chapter 4

Orion pax and Celistria

In Iacon in the hall of records, Orion Pax was organizing some of the datapads, after while he picks each one up one by one in his arms as the datapads became a stack as tall as his helm as he slowly walked out of his berthroom, down the hallway, to the Hall of Records.

In the hall of records, there was a femme, Celistria, who was looking at some medical datapads for her work, "Let see, what else? "She said, taking a step back after she picks up another datapad in her servos. Orion finally made it to the hall of records, walking slowly with caution as he made his way to a row of shelves that were full of datapads and stopped as he spotted a datapad with excitement in his optics, "The history of the thirteen Prime! I have been looking everywhere for this." He said, slowly trying to reach the datapad without dropping the ones he was carrying.

Celistria turns around to leave till she sees a mech trying to get a datapad. She walks up to him, "Hello, do you need some help with that?" She asked softly as her purple and blue optics were looking at him. Orion turns around slowly as his optics meet Celistria's.

She was a shade of lovely purple and from her wings, you can tell she was a seeker and her blue and purple optics shined like the stars in the middle of the night. Orion quickly snapped out of his strains, "I think I was supposed to ask you if you need help." Orion said, as a smile came on his derma, "But...yes, I'm trying to reach that datapad on that shelf but I can't reach it because of the datapads I'm holding."

Celistria chuckles softly, "Here, allow me." She replayed, reached up, and grabbed the datapad he wanted as she handed it to him, "I see your interest in the thirteen Primes, um?"

"I love reading the history of the past of Cybertron during the time of the Thirteen Primes," Orion said slowly trying to take the datapad from her servo but ended it up letting all the datapads he was holding fall to the ground. Orion immediately crouched to the floor picking up the datapads one at a time, slowly putting them back into a stack on his arm.

Celistria goes down to the floor as well, collecting the datapads with him after she puts hers on the table and was just to grab the last one till their servos touch each other. Orion looks up at the femme as their optics meet once more he let his spark be in control as he started to lean closer her to her faceplate. Celistria's spark was beating fast, she leaned into him but stopped and placed two digits on his derma, "What's your name sir, mech?" She asked, with a gentle smile.

Orion blushes a bright blue in embarrassment, turning his helm away as he spoke, "It's...O...Orion Pax. Ahh...what's your name?" Turns and looks at her with a little bit of blue still on his cheek plates from blushing in embarrassment.

Celistria blushes then chuckles as she places her servo on his faceplate, "Well Orion Pax my name is, Celistria."

"That's a beautiful name, Celistria. Ah, thanks for helping me with these datapads." Orion said, putting the datapads down on a table and turned around to face Celistria once more. Celistria smiles softly at him, till someone hits her with an empty cube, "Hey, seeker freak! Get out of here! This is no place for your kind here." Yelled a mech, he laughs as he threw something again at her.

Orion stood in front of Celistria as an empty Energon cube hit him in the helm. Orion looked at the mech, "This is the Hall of records, many are allowed in here to study with Alpha Trion's permission. And you had no right to speak to Celistria like that." Orion said with sternness in his voice looking at the mech seriously, I'll give you a choice leave now or I will to report you to Alpha Trion and the Elite Guards."

The mech pales slightly as he hightails, "This isn't over nerds ." The mech said, stomping out of the building. Celistria went to Orion with concern on her faceplate. No one, minus her brother and sire, stood up for her like that, "Orion are you ok I'm sorry about that let me take a look at your helm" she said, taking a look at his helm.

"I'm fine, Celistria. It's just a scratch, plus I am going for a check-up at noon today by a friend. So I'll be fine." Orion said, taking some datapads from the stack on the table as he started to put them away.

"But still, let me help. After this and your check-up, we can maybe hang out? Like going to cyber buck cafe, my treat.'' Celistria said, blushes a little bit blue on her cheek plates.

"I don't know." Orion replayed as he put the last datapad back on the shelves. He went back to the table and picked up the datapad with the history of the Primes, "I guess I could ask Alpha Trion if I could have a longer break." Orion starts walking towards the door that leads out into the hallway as he motions Celistria to follow him.

Time skip

Celistria and Orion start walking to a clinic where his friend works for his check-up. Celistria always wanted to be a medic to help those who are hurt. While they were waiting she looks at Orion, feeling her spark drawn towards him, " So, Ori can you tell me about yourself"

"Ori?" Orion said, feeling a little confused about the nickname she gave him.

"Short for Orion, I thought it would be a cool nickname but if you don't want me to call you that I won't," Celistria said, trying to calm her beating spark what was happening to her.

"No, that's alright. I it." Orion said as he blushed a bright blue on his checkmate.

"Oh well um ..that's good"Celistria stuttered, trying to think of something to say to him, 'dang it, girl, get it together.' she said in her mind, looking up at Orion, "You still haven't told me about yourself ?"

"I work at Iacon in the Hall of Records by Alpha Trion. But mostly I try to spend time with my friend, Ratchet and Megatronus." Orion said, a smile on his derma as he looked into her beautiful optics.

"Oh so you're the mech my big brother Megatronus wouldn't shut up about he told me a lot about you but not your name and he didn't tell me that you're so handsome and it must be nice working under the prophet of the Thirteen Primes, Ori." Celistria said as they got to the clinic "whoa this place is a lot nicer than the clinic back home."

Orion nodded in agreement as they entered another room in the clinic where a mech of white, red, and orange, was waiting by a berth holding a datapad in front of his faceplate

"Orion? What took you so long?" The mech said moving the datapad away from his faceplate as the mech looked at Orion in shock to see Celistria with him, "Celistria?"

Celistria waves nervously at Ratchet, "Hi Sir, nice to see you again."

"What in the Allspark are you doing here, Celi! You are supposed to be studying for your exam to become a medic." Ratchet all but shouted, looking sternly at her.

Orion watched in shock as he looked from Ratchet to Celistria, "Ratchet, I didn't know you had...a...daughter." Looking away from Celistria as his gaze fell on Ratchet.

"I ace the exams already, Sire and they allowed me to leave. So, I went to the Iacon to the Hall of Records for more info, till I met Orion." Celistria spoke, handing Ratchet her datapad, showing him her exam grade. Then turning back to Orion, "Ori, you don't have to be nervous. Sire took me in when I was sparkling when my parental units were offline long ago." Looks at Orion then back at her sire, "You might want to take a look at Orion's helm, Sire. He took a hit for me because of my optics and me being a seeker again."

Orion was still a little shocked, while Ratchet sighed in frustration, "I didn't want to tell you straight away, Orion. I was still getting used to having her as my daughter."

"I understand it can be hard to tell me that you have a daughter," Orion said, looking into Celistria's lovely optics.

Ratchet quickly did his check-up and checked his helm, "Just a scratch, he'll be fine. Know Celistria I want you home before sunset. So use your time wisely."

Time skips

At the council's building, we find Orion with Celistria. It's been kilocycles when Orion and Celistria became spark mates. They with Ratchet and Megatronus were in the center of the councils where her brother showed his true colors.

"My friends, let us face the facts that a new in the making of this new age. We can make our planet into a new world, a world of power, above all other worlds!" Megatron explained shouting among the crowds as they cheered him on, "I only wish and demand that I will become the next Prime."

Celistria looks at Orion and Ratchet worrying, "This isn't right." One of the councilmen stated, "We will never make you a Prime. For your spark is filled with greed and lust for power!"

Megatron was full of rage, his optics flicking blue to red. Orion stood to his pedes and walked to the center of the councils, his optics looking each and every one of them as he spoke, "That may be true that we are in the making to make Cybertron better. But to make other worlds suffer just so our's can be above them? I do not know what you are following anymore Megatronus. But I do know that if we fight another world for power we would only follow the same ways as the Prime who fell into the darkness of power. I wish with all my spark that you will listen to my pleading."

Councilmen looked at one another and stood up, "You, mech what is your name and tell us what you're proposing to the councils?" The councils asked.

While Celistria watches and waits with Ratchet, looking up at her Sire, "Sire, What's happening?"

"I'm not sure, Celi." Ratchet spoke under his vent as he watched to see what Orion would do next.

Orion took a deep vent in and spoke to the Councilmen, telling them why they shouldn't do what Megatron demanded of them. Or the same thing may happen to them as it did to the thirteen Prime who fell into darkness. Councilmen and cybertronians sparks were moved by Orion's word Hereford the first time stood for someone worthy of being a Prime. Megatron with pure red optics left the High councils in Iacon with envy, pride, and wrath all-consuming his spark for power. Celistria runs to Orion wrapping her servos around him then looks at her brother getting a bad feeling.

"Is there something wrong, love?" Orion asked, looking at her in concern.

"I got a bad feeling that this is only the beginning of love," Celistria said as she looked at him.

As time went by the war of the Autobots against the Decepticons began Orion and Celistria went to the chamber of primus their creator. Having their weapons at the ready for any danger to approach.

"Orion, I'm not sure if...I will...make it." Primus said in a grand voice as the core lit up as blue as he spoke.

"There must be a way to save you or our planet will surely perish," Orion said.

Celistria watches her love and primus talk when she hears pedsteps coming towards them. She turns to where the sound is coming from and gasps slightly. There stood Megatron standing tall with a look for power on his faceplate. She quickly got in fighting stance as she faced her brother, "Don't you dare come any close, Megatron!" Megatron looked angrily at her changing with his blade at the ready.

"Orion, there isn't much time left." Primus said as the ground shook beneath them, "I bestow upon you the Matrix of Leadership. For you have a pure spark as that of a Prime." As Primus said this the core of the planet opened as the relic slowly floated towards Orion. Orion's chest compartment opened as the relic slowly landed inside of him as he closed his chassis. transforming into a Prime, his body glowing, "Your new name shall be, Optimus Prime. I wish you well."

Celistria runs at him bringing one of her blades down on him slicing his servo, Energon bleeding from his cut, "You're not welcome here in this sacred place, Megatron!" She said, kicking him away. Megaton growled in pain and was about to attack once more when a Mech of red and blue kicked him in the chassis along with a punch to the helm.

"Celistria, my child. You will also have a new name." Primus said as powerful blue light came from the core and shot right down on Celistria, "Your name shall be, Moonpheonix. Be the Pheonix for the day of dawn and the light of the moon for night. May there be hope for the future for my creations." With that, the core dies into darkness as the planet dies.

"What have you two done!" Megatron shouts in anger and attacks Optimus once more and knocks him to the ground with Energon leaking from his side. Megatron jumps up to where Moonpheonix is and kicks her down with his pedes, landing on the ground with ease as his servo wrapped around her neck, "I will give you one more chance, Celestia. Say that you will be loyal to me and we shall rule Cybertron together as brother and sister, "Optimus slowly stood on his pedes with fear in his optics of what her answer may be.

Celestia grabbing his servos looks at him with a glare, "gha n..never, Megatron! I will always be loyal to the mech I love and the Autobots." Trying to get his servos away from her neck cable as his grip became tighter and tighter, "Get off! " Brings her leg up to kick him, "My love, Help!"

Optimus started to run with fear in his spark as he transformed his servo into a blaster aiming it at Megatron.

Megatron smiled and lifted his blade up to Moonpheonix's neck cable.

"No!" Optimus shouted, running faster than he thought he could aim and fired as his blaster came to life, shooting the blade away from Moonpheonix's neck cable. Megatron turned with anger in his bloody red optics, his gaze firmly on Optimus as he waits for the right moment to attack. With a kick, Moonpheonix hits Megatron in the balls so hard he went flying to the walls while trying to vent as she stands up

Megatron stammers back to hold his servos where his sister just hit him, " dearly, sister!" Optimus runs up behind his and kicks him in the back, his faceplate hitting the ground first.

Moonpheonix walks up to them turn her servo into a blaster and points it at Megatron, standing by Optimus side, "I'm not scared of you Megatron and it's Moonpheonix now and I would stand by my love and the Autobots when the war is finally over so give up Megatron you have lost "

Megatron looks from Moonpheonix to Optimus as a cruel smile crawled to his derma, "Is that so?"

Optimus then woke up from recharge as he was back at base with Ratchet who was working at the control panel. He looked down at Moonpheonix who still wasn't awake from the pain of the operation two weeks ago . As he looked at her optics in worry. Hopefully that he will once more see her beautiful blue and purple optics.

Letting out a gasp Moonpheonix opens her optics, starts to cough as she looked around "O...Optimus? D...Dad? "

Optimus and Ratchet turn to Moonpheonix in shock. Thinking that she wouldn't awake, "Moon, thank the Allspark you're alive." Ratchet said, happy that she was back online.

Optimus optics meet hers, his derma turning into a rare smile as he leans close to her helm and kisses her on her derma. Moonpheonix slowly closed her optics as she kissed him back softly, "What happened and... " Looks at the restraints, "and why am I tied down?"

"A safety precautions, in case you turned back into Dark Pheonix." Ratchet replayed, activating the restraint off of her servos and pedes.

Optimus lean close to Moonpheonix's autoreceptors, "I...was afraid I would...lose you again, my darling Moon." He whispered, with a hit of relief in his voice.

Wrapping her servos around his neck cable Moonpheonix let out a sigh of relief, "You can't get rid of me that easily, love. Like Sire, I'm too stubborn..." She stops speaking, seeing the device that was in her neck pushing Optimus away from it as she backed up, " Get that thing away from me! don't touch, it's one of Knockout device that wipes out memories."

Ratchet slowly took the device with one of his tools to pick it up and place it into a container, "So, that's how they turn you into Dark Pheonix."

"I was barely holding on after that ambush everything was a blur but I could hear them knockout telling Megatron about the device and Megatron allowed it and that's all I remember I can't remember what happened and who did this to me."

Moonpheonix told them as she brings her peds up to her chassis.

"You're safe Now. That's all that matters right now. I'm just glad you are alright." Optimus said, taking her in his arms, keeping her close to his chassis, while Ratchet said and walked away from them so they could have their moments together. Moonpheonix leans into him as she softly cries quietly.

(On the Nemesis)

Knockout gulps as he sees the device went offline slowly turns and looks at Megatron," M..My l..lord w..we lost her them" Starscream growls under his vents.

Megatron growled in annoyance, "Then we will have to get her by force. But in the meantime, I have some business I must attend to." He starts walking out of the medic bay, down the hallway to where the ground bridge is kept.

Knockout was scared, so very scared when he looked down and gasped, "I think I just oil myself."

Starscream whacks Knockout, he was so furious! Not only did they lose a powerful warrior, but a chance with her, "You idiot! Don't you know that we lost Megatron's sister again!"

Soundwave was at the control panels working on his report as Megatron entered.

"Soundwave activated the ground bridge that I sent you earlier," Megatron commanded Soundwave nodded his helm and turned the ground bridge on, Megatron smiled with glee walking straight into the portal.