chapter 3

a painful memory

Hey, guys, I'm baaaaaackkkkk sorry my dear readers for not posting a new chapter been busy at work but now my dear readers I present to you chaper3 I would love to thank prime studio for helping me with, my story who is my partner in crime for this story ok I don't own transformers they're own by Hasbro

Chapter 3 pain of memory

Starscream was scared not only that he is going to the nemesis empty-handed but with the knowledge that the Autobots has her in their grasp, As he got on board and transformed he went to the throne room. He always hated that Megatron replaced him with Dark Pheonix as he for there he kneels down "I h..have, return Lord Megatron."

Megatron looked down at Starscream with his bloody red optics with a hint of anger in them as he stood to his feet as he slowly walked over to Starscream who dare not look up for fear that Megatron would do worse to him, "Indeed you have, Starscream. But where is my sister!!!"

Starscream backs away slowly looks up at him "s..she w..was not at the location you gave me, sire and neither was Prime." gulps slightly as he continued "t..the a..autobots have taken her."

Megatron looked at him with anger on his faceplate and grabbed him by the neck looking him straight in the optics, "YOU LET THE AUTOBOTS TAKE HER!!!"

Letting out a gasp as he tries to claw at his servo getting scared as he did so, "l..lord Megatron p..please h..hear me out t..there s..something gha else," Trying to plead with Megatron still holding him in his servo.

"And what pray tell, do you have to tell me before I distinguished your spark!!!" Megatron yelled while shaking Starscream in his servo waiting for his answer.

"SHE CALLS, OPTIMUS, ORION!" He shouted as he was getting dizzy from being shaken.

Megatron stopped shaking him and dropped him to the ground as he stared off in the distance as the information finally clicked into his mind. He looked down at Starscream as an idea came to his mind, "If she doesn't know that Orion became a Prime. Then we may have the advantage to find the Autobots base."

Coughing as he rubs his neck looking at him" And *wheeze * how we do we *coughs* did that, lord Megatron?" Starscream said getting to his peds "you do know she'll remember everything soon my lord."

"That may be true, Starscream," Megatron stated and looked at Starscream with an evil grin, "But if you recall she still has our device that wiped out her memory. And if we can easily make her forget who Optimus really is!" Megatron laughed and continued, "Once she realizes she is in the Autobot base she will do everything in her power to contact me in order to be rescued."

"Clever, Master, but won't the Autobots find that device? After all, it was sentinel that nearly killed her so why not get rid of her yourself?" Starscream said he really didn't like Dark Pheonix cause she rejected him.

"Because she is loyal to me and obeys my every command with question unlike you!" Megatron growled. standing to his pedes and started to head out of the throne room. Then he stopped and turned to Starscream, "Plus she is my sister and therefore I will kill her when I am ready! Now come! We need to speak to Knockout to see if we can let her remember who her enemy really is."

"As you wish, my lord. Though I think you wouldn't kill her cause she's the only family you have left. Let's hope the Autobots don't find out about the device or you will lose her again like before." Starscream smirks as he walks by him "You remember that she would choose Orion and the Autobots over you."

"True." Megatron said as he went out of the throne room and into the hallways with Starscream behind, "But as long as she is still Dark Pheonix she will always be loyal to the Decepticons.


Meanwhile at the Autobots base Ratchet was examining Moonphoenix while the others were going to rescue Cliffjumper. Ratchet was so happy to have his adopted daughter for he thought she was killed on the mission back on Cybertron back. But he was grateful for having her back,

"There you go celi." Ratchet stated as he finally finished up his scans of her and gave his daughter a rare smile, "Just rest, relax, and stay put! Understood?"

Chuckling softly as she lays back, "sire you know I will cause, 1. I really don't want to get hit with your wrench, 2. It'll be difficult with the dreams and my memories coming back very fast. So, how long will it be until my memory is completely healed?" Moonpheonix asks as she looks at Ratchet.

"I'm not sure yet." Ratchet said, raising his servo to his chin in thought, "But I will let you know how long until your memory will be healed, ok?"

"Alright, sire I trust you at least now I don't have to hear Starscream rants and him trying to seduce me, Megatron trying to make me take some dark Energon, " She said as she shudders at those thoughts as she sits back up.

Ratchet saw her shiver and sat down next to her with his servo wrapped around her back, "Well you're here with us now celi. You won't have to worry about ever being with the Decepticons. Especially Megatron!" Ratchet clenched his servos in on the last part of his sentences about Megatron with anger and hatred for what he has done to his adoptive daughter.

Knowing that look of anger on Ratchet's faceplate made Moonpheonix places her servo on his shoulder plate giving it a comforting squeeze." Sire, you do know that Megatron is my older brother right?" Seeing him nodded she continued, '' I don't know what he is planning...but I do know if Megatron didn't find me I wouldn't be here with you Optimus or the others," Giving Ratchet a comforting smile.

"I know, Celi. It's just..." Ratchet sighed, shaking his helm and lowering his optics to the ground, "He has killed so many...of our loved one...our planet...our future."

Place her servo under his chin as she lifts his faceplate up, so their optics met, "I know, sire. But one thing is for sure. He can't destroy the one thing we have, hope. And... to not give up." Moon said with a smile on her derma.

Ratchet optics looked at her fully with a small smile on his derma, "Thank you, Moon. I..need to hear that. So...thank you."

Moonpheonix smiles softly, "You're welcome, sigh," she said when all of a sudden she felt pain in her helm she started screaming in pain, holding her helm in her servo.

"Moonpheonix!" Ratchet said panicking, "Take some deep vents in and out to clear your mind." Ratchet quickly took another scarce for of her still trying to figure out what is causing her to scream in pain.

Moonpheonix tries to clear her mind and focus looking up at Ratchet as she did so "M...Make it stop S...Sire. Please! It hurts! P...Put me in stasis. Before I lose my memories again." She fell on the berth something was blinking in her neck cables by the helm.

Ratchet sees it and carefully straps Moon's servos and pedes to the berth as he carefully examines her neck cable and sees a device stuck in her neck. "I may have to do operations on you in order to get this device that's in your neck. I need you to take deep vents to comm down. Ok?"


Knockout smirks as he activated the device in his servo, "My lord, it won't be long now till we have Dark Phoenix."

Megatron Smiles as his plan fell into place, "Now my dear sister will never again betray me! Never! Hahaha."

"This will be good and maybe we can watch her destroy the Autobots, my lord." Knockout said, with Starscream looking at them with a smirk on his derma, "My lord, if she doesn't remember them. I would love to have the honor of being her spark mate."

Megatron looks down at Starscream with an unreadable expression on his faceplate, "We shall see, Starscream. Activate it to full power."

Knockout smirks at him as he turns with his servo on the job of the device, "Coming up, my lord." Cranks it up the device to full power.


Moonpheonix nodded her helm in understanding as she took more deep vents, trying to ignore the pain as tears were falling from her optics," Hurry, sire! I don't know how long I can hold on."

Ratchet takes a deep vent in as he starts to operate on her. Trying his hardest to ignore her screams echoing in his audio receptors. Her screaming became louder and louder by the second, "Hold on, Moon! Hold on!"

Moonpheonix clenching her servos as she screams more till she let out a whimper. Cause her vocals to get sore from screaming as she struggles to speak, " I...I'm t..trying sire. I'm ah s..scare."

Ratchet continues to keep on work on her neck, but pauses as she struggles to speak, "I know you are. Just keeping venting in and out. I promise you will be alright." He said as he went back to remove the device he lost her once he's not gonna lose her again.

Moonpheonix takes deep vents but she suddenly passes out. Ratchet instantly stopped working on her. Panic arose in his optics, realized of her passed out of pain, "Moonpheonix?" No answer came as he scanned her once. Showing him that her processor is slowing down.

", no! Moonpheonix!" He quickly went back to work on her neck cable and finally found the device he was looking for as he slowly pulled it out, "I'm almost there."

Moonpheonix's servo was slightly moving with a jolt but is still out of it.

Miko, Jack, and Raf all came quickly to see what the screaming was all about. Miko was the first to run over to the berth where Moonpheonix was strapped in as Ratchet was taking something out of her neck and finally got it out with the device in his digits.

"What is that thing you're holding? And what happened to her?" Miko questioned, pointing to the passed out femme.

Jack and Raf finally caught up with her to the berth, with Ratchet looking not in a very good mood, "Miko! Get out of this area, Now! And that goes for you too as well!" Ratchet stated, putting the device down on his working area.

Jack grabs Miko by the arm, after getting over his shock, "Let's go, Miko. Quickly before he gets madder." Jack drags her away, while Raf looked up at Ratchet, "Ratchet, is she gonna be ok?" He asks him, worried and scared as he walks out. Moonpheonix moves slightly as she tries to wake.

Ratchet looks at the adopted daughter and sighed, "I...I don't know, Raf. I just don't know."

Raf stops where he is, looking back at Ratchet, "I hope she's ok, Ratchet. She'll pull through cause she has us now."

"As do I. Now, please go so I can study this device I found in Moonpheonix neck cable." Ratchet said as he walked over to the device and started to study it and figured out how it worked till the Commlink beat on the control panel, he quickly walked over and answered it, "Ratchet! Bridge us back! Use the arrival coordinates Now!"

Ratchet quickly did as he was told and activated the ground bridge as they all came through with Optimus behind them with an Energon explosion on his tailpipe. Ratchet closed the ground bridge just in time as Optimus jumped, transforming into his bot mode and landed perfectly on his pedes. Jack, Miko, and Raf watched in all, Optimus rose to his full height and turned to his team.

"Cutting it a bit close." Ratchet said, walking over to Optimus and the others, "How about Cliffjumper?"

No one spoke as a deadly silence filled the room. Miko didn't seem to notice that they lost a friend, quickly running over to the bots over the bar as she began to ask them questions, "What was that explosion? Was there a fight? Can we come with, next time?"

"Calm down, Miko," Bulkhead said, looking at Ratchet then slowly away from Miko.

"What happens?" Jack asked looking at Arcee who was not really happy at the moment

Raf watches them, then looks at the medic Bay, hoping Moonpheonix will be alright.

Arcee walked over to Miko and Jack with anger and frustration in her voice, "Look! Can you see we are not in the mood to answer you two right now!"

"He-hey, Miko, let's go see what the bots are hiding in their sock drawers," Jack said, grabbing her hand, Miko looks at him " seriously? " she asks as he walks away with her from the bots.

Optimus walked over to Arcee as the other looked at her as well, " Arcee, what did you see?"

Arcee took a vent in and slowly breathed it out as she spoke, "Not Cliff. At least...not anymore. He was mutated Butchered, like something from those Con experiments during the war." Arcee fell to the ground as Bumblebee beep in concern, "No. I'm fine! Just dizzy." Arcee said slowly getting up as Ratchet led her to the Medic Bay where she could sit as he started to scan her.

As Ratchet was scanning Arcee he noticed Optimus was looking at the berth where Moonpheonix was strapped to, slowly turning to Ratchet for an answer of what happened while he was gone.

"She pain. I didn't know why until I noticed that there was something deep in her neck cable that was glowing. I quickly decided to do an operation on her immediately. But by the time I finally got the device out she passed out. I don't know when she will ever wake up again."

Optimus nodded in understanding, slowly walking over to Moon and sitting at the edge of the berth while watching her with concern in his optics.

"What did the Decepticons do to her this time?" Bulkhead asked. Ratchet was about to answer when Jack interrupts, "Um, Optimus? Sorry, bars."

Optimus looked to Jack, Miko, and Raf standing to his pedes as he walked over toward them, "A security precaution.

The silo walls isolate all radiowaves." Ratchet sighed, rolling his optics at them as he started to study the device once more while studying the purple stuff he found on Arcee while scanning her.

"We need to go home before curfew, Optimus," Jack explained that they couldn't stay, while Bumblebee beeps in question.

"Earth customs. I hadn't considered it. But the issue of your safety remains." Optimus stated as he turned to Bulkhead, "Bulkhead, accompany Miko home."

Miko jumped in excitement as she looked at the two boys, "Awesome! My host parents will freak!"

"And maintain covert surveillance in vehicle form," Optimus added, turning to the humans, while Miko sighed sadly.

"Curbside duty got it," Bulkhead said, walking over towards Miko.

Optimus turned and faced Bumblebee, "Bumblebee! You'll watch over Raf." Bumblebee nodded his helm giving him a thumbs up, a smile on his faceplate before he transformed into his alt form and opened his door up for Raf.

"Ratchet," Optimus said, turning to face his old friend and about to continue when Ratchet interrupts, "Busy!" He said not looking up at his leader as he continues his work of research and ever so often looking to the berth where his daughter was still unconscious, letting out a sigh of frustration as he continued his work.

Arcee just came out from having her decontamination bath as Optimus looked to her, "Arcee. You'll accompany Jack." Arcee sighed, saying she still felt dizzy, but Ratchet spoke other ways, "You're fine! Says your physician." Ratchet stated, Arcee sighed in defeat marching over to where Jack is as she transformed into her alt form as the humans hopped into the bots, who drove out of their base to Jasper.

As soon as humans left the base, Optimus returned to Moonpheonix, sitting down at the edge of the berth once more, watching for any sign of her waking up with fear in his heart and hope that she will open her bright beautiful optics to look into his once more.