chapter 5

the mysterious femme

Here's a new one

Optimus and Ratchet were discussing their discovery of Dark Energon. That is when Arcee, Bulkhead, and Bumblebee all came driving in with their human charger.

"That was epic!" Miko shouted, jumping out of Bulkhead as he transformed into bot mode.

Walking out of her and Optimus's berthroom, rubbing her optics, Moonpheonix was walking up to Ratchet as Bulkhead takes out Miko's guitar case from his space compartment. Jack gets off of Arcee as she transforms" so what's going on here?"Runs up to the stairs with his bag Raf was getting settled.

Optimus walked over to Arcee, Bulkhead, and Bumblebee, "Autobot prepared to..." He looks and notices the three humans near their pedes. 

"To roll out?" Arcee asked as the other looked to their leader for his answer. 

"To remain here." Optimus explains and turns to Ratchet and Moonpheonix, "Ratchet and Moonpheonix you will come with me." He said walking over to the ground bridge. 

Arcee didn't want to be left at the base and stomped over to Optimus, "Optimus With all due respect. Playing bodyguard is one thing; babysitting another. Besides, Ratchet hasn't been in the fields since the war." 

"My pistons may be rusting, but my hearing is sharp as ever!" Ratchet shouted at her in disgust as he activated the bridge.

"That may be so, Arcee. But Sire is one and still is, the best fighter." Moonpheonix said as she turns and walks over to Optimus and Ratchet, "how you think I know most of my moves I learn from him more than I did with Megatron." 

Bulkhead spoke up, "Then why are you going then?"

"Because she is allowed to. If you have a problem with that." Ratchet stated, looking at Bulkhead sternly as he walks over to the ground bridge. 

"Arcee, we'll be outside communications range for some time so I'm putting you in charge," Optimus said, looking at Arcee who sighs and nods her helm.

"Dude, you should be the one in charge. You're the biggest." Miko said, looking to Bulkhead as she crossed her arms.

"The big guy never really picks me, Miko," Bulkhead said as he looks at her. 

Raf looks at them from his laptop "be careful you three." feeling a digit on his head, softly to see Moonpheonix smiles "We will, Raf. Thank you for your concerns." With that, she went over to where Optimus and ratchet were waiting for her, "Shall we?" Moon said. 

Optimus derma turned into a small smile as the three of them went through the ground bridge. 

Once through the bridge, they were in a cavern. Optimus started to walk through with each step as Ratchet and Moonpheonix followed behind him."Optimus, where do you take us?" Ratchet asked, looking around the area they were in. 

Optimus looked at Ratchet while they continued walking through the cavern, "Do you remember that Autobot and Decepticon would take Energon off-world?" 

"Of course, that's the reason why Energon is found on so many different planets such as this one," Ratchet states, still not sure where Optimus was going through with this. 

"There were also wars that were fought on different planets, And here the Great War was fought," Optimus explained, And there in front of them were bodies of so many dead Cybertronians laying there for many many years.

"Very, my love..." Seeing the bodies, Moonpheonix tries to shake away the one memory of that day, "I got a bad feeling about this you guys." Optimus and Ratchet looked at her with a question in their optics. 

Just then they hear a sound of an aircraft and look up to see Megatron flying near them as he transforms and lands on a piper of rock above them, "Optimus, it has been a while, I see you brought your pest watchdog." 

"Why don't you come down here, for a check-up!" Ratchet shouted, slamming his fist together in anger. 

Megatron's optics fell on his sister Moon as he gave her an angry smile on his derma, "I see you no longer my dear sister Dark Pheonix. Pity you wish to be with the Autobots then with us Decepticon."

"Sorry to be a disappointment, brother! But I prefer to be an Autobot   and sire's a better mech then you would ever be and I would rather be with them than with you!" She shouted, getting her blades out, ready to fight next to Optimus and Ratchet.

"I know why you're here, Megatron," Optimus stated, his mouth guard over his derma.

Megatron laughed, looking down at them with glee, "Hardly a surprise, Optimus. After all, you and I have been at this a long time. And your time has come to an end!" He threw the dark Energon to the ground as the earth shook, "Rise, my army!" Megatron shouted as dead Cybertronians started to rise from the ground, "Behold the power of Dark Energon!" Megatron roared.

"By the Allspark!" Ratchet vented over his breath as the undead Cybertronians surrounded them.

"At last, symbiosis. I can feel it. I possess complete control over my army. Destroy them!" Megatron ordered as the dead Cybertronians charged at them. 

The army of the undead Cybertronians growls and groans as they start to attack them. Moonpheonix slice some in half, "Don't let the ooze touch you. It will weaken you." She said as she then jumps over a Terracon's and slicing it into pieces. 

Optimus transformed his servos into blasters, firing at them as he turned to his old friend, "Ratchet, retreat! Bridge yourself back to base."

"No, I shall stand with you, Optimus." Ratchet stated standing next to Optimus with his servos transformed into blades, " You may require a medic when this is over with. I recommend dissection." Ratchet charged as he stabbed and sliced through them, "The smaller the pieces, the better."

Optimus fired his blasters at the undead and turned in Ratchet's direction, "Sound advice, old friend." He transformed his blaster into blades as he sliced through the army of undead with ease.

"I have mastered Dark Energon. When you fall, Optimus, you too shall join my army." Megatron explained, watching as his army slowly starts to take them down.

The undead started to pile on top of Optimus, one after the other as they did the same to Moonpheonix as well. Ratchet quickly saw what was happening as he quickly tried to help them, "Optimus! Moonpheonix!" He shouted as the undead also came on top of him as well.

"Sire! Optimus! "Feeling something awakens in her she started to glow blue using that power she burns the terrors off her she turns and runs to them "get out of my way sends the blue fire on them. she quickly runs to Ratchet and Optimus, "Optimus!"The Terracon's all started to attack Moonpheonix.

"Wait and see, sister. When my arm destroys Optimus Prime and his watchdog. You will have no choice, but to serve me." Megatron said in glee. As the undead cons and bots piled higher and higher on Optimus. 

Suddenly in the distance in the sky was something of silver with white. Megatron notices it as his optics were glued to it, "What is that?" 

Then the thing in the sky flue near the Prime as it transformed into an Autobot femme seeker, transforming her servos into blades as she stabbed and sliced her way toward the Prime. 

"Who in the pits of Kadon is that?!" Megatron screamed as he controlled his army to attack the newcomer. 

The femme seeker finally was able to get Optimus out of the pile of Terracon's, "Go help your friend, dear Prime. Go. I'll see your femme." She said, running toward Moonpheonix as she kicks one of them off of her while punching others. Optimus quickly runs over to Ratchet, getting the undead off of him and helping him to his pedes. 

"Still at the top of your game, Optimus?" Megatron said laughing at them.

The femme finally got the last ones off of Moonpheonix. Moon quickly got up and started to destroy them. then looks at the mysterious femme, "Thanks for the help. Look out! " She shouted as she pushes the femme behind her and sends a blue fireball at the terror that was behind the femme seeker only a moment ago. Moonpheonix tries to stay focused on her opponents, quickly looking up at Megatron, "What are you planning, Buckhead? I would rather die than be your slave!"

Megatron Smiles and laughed looking down with a smirk on his derma, " Bravo, Optimus, and Moonpheonix, to your new companion as well. For this is only a glimpse of what my real arm will be." 

Optimus runs over to we're Megatron was, transforming his blades back into his servos as he began to climb the high rock, where Megatron stood with glee, "You will do no harm to Humanity. Not while Energon flows through my veins." 

"Is that so? While my flows with Dark Energon. Best to save your straight for my full army if I were you." Megatron states as he jumps up into the air transforming into his alt form and flys away. While Optimus all but tries to shoot him down only to miss him.

Leaning on her sword catching her vents, Moonpheonix's mind was racing as she mumbles, "So that was his plan along," Looks around, "Is everyone ok?"

Optimus climbed down the rock, walking over to help Ratchet. The Mysterious femme walked over to Optimus and Ratchet, "Sir, permission to help your friend and you?" The femme seeker asked taking out a medic kit, holding it in her servos. 

Optimus turned to the femme and nods, the femme smiled as she started to get to work on Ratchet's arm. Doing it with most care as she slowly put a cast over the wounded arm."Thank you." Ratchet vented under his breath. 

The femme nodded and finished up his cast. Once that was down she turned to Optimus and scared him, "You are very weak from the Dark Energon. I suggest you rest for the day as for your femme as well." She turns her helm to Moonpheonix then to Optimus as she runs away from them, transforming into a jet, flying far away till she is out of sight.

"Who was that?" Ratchet asked, wondering who the strange femme is. 

"I am not certain, old friend. But I believe we will see her again soon." Optimus said, walking over to his spark mate, "Are you alright, love?" he asks with concern in his voice.

"Little bit tired and weak but otherwise fine, love. I'm more concerned about you and sire and that femme." Moonpheonix sighing relief she stumbles into Optimus servos "C..can we go home now love?" 

Optimus looked down into her blue and purple optics, a smile on his derma, "Ratchet, contact base for a ground bridge."

"Ratchet to base, we need a ground bridge now." Ratchet spoke through his commlink. 

Smiles back softly at Optimus, Moonpheonix lays her helm on his chassis, " I'm glad you and sire are alright, love. I couldn't bear to lose you both." 

(At the base )

Bulkhead runs to the control panel opening the ground bridge "It's open you three"  

(On the Nemesis) 

"I ordered you to await my command! And instead, your mindless agenda resulted in the disassembling of my ship! And the delay in my plans!" Megatron shouted, giving Starscream another bow in the faceplate and chassis.

Starscream screams as he falls to the ground leaking Energon from his derma and chest plate, "M..My lord I was trying to keep the Autobots pets away from your plan. My intentions were pure, Master. I only wanted you to be rid of Optimus."

Megatron stepped on Starscream's faceplate with pure anger in his optics, "No one rid me of Optimus Prime but me! Do you understand?! DO YOU??!!" Putting pressure on Starscream's faceplate with his pedes. 

Starscream letting out a gasp as he tries to get his peds off his faceplate, "c..crystal lord. I will make things right, I swear! I know how to set your plans back on course!"

Megatron removed his pedes and leaned close to Starscream, "Explain, Starscream. Quickly."

*coughs* "Why don't we use the humans Seattleites that are orbiting the planet," Starscream said as he rubs his faceplate "or we can capture your sister and use her ability to open the spacebridge?"

"Capturing my sister will be harder since we don't know where the Autobot base is located. But I believe your first suggestion will work fine." Megatron said walking a little away from Starscream, "Go and get Soundwave, He will have to hack into the radio-telescope dish that these humans made. With these, we will be able to power up my Spacebridge.

Now go!" He shouted at him as he sees Starscream runs he turns and laughs his evil laughter echoes the halls of the nemesis

(an the mysterious femme is my dear friend primestudio 's oc who help me with my story incase you're wondering)