chapter 2

she's awake

Ok here's chapter 2 I would like to thank once again PrimeStudio for helping me you rock. I don't own transformers if I did Starscream will not be looking like a tortilla chip ok now onward to the story.

Once Optimus entered the base with Dark Phoenix in his servos turning where Ratchet was at as he stares gawking at them," Ratchet prepare the medic bay. Now!" Optimus said in a stern and word voice as he sees Ratchet quickly did as he was told and prepare a berth for her in the medic bay while Optimus slowly set her down on the berth then grunts as he holds his side Ratchet was by his side in seconds.

"By the Allspark Optimus what the frag happen to you and why did you bring Decepticon here?!" he asks as he looks at Optimus as he sees him trying to sit on the other berth. Ratchet went to his side and helps him to sit on the berth then he got his tools out and works on him.

"Megatron attack me while I was scouting for Energon." Optimus said as he looked down at the red femme with concern, in his optics here was his love his spark mate his Moon clenching his servos he wants to know what Megatron did to her," Megatron calls for back up." But I only saw this femme coming to his aid as Dark Phoenix his sister. Megatron escapes and left his sister to fight me alone. She wounded me that I fell on my knees when I look up that's when I saw it Ratchet."

Finishing up the wound on his side Ratchet looks at him " what did you see Optimus?" He asks as he digests all the information he had heard.

"A mark of the phoenix the very same one that my beloved spark mate, MoonPhoeinix," Optimus explained as his optics fell on the femme who was unconscious. Hearing letting his tools drop from his servo he turns and looks at him with a shocked look on his faceplate, "H...How can it be? she was never found after Sentinel sent her on that suicide rescue mission, Optimus if she is what you said who she is then we might have our sec in command and dear friend back." Ratchet shook his head as looks at the femme if she is his adoptive daughter there's gonna be hell to pay "I will check on our guest you stay on that berth and rest now."

He said as he walks to the other berth to where the femme who was unconscious. He starts to scan her as he did that he let out the gasp " I. Impossible it cant." he turns her to her side gently then gasps as he sees it the mark of the Pheonix gently drop her" O...Optimus this isn't just any femme old friend." he turns to him smiles " this is really MoonPheonix she's alive."

A smile came to Optimus faceplate still looking at the femme that he now knows is his beloved spark mate. But Optimus didn't have time to look at the femme longer at that moment a bulky car and a blue and pink motorcycle that was following behind as they pull to a stop as a girl and a small boy got out of the

Bulky car while a teenage boy took off his helmet as he did so he looks up to see Optimus with Ratchet but didn't notice the femme that was unconscious and was a strap to her berth. Until the human girl noticed her and ran towards the berth with the femme still pass out.

"Um, Ratchet why did you strap her down is she a bad guy? Who is she? Wow oh, wow how did she get here?" Miko asks excitedly as she was looking at Dark Phoenix.

Arcee rolls her optics as she walks up to them "Not only that but what happens to you, Optimus?" Arcee asks as she sees the patch that Ratchet works on his wound, "And why is she here of all the Decepticons..."

Having enough of them calling his beloved adopted daughter that Ratchet looks at them, "That Decepticon is none other than moonpheonix!" He interrupted her.

Everyone was silent trying to process what they heard they look at the unconscious femme on the berth.

"Who's Moonpheonix?"Raf asked a bit confused along with Jack and Miko who were looking at their guardians for answers. Just as bumblebee and smokescreen drove in and transform walking up the group as they also noticed DarkPheonix on the berth strap to it.

With a sigh Ratchet looks at Optimus then at the children and the other Autobots, "She's Optimus's long lost spark mate and our first second in command that we thought to perish on Cybertron." He said as he checks on her again while smokescreen looks at the others "Ok why is everyone so quiet and did I heard it right that moon phoenix is here alive?" He saw Ratchet and Optimus gave him a nod

Jack looks at him and the others as he was about to ask he saw the said femme digits move, "U..Um guys I think she's waking up."

Optimus quickly went to his feet and wanted to see if she is waking up till Ratchet pushes him back down."Stay on the berth Optimus you're still healing."

Letting out a moan DarkPheonix open her optics and looks around. Miko

Seeing her awake she let out a gasp."Wow, guys come to look her optics are a different color." With DarkPheonix awake she tries to get up but couldn't she "O.Orion where am I and why am I tied down?!" All eyes and optics were all on her.

Ratchet with caution unstrap her arms." Just taking precautions moon," he said as he walks backward letting her sit up. Optimus looks at her and smiled," Welcome moon phoenix. To the Autobots Outpost Omaga1 and to team Prime ."