As she looks at him she can't help but felt something in her spark. Optimus fell on his knees. Transforming his servos back as he felt the wounds that dark Phoenix to him. He slowly raises his helm looking up to see a birthmark he saw on her

.Flashback "Orion why did you bring me here in the middle of nowhere?" A beautiful silver purple femme seeker asks as he leads her up to a hill on their planet and then he slowly moves her helm toward the sun as it setting in the distance as its beautiful rays disappeared. He looks down at his beloved spark mate as he takes her into his arms and kisses her softly on the lips as she kisses him back as the silver purple femme smiled as she hugs him." Thank you, Orion" she said as she looks up meeting his optics." You're welcome my love" he lowered his helm to her helm "I will always love you, moon phoenix! always remember it I will never stop loving you till I'm one with the Allspark" flashback ended Optimus has seen that mark of the Pheonix before and look up to see dark Phoenix ready to kill him with her blades. Optimus slowly rises to his feet with one servo on his wound and the other servo transforming into a blade."PHEONIX" he shouted as his mouth cover was off his face and his blue optics were looking straight at her, "you don't have to do this. Fight alongside me and the Autobots so we can end this war." Holding her blades steady as she points them at him her eye patch she had covering her right optic was lost due to the fighting revealing her purple optic with a growl." Why should I join you my brother megatronus told me that you are a murderer and a maniac." she shouted at him as Her body starts to shake a little

"Whatever Megatron told you was a lie!" Optimus said as he slowly walking towards her with sadness in his optics," I never wanted to have this war, but peace on Cybertron. But Megatron didn't want any it for he wants to rule over Cybertron for his own doings. Which lead to the death of our homeworld." Optimus was now standing in front of her so close that he can touch her as he slowly lower her blades," I never want any of this to happen and I would never kill only for the sake of this planet, my team, and.. you my darling moon." when he calls her by that name tears were forming in her optics as she looks into his optics Dark Phoenix could only see warmth, hurt, and love that she hadn't seen. She drops her blades on the ground and place her servo on his faceplate and whisper a word well more of a nickname," O....Ori is it really y.. you?" Before he could reply she let out a scream as she holds her helm tightly as her memories came flooding back to her all at once.

Optimus started to panic as he quickly gathers her in his arms and started to whispers to her gentle and loving things to her as he called Ratchet to open the ground bridge. At the base, Ratchet went to the control panels and punch in the coordinates opening the ground bridge "Optimus its open get through now!" Optimus took dark phoenix in his arms as he started to run towards the ground bridge with Dark Phoenix moving her helm around along with her servos she almost fell out of prime's servos. Optimus held her tightly against his chest as he went through the ground bridge. on the nemesis, Starscream runs to the throne room where Megatron was sitting on his throne, "Lord Megatron something is happing to Dark Phoenix." Starscream explained.

Megatron growled standing to his feet and pull Starscream up to his faceplate. " If anything happens to my sister, Starscream you will have a sincere punishment!" With that, he throws him on the ground as Starscream quickly got up and ran out to know of the room not wanting to know what punishment he will have if anything happens to Dark Phoenix.

( I would like to thank @PrimeStudio for helping me with this chapter I wouldn't have gotten it done and remember no hating or rude comments or I will sic ravage on you peace out