chapter 6

darkness rising and the light shines brighter

Optimus was slowly carrying Moonpheonix in his servo, with Ratchet following behind holding his servo against his right servo where the mysteries femme put a cast on it as they came out of the bridge and into the base where the others were waiting.

Moonpheonix has fallen into recharge when they went through the groundbridge. Bulkhead went to them along with Bee and Arcee, the kids run to them, "Optimus are you Ratchet and Moonpheonix ok?" Raf asks, looking worried. Jack looks at them, "It looks like you guys where in a bad situation." 

Optimus looks down at Raf and nods his helm, "Were fine." He said slowly walking towards the hallway, to his berthroom so Moonpheonix could rest. Ratchet slowly went over to the medic bay.

"What happened to you guys anyway?" Miko asked, running over to Ratchet.

Ratchet sighed and turned to Miko, "We engaged an army of undead cybertronian warriors." 

"Zombies? You fought zombies, and I missed it?" Miko shouted, her face upset as she crossed her arms.

Snuggling in her recharge Moonpheonix sighs softly listening to Optimus's spark beat beating in his chassis as he lays her down on their berth.

"That's no good, Miko. You know that. Besides, there's no more..."Raf hesitated for a minute, " is it Ratchet?"

 Bulkhead  walks over to Ratchet, "We sort of had some trouble as well and we need you to take a look at Agent Fowler, doc."

"Don't call me doc!!!" Ratchet sternly said, walking over to the Agent and starts scanning him, "What happened while we were out?" Starts to bandage Fowler up.

"he was captured by Starscream and was tortured for info about our base and Moon," Bulkhead said as he tries not to make him angry. 

"We sorta snuck on the Nemesis, because Miko went through the groundbridge. "Jack explained, Miko rolled her eyes at him and opened her phone, "And check it out. Recon!" She shows her phone to Ratchet, who looked with wide optics.

"It can't be...Optimus! These are engineering specs for a space-time vortex generator. Megatron is building a Space Bridge. If he hasn't already." Ratchet stated, Optimus walks back to the main room and looks to his old friend.

"The sooner he leaves, the better, right?" Arcee asked, looking to her leader.

Optimus optics fell on Arcee as he spoke once more, "Arcee, a Space Bridge runs in two directions. Megatron may not be using it to leave Earth. But to bring through his conquering army."

"The main event Megatron referred to. But the only place Megatron could possibly recruit that many fallen warriors." Ratchet optics grew wide as the piece fell into place.

Optimus nod his helm and looked at his team as the last piece of the puzzle was fit into place, "Cybertron." 

Bulkhead optics widen "that's impossible how can he do it he doesn't have anything to activate it " 

Bumblebee made some beep whirl sound saying glad they have Moonpheonix back if they hadn't the Decepticons might use her powers.

 Letting out gasps, Jack Raf looks at Miko with a scared look.

"What?" Miko said looking at the boys in confusion. 

Ratchet sighed in intersect, "That may be true that they don't have anything to power up their spacebridge, we still need to stop whatever he may be doing. We will have to find their space bridge first. I will start working on finding it right away." He walks over to the control panel and starts typing away.

"But how can they get something that powerful to activate, Ratchet?" Jack asked, trying to figure out.

"They need something stronger powerful to activate it jack I might know two things," Moonpheonix said as she walks into the main room, "and one of the things is me my ability to open any portals and the power that seems primus gave me or the human Satellites that is in space since I'm here I won't be used as transportation."

"If Megatron went to the travel of rendezvousing with his Space Bridge, he must have an alternate targeting system. A remote one." Optimus explained facing his team.

Ratchet sighed annoyingly, "From what I know of Earth's technology, I doubt there exists a single radio-telescope dish on this planet powerful enough to pinpoint Cybertron."

Raf wipes his glasses "There are giant size array telescope dishes in Texas."   

Moonpheonix looks at Raf, "If they get their servos on that. We will be in the fight of our lives and the fate of this planet" 

 "We have Agent Fowler,  maybe he can help," Bulkhead said, Jack couldn't take it anymore and climbed down the ladder.

"Ratchet, have Agent Fowler alert the array staff to the security hazard," Optimus said, Ratchet and the team turned to Agent Fowler, who was still on the hospital bed they put him in as he quickly sat up and pointed to Ratchet, "You, soldier! Put on your uniform! And for the love of uncle sam Put on some pants!" And he fell back to the bed in silence.

"That may be a challenge." Ratchet stated as he moved to Optimus and Moon, "But I've pinpointed the location of Megatron's Space Bridge. High in Earth's orbit. Out of our reach." 

Miko rolled her eyes at Ratchet, "Ok, so you guys don't fly. But can't you just ground-bridge there?"

"The Ground Bridge has a limited range. Stretch all the way into orbit its vortex could snap. And scatter us to the stars." Ratchet shouted at Miko who just sighed and rolled her eyes at him again.

"Since Megatron is likely already in transit, I'm afraid we must take that risk. Reaching the Space Bridge first is our only means of stopping him." Optimus stated.

 Ratchet sighed and nodded his helm in understanding as he activated the groundbridge, "Optimus, if you leave me stranded on a planet teeming with humans, I will never forgive you."

Optimus derma turned into a smile at that with his team behind him and Moonpheonix beside, "Until we meet again, old friend." With that, he transforms in vehicle form with everyone the following suit, "Autobots, roll out! Maximum overdrive."

Moonpheonix looks at Ratchet "We'll see you soon, Sire." transforms into a jet and flies through the groundbridge. Bulkhead and Bumblebee drives through the groundbridge with the others 

"We need to get to Texas to turn off the radio," Jack said, Raf nodded in agreement.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Miko said Ratchet grumbled under his vent as he activated the Groundbridge.

Raf runs up to them "Miko calm down we're coming " Jack looks at Ratchet "wish us luck Ratchet "walks Into the glowing green portal with Miko and Raf 

[On the Nemesis]

 Soundwave walks up to Megatron and bows. Starscream smirks, "I've seen you have found the location of the radio satellites for us to use."

"Indeed I have, Starscream. And I would advise you Soundwave to hurry quickly before Optimus and my sister arrives." Megatron explains.

"Yes my master of course, "Starscream said as he looked at soundwave "Well! What are you waiting for! Get to work!" Soundwave walks away to the ground bridge. 

"Once I take control of this planet. I can get rid of Optimus and his team." Megatron said laughing loudly so all on the ship could hear him. 

"Even your sister my lord? huh. " Starscream asked, hearing a beeping sound looks at the monitor and gasps, "My lord Optimus and his team are on the space bridge, " 

Megatron growls and faces Starscream, "Optimus Prime never disappoints. Unlike you, Starscream!"

[On the space bridge]

Optimus and his team stand on the bridge, "So Megatron's packing enough Dark Energon to raise Cybertron's dead?" Arcee asked looking up as the warship was in front of the space bridge.

"And since we don't possess ready means of disabling the Space Bridge, nothing gets in or out!" Optimus said as he transformed his servos into blasters aiming at the warship.

Moonpheonix pulls her blades out as she stands by Optimus, "no matter what love we're in this together I'm not leaving you again " "This will be fun bashing cons," Bulkhead said as he got his weapons ready bee has his servo turn into a blaster 

[On the Nemesis]

 "My lord seems that Moonpheonix is with them shall we send the cons I will lead the assault, "Starscream said as he smirks

Megatron smirks, "Crush them!"

[On the space bridge]

"Here comes the welcoming committee," Arcee said, blasters out and aimed, Seekers were flying towards them and fired at the lead by Starscream.

"Autobots, fire!" Optimus shouted as he started shooting the seekers down.

Moonpheonix blades started to glow blue fire she swung her blades sending the fire at the seekers. Optimus fired at another seeker and quickly pulled Moonpheonix behind him as a shot almost hit her in the helm.

"Ori behind you." Shoots at the seeker that tries to hit him Moonpheonix felt Optimus pull her behind as she sees a shot almost hitting her, "Thanks, love " Starscream growls as his shot misses and gets hit by Bulkhead sent flying away. Bumblebee and Arcee were shooting the seekers.

 Optimus nods his helm to her as he continues to shoot at the cons. Megatron comes out of the warship with a huge chunk of Dark Energon on his back. The space bridge turned on, coming to life.

Megatron smiled with glee as he threw the Dark Energon through, "At last! Arise, my legion!" 

Optimus and his team turned and saw with their optics the undead of all Cybertronians as they slowly made their way toward the spacebridge.

"So, how do we beat a whole planet of the undead?" Arcee said still firing at the cons as she jumped out of the way from a shot that almost hit her.

Optimus looked at Arcee and then at the space bridge and quickly contacted base, "Ratchet, we must destroy the Space Bridge. There's enough live Energon cursing through it to achieve detonation. But we lack the firepower to ignite it." 

"If I knew how the Space Bridge was engineered, I might find a tactical way of accomplishing that feat. " Ratchet said through the commlink.

Moonpheonix looks at Optimus and the others (comlink)"sire, tell the humans to shut off the satellite I have and idea which you and Optimus won't be happy" looks at Megatron then at the portals, "Love and guys I need to go in the machine and destroy it from the inside once I'm out prepared to get out of here like crazy." she said as she opens a portal and jumps through.

"MOONPHEONIX "Bulkhead shouted as Bee shoots at the cons"

"Autobots, take your positions, and follow Ratchet's lead. While I make my stand." Optimus stated Arcee nodded her helm and motioned Bumblebee and Bulkhead to follow her to the machine. Megatron looked down at the fleeing Autobots while Optimus fought by himself against his cons. Transforming into his alt form and flies down to Optimus, transforming back into bot mode, "Your fellow Autobots are wise,

Optimus. They know when to retreat."

"I hold no illusions about engaging your army, Megatron. But I might derail its objective by removing its head." Optimus said transforming one of his servos into a blade. 

( in the machine)

Moonpheonix was using her fire to heat up the crystal making them very hot.

Outside of the Spacebridge

Megatron laughed as he slowly approached him, "Highly unlikely, Optimus, as I am infused with the very might!" Transforming his blade out as he said this looking Optimus deadly in the optics.

Optimus kept his gaze on Megatron with his blade at the ready, "One shall stand, one shall fall." 

And with that, the two mechs charge at each other striking with each blow against one another. Arcee, Bumblebee, and Bulkhead found the machine (Commlink), "Ratchet, we're in position." Arcee said as Bee and Bulkhead covered her from the cons as she listened to Ratchet, "Arcee, pay close attention." 

Optimus and Megatron fought mightly against one another. Megatron fires at him, Optimus quickly dodge the shot with ease and runs straight towards him with his blade high in the air and strikes down on Megatron. His blade collided with Optimus's, he punched him in the chassis as Optimus fell on his knees.

Megatron smirked and raised his blade high and was just about to strike when Starscream interrupted him through the  Commlink, "Master?"

Megatron growled in as he replayed, "Starscream, what is it?!"

"I do not wish to question your all-seeing wisdom, but I believe the Autobots are up to something again. Beneath your bridge this time."

Starscream said looking at the control panel which showed where the Autobots were on the bridge.

 Megatron looked down at Optimus with a wicked smile on his derma, "Ah, misdirection, Optimus? You and Moonpheonix would have made fine Decepticons."

"I chose my side," Optimus stated looking up at Megatron who was just about to strike him when out of nowhere the mysterious femme attack Megatron behind kicking him in the back sending him flying a little ways from them as she helps the Prime to his pedes.

Megatron manages to get back up and turned to see the strange femme, "What!"

The femme and Optimus turn their attention to Megatron, with their weapons at the ready and charge while Megatron did the same fighting against them once more.

"Now follow the line from the flow regulator to the Energon pump. There should be a valve." Ratchet said through the commlink.

Arcee looked around the machine until her optics could sight of a valve, "I see it." She said as she activated it.  

"Good. To turn all that power against itself, all you need to do is reverse the current." Ratchet said as Arcee started to turn the valve into reverse.

Moonpheonix came back up from the insides of the machine runs to Optimus, standing next, "Love, this place is gonna blow soon." Sees the mysterious femme fighting Megatron. " Get ready to run." Optimus nods his helm to her, looking towards where the femme was fighting Megatron

 "Current, reversed," Arcee stated through the commlink. 

"I'll ready the Ground Bridge." Ratchet said through the commlink.

Megatron tried to slice, punch, kick, or shoot the mysterious femme. But the femme of Silver and white dodge with easy that he throws at her, she quickly does a backflip over him, she landed behind him. Megatron smiles wickedly and used his speed to trip her over, the femme fell to the ground, Megatron steps his one of his pedes on her so she wouldn't get back up again using his blade as he stabbed her in the should plate, the femme gave a cry out of pain. Megatron pulled his blade out of her and looked up and noticed his warship was gone. Anger filled his bloodthirst optics as he contacted his ship, "Starscream, where is my ship?!"

With Megatron distracted Moonpheonix runs to the mysterious femme, helping her up and running over to where the others are, "Hang on we're almost there." 

"My lord, the spacebridge is unstable. We might get sucked in or destroyed," Starscream said through the commlink, with a smirk on his derma.

Megatron growled, looking around to see the strange femme and Moonpheonix were gone, "OPTIMUS! YOU AND MY SISTER WILL PAY DEARLY FOR THIS WITH YOUR VERY LIVES!" he shouted st them as Optimus starts following his spark mate, running to the others where a ground bridge was waiting for them. 

The mysterious femme stopped in her tracks, "I can not come with you, dear Prime. I must stay here."

"Wait! What? Oh Primus, No! You need to come with us! This place is gonna blow, plus your injure." Moonpheonix said, place her servo on the femme's shoulder plate as purple flames start to glow and heal the femme.

The white and silver smiles in thanks to Moonpheonix for healing her, shook her helm no and looking back where they left Megatron, "I must save him. If I don't... the earth may be doomed." Turns to Moonpheonix and Optimus, "I must do this." Runs back to where Megatron is. The bridge starts to light up getting ready to blow. 

"Autobots fall back!" Optimus shouted to his team, they obeyed and went through the ground bridge that Ratchet sent. Optimus turns to Moon and takes her servo in his, "We must leave now, Moon. Before it's too late."

Looking at him then back at the femme who disappeared into the distance, Moonpheonix turns and runs through the ground bridge with Optimus still holding her servo. ( In her own mind) "Goodbye brother "